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Time to Make a Strong Case For years now, it’s been the common refrain among those charged with hiring at companies across a number of industry sectors: good help is […]

Fresh Start By John Greaney and Sarah Morgan Cannabis is a controlled substance under federal law. Massachusetts, however, has shifted from total prohibition to limited legalization. Despite this change, for […]

LLCs in the Bay State By Benjamin M. Coyle, Esq. Many families have homes or other real estate that parents hope to pass along to the next generation. In the […]

2019 Employment Law Year in Review This past year was one that saw a number of landscape-changing developments in the broad realm of employment law. From paid family leave to […]

Managing Partner Kenneth Albano

And to Keep It That Way, Businesses Can Make Use of the NDA By Kenneth Albano, Esq. In the legal world, we use the term ‘attorney-client privilege,’ while in the […]

Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act By Sarah M. Ryzewski, Esq. A request for time off comes across your desk from an employee. The employee is requesting additional time off […]

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do By Amelia J. Holstrom On Nov. 3, 2019, news broke that the McDonald’s board of directors voted to terminate CEO Steve Easterbrook for having […]

Cannabis, Marijuana, and Hemp By Chris St. Martin and Sarah Morgan Late last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture published regulations on domestic hemp production. However, there remains significant confusion […]

A New Type of Relief By Rebecca Mercieri Rivaux, Esq. Small-business owners will soon have a more affordable option to reorganize their companies. In February 2020, the Small Business Reorganization […]

The #MeToo Movement Has Vast Implications in This Sector The #MeToo movement has brought about change and challenge — from a liability standpoint — in workplaces of all kinds. And […]

What to Expect When… By John Gannon, Esq. My wife and I recently welcomed our first child into the world. We are over the moon in love with our daughter […]

Mediation: Art of Compromise By Julie A. Dialessi-Lafley, Esq. Mediation. Most, if not all of us, have heard the word, but what does it really mean to engage in mediation? […]

What’s Next for the Cannabis Industry? The cannabis industry is off to a fast and quite intriguing start in the Bay State, and two new categories of license have particular […]

Date with Destiny By Timothy M. Netkovick, Esq. and Daniel C. Carr, Esq. As everyone knows, paid family medical leave (PFML) is coming to Massachusetts on Jan. 1, 2021. To […]

A Disturbing Trend By Amelia J. Holstrom, Esq. The #MeToo movement exploded back in 2017. With #MeToo in the news almost a daily, women everywhere became more comfortable coming forward […]