Home Difference Makers Difference Makers Event Info

Difference Makers Event Info

Celebrate with Us!

2020 Difference Makers
Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020
4 p.m.-5;30 p.m.
We have moved to a virtual event platform
Tickets are no longer on sale

This program, initiated in 2009, is a celebration of individuals, groups, organizations, and families that are positively impacting the Pioneer Valley and are, as the name suggests, making a difference in this region. As previous classes have shown, there are many ways to do this: through work within the community on one or many initiatives to improve quality of life; through success in business, public service, or education; through contributions that inspire others to get involved; through imaginative efforts to help solve one or more societal issues; or through a combination of the above.

Our 2020 Difference Makers will be announced in the Feb. 3, 2020 issue of BusinessWest

Submit Nominations for 2021 Consideration Here!.

2020 Difference Makers Sponsors:





Pay it Forward Non-Profit Partners


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