Page 20 - BusinessWest February 3, 2021
P. 20

 past five at Square One, where she has displayed what she and others consider perhaps her best strength — an ability to combine a passion for the agency’s mission with a strong business sense and attention to the bottom line needed to make sure a nonprofit can survive and carry out that mission.
It’s a mindset that embodies a quote she attri- butes to Sr. Mary Caritas, the long-time president of what is now Mercy Medical Center, and uses often: “no margin, no mission.”
Her outlook on nonprofit management, and
“With 100% of our families experiencing something, whether it’s poverty, hunger, or homelessness, we know that the majority of our children have experienced some level of trauma at some point in their life.”
her take on her own management style and the need for that balance between business and mis- sion, are further summed up as follows:
“My management style is direct, it’s collabora- tive, it’s mission-focused, with an acknowledge- ment that we’re running a business. And to a cer- tain extent, as a nonprofit, that’s a tax status — it’s not a way to do business.”
Forbes DiStefano, who took the helm in late December, leads the agency at a time of perhaps unprecedented challenge — most
of it brought on by COVID-19, although it was a difficult time for nonprof-
its even before the pandemic reached Western Mass. While coping with the pandemic and its day-to-day decision making, execution, and ongoing efforts to create an envi- ronment “not in cri- sis,” she is also plan- ning for the long term and life after COVID.
She admitting
to disliking the word ‘normal,’ at least in the way many are using it now, and told BusinessWest she isn’t sure what ‘normal’ will mean moving for- ward. She will help create at definition, at Square One, anyway, while also continuing to build on the legacy and broad portfolio of programs she’s inherited.
“When Joan arrived, we were the expert
in early education and care, and we remain
the expert in early education and care,” she explained. “She knew that she wanted to focus on
Dawn Forbes DiStefano wants to build on Square One’s foundation of serving whole families, not just children.
families and a holistic, family approach; she knew that children would thrive and families would sta- bilize and become self-sufficient if we were serv- ing whole families. We have the foundation, and we want to keep
        building on it.” For this issue
Forbes DiStefano
Continued on page 23
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          20 FEBRUARY 3, 2021
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