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Congressman Neal Named 2022 National Education Service Award Winner

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. Richard Neal was awarded the 2022 National Education Service Award during the Assoc. of Community College Trustees’ (ACCT) Community College National Legislative Summit. Holyoke Community College President Christina Royal was on hand to make the presentation.

This award honors a national leader who has made extraordinary contributions to national public policies and resources that support education, training, and post-secondary learning.

According to the ACCT, “as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, Neal was instrumental in the inclusion of the Tax-Free Pell Grant Act, which would prevent students from being taxed on the portion of their Pell award which exceeds tuition costs, in the Build Back Better Act passed by the House this fall. He was also instrumental in securing $1.2 billion in funding for a potential successor to the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training Grants (TAACCT) in proposed legislation.”

“The community-college system in America plays a critical role in preparing individuals for the workforce,” Neal said. “I have been a longtime supporter of our community colleges because they are successful. They provide technical career training, serve as a stepping stone, and welcome individuals looking to retrain or refresh their skillset. Western and Central Massachusetts is lucky to have many of these types of educational options right outside their doors and at their fingertips. I am thankful to the Association of Community College Trustees for this recognition, and I am committed to continuing to provide for the community-college system so that all students have a path to higher education.”

Royal added that “it was an honor to present Congressman Neal with the National Education Service Award on behalf of ACCT. He has long been an advocate for progressive programs and federal funding for community colleges and our students, particularly workforce-training programs. He recognizes that investments in our community colleges support regional growth, job creation, and economic mobility for individuals and families. I know this was a proud moment for him as it also was for me and should be for all the communities in Massachusetts that he represents.”