Daily News

Elm Electrical Hosts Summer Program for Aspiring Electricians

SPRINGFIELD — Elm Electrical announced its summer program designed for students interested in exploring the electrical field. Dubbed Elm Futures, this initiative invites prospective co-op students to participate in a free, four-day training seminar aimed at honing their skills and showcasing their talents.

From Monday through Wednesday, participants will receive comprehensive instruction and hands-on training at Elm University’s state-of-the-art multimedia classrooms and labs. The seminar culminates on Thursday with Challenge Day, where students will apply their newfound knowledge in a project-board challenge. Elm project managers will be on hand to evaluate their work, offer feedback, and get to know the students.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to highlight our training facility and introduce young minds to the electrical field,” said Paul Asselin, an Elm instructor. “We’re excited to see if students follow our strict safety protocols, ask questions, collaborate well with others, and exhibit a positive attitude. This program gives us a snapshot of their potential as future co-op students.”

Asselin emphasized the value of the program for students from traditional high schools who might not have considered a trade career. “Often, these students think it’s too late to enter a trade. We ensure they know that pursuing a career in the electrical field is still very much an option.”

The third session of the program started July 29 and runs through Thursday, Aug. 1, with the final session scheduled a couple of weeks later. “We’ve had two great sessions so far, and I’m looking forward to getting to know a new group of students this week,” Asselin added.

Elm University serves as Elm Electrical’s in-house training facility year-round. Employees aiming to become licensed electricians can enroll in a four-year apprentice program, working their regular jobs Monday through Thursday and attending school at Elm U every other Friday at no cost. This eliminates the need for night school and prepares students to sit for their electrician licensing exam after four years.

“Integrating our Futures program with Elm U allows us to develop our future workforce from the ground up,” Asselin said, noting that, in a couple of weeks, Elm Electrical will celebrate the signing of three of last year’s co-op students to full-time employment. “The fact that we can confidently offer full-time positions to last year’s co-op students speaks volumes about the success of this program.”