Home Posts tagged Jacquelyn Guzie
40 Under 40 Class of 2020

Assistant Vice President, Regional Manager, PeoplesBank; Age 38; Education: New England College of Business and Finance (BS)

Not only does Guzie oversee the growth and development of four banking centers in North Central Connecticut — most recently helping bring together the corporate cultures of PeoplesBank and First National Bank of Suffield after a merger — but she also volunteers 20 hours a week with Suffield Volunteer Ambulance Assoc. as an EMT.

Jacquelyn Guzie

Jacquelyn Guzie

What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was a little girl, I loved babies. Any chance I got to interact with a baby, I took it. This prompted my dream job — to be an obstetrician. Later in life, I found banking was better suited for me.

What three words best describe you? Fun, selfless, passionate.

What are you passionate about? My absolute passion is my volunteerism as an emergency medical technician. It is extremely rewarding to know I can be on the front line, saving lives in an emergency situation.

Who inspires you, and why? My mother. My mom has raised me to believe that you can achieve whatever you desire and overcome any challenge that you want to take on. I have lived by this rule throughout my life as one of the best lessons learned.

What do you do for fun? Being a mom! The most fun I have in life is spent with my 4-year-old daughter, whether it is doing crafts or playing hide and seek or simply just cuddling on the couch watching Lady and the Tramp — five times in a row!

How do you relieve stress? Taking ‘me’ time at the nail or hair salon or an appointment with my massage therapist, Mary.

What’s your favorite hangout or activity in Western Mass., and why? Obviously, who doesn’t love a good time at the new MGM?

What person, past or present, would you like to have lunch with, and why? I would give anything to be able to have lunch with my grandfather today. He passed six years ago, and I would love to just talk to him about my accomplishments in life and mostly to have him meet my daughter — he would love her.

What will work colleagues say at your funeral? Well, hopefully they will say that I have impacted their life in a good way along the journey.