Daily News

Paragus Launches Podcast About Business, Technology, and Making IT Fun

HADLEY — Paragus IT has been at forefront of the ever-changing technology field for more than a decade. Part of this is due to CEO Delcie Bean’s passion for talking to a wide range of business leaders about their thoughts and experiences. It’s this curiosity that led to the creation of Podagus, a Paragus podcast about business, technology, and making IT fun. Each episode, Bean sits with the leader of a business to talk about how technology is shaping their business.

Over the first three episodes, Delcie has spoken with a diverse selection of guests. Podagus kicked things off with Michael Tamasi, president and CEO of AccuRounds, a manufacturing business based in Avon. That was followed by conversations with Drew DiGiorgio, president and CEO of Wellfleet Insurance in Springfield, and Eileen McCaffery, executive director of the Community Music School of Springfield. And it’s not all shop talk — each episode ends with a fun and surprising lightning round that lets listeners get to know these leaders on a more personal level.

“One of the best parts of my job is the opportunity to engage with other CEOs and business leaders,” Bean said. “I’ve had so many fascinating conversations and learned so much that I thought it might be interesting for others as well. The Podagus podcast is a chance to reach out and expand the range of these conversations even further. It’s also a lot of fun.”

New episodes of Podagus are released every two weeks. It can be found on YouTube, Spotify, and iTunes.