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FLORENCEMomentum: Montessori, a Life in Motion by Elizabeth Slade of Florence has been named one of the best indie books of 2024 by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group. Slade’s book won the historical nonfiction category in the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the largest awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors.

Published by Atmosphere Press, Momentum is a historical fiction novel based on Maria Montessori’s life. The story, inspired by her 1913 diary, is a fictional retelling of her first voyage to America. Written from Maria’s perspective to her son, Mario, the novel explores her groundbreaking achievements and personal sacrifices that would later revolutionize education around the world.

Sena Jeter Naslund, author of Abundance, a Novel of Marie Antoinette and Ahab’s Wife, writes that Momentum is “simply brilliant — no, complexly brilliant. I have never read a more absorbing, unflinching, intense embodiment of biographical fiction.”

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards are judged by leaders of the indie book publishing industry, including many with long careers at major publishing houses. Their love of a great read and experience in the publishing arena identify books deserving of a wider audience.

“I’m honored to have been selected and delighted that this may be an opportunity to have Montessori’s story reach more people,” Slade said.

According to Catherine Goulet, founder and co-chair of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, “like other independent artists, many indie book publishers face challenges that the industry giants don’t experience. The indies have to work much harder to get their best books into readers’ hands.

“Authors and publishers who compete in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards are serious about promoting their books,” Goulet added. “They aim to stand out from the crowd of millions of books in print.”

For more information about Elizabeth Slade and Momentum: Montessori, a Life in Motion, visit egslade.com.