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Law & Government

What the Changes in Obamacare Implementation Mean to Employers Not surprisingly, given the number of transitional and safe harbors included in the interpretive regulations related to the Affordable Care Act, […]

But That’s Certainly Not the End of the Story When your business finally receives payment of that long-overdue receivable, is that the end of the story? Not always, as recently […]

Ponsor’s first novel

Federal Judge Michael Ponsor Reflects on an Eventful Career When Michael Ponsor was 8 years old, he wrote to Harvard Law School and said he wanted to enroll. The registrar […]

John Shea, right, consulting here with Brad Martin

Morrison Mahoney Adds Estate-planning Attorney to Its Roster When the Springfield office of Morrison Mahoney LLP added business-law specialist Brad Martin Jr. in 2006, the firm, which focused on litigation, […]

Why the Employee Stock Ownership Plan May Be a Sound Alternative By Steven J. Schwartz, Esq. and David K. Webber, Esq. When evaluating the various alternatives for an exit strategy, […]

A Well-drafted Operating Agreement Is Critical for Success Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) have in many cases become the preferred choice of entity for passive income investments, particularly rental real estate. In […]

Like the Iceman, Jan. 1, 2014 — a Big Day for Obamacare — Cometh By now, employers have more likely than not been inundated with reminders that, come Jan. 1, […]

That’s the Basic Mission When Weighing Business Exit Strategies When starting a business venture, owners of a closely held business entity (i.e., shareholders, partners, members, etc.) do not usually think […]

Department of Labor Issues New Guidance on Area of Confusion The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) presents many challenges for employers because of its complexities. And one area of confusion employers […]

L. Alexandra Hogan

Is Bankruptcy an Alternative for Relief from Student Loans? A college education should increase a person’s earning capacity over a lifetime. Unfortunately, many graduates are finding that the value of […]

Ruling on Appointments Creates More Controversy at NLRB Staying In for RecessPresident Obama violated the constitution when he made three recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on […]

A chart of auto dealerships in the region Click here to download the PDF

Paula Zimmer and Harris Freeman

Law Students and Graduates Gain Valuable Experience as Clerks “There’s a reason,” Kevin Maltby said, “that it’s called the practice of law.” He was referring specifically to the role of clerk […]

Carla Newton

Divorce Mediation Growing in Popularity Michael Frazee has a pithy way of explaining the benefits of divorce mediation. “When two people divorce, they live in the problem,” he said. “In […]

Reduce Your Income Taxes Without the Help of Congress Everybody knows what income is, right? It’s what you get in your paycheck, and it’s what you don’t get from your […]