Home Posts tagged Amelia Mosley
The Class of 2019

Business Account Executive, Comcast Business; Age 37
Education: Smith College (BA)

Amelia Mosley

Amelia Mosley

How do you define success? What do Apple, Google, Amazon, Harley-Davidson, and Disney have in common? They all began with a big idea in someone’s little garage or home. Start with one push-up, one cup of water, paying down one debt, making one sale, walking one lap, writing one paragraph. Start today. Repeat tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to fail, recover, and persevere. Success follows persistence.

Who has been your best mentor, and why? The way I define success stems directly from my parents, whom I deeply admire and who are my most respected mentors. Throughout my life, they have led by example in parenting, their marriage, careers, and civic responsibilities despite whatever adversities came their way. My mother is a third-generation college graduate in a family of women who valued education during a time when racial segregation and gender inequality prevented most African-American women from equal access to learning. Though he never even had a lesson in geometry prior to college, my father used his self-taught knowledge to earn a BA in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin and later a Fulbright scholarship to Oxford University in England. They were both civil-rights activists who began traveling the world at young ages. Their inspiring lives have shaped my interests, passions, and access to everything the world has to offer.

What will work colleagues say at your funeral? Before today, I never really considered what my colleagues would say about me at my funeral. So I asked two colleagues — Phil, who is also a professional comedian, and Malik, who is more like a would-be comedian (in the best sense of that moniker). Here’s what one said: “Amelia was hardworking and inspirational. She possessed a combination of qualities that made her a great salesperson and made everyone feel like a friend. Amelia was innovative, always willing to learn better ways and share new ideas. Her high-energy, bright disposition and warm smile always filled a room, and people took notice.” The other? “Now that’s she’s gone, the rest of us can finally make money!” The tearjerker came from the professional comedian.

What person, past or present, would you like to have lunch with, and why? If I could just have lunch with Beyoncé, I’m certain that would be the beginning of a lifelong friendship!



Photography by Leah Martin Photography