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Daily News

LUDLOW — Grit 24 Fitness announced its upcoming launch at 56 East St. in Ludlow. What started as a love for fitness became a brick-and-mortar reality for co-founders Marco Vieira and Jared Duff.

“The name Grit holds a special place in our hearts,” Vieira said. “It embodies the idea that, when you feel the need to challenge yourself or decide to do something challenging, stop talking about it and actually do something about it. Do not quit until you have completed the challenge. Your future self will thank you. This is the energy that we are trying to bring to the gym to help motivate people to make a change and live a healthier lifestyle.”

He and Duff called Grit a community hub where area residents come together to inspire and support one another on their journey to health and well-being.

“Our facilities are designed to cater to everyone, but what truly sets Grit 24 Fitness apart is the unity among its members. Here, we aren’t just gym-goers; we’re a family committed to each other’s success,” Duff added. “Our team of trainers and staff are not just here to guide workouts; they’re mentors, partners, and motivators on your journey to empowerment. We walk alongside our members, offering guidance and encouragement, ensuring no one faces challenges alone.”