Home Posts tagged Scott Gomes-Ganhao
Class of 2024

Vice President, Regional Manager, PeoplesBank: Age 35

Scott Gomes-GanhaoGrowing up, Scott Gomes-Ganhao wanted to be a pilot. But banking “kind of ran in the blood,” he said.

“My godmother was a banker for many, many years, so I had some kind of banking intuition. I worked part-time in banking all through college, so I fell into it and never left. Banking has that way of holding onto you.”

Not only has Gomes-Ganhao stuck with banking, he has excelled at PeoplesBank, consistently leading a top-ranked sales team and recently being promoted to his current position as vice president, regional manager.

That recognition “is a testament to Scott’s exceptional sales acumen,” said Lisa Wegiel, banking center assistant manager, in nominating him for the 40 Under Forty class of 2024. “His strategic approach and results-driven mindset have significantly contributed to the success of our banking operations.”

After an earlier promotion to assistant vice president, Gomes-Ganhao was selected to participate in the bank’s Leadership Challenge, demonstrating his leadership ability among his peers. He has also volunteered with an internal associate-engagement team, serving with other leaders on cross-functional strategic initiatives and being a mentor to junior associates, which has led to the advancement of several employees.

“It’s important for me to see people around me elevate with me,” he said. “I’ve been making sure the team is the main focus, that they also develop along the way. I enjoy the interactions with customers, helping them find solutions. But I also enjoy the development of the team and helping them reach their career goals.”

Gomes-Ganhao has excelled in other ways, taking leadership roles in and around his hometown of Ludlow, from serving as development chair of the Ludlow Boys & Girls Club (which honored him with its Darlene Rae Helping Hand Award in 2021) to serving as president of the high-profile Our Lady of Fatima Festa, a multi-million-dollar fair.

In fact, with almost 300 volunteer hours in the past year alone, Gomes-Ganhao has been recognized by PeoplesBank as Top Volunteer two years in a row — a remarkable achievement at an institution famously committed to employee volunteerism.

“I’m proud to be part of a bank that gives you so many opportunities,” he said. “One of the big factors when I moved to Peoples was making sure I was moving to an organization that embraced giving back. At PeoplesBank, we live and breathe that every day, not only financially, but by the hours that we contribute to the community.”

—Joseph Bednar