The Class of 2019

Jynai McDonald

Western Mass. Regional Manager, Training Resources of America Inc.; Age 30
Education: Bay Path University (BS)

Jynai McDonald

Jynai McDonald

How do you define success? Success is not always this blanketed, isolated event of one super-amazing happening. Instead, it can be incremental. I encourage anyone struggling with the idea of success to keep it simple. Set compact, realistic goals, and execute them. You will then be able to celebrate so much success throughout your life, and pessimism will be more avertable.

What three words best describe you? Unapologetic, persistent, inspiring.

What are you passionate about? Advocacy in all forms has been a staple of my personality since my teenage years. Throughout my life, I have been a sounding board and strategist against injustice — not just for myself, but for friends, family, and others in the community. I intend to make advocacy a part of my life’s work.

Who has been your best mentor, and why? My grandmothers are my best mentors. They are on different sides of my family, with totally different perspectives and different personality types, and show their love for me in completely different ways. As the matriarchs of their families, they are my confidants, financial advisors, and career coaches.

What goal do you set for yourself at the start of each day? My first goal of the day is waking up for Fajr prayer. The discipline of my day starts with my ability to roll out of bed and beat the sun rising. My morning du’a consist of asking Allah to allow me to successfully complete all the tasks that are put before me.

What fictional character do you relate to most, and why? I really identify with Issa Rae from Insecure. Her character is an awesome narrative of a black Millennial woman balancing work, romance, and recreation. We are both awkward girls at heart, and, like her, I thrive on obstacles and push harder when I’m told something can’t be done.

What will work colleagues say at your funeral? “She’s nice, sometimes.”


Photography by Leah Martin Photography