The Class of 2019

Ryan Watson

Vice President, Engineering Operations, Belcan Engineering; Age 39
Education: Western New England College (BSBA, MBA),
Quinnipiac University (MS)

Ryan Watson

Ryan Watson

What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was younger, I wanted to be a fireman. Unfortunately, I have a terrible fear of heights. Climbing up a 50-foot ladder was not going to be possible.

How do you define success? As I grew up, team sports played a large part in my development. Being part of a team, you quickly realize you can’t be successful unless the people around you work together. I continue to pull from these experiences in adulthood, and in my business and personal life. I always try to surround myself with positive, brilliant, and hardworking people. By doing so, not only can I be successful, but I can help others as well.

What three words best describe you? Passionate, hardworking, driven.

Whom do you look up to, and why? My parents. Not only have they always provided love and support, but they have an unwavering confidence in me. They are extremely hardworking and have an entrepreneurial spirit that I really admire. They married very young and never attended college, but own a successful business that was built from the ground up. They instilled in me the drive to be my best.

What goal do you set for yourself at the start of each day? My goal is to do one thing each day that has a positive impact. This could be an impact on someone within my organization, by mentoring them or providing guidance on a project. I have also made a conscious effort to give back and, through our company, have joined forces with Journey Home. This organization gives people a second chance, and we place them with jobs within Belcan. If I can make at least one impact each day, then it wasn’t wasted.

What person, past or present, would you like to have lunch with, and why? I would like to have lunch with any U.S. president, Republican or Democrat. I am in awe of the massive responsibility that a sitting president has, and I would love an opportunity to talk about the responsibilities and how they handle it all.

What will work colleagues say at your funeral? I would hope they would say I didn’t take myself too seriously. They would say I lived a full life, always put my family first, and was fair and honest in how I treated people.


Photography by Leah Martin Photography