Page 19 - BusinessWest July 10, 2023
P. 19

 Managing Partner Seth Stratton with recently named Shareholder Andrea O’Connor.
<< LAW >> JULY 10, 2023 19
Fitzgerald Law Continues Course of Expansion, Diversification
Working in Concert
[email protected]
That’s not a term you hear often in
reference to a law firm. That’s because ... well, the vast majority of them would still be considered the opposite — traditional,
operating pretty much the way law firms have operated for decades now.
But Seth Stratton uses the word quite liberally as he talks about the firm he serves as managing partner, Fitzgerald Law, P.C., which is based in East Longmeadow but also has an office in downtown Springfield.
He says it applies to the firm’s founder and still very active partner, Frank Fitzgerald — “he’s always marched to a different beat when it comes to the practice of law; he’s a businessperson first and lawyer second” — and also how the firm’s members go about team building. Most recently, it was at a Bruno Mars concert at MGM Springfield (Stratton formerly served as vice president and legal counsel of MGM Resorts’ Northeast Group, and still had the requisite connections to buy 40 seats to the show), preceded by

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