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Ringing Out the Old By Amy B. Royal, Esq. Most of us are happy to leave 2020 behind. It was a year wrought with struggles both at home and in […]

A Question of Mandates By Timothy F. Murphy   Employers have a key role to play in ensuring the successful rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and that people are safe at […]

To Contest or Not to Contest? Benjamin Coyle, Esq.   None of us want to think that, after we pass away, our loved ones may someday fight over an inheritance. […]

Is the Gig Up for Some Workers? By Amy B. Royal, Esq. The number of gig workers has been on the rise over the past few years with the advent […]

An Employment-law Forecast By Andrew J. Adams, Esq. On the heels of a fiercely contested election, President-elect Joe Biden has started his transition work, and has laid out plans that […]

Winter Weather Advisory By Ryan K. O’Hara, Esq. The start of a New England winter is one of nature’s cruelest jokes — one weekend, it’s 60 degrees and cloudless, stunning […]

Risky Business By Amy B. Royal, Esq. The pandemic has already created a flurry of individual and class-action lawsuits against companies. In fact, according to data collected through a national […]

Planning for PFML By John Gannon, Esq. and Meaghan Murphy, Esq.   COVID-19 has created an extraordinary level of uncertainty and anxiety for businesses across the world. Since March, countless […]


Taxing Decisions By Hyman G. Darling, Esq. As this article is being written, the election is pending, and many people are trying to consider the options relative to tax issues […]

Mike Katz

Red Ink Steve Weiss says the wave of bankruptcies that he and others in his line of work are expecting certainly hasn’t reached shore yet, to use a phrase appropriate […]

A Stern Test By Marylou Fabbo With schools reopening, parents and employers will be in a difficult boat together as they attempt to juggle parenting with personal and professional responsibilities. […]

A Landmark Ruling By Amelia J. Holstrom, Esq. and Erica E. Flores, Esq. Businesses in Massachusetts have to comply with both state and federal anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination in […]

COVID Lawsuits By John Gannon, Esq. Businesses across the globe are in the midst of planning, preparing, and executing their reopening strategies. While this news is encouraging, employers face novel […]

Calling Back Workers By Mary Jo Kennedy, Esq. and Sarah Willey, Esq. As businesses prepare for reopening, many employers are summoning laid-off and furloughed employees and notifying employees who have […]

That Is the Question, and Here Are Some Answers By Valerie Vignaux, Esq. Please allow me to interrupt your quarantine gratitude journaling and victory gardening to demystify a topic apt […]