The Class of 2019

Dorothy Ostrowski

President and Co-owner, Adams & Ruxton Construction Co.; Age 39
Education: Springfield Technical Community College (AS),
Elms College (BS, MS, MBA)

Dorothy Ostrowski

Dorothy Ostrowski

What did you want to be when you grew up? I originally thought I wanted to be a police officer. But you only live once, so I figured I’d try being a military police officer, then a nurse, and now I own a construction company … who would’ve thought? I guess anything is possible if you put your mind to it and what you do truly makes you happy. Never settle, never have regrets.

How do you define success? Success is a smile on the faces of my husband and children.

What three words best describe you? Energetic, compassionate, loyal.

What are you passionate about? My family. Without their support, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Especially my husband, who encourages me and stands behind me 110%.

Who has been your best mentor, and why? Dorothy Jacques. She is an amazing mother to her three boys, a smart and compassionate nurse to her patients, and her will to overcome adversity and challenges is a force to be reckoned with. She may be a southern belle, but she taught me a lot above life and love.

What fictional character do you relate to most, and why? Wonder Woman, because sometimes it feels like I should have super powers. Wife, mom, president, co-owner, Little League team mom, daughter, veteran … that should cover it!

What actress would play you in a movie about your life? Lynda Carter.

What goal do you set for yourself at the start of each day? To be the best person I can be, to keep my side of the street clean, and to be a good example for my kids. And to kiss my family good morning and kiss them good night every day.

What will work colleagues say at your funeral? “She never missed an opportunity to know more or do more. She worked hard and never gave up. She supported us and encouraged us to always keep learning. She was determined to succeed.”


Photography by Leah Martin Photography