Page 24 - BusinessWest 2024 Difference Makers
P. 24

   “We’re excited to open a new chapter for the company and focus on growth and development and building on the successes that we’v”e already had.
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The program, started in 2021 and expanded each year, allows consumers to purchase a $25 Northampton gift card and receive $50 in actual spending power, said Vince Jackson, executive director of the Greater Northampton Chamber, adding that it has provided a real boost for that region’s many small businesses and become somewhat of phenomenon in Paradise City.
Indeed, as he talked about the card, Jackson referenced everything from how quickly they sold out each of their first three years, to how mothers would bring in their children collectively (it’s one Keiter Card per customer) so they could spend part of their allowance on a card, and then talk about where they would go and what they would spend it on.
But while heaping praise on the card and its impact, Jackson saved some for the company and the person behind it, especially as he recalled the circumstances of how it came about.
Flashing back to late summer 2021, when the economy was really starting to open up again after the pandemic, Jackson recalled a conversation he had with Keiter.
“He said, ‘I’d like to do something, because we have, fortunately, gained business throughout this horrible period. So I’d like like to do something to support the community,’” Jackson recalled. “So he came up with the idea of donating $10,000 to the chamber, and for everyone who bought a $25 gift card, he would match that amount, up to $10,000.”
For year two, Keiter doubled the amount to $20,000, and
in year three, he increased it to $25,000, with the chamber donating another $5,000 to make it a $30,000 matching program. For year four ... Keiter leaked to BusinessWest that he will again be donating $25,000 to build on the momentum that’s been generated.
Meanwhile, Keiter, working in tandem with his wife,
Jill, continue to expand their involvement in the Greater Northampton area while at the same taking their business to the proverbial next level.
The Keiter Card has been described as a ‘win-win-win,’ benefiting the Keiter company, the local economy, and small businesses that accept the cards.
Success in both realms helps explain why Keiter will soon have his name on something else: a Difference Makers plaque.
What’s in a Name?
Returning to the subject of the Keiter Card, Jackson said it’s an example not only of Scott Keiter’s genrosity and commitment to the community and its small businesses, but also of how he’s developed into a successful business person, refining several talents, including, in this case, branding and marketing.
Indeed, to purchase a Keiter Card, one first has to say that name, said Jackson, adding that, when needed, those at the chamber will help the
buyer along.
  “Sometimes they need help with the
Continued on page A26
 We See A
Big Difference This Year.
MBK extends heartfelt congratulations to all of this year’s Difference Makers, with a special shout-out to our client, Scott Keiter!
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  A24 2024

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