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Grade Expectations By Elizabeth Sears   Rachel Romano certainly understands the importance of providing meaningful education opportunities to a community’s youth. She’s the founder and executive director of Veritas Prep […]

Doran addresses the audience

Women’s Leadership Conference ‘Reimagine’ was the theme for the 25th Bay Path University Women’s Leadership Conference on April 1, a day-long event that drew more than 1,300 women and men […]

Jonathan Scully

Back to School   After two years of massive shakeups on college and university campuses — from sending students home in 2020 to building remote and hybrid programs and instituting […]

Remote Possibilities By Elizabeth Sears   Internships have always been known to take different shapes and forms, from a student teacher eagerly helping to prepare classroom activities to the stereotypical […]

Bryan Gross

After the Sticker Shock It’s not exactly news that the cost of college — at least, the published price tag — has consistently risen over the past two decades. But […]

Springfield Technical Community College President John Cook

A Stern Test Continues   For the area community’s colleges, the enrollment numbers continue to fall, with annual declines recently in the double digits. There are many reasons for these […]

Janis Santos, seen here with the late Sen. Edward Kennedy

A Class Act During the early, and darkest, days of the pandemic, Janis Santos recalls, she considered it vitally important to remain positive and find ways to permit her positive […]

Matthew Scott says the double protection of vaccines and masks

Continuing Education   After a year when colleges offered a wide variety of learning options during the pandemic, from in-person to remote to a blend of both, the vast majority […]

Access and Opportunity   The University of Massachusetts recently announced it will receive a cash gift of $50 million from Robert and Donna Manning. The gift, the largest of any […]

Dollars and Sense By Mark Morris Given the scope of Square One’s work for children and families, it’s not unusual for the organization to receive contributions to support its efforts. […]

Linda Thompson, the 21st president of Westfield State University.

Challenge Accepted Linda Thompson had never applied for a college presidency position before a recruiter called and invited her to pursue that post at Westfield State University. She listened, and […]

Anne Massey

Maintaining Momentum   When Anne Massey arrived at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst in the late summer of 2019, she came with a lengthy set of plans, […]

Back to Normal? It’s hard to gauge what ‘normal’ looks like during the era of COVID-19, when normalcy is a moving target. For area colleges and universities, though, getting back […]


Making Change By Mark Morris One modest act can inspire others — and when that happens, the entire community benefits. That’s the premise behind the Cooler Communities effort led by […]

David Gruel stands next to the launchpad

Prepared for Launch By Laurie Loisel   Not many people can say they’ve worked on every U.S.-led rover mission to Mars. One who can is David Gruel, a Holyoke Community […]