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Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — After the sudden passing of Director Barbara Loh in February, Valley Eye Radio (VER), the area’s only news-reading service for the blind and print-impaired, is seeking a passionate and committed executive to follow in Loh’s footsteps and guide the 40-year-old organization into the future.

VER keeps those with vision loss or reading impairment informed and connected to their communities by radio broadcasting local news and information that otherwise wouldn’t be available to them. The nonprofit strives to fight loneliness, keep listeners informed, and create community among its listeners and nearly 100 volunteer readers.

“We were all shocked and saddened to hear about Barbara’s passing,” said Brian Westerlind, president of the board of directors. “Her leadership took us to new heights in many ways. Her perseverance in identifying new sources of funding put VER on steady financial footing, and her infectious, positive attitude made VER a place where people want to donate their time and resources to keep visually impaired folks connected to the world around them.

“In Barbara’s honor, we must keep the organization moving forward and serving our community,” Westerlind added. “We’re looking for the right person to fill the big shoes she has left behind.”

Valley Eye Radio is seeking an established nonprofit leader, fundraiser, and fiscal and program manager who can engage stakeholders of all kinds. Successful candidates will be able to implement programs to meet the strategic goals and objectives of VER and, ideally, should have a connection to the blind and/or reading-impaired communities. The VER station is located in Springfield.

To learn more, visit the job listing on Indeed or email Westerlind at [email protected].