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Community Profiles

Susan Wissler says visitorship is way up

No Standing Still It may not stack up to Edith Wharton’s best novels, but it’s a compelling story. “We’ve had an incredibly good season, despite the challenge of staying in […]

The west side of the Greens of Southwick

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris When they talk about managing their town into the future, officials in Southwick emphasize the word “balance.” In order for the town to remain a […]

Bob Boilard says infrastructure improvements, including a broadband plan for the town, have moved forward during the pandemic.

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris   Robert Boilard credits people in town working together as the reason Wilbraham has come through the pandemic so far with minimal impact on the […]

Mark Pruhenski says Great Barrington

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris   On a summer Friday night in Great Barrington, Mark Pruhenski simply enjoyed the sight of dozens of diners eating outside and the sound of […]

The Greenfield Amtrak stop

All Aboard While a proposed east-west rail line between Pittsfield and Boston has gotten most of the train-related press recently, another proposal, to incorporate passenger rail service on existing freight […]

Greenfield’s strides in municipal broadband

Small-city Living At a recent briefing about potential east-west passenger rail service through Greenfield, state Sen. Adam Hinds talked about how infrastructure investments — not just in rail, but in […]

Mayor Nicole LaChapelle

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris   While grateful that Easthampton is reaching the other side of COVID-19, Mayor Nicole LaChapelle understands there is still plenty of work ahead. Even though […]

The final phase of the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail in Westfield should be complete this fall.

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris For Donald Humason, the phones ringing at Westfield City Hall is a sure sign the pandemic is nearing its end. While recognizing that some people […]

Michelle Theroux

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris   For Mike Sullivan, the past 15 months have been a learning experience on many levels. As town administrator in South Hadley, Sullivan has learned […]

Mayor John Vieau says better control of COVID and the ongoing economic reopening have Chicopee officials excited about progress in the city.

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris After a year when everyone got used to pivoting — and got sick of that word — Chicopee Mayor John Vieau is happy to be […]

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris   As COVID-19 has encouraged many Americans to move out of large urban areas, a good number of them are moving to Pittsfield. In April, […]

The former Willys-Overland building is now accepting lease applications

Community Spotlight   The wording in the initial guidance that has come down on the $2 trillion American Rescue Plan, and, more specifically, the $130.2 billion designated for city and […]

Palmer has a long history as a key train stop

Community Spotlight By Mark Morris As the nation recovers from a year of dealing with COVID-19, Palmer Town Manger Ryan McNutt looks to the future with optimism. While larger cities […]

From left, Michael Meunier, owner Kendall Knapik, and Orpheus Barrows from Pioneer Valley Arms.

East Longmeadow Focuses on Improvements By Mark Morris When Mary McNally reflects on 2020, it’s with no small amount of gratitude for how well her town has weathered the pandemic […]

Tyler Saremi

Community Spotlight When Tyler Saremi looks at what is considered downtown West Springfield — the Elm Street/Park Street area — he doesn’t see Northampton or West Hartford. But he can […]