Home Posts tagged Theo Theocles
The Class of 2019

Deputy City Procurement Officer, City of Springfield; Age 33
Education: Massachusetts Maritime Academy (BS), Western New England University (JD), Western New England University (LLM)

Theo Theocles

Theo Theocles

What did you want to be when you grew up? Either a police officer or JAG officer.

What three words best describe you? Loyal, passionate, driven.

What are you passionate about? Football, the law, music, outdoor/shooting sports, and rides around Western Mass. in my Jeep with my wife, Jenny, or my dog, Sadie.

Who has been your best mentor, and why? My best mentors would have to be my parents. I learned the values of hard work and perseverance from my father, and patience and stoicism from my mother.

Whom do you look up to, and why? I was hired as Springfield’s deputy Procurement officer at the age of 28, and have been one of the younger managers for the city ever since. I have looked up to many different managers and department heads in the organization for institutional knowledge and leadership advice along the way. I am extremely fortunate for that mentorship and career advice, as well as being part of the city during this exciting time.

What goal do you set for yourself at the start of each day? I am a firm believer that life is one big learning experience. I am also a very competitive person. Every day, I make it a goal to try and be better than the day before, and I try to apply this to my marriage, family and friends, legal skills, and career goals.

What person, past or present, would you like to have lunch with, and why? Either Theodore Roosevelt or my grandfather. I would want to hear their outdoorsman stories and perspectives on a variety of topics from both of them.

What fictional character do you relate to most, and why? I would probably have to go with Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. He has a libertarian streak I often identify with, and seems to always want to better himself as a well-rounded man. He also works in municipal government, and despite the tough-guy persona, he truly cares about his community.

What will work colleagues say at your funeral? “What are we going do with all these blue highlighters, and who is going to draft all these contracts?”


Photography by Leah Martin Photography