Daily News

Rotary Club of Holyoke Gives Paul Harris Award to Steve Kaplan

HOLYOKE — Steve Kaplan was awarded the Paul Harris Award by the Rotary Club of Holyoke on Feb. 18 at the Delaney House in Holyoke.

Paul Harris Fellowships are awarded as recognition for donations of $1,000 to the Foundation of Rotary International. The foundation utilizes the funds raised to support Rotary International humanitarian efforts throughout the world.

The recognitions are named in honor of Paul Harris, the Chicago businessman and visionary who formed the first Rotary club and began what has become an organization with more than 22,000 clubs and more than 1 million members. Both Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike are eligible to receive Paul Harris Fellowships. While anyone may make a donation and receive a Paul Harris recognition, the Holyoke Rotary Club has chosen to utilize its credits to honor some of its own members for their service to the club and the community.

A recipient must be a humanitarian, willingly participate in Rotary Club activities over an extended period of time, be a person whose daily actions personify the Four Way Rotary Test, display initiative, and be a leader. Consideration is given to Rotary activities at the district, national or international level; volunteer participation in civic and/or religious groups; and volunteer service to town, city, state, or federal government.