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HCC Student Art Show Stays Online for 2021

HOLYOKE ­— With the Taber Art Gallery at Holyoke Community College (HCC) still closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the college’s annual Student Art Show is being presented virtually this spring for the second year in a row.

“Despite a very challenging year, our amazing students in the HCC Visual Art Department managed to rise above the limitations of online classrooms and create astounding artworks,” gallery Director Amy Johnquest said. “This is evidenced not only by the talent of each student, but also reflects the great instruction and ingenuity they received from their teachers.”

The 2021 Student Art Show can be viewed on the Taber Art Gallery website, hcc.edu/student-art-2021.

The virtual exhibition is arranged alphabetically according to the names of members of the HCC Visual Art faculty and features up to 12 selections of student work from each of the classes they taught this year: Lahri Bond (Introduction to Illustration); Douglas Breault (Basic Drawing); Felice Caivano (3-Dimensional Design – Sculptural Form); John Calhoun (2-Dimensional Design); Vance Chatel (Commercial Art & Design, Computers for Graphic Design); Bill Devine (Basic Drawing); Tara Conant (Basic Still Photography, Introduction to Digital Fine Arts Photography); Benj Gleeksman (Computers for Graphic Designers, Introduction to Web Design, Typography); Alix Hegeler (Painting, Printmaking); Cindi Ludlam (3-Dimensional Design – Sculptural Form, Basic Drawing); Christopher Lizon (Basic Still Photography); Margie Rothermich (Basic Drawing, Drawing Composition); and Joe Saphire (Digital Studio).

Usually, each teacher from HCC’s Visual Art Department is given a section of the gallery in which to showcase their students’ work. Student art is also displayed in the campus hallways, and the exhibition concludes with a reception and celebration in the gallery and in the HCC Library lobby.

The art on display in the online galleries are photographs or digital images of original work.

“Though we miss the live celebration and student exhibition on campus,” Johnquest said, “on the plus side, the wonderful work presented virtually may be visited and shared throughout the summer and beyond.”