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Fighting Fire with Faith

Monson Savings Bank recently donated $2,500 to the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Presbyterian Church Fire Fund. In December 2020, the historically black Springfield church, established in 1897, was set ablaze by an arsonist, causing an estimated $2.5 million in damages. The church’s members have been forced to worship elsewhere during the campaign to rebuild.

Monson Savings Bank President and CEO Dan Moriarty (center)

Pictured: Monson Savings Bank President and CEO Dan Moriarty (center) and Kylie LaPlante, assistant vice president and Business Development officer (far left), present the donation to the Rev. Terrlyn Curry Avery (center right) and church board members.




Let’s Talk Mental Health

MiraVista Behavioral Health Center and the Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts (PHIWM) recently announced a partnership highlighting young people’s emotional wellness during the summer months and launched a public education campaign titled “Adolescent Mental Health Doesn’t Take a Vacation.”

Kimberley Lee, chief of Creative Strategy and Development at MiraVista

Pictured, from left: Kimberley Lee, chief of Creative Strategy and Development at MiraVista; Kathleen Szegda, senior director of Community Research and Evaluation at PHIWM; and Jessica Collins, PHIWM executive director.


Mobile Methadone Program

Behavioral Health Network Inc. recently launched a mobile methadone program to help those struggling with opioid-use disorder. The program is the first of its kind in Western Mass., providing access to methadone from a 35-foot mobile treatment unit, which will be parked at 75 Main St. in Ware, with dosing hours Monday to Friday from 7 to 10 a.m. Intakes for new clients take place Tuesdays and Thursdays during regular operating hours.

Yazmin Ayala, medical assistant; Jessica Plescia, clinician

Pictured, from left: Yazmin Ayala, medical assistant; Jessica Plescia, clinician; Michael Navedo, driver; Alison TellierFox, senior program manager; and Laura Maceyka, program director.