Daily News

Monson Savings Bank Welcomes Lirianna Powers as Assistant Branch Manager in Ware

Lirianna Powers

MONSON — Monson Savings Bank (MSB) recently announced the hiring of Lirianna Powers as assistant branch manager of the Ware Branch located at 136 West Main St.

“Lirianna’s expertise in banking is a tremendous asset to our team and extends benefits to our customers and the local communities as well,” said Dan Moriarty, president and CEO of Monson Savings Bank. “Her positive outlook is perfectly in sync with the culture at Monson Savings Bank, and we are truly fortunate to have her as part of our organization.”

Powers will assist the branch’s manager and oversee the operation of branch functions. She aims to provide the bank’s customers with superior customer service and help them find the financial products that best suit their unique needs.

Powers comes to Monson Savings Bank with eight years of experience in banking and finance. She previously worked at Florence Bank as a teller operations manager and customer service representative. In this role, she oversaw and managed her branch’s teller line, educated team members, and provided customer service while serving as a positive role model.

“I am genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply the skills I have acquired throughout my banking career to my new role at Monson Savings Bank,” Powers said. “As a local bank that is deeply committed to its employees, customers, and the broader community, Monson Savings Bank has established a remarkable reputation for integrity and community engagement. I am very excited to be a part of this. I am eager to contribute to the dynamic team, where I believe my background in finance and customer service will not only be valued but will also flourish.

“Joining MSB feels like the perfect alignment of my professional skills and my personal values, where I can actively participate in initiatives that make a real difference in people’s lives locally,” she added. “This role represents a unique chance for me to grow while also helping to sustain and enhance the bank’s legacy of empowering local individuals and businesses.”