Daily News

The Fort Carolers to Entertain Holiday Revelers Nightly Through Dec. 24

SPRINGFIELD — The famous Fort Carolers have returned to the Student Prince and the Fort Restaurant, where Christmas caroling will take place every night in the dining area through Christmas Eve.

For more than eight decades, Christmas caroling has been part of the holiday festivities at 8 Fort St. For many families, friends, and companies, it has become an annual tradition to visit the Student Prince and the Fort this time of year to hear the Fort Carolers sing the classics while enjoying the restaurant’s authentic German and American fare, along with lots of good cheer. This year they are back with ‘snow’ bubbles and lights.

“Our Fort Carolers truly put everyone in a festive mood,” Manager John Perry said. “Our team goes all out to create a joyous atmosphere with sparkling lights, festive decorations, paired Fort favorite entrees, and drinks. It’s the perfect setting whether you’re celebrating an old family tradition, starting a new tradition, or joining us for your company holiday party.”

The Student Prince and the Fort Restaurant has hosted Christmas caroling for more than 80 years. What once started out as a few carolers at the door has turned into an annual nightly performance of Christmas caroling for the many generations of customers who visit Springfield’s landmark restaurant for the holidays.

Reservations are necessary, and can be made by calling (413) 734-7475.