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As 2015 draws to a close, it’s time to look back, and ahead, with some thoughts on what we would like to see happen — and need to see happen — in 2016.
This past year was supposed to be one in which the landscape in Springfield and its downtown was supposed to change and the many signs of progress would become evident. We saw some of that — work progressed at Union Station, though the parking garage has still to take shape; work has begun on I-91, and the Route 5 rotary project is nearing completion; and ground was broken for the subway-car manufacturing facility in East Springfield — but not as much as expected.
Hopefully, 2016 will be the year when cranes start filling the skies and, more importantly, the construction job growth that everyone has anticipated becomes reality.
Here are some other things we want to see in 2016:

• A normalizing of relations with MGM: It was a trying, frustrating year for the company, and, as its president told BusinessWest see story, page 6), much of the pain was self-inflicted, primarily because MGM didn’t anticipate the level of public scrutiny that comes in a state, and city, new to the casino industry, and thus didn’t communicate plan changes early enough or with the proper sensitivity.
Mike Mathis said changes such as a scrapping of the hotel tower in favor of a different design would be a “non-event” in Las Vegas or Macau. The company knew that wouldn’t be the case here, but it still badly underestimated the scope of the reaction. The same was the case when the overall size of the footprint was reduced.
Still, and we’ve said this before, the company is one of the most prolific casino builders in the world, and it deserves to get the benefit of the doubt in such matters.
We hope that MGM receives such a response in the years to come.

• A continued focus on entrepreneurship: It will be some time before the current focus on inspiring and facilitating entrepreneurship generates real results in the form of good-paying jobs. Indeed, most of the companies now involved in such programs are very small and have only limited potential to get much bigger.
But that doesn’t mean this initiative is not important. The current renaissance in entrepreneurship has several potential benefits — from new jobs to filling office and old mill space in a host of area cities; from sparking a rebirth in interest in downtown Springfield to keeping emerging companies in the 413 area code.
Such ventures are not something we can base an economy on, to be sure, but they can be — and will be — an important piece of the puzzle.

• More work to close the skills gap: You hear it now from business owners in every sector of the economy: ‘We need help, we have job openings, but we can’t find the right people.’
It’s not merely a problem, it’s an epidemic, and it’s only going to get worse in the years to come as Baby Boomers head into retirement.
A few years ago, it seemed that many business owners and economic-development leaders were in denial on this issue and didn’t recognize it for what it was. We think that threshold has been passed, and people are now taking it seriously. What’s needed is a comprehensive action plan involving employers, area colleges and universities, and other key stakeholders, to not only make sure individuals have the needed skills, but that they don’t take them to another state.

• Renewed efforts to bolster the region’s manufacturing base: The subway-car plant has put manufacturing in this region front and center once again in terms of perception and pride. But the reality is that the manufacturing sector — though certainly smaller than it was decades ago — has always been a vital part of the economy.
And it can be a source of growth, even with those workforce issues cited above. This region has a number of assets, and one that is often overlooked or taken for granted is the skilled precision-manufacturing workforce.
It’s a saleable commodity, and the EDC needs to be more aggressive in its efforts to sell it. Yes, money is tight when it comes to marketing this area, and competition for manufacturing jobs is immense and global.
But this is one of the region’s strengths, and it should be exploited.

Business of Aging Sections

Cause and Effect

Dr. Mitchell Clionsky

Dr. Mitchell Clionsky says many conditions can mimic attention deficit disorder, so obtaining an accurate diagnosis is critical before treatment begins.

People with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have endured all sorts of labels — lazy, stupid, even crazy — while dealing with the self-berating that accompanies an inability to stay focused and complete tasks. Enter the ADD Center of Western Massachusetts, which opened in the 1990s and today serves as a neuropsychological diagnostic practice, providing a pathway for ADHD sufferers of all ages to get the help they need.

Dr. Mitchell Clionsky often suggests two books to patients diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which is commonly referred to as ADHD. The first is Driven to Distraction, and the second is You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder.

The second tome recognizes the fact that many people with ADHD have been labeled any or all of those things — lazy, stupid, or crazy — and that they also berate themselves for their inability to stay focused, complete tasks, or even make money, which Clionsky says is a common problem for small-business owners because they frequently start too many projects at once, fail to bill clients in a timely fashion, or become overwhelmed by bookkeeping and detailed paperwork.

“There is so much shame and stigma associated with ADHD,” said Clionsky, the board-certified neuropsychologist and co-founder of the ADD Center of Western Massachusetts in Springfield. “Children feel stupid if they fail an exam because they got distracted, skipped a page, or forgot they were supposed to multiply rather than divide. They often do their homework but forget to turn it in, and feel embarrassed and defensive when their parents reprimand them.

“But they are not lazy, and they are not stupid,” he went on. “They have a deficit that involves their brain’s ability to produce or release the chemical known as dopamine, which allows people to stay focused.”

The Mayo Clinic defines ADHD as a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often persists into adulthood. It includes a combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. Children with the disorder frequently struggle with low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and poor performance in school. It occurs more often in males than in females, and behaviors can be different in boys and girls.

Two years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that up to 11% of children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD. Thankfully, about half of them will outgrow it in their teens and 20s, but millions of adults remain undiagnosed, and even if children improve, they may still exhibit some signs of the disorder throughout their lives.

However, many other medical conditions cause similar symptoms, and Clionsky said depression, anxiety, and trauma can lead to an inability to concentrate and stay focused. In addition, frequent bouts of tonsillitis that cause children to sleep poorly can make it difficult for them to concentrate and perform well in school because they are always tired. But a number of studies, including a recent one conducted by the University of Michigan, show that when children diagnosed with ADHD have their tonsils removed, half of them no longer exhibit the problematic behaviors.

The same situation can result if a person has obstructive sleep apnea.

“We recommend that many people have a sleep study done before they start taking medication for ADHD; in some cases, the symptoms resolve once they are treated for the apnea,” Clionsky noted, adding that the inability to get enough oxygen while sleeping can make people inattentive during the day.

“No one has ADHD until it’s been proven — it’s a medical problem that requires a careful and detailed evaluation,” he continued. “When it is correctly diagnosed and properly treated, children and adults can perform so well that it seems miraculous. But the diagnostic process is complex, and there is a lot of variability.”

He explained that ADHD appears to have a genetic component and tends to run in families; if a parent has ADHD, his or her children have more than a 50% chance of being diagnosed with the disorder, and if an older child has ADHD, their siblings have more than a 30% chance.

However, some people have two conditions that exist at the same time. For example, Clionsky says a person with ADHD and obsessive compulsive disorder may have everything perfectly lined up in their cabinets, but be completely disorganized in almost every other aspect of their life. Meanwhile, a child may be depressed and also have attention deficit disorder.

“It’s a neurologically based condition. But there is no blood test, litmus test, or MRI scan that can prove a person has ADHD, which is what makes a clinical diagnosis so complex,” Clionsky told HCN, noting that people who have a hard time concentrating due to ADHD can pay attention under novel or interesting circumstances. “A 7-year-old may act completely normal when his mother takes him to the doctor; it’s a novel experience, so the doctor doesn’t see the child exhibiting any of the symptoms she describes. But if the appointment took two hours, he would notice everything she spoke about.”

But since everyone occasionally exhibits traits found in people with ADHD, diagnosticians look for entrenched patterns of behavior that fall outside the range considered normal for their age.

Complicated Undertaking

Clionsky opened the ADD Center in the ’90s with four partners, who planned to provide all the services people with the condition might need. But they soon discovered most clients simply wanted a diagnosis, and when the evaluation was complete, they returned to their own physicians and counselors for medication and help.

So, today, the ADD Center has become primarily a neuropsychological diagnostic practice.

“We evaluate about 200 people each year and have seen more than 4,000 patients since we opened,” Clionsky told BusinessWest, explaining that children must be at least 6 years old because, prior to that age, there is not enough evidence for a diagnosis to be conclusive as most young children have short attention spans and are very active.

Testing done on the first visit takes one to two hours and begins by collecting in-depth information.

“We get a comprehensive history that includes the person’s academic, medical, psychiatric, and family background, and they fill out a detailed questionnaire and are asked to rate a variety of symptoms on a scale of one to five,” said Clionsky. “We also interview the individual who is being studied as well as their parents or spouse.”

In addition, the person suspected of having ADHD takes a 15-minute, computerized performance test, which is purposely designed to be boring. “It compares their vigilance and ability to focus and respond consistently against people of own their age, and is used to determine how capable the person is of staying on task,” Clionsky explained.

When those tests are complete, the results are tabulated. However, if the case is complicated by medical or psychological issues, several more hours of evaluation may be needed that include testing the person’s reasoning and looking at their learning and problem-solving skills, their ability to memorize things, their intelligence, and their emotional state.

In order to be diagnosed with ADHD, six out of nine diagnostic symptoms must be rated ‘moderate’ or ‘severe,’ and they have to have been present since before age 12 and have created problems in more than one area of the person’s life.

“The symptoms have to have interfered with their academic, occupational, or social functioning and can’t be due to another cause such as anxiety, depression, a trauma, or a concussion,” Clionsky said, explaining that the symptoms of a concussion can mimic ADHD, but are typically temporary.

He added people with ADD fall into two categories. The first group has attention-impairment problems that lead to disorganization.

“It’s not that they can’t pay attention, but they are easily distracted or lose focus if something is boring, routine, difficult to understand, or has too many variables,” he explained. “Adults with ADD often become distracted or impatient during lectures where there is no interaction. They also have trouble completing tasks; they begin one thing, get distracted, and start another, which leads to something else, without ever realizing their primary objective.”

The second group has problems related to hyperactivity and impulsivity. “It predisposes them to a higher likelihood of auto accidents, orthopedic injuries, and head traumas because of their risk-taking behaviors. They tend to engage in activities that stimulate the release of dopamine, such as motocross or mountain biking, and are more likely to be in trouble with the law,” Clionsky said. “They also tend to speed, jump red lights, and do things such as leaping off the walls of a quarry without knowing its depths.”

If a person is diagnosed with ADHD, Clionsky talks to them about the condition and how it is affecting their life. He also suggests appropriate medication, which they can get from their own physician, and may recommend counseling to improve their organizational skills. Educational planning is included in the center’s services for students, and academic accommodations are usually recommended, which may involve having them take tests in a separate classroom and allowing them extra time to complete the work.

“We also tell students with ADHD to sit as close to the front of the room as possible,” he explained. “Most tend to sit in the back, which makes it really difficult, because there is an ocean of activity in front of them, which can be distracting.”

The testing is repeated during a six-month follow-up exam, but the medication usually works. Side effects are minimal, and negative long-term effects of the drugs are almost unheard of, Clionsky said.

Coping Mechanisms

ADD is a developmental disorder that starts in childhood, and even though some young people learn to compensate with help from adults, in many cases, it catches up with them.

For example, adolescents who get extra help from their teachers or have parents who carefully monitor their schoolwork often do well in high school. But once they enter the adult world or go to college, they are unable to manage on their own.

“I see many clients who have left law school or college; they’re bright, but they are failing,” Clionsky says, adding that they miss class, don’t allow themselves enough time to complete assignments, and are often distracted and thrown off track during exams by something as simple as someone dropping a pencil.

He added that many small-business owners who work in the trades, including landscapers and contractors, have come to the ADD Center for help.

“They may be really good at their job, but they are not good business people. They are working 70 to 80 hours a week, but are in debt because they fail to collect payment for their bills or have too many things going on at once, which keeps them from ever finishing anything,” Clionsky noted. “People with ADHD are the most wonderful people in the world, but they frustrate others because they don’t return calls, are late coming home because they make too many stops, and are disorganized. They make dates and promises but forget about them, and although their spouses love them, they can’t count on them. So, resentment builds up, their home lives become very disruptive, and they have trouble retaining jobs or relationships.”

However there is an exception: If the person with ADHD is working on something they really enjoy, they can block out everything else, and many adolescents and adults exhibit this behavior when they are playing video games because they are fast-moving and demand total attention.

But Clionsky says it’s never possible to know for sure if someone has the disorder until a full evaluation is done. He recently diagnosed a 20-year-old with anxiety disorder whose mother was sure she had ADHD.

“She couldn’t seem to pay attention to anything or finish filling out college applications,” he explained. “But the real problem was that she was so anxious, she worried constantly.”

The example points out the importance of examining every factor of an individual’s life that could cause symptoms commonly seen in people with ADHD.

“Some children and people just have bad habits. They procrastinate or are disorganized, so we are very careful about what we diagnose,” Clionsky said. “But if it is ADHD, it’s a real medical problem, and treatment can and will make a difference.”

Briefcase Departments

Business Confidence Up, Manufacturing Challenged

BOSTON — The Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) Business Confidence Index rose 1.3 points in November to 56.9, almost exactly where it stood a year before (56.8). “The story here is less the monthly gain than the longer-term pattern,” said Raymond Torto, Chair of AIM’s Board of Economic Advisors and lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Design. “Over the past year, the index rose nicely for five months and then started a fitful decline back to where it was last November. The hidden trend behind that pattern is a divergence in confidence levels between manufacturers and other employers.” He added that “our state’s manufacturing sector, which relies heavily upon international demand for its world-class products, is up against a strong dollar and weak conditions in all its major export markets — China, Japan, Canada, and Western Europe. Domestic demand is down as well because of global conditions and large inventories. In March, manufacturers were almost as confident as other employers, but the confidence gap has grown significantly since then.” Torto noted that the manufacturing sector is overrepresented in AIM’s survey, but that it plays a vital part in the Massachusetts economy. “If the sector continues to struggle in 2016, other sectors will feel the repercussions, especially in regions of the state with concentrations of manufacturing industries.” AIM’s Business Confidence Index has been issued monthly since July 1991 under the oversight of the Board of Economic Advisors. Presented on a 100-point scale on which 50 is neutral, the index attained a historical high of 68.5 in 1997 and 1998; its all-time low was 33.3 in February 2009.

State Issues Financial-literacy Report

BOSTON — State Treasurer Deb Goldberg, accompanied by her Financial Literacy Task Force, released their statewide report on the status of financial education in the Commonwealth. “I have always understood the responsibilities of the Treasurer’s office include insuring economic stability within our state,” Goldberg said. “This means building a robust financial-literacy program, which is a critical step toward strengthening economic security for everyone in Massachusetts.” The task force, under the direction of the Treasurer’s Office of Economic Empowerment, launched a comprehensive research effort in April. The diverse group of policymakers, educators, bankers, and advocates convened for six months. Their goal was to develop a road map to resources that will empower every Massachusetts resident with the skills they need to manage their money, plan for college, save for retirement, and better understand the impact of their economic decisions. “Implementing the recommendations of this task force will make a difference in the quality of the lives of Massachusetts citizens of all ages and backgrounds,” said former Undersecretary of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Barbara Anthony, who chaired the task force. “The task force work presents the vital road map for the future of financial literacy in our state.” Some initiatives within the report include increasing accessibility to all financial education activities and programs throughout the state, promoting a public financial-education awareness campaign, communicating the family-dynamic principle to stakeholders, and incorporating it in all financial-literacy programming within the Office of Economic Empowerment. The 31 task force members identified three key demographic groups — K-12 students, college students, and adults — for the largest scope of fiscal impact on the state. The task force’s final report serves as an action plan for Goldberg and the Economic Empowerment Trust Fund Board. “Though we are keenly aware all adults can benefit from financial services, the adult subcommittee of Treasurer Goldberg’s Financial Literacy Task Force determined low-to-moderate income families, first-generation immigrants, women, seniors, and veterans are particularly vulnerable, and have set forth recommendations to ensure their financial well-being throughout their lifetime,” said Sylvia de Haas Phillips, subcommittee co-chair and senior vice president of United Way.

Standard & Poor’s Affirms State’s AA+ Bond Rating

BOSTON — In a communication to the Commonwealth, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services shared that it has affirmed Massachusetts’ AA+ credit rating on its general obligation bonds, while also providing notice that it is changing the Commonwealth’s outlook to ‘negative’ due to concerns about a multi-year trend on spending and the use of reserve funds. “While we have retained our current AA+ rating, we recognize and acknowledge the areas of concern raised today by Standard & Poor’s revised outlook,” Treasurer Deb Goldberg said. “I will continue to emphasize the importance of building our reserves, and I look forward to working with the administration and Legislature to establish the path to a healthier, stronger reserve balance for Massachusetts.”

Cover Story Economic Outlook Sections

Questions About Sustainability Cloud the Picture for 2016

Outlook 2016

By most accounts, the state’s economy — and area businesses — had a solid 2015. Performance didn’t match pre-recession levels, but it was an improvement over the previous three or four years. The question looming over 2016 is whether that performance can be sustained, and there are enough doubts, or reservations — created by everything from a stronger dollar to still-falling oil prices to uncertainty about who will win the White House next November — to keep confidence in check.

Dan Flynn calls it “soft confidence.”

That simple, two-word phrase goes a long way toward explaining the current state of the local and national economy and the general attitude concerning it among business owners.

Elaborating, Flynn, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Wholesale Banking for West Springfield-based United Bank, said many of the institution’s commercial clients are doing well — not as well as before the so-called Great Recession that started in 2008, but performance has been solid. Some even recorded their proverbial ‘best year ever’ in 2015, he noted, adding that most saw at least improvement over 2014.

Dan Flynn says many area businesses had a solid 2015

Dan Flynn says many area businesses had a solid 2015, but the question moving forward is whether that performance can be sustained.

But — and this is an important ‘but’ — these business owners are not at all sure that such performance is sustainable given a host of factors that are almost all well beyond their control. These range from global and domestic violence to still-spiraling healthcare insurance costs to extreme uncertainty about who will prevail in the 2016 presidential election — and what he or she might do after getting elected.

Thus, existing confidence is, well, soft.

“For most business owners, their inventory backlog or their job backlog is building, but they don’t have the confidence that this will sustain itself in 2016 or 2017,” Flynn explained. “They think it will, but it’s not like that flat-out ‘we’re confident, we’re going to hire a couple of extra people, we’re going to add a second shift.’ They’re not that confident.”

John Patrick agreed. The CEO of Farmington Bank, which recently made a foray into the Western Mass. market with locations in West Springfield and then East Longmeadow, said there is some optimism about the year ahead, but there are also serious doubts, enough to keep confidence from becoming deep or profound.

“The economy, especially the local economy, is all about confidence,” he noted. “And I wouldn’t say there is strong confidence in the marketplace relative to everything that’s happening around them.”

And by ‘everything,’ he meant factors ranging from terrorism in Paris and California to the ever-rising cost of health insurance.

Bob Nakosteen concurred, summoning another word to describe the current picture and outlook for 2016: ‘fuzzy.’

He would go into much greater detail, obviously, but Nakosteen, professor of Economics at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst and co-editor of MassBenchmarks, the quarterly publication devoted to analysis of the Bay State economy, said that one word pretty much does the job.

Indeed, the outlook is fuzzy, as in not sharp, not clear, and, for the most part, not predictable.

“The picture is fuzzy, and through the fuzziness, we see a lot of positives, but we also see some risk,” he explained. “There’s a lot of internal strength in the U.S. economy, and it is going to overcome various weaknesses, and that means this state is going to do well. It’s a mixed picture, but the overall trend is positive. But do I have 100% confidence in what I just said? Absolutely not.”

That’s soft confidence personified.

“We’re in the middle of a slowdown … it’s not anywhere near a recession, but we’re definitely seeing some slowing,” Nakosteen went on. “The economy has been growing at 2% or a little less, and that’s not vibrant.”

John Patrick

John Patrick says a number of area manufacturers have seen exports impacted by the weakening of many foreign currencies.

Moving beyond ‘fuzzy,’ Nakosteen, like Flynn and others we spoke with, said there are a number of factors impacting the state and national economy — everything from a weak Canadian dollar, which is hurting exports to that country, to the fact that most Americans are not putting the money they’re saving at the gas pump back into the economy, to impressive job growth in the Commonwealth (if not Greater Springfield). Together, they make predicting what will come next an even more difficult assignment than it generally is.

Most observers are expecting growth to remain right around that 2% level, but it could go higher or lower depending on how matters evolve, especially that critical confidence level among business owners.

Money Matters

As he talked with BusinessWest about 2015 and what will likely happen in the year ahead, Nakosteen said there are certainly plenty of reasons to look at the glass and declare it at least half-full.

“Within the lack of clarity that we’re seeing, there lies a solid core of economic strength,” he explained, adding that the Bay State continues to match or outperform the nation overall, but it is very much dependent on the relative health of this country, as well as international markets, for its success.

As evidence, he cited some recent data showing that Massachusetts is experiencing an economic expansion in many ways reminiscent of the late ’90s, though without the impetus of the tech bubble that drove that cycle, meaning that this one is more well-rounded.

Gross state product is growing robustly, he went on — 7.1% for the second quarter compared to national GDP growth of 3.7% — and employment growth is steady, although limited geographically. The unemployment rate remains low by historical standards, and has been below the national rate since — and even before — the Great Recession.

“The current expansion appears to be on firm footing — the economy in the state has slowed down recently, but it’s still been a really good year,” he said while offering the global view.

“We’re expecting strong growth over the year or so,” he went on, using ‘we’ to mean the editors at MassBenchmarks. “It might be as strong as what we had up to the second quarter of this year, but pretty solid growth. How much of it makes its way out to the western part of the state remains to be seen.”

Flynn agreed.

“Overall, clients performed better over the past 12 months than the previous three to four years,” he said while generalizing the comments of business owners within the bank’s portfolio. “As a whole, they’re not seeing the same rate of return as before the recession, but they’re doing better than they were a year ago.

“And it’s across the board,” he went on. “You can take retail, manufacturing, wholesalers … generally, companies are performing better than they had.”

Given all that, though, the question looming over 2016 is whether that performance — by individual companies and the economy as a whole — can be sustained. And strong doubts about whether it can have led to heavy use of phrases such as ‘soft confidence,’ ‘fuzzy picture,’ ‘mixed signals,’ and the always-popular ‘cautiously optimistic,’ which Flynn said he’s heard repeatedly.

That’s because most all of the factors that will decide the fate of 2016 come complete with ‘ifs,’ ‘buts,’ question marks, and both points and counterpoints.

Take the jobs picture, for example. The nation’s economy added another 211,000 jobs in November after a gain of nearly 300,000 in October, a solid boost by most accounts that exceeded almost all expectations and propelled the stock market to a more than 2% gain the day the figures were released.

Click HERE to download a PDF chart listing the region’s largest employers

But do those numbers and the stated 5% national unemployment rate reflect real progress in what’s happening locally? The short answer is ‘no’ or ‘probably not.’

“I was in New York recently, and I heard a nationally respected economist who said that, if you really take a look at the numbers, unemployment on a normalized basis is closer to 9% when you take into consideration all the people who are unemployed and those working part-time who would prefer to be working full time,” said Patrick.

Like others, he noted that, overall, many employers have not yet reached — and likely won’t reach for some time — that threshold of confidence needed to add back some of those employees trimmed during extensive efforts during and after the recession to become more efficient and rightsize.

“Businesses are a little apprehensive about continuing to make significant investments in people, technology, and franchise, because they’re just unsure about what’s going to happen,” Patrick told BusinessWest. “And there many businesses that, because of the cost of healthcare, don’t want to go over that 50-employee number, and they’re trying to manage their business accordingly.”

Meanwhile, Nakosteen said, despite the start of work on the Springfield casino and a host of other construction projects across Western Mass., the employment needle has “barely budged” in the city of Springfield, meaning the jobless rate is still hovering around 9%, in sharp contrast to what’s happening elsewhere in the Commonwealth.

Bob Nakosteen says the Bay State added jobs at an impressive clip in 2015

Bob Nakosteen says the Bay State added jobs at an impressive clip in 2015, but by and large, those gains did not extend to Western Mass.

“Employment in the state has really grown at an amazingly fast clip over the past year to 18 months, but it’s not the same in Western Mass., as is usually the case,” he explained, adding that the Bay State has added 50,000 to 60,000 jobs over the past year, most of them in technology-related sectors, although healthcare and education remain solid contributors to such growth.

“A different picture emerges out here,” he went on, talking from his office on the UMass Amherst campus. “Springfield has added a few jobs but not many — at least it hasn’t gone down. The picture is better in the larger metropolitan area, but all the construction is in Springfield, so that’s where it should be recorded, but so far we’re not seeing it.”

Dollars and Sense

Another factor that is contributing to uncertainty is the stronger U.S. dollar. It certainly benefits those traveling overseas and has provided a huge boost for airlines and cruise lines, but overall, a strong dollar hurts exporters, including the many precision manufacturers that call the Knowledge Corridor home.

“I think many of the manufacturers in this region got off to a good start in 2015 and had good backlogs,” said Patrick, referring to companies on both sides of the border. “But companies within that corridor are usually producing a product that has export potential, and because of the strong dollar internationally, they’ve seen a lot of the orders slow down and some of them put on hold, with the buyer saying, ‘what we’ll do is wait for the dollar to drive down in value a bit.’”

There was some movement in that direction in early December, he noted, but overall, the dollar remains quite strong against all other currencies, and until a pattern of weakness occurs, exports will continue to suffer.

Nakosteen agreed, and said one country often overlooked when it comes to currency rates is Canada. It is a big trading partner, and at the moment that country’s dollar, also known as the ‘loonie,’ is in a hard spiral fueled by a host of factors, including falling energy prices and questionable monetary policy.

“Canada is our most important trade partner; a year ago, it was about one U.S. dollar to one Canadian dollar; now, a Canadian dollar is worth about 70 cents,” he explained. “What that means is for Candians, U.S. products are much more expensive, and you can see it in the export numbers — they’ve really dropped over the past year.”

As for falling oil prices, which analysts say will remain low for the foreseeable future, they are not producing a surge in consumer spending, as some had predicted, and in the meantime, they are taking a hard toll on the energy industry, which is having a ripple effect, in this country and elsewhere.

“We have not seen the surplus from lower gas prices turn into consumer spending — it’s going into savings or to reduce debt,” Nakosteen said. “It has not created the bump that was expected by everyone, including me.

“From everything I’m reading in the energy industry, low gas prices are here for a while,” he went on. “So it will be interesting to see if, over time, consumers start behaving a little differently and take this surplus and spend it.”

Still another factor is interest rates, which, after that strong November jobs report, are almost certain to rise after roughly seven years of stagnancy. The projected 0.25% increase, though minor, will finally bring some measure of relief to investors who have focused on low-risk options, such as bonds, which have yielded marginal returns. But the hike will also make borrowing more expensive, and this may slow the economy somewhat.

Cliff Noreen, president of Springfield-based Babson Capital, told Bloomberg News Radio recently that he welcomed the U.S. interest rate hike — “I think it’s about time; it’s been seven years, and we’ve been living with manipulated rates for that long, and we should go back to a more normal rate environment.”

“I think the biggest victims today are retirees — they retired with the assumption five or 10 years ago that they would earn a risk-free rate of 4%, 5%, or 6%; now, the risk-free rate is zero,” he told Bloomberg. “So they have to take more risk to make their return to live on, and they’ve been forced to invest in higher-risk assets like high-yield bonds and stocks, and they’ve had to adjust their asset allocation to make up for the zero-percent rate environment we’re in globally.”

CurrenciesChartCommoditiesChartOverall, Noreen said there were several surprises in 2015 — from falling commodities prices to spiraling foreign currencies (see charts) to gasoline prices that could have fallen further than they did — and all signs point to these conditions (and the negative impact and uncertainty they bring) continuing into 2016.

“We expect lower-than-normal investment returns for all asset classes,” he noted, “and slow economic growth globally, although things have been stabilizing, and continued very, very low interest rates that are in the process of rising.”

And there are still other factors to consider looking ahead, said Noreen, listing everything from a slowing of the growth rate in China to slowing corporate-profit growth in this country, and historically low yields on bonds, with many European countries, including Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, gaining status in what Noreen called the “negative-rate club.”

As for the upcoming presidential election, Nakosteen noted that, while elections themselves typically don’t have an impact on the economy and individual presidents don’t often dictate fiscal policy, elections do generate anxiety, which has its own trickle-down effect.

Bottom Line

Speaking from experience, Patrick agreed, noting that the one commodity business owners dislike the most is uncertainty.

And because there is no lack of it at the moment — not just because of the election but all those other issues mentioned above — there is a corresponding shortage of perhaps the most important element for at least the short-term health of the regional and national economy: confidence.

There is confidence that the progress measured in 2015 can be sustained, but, as Flynn noted, it is soft confidence.

And as long as that condition remains, the picture for 2016 will remain fuzzy.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

Departments People on the Move

The Massachusetts Board of Higher Education formally approved Ramon Torrecilha, a lifelong educator, as the 20th president of Westfield State University (WSU). A lifelong educator, he is currently a professor of sociology at California State University Dominguez Hills. “I am delighted by the appointment of Dr. Ramon Torrecilha as the new president of Westfield State and look forward to working with him,” said Carlos Santiago, state commissioner of Higher Education. “I want to thank the Westfield board of trustees and the search committee for delivering an exceptional pool of quality candidates, and congratulate them on an outstanding selection.” Torrecilha will be the first Latino to serve as president in the university’s 176-year history. He is scheduled to begin his term on Jan. 25. Westfield State’s presidential search process officially launched in January 2015, with a search committee comprising 13 members of the campus community. The pool of candidates was narrowed to a semi-finalist group of 13 in August, and on Sept. 29, the presidential search advisory committee announced three finalists: Torrecilha; Damian Fernandez, CEO and head of school at Ethical Culture Fieldston School; and Linda Vaden-Goad, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Framingham State University. On Oct. 28, the WSU trustees voted to recommend Torrecilha as the final candidate, and the state Board of Higher Education approved the choice this week. Previous to his current role at California State University Dominguez Hills, he served as provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, where he designed and implemented a cohort-based, first-year initiative to increase student retention and graduation rates. As provost, he invested in student research and supported more than 200 undergraduate research projects. He provided leadership and support to secure more than $16 million in grants and contracts and $600,000 to support faculty research and creative activity. Torrecilha also served as executive vice president of Mills College in Oakland, Calif., during which time he served as acting president on two separate occasions. His many accomplishments at Mills include the design, implementation, and successful achievement of a capital campaign that raised more than $130 million dollars on behalf of women’s education. He also led a successful campus reaccreditation process resulting in an eight-year renewal from the Western Assoc. of Schools and Colleges and increased the alumnae participation rate by 10%. Torrecilha earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in sociology from Portland State University and his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin Madison.


Eight lawyers from Bulkley Richardson have been named to the 2015 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list of top lawyers in the state, and two lawyers from the firm have been named to the 2015 Massachusetts Rising Stars list of top up-and-coming lawyers. No more than 5% of lawyers in Massachusetts are selected for the Super Lawyers list, and no more than 2.5% are selected for the Rising Stars list. The following Bulkley Richardson lawyers were named to the 2014 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list:
• Francis Dibble Jr., whose practice areas include business litigation, health law, and antitrust litigation;
• J. Patrick Kennedy, whose practice areas include business litigation, banking and intellectual property litigation;
• Kevin Maynard, whose practice areas include business litigation, general litigation, and nonprofit;
• David Parke, whose practice areas include business/corporate and mergers and acquisitions;
• John Pucci, whose practice areas include criminal defense (white collar);
• Donn Randall, whose practice areas include banking and business litigation;
• Ellen Randle, whose practice focuses on family law; and
• Ronald Weiss, whose practice areas include mergers and acquisitions, closely held business, and estate planning and probate.
The following Bulkley Richardson lawyers were named to the 2015 Massachusetts Rising Stars list:
• Michael Roundy, whose practice areas include business/commercial litigation, tax appeals, and medical malpractice (defense); and
• Kelly Koch, whose practice areas include family law and estate planning and probate.
Super Lawyers, a Thomson Reuters business, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The annual selections are made using a patented, multi-phase process that includes a statewide survey of lawyers, an independent research evaluation of candidates, and peer reviews by practice area.


Kenneth Albano

Kenneth Albano

Bacon Wilson, P.C. announced that attorney Kenneth Albano was recently honored with the Esteemed Service Award from Behavioral Health Network Inc. (BHN). Albano was presented with the award during BHN’s annual meeting, in recognition of his 20-plus years as a member of BHN’s board of directors and his related board service. “I am grateful to BHN for this recognition,” Albano said. “The services BHN provides are essential to the wellness of so many in our community who may be struggling with addiction or other life crises. I am honored by this award, and it has been my honor to serve this excellent organization for so many years.” Behavioral Health Network is a growing non-profit, community behavioral-health service organization, and has served the needs of children, adults, families, and communities in Western Mass. since 1938, offering tools and treatments for those with mental illness, substance-use disorders, or intellectual disabilities. Albano is a senior partner with Bacon Wilson and a member of the firm’s corporate, commercial, and municipal practice groups. In addition to his work with BHN, he has worked with the American Cancer Society, Make-A-Wish, and the ALS Assoc., and he serves as board chair of the March of Dimes Western MA Division and on the board of the New England Chapter of the March of Dimes. In June, Albano was honored with the Mass. Bar Assoc. Community Service Award in recognition of his exceptional volunteer work.


Country Bank President and CEO Paul Scully announced that Eric Devine has been promoted to first vice president, Information Technology. Devine has been with Country Bank since 2006 in the IT Department, working most recently as the Information Technology Services officer. “Eric is a dedicated and driven member of our team. I am pleased to have the opportunity to recognize him for his outstanding leadership over the last few years,” Scully said. Devine studied at Sacred Heart University with a concentration in information technology and graduated from New England School for Financial Studies in 2012. He is very active in the community, serving on the program advisory committee for Porter and Chester Institute, working on the annual SIDS Road Race committee, and supporting the Griffin’s Friends Children’s Cancer Fund as a runner and charity fund-raiser. In addition, he served as the 2015 Springfield grand parade marshal for the annual St. Patricks Day Parade in Holyoke. He was elected to BusinessWest’s 40 under Forty in 2015.


Aaron Smith, P.C., a certified public accounting firm serving individuals and businesses in the Pioneer Valley, announced the addition of two new staff accountants, Trent Domingos and Emily Sit. Both are responsible for audits, reviews, and compilations. “We are pleased to add two staff accountants to our team, as this allows us to maintain a high level of excellence and personal attention that our clients have come to expect,” said David Padegimas, CPA, managing director of Aaron Smith, P.C. Domingos is a graduate of Fairfield University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. He previously served as a tax intern at Therrien & Associates, P.C., in Wilton, Conn. At Fairfield University, Domingos was a four-year member of the varsity rowing team. “I am excited to join the team. I look forward to growing as an accountant in this position and contributing to the distinguished reputation that Aaron Smith, P.C. has established,” Domingos said. Sit is a graduate of the UMass Isenberg School of Management with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting. She is expected to obtain her master’s degree in accounting in May. Prior to joining the team at Aaron Smith, P.C., she was employed by IBM Corporation as a financial analyst. She is fluent in English and Chinese, and enjoys gardening in her spare time. “Aaron Smith, P.C. has an excellent track record of great customer service,” Sit said. “I am thrilled to continue my passion for accounting in a well-respected firm.” CPAs at Aaron Smith, P.C. continually invest time and resources into furthering professional education, using state-of-the-art computer technology and developing extensive new business relationships.


Ruth’s House, the assisted-living residence at JGS Lifecare, announced the appointment of Samantha Panniello as dining services coordinator. As an experienced executive and catering chef, she brings a new dimension to the facility’s signature kosher dining and banquet menus. Panniello brings more than 10 years of experience to Ruth’s House. Formally trained at the Connecticut Culinary Institute, where she was recognized for excellence and graduated at the top of her class, she worked as a chef for both Springfield College and UMass Amherst before becoming kitchen manager of the Federal in Agawam and Vinted in West Hartford, Conn. where she was named head chef. While at Vinted, the restaurant received a rave review by the New York Times, praising its “rich tastes on small plates.” Panniello also landed an executive chef position at Lego in Enfield, Conn., and most recently served as head chef of Marketplace/Back Street Bistro in Springfield. “We’re proud to welcome Samantha to coordinate our dining services. She brings tremendous talent, enthusiasm, and experience to our culinary team,” said Joelle Tedeschi, executive director of Ruth’s House. “Our residents are in for a treat.”

Agenda Departments

Santa’s Trains at Look Park

Through Dec. 24: This holiday season, Look Memorial Park is celebrating with a selection of running model trains whirling by displays of a whimsical wonderland of Christmas favorites and village landscapes. The Garden House, transformed into a Victorian-style train station, offers sights and sounds of the holiday season. Chat with authentic engineers, view themed holiday trees, and visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus before relaxing with a holiday cookie and hot chocolate. Each evening features a special guest conductor and station master from the community. Santa’s helpers will be happy to deliver your letter to Santa personally and let him know you are ready to visit him. Santa’s Trains at Look Park is open to the public daily from Dec. 10 to Dec. 23 from 4 to 8 p.m. and on Dec. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This holiday event is free for all ages. Visit www.lookpark.org for information. Also, during Santa’s Trains at Look Park, step aboard the park’s train and take a one-mile ride on the Look Park Holiday Express to view more than 50 holiday light displays made by the park’s grounds and maintenance staff. The cost is $5. The train departs nightly every 20 minutes beginning at 4:20 p.m. The last departure is at 7:40 p.m. More than 20,000 visitors annually visit the park during the holiday season to visit Santa’s Trains, view the light displays, and share holiday dreams with Santa.

‘Firearms of Famous People’ at Museum

Through April 24: “Firearms of Famous People: From Target Shooters to Presidents,” a temporary exhibit of extraordinary firearms and memorabilia owned by well-known politicians, presidents, and celebrities, is now on view at the Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History. The exhibit, which was organized in cooperation with the Smith & Wesson Collectors Assoc., is on display through April 24, 2016 in a space adjacent to the Smith & Wesson Gallery of Historic Firearms. The exhibit includes three presidential pistols, including a .44 double-action Smith & Wesson revolver owned by Teddy Roosevelt, along with a belt knife used by Teddy’s Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War. Also featured is a .32 safety hammerless Smith & Wesson acquired by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he was employed as an attorney in New York in the 1920s. The third presidential weapon is a .357 Magnum made especially for John F. Kennedy, featuring the handiwork of master engraver Alvin White. The revolver is fully engraved and inlaid with gold and silver, and bears the Great Seal of the U.S. on the side plate. This exhibit also includes three guns owned or used by movie stars, including a .32 caliber Smith & Wesson belonging to George Montgomery, well-known for his career as a film actor in many westerns. Clint Walker, best-known as the star of the Cheyenne TV series, owned a Smith & Wesson Model 3 that is on view. Also on display is a prop gun designed to look like a .45 caliber U.S. Army automatic pistol, used by Lee Marvin in the film Delta Force in 1986. Probably the two most famous gunmakers in the history of this country are Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson, and this exhibit features firearms connected to both of these innovators. Other firearms featured in this exhibit were owned by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Theodor Robert Geisel (the father of Dr. Seuss), and Christina Nilsson, one of the opera stars of the 19th century. Admission prices are $18 for adults, $12 for seniors and college students, $9.50 for children 3-17, and free for children under 3 and museum members. The fee provides access to all four museums. General admission is free for Springfield residents with proof of address.

‘Look Good…Feel Better’

Jan. 28: The Baystate Regional Cancer Program at Baystate Mary Lane Hospital and the American Cancer Society will present “Look Good…Feel Better,” a free program for area women from 10 a.m. to noon. The program teaches beauty techniques to women who are undergoing cancer treatment. The session offers support, information, and an enjoyable first step toward renewed self-esteem, self-confidence, and emotional recovery for cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy. Deb Rozzen, volunteer cosmetologist with the “Look Good…Feel Better” program, will be on hand to work with each woman and help them learn how to enhance their appearance using makeup techniques. Wig care, scarf and hat use, skin care, and nail care will all be discussed, and all participants will receive a free makeup kit. Sessions are limited to 12 people, are open to any woman undergoing cancer treatment in the area, and will be held at the hospital in Ware. Pre-registration by Tuesday, Dec. 22 is required by calling Camille St. Onge, oncology social worker at Baystate Mary Lane Hospital, at (413) 967-2245.

Difference Makers

March 31: The eighth annual Difference Makers award program, staged by BusinessWest, will be held at the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House. Details on the event will be published in upcoming issues of the magazine. Difference Makers is a program, launched in 2009, that recognizes groups and individuals that are, as the name suggests, making a difference in this region. The magazine’s editor and publishers have chosen this year’s class, which will be profiled in the Jan. 25 issue.

Sections Travel and Tourism

Steeped in History


Kate Preissler says she wants history to come alive for Wistariahurst visitors.

Throughout its history, the property now known as Wistariahurst Museum — which draws guests for myriad events and individuals who simply enjoy stepping into the past — has been referred to as one of the “showplaces in Holyoke.” The museum’s director says she wants to make history fun, and the visitor count — up to 14,000 annually — suggests she’s succeeding at her goal.

Throughout its history, the property now known as Wistariahurst Museum has been referred to as one of the “showplaces in Holyoke.”

Indeed, during the holidays, the former home of silk manufacturer William Skinner and his wife, Sarah, is truly a sight to behold with its enormous curved stairway draped with holiday garland and Christmas trees twinkling throughout its 22 spacious rooms where lofty ceilings and elaborately detailed architecture speak to a bygone era.

Tickets were sold out weeks in advance for performances of “Nutcracker & Sweets” staged by the Massachusetts Academy of Ballet, which ran Dec. 11-13. The annual event captures the magic of the holidays in the spacious Music Room that Belle Skinner, daughter of William and Sarah, built to house a collection of musical instruments after her parents’ deaths.

“This season’s performance of the Nutcracker was set in Holyoke, rather than Russia, and there were references in it to the city’s history. The father figure was cast as William Skinner, and his daughters Belle and Katharine were also depicted,” said Museum Director Kate Preissler.

Although the event is extremely popular, December is actually a quiet time for Wistariahurst, which stages a plethora of programs throughout the year that appeal to children, families, adults, and people of varying interests.

“The Nutcracker is our biggest holiday event, but we’re owned by the city of Holyoke, and our mission is preserving the history of Holyoke and inspiring an appreciation of history and culture through educational programs, exhibits, and special events,” Preissler told BusinessWest, adding that, over the past decade or so, those events have shifted from museum tours and formal affairs to a wide variety of offerings.

For example, last month Holyoke Wellness Coordinator Julia Wilkins began holding strength-training classes for city employees in the Music Room, while a few weeks later an elegant event called Winter Festivitea 
was held in the same space, and guests sat at elegantly decorated tables and sipped tea while they were entertained by live music.

“We are complex and use the physical space to provide as much value as we can,” Preissler said, as she conducted a tour through two of the home’s three stories, including a visit to the Leather Room with its leather wallpaper, a noteworthy library, Belle’s bedroom, the conservatory where a stained-glass peacock window is believed to be a Tiffany original, the dining room next door with two fireplaces, and the grand, sweeping staircase Belle added to the home.

Kate Preissler
Kate Preissler says Wistariahurst, donated to the city of Holyoke by the Skinner family, has become a real community asset.

“We hold a wine tasting here in February, and our annual gala takes place in June in the gardens,” Preissler noted. “It’s our primary fund-raising event, and people come outfitted in period dress and dance to live music in Belle’s Music Room. Last year it was held on a beautiful night at sunset, and you could see people throughout the garden in ’20s clothing who were probably imagining what it would have been like when the Skinner family lived here.”

The museum greets 12,000 to 14,000 visitors a year, and most come for events, rather than tours of the home. About 15 wedding ceremonies take place in the Music Room each year, and some couples hold their receptions in tents on the manicured grounds.

“We’re an exclusive venue for people looking for a historic place to get married in; Wistariahurst offers an intimate and beautiful setting,” Preissler said, adding that photos are often taken on the grand staircase, and harpists, classical guitarists, and pianists have been hired to play before and after ceremonies.

There are also seasonal holiday teas and a Mother’s Day Tea, which Preissler said give people an opportunity to have fun in the museum.

“Last fall we held a Mad Hatter Tea which was really popular. It attracted a lot of people who had never been here before, and many came in costume,” she noted. “They enjoyed a formal tea in the Music Room, played croquet on the lawn, and did crafts. It was a multi-generational event that was meant to be a way for kids and families to relax and enjoy themselves here.

“There is always the feeling of being in a historic home where Belle Skinner entertained her guests, but it’s important for our visitors to have fun,” she went on, repeating the word that she used frequently to describe what goes on inside Wistariahurst today.

Links to the Past

Curator and City Historian Penni Martorell said William Skinner emigrated to the U.S. from England in 1874. “He was a skilled silk dyer and established a silk-manufacturing and dyeing business on the Mill River in Haydenville,” she noted.

Penni Martorell

Penni Martorell says Belle Skinner took a real interest in the gardens of Wistariahurst and added a rose garden and Japanese tea house.

The business was destroyed when the river flooded following a dam breach in 1874, and Skinner relocated the operation to Appleton Street in Holyoke. He also relocated his Haydenville home, which had been designed by William Fenno Pratt, who also designed Northampton City Hall and other noteworthy structures. “Skinner had the home dismantled and moved to Holyoke,” Martorell said.

His second wife, Sarah, was an avid gardener, and although photos from 1875 show the home surrounded by barren grounds, her letters and diaries are filled with references to the plantings and trees she established on the site, which include the renowned wistaria vines that still bloom profusely every May.

They became widely acclaimed for their beauty, and their flowering was reported in local papers, which eventually led to the home’s name.

After William and Sarah died, their two unmarried children — Ruth Isabelle (“Belle”) and her brother William — inherited the home and used it as a summer residence.

“They entertained quite frequently, and Belle added onto the home,” Preissler said, including the addition of a sweeping staircase so she could make a grand entrance at parties, as well as the magnificent Music Room to house her collection of antique musical instruments.

“Belle’s collection was well-known and contained a spinet reputedly owned by Marie Antoinette and a Stradivarius violin,” Preissler added. “It was donated to Yale University and resides there today.”

The home and grounds remained in the family until 1959, when Katharine Skinner Kilborne, the youngest child of William and Sarah Skinner, and her heirs donated Wistariahurst to the city of Holyoke for cultural and educational purposes.

It operated as a museum under the auspices of the Holyoke Public Library for many years, but today a private foundation called Historic Holyoke at Wistariahurst supports its programming, events, and communications.

Click HERE to download a PDF chart of area tourist attractions

“The annual operating cost is $200,000, and the city pays $170,000 of that amount, while the remainder comes from fund-raisers, membership programs, and donations,” Preissler said, adding that the facility has two full-time employees, three part-time employees, and a large, dedicated staff of volunteers.

Martorell said a lot goes on behind the scenes.

“We have a docent program, and the collections we house are an important part of Holyoke’s history. They include letters, photographs, records of businesses, the Skinner family’s collection of correspondence, and records for Skinner and Sons Manufacturing, as well as the Carlos Vega Collection of Latino History in Holyoke,” she told BusinessWest, adding that the Vega collection was established in 2012 and is significant because nearly 50% of Holyoke’s population is Latino.

The museum also houses a textile collection containing many Skinner silk and satin wedding gowns and period clothing, and the archives are used by the Five College community and local genealogists.

“We want to use the past to inspire residents and visitors and give them new perspectives on life,” Preissler said. “History doesn’t have to be boring. People understand it better when it is presented in a way that allows them to be active participants, and our goal is to have them leave feeling that they want to come back and experience more.”

To that end, a Pumpkin Glow was held in October. Teens from the city and professional artists carved faces and designs on a large number of pumpkins, which became an outdoor exhibit that was viewed by about 250 people.

“The pumpkins were lit in the gardens at dusk, and a lot of families and people who had never been here before came to see them,” Preissler said. “It’s the combination of activities that gives us our identity, and we try to provide opportunities for different interests. For example, we hold a historical lecture series as well as Family Fun Days.”

Concerts are staged inside and outside Wistariahurst on its beautiful grounds that have been restored over the past decade. “They provide a lot of green space that is open to the public at no charge from dawn to dusk,” Preissler continued. “The gardens were inspired by designs created by Sarah Skinner and the three acres contain a beautiful rose garden, an azalea garden, 53 types of trees, 43 types of hosta and our signature wisteria, which was planted in the 1880s and grows up the side of the house. People come here to read books or walk the grounds; families bring picnics and we have had kids playing tag in the roses. It’s a particularly magical place for children where they can run around, feel safe and have fun.”

Martorell said the museum also houses a gallery that exhibits works by local artists that change every two months. In 2016 the facility will host a landscape show staged by Holyoke Art League and a spring program titled ‘Nuestras Abuelas de Holyoke,’ which is Spanish and translates to “our grandmothers.”

It will include photos and oral histories of residents and will be put on by curator Waleska Santiago and invited guests, she noted. “There will also be an exhibit by students from Holyoke Community College and a Rotary collection that will put on display from our archives.”

Preissler noted that Wistariahurst wants to become known as a premiere cultural venue, so it strives to hire exceptional musicians and performances.

“We’re planning a curated music series for next year and have brought musicians here that have a distinct sound that is new and fresh in the area,” she said, adding that performers have included jazz musician Michael Sheridan, gypsy music from the Roma culture performed by The Bohemian Quarter, and banjo music played by Cynthia Sayer.

“We are supported by the community, so it’s important for our programs to improve the quality of life and involve things that people can enjoy and respond to,” she added.

Bright Future

Preissler said the programming at Wistariahurst has evolved in conjunction with events held at other historic homes and museums. “There is a realization that we need to have more participatory experiences where visitors are actively engaged,” she noted.

Next year a member of the board of directors, a grandson of Katherine Skinner and the last living descendant to live in Wistariahurst as a child, will give a number of guided tours. In addition, there will be plenty of fun-filled events to round out the agenda.

“We will continue work to engage our audiences in new ways,” Preissler continued.

Which is exactly what Belle Skinner did when she built rooms in Wistariahurst to house her collections and entertain guests in a grand style.

So, the tradition of transforming Wistariahurst to bring it into the present will continue long after the holiday season is over in a home resplendent with history that sits quietly right in the heart of Holyoke.

Construction Sections

Slowdown on I-91

I-91 viaduct

After 45 years, the I-91 viaduct needs much more than a series of patches.

At a recent public meeting about the massive, ongoing I-91 viaduct project, attendees were able to view a yellowed page from the Springfield Daily News featuring an aerial shot of the viaduct slicing through the downtown in 1970. The headline: “I-91 Linkup Provides Access to a Bright City Future.”

That was a long time ago, said Richard Masse, acting director for Mass. Department of Transportation (DOT) Region 2.

“It’s been 45 years,” he told BusinessWest. “We’re way beyond the road being reliable. We shouldn’t have to come out and patch holes, but we’ve been doing that on a regular basis.”

The original construction of Springfield’s portion of I-91, including the raised viaduct, cost just north of $50 million, while the current project — which, over the next three-plus years, will replace the viaduct deck, repair and replace the structural steel, and include other improvements — will cost $148 million, the bid submitted by Framingham-based JF White-Schiavone.

It will also be a significant inconvenience to commuters and businesses traveling to, from, and through Springfield’s downtown.

“There’s no way we can do this project on I-91 without causing some traffic congestion and delay, but we do want to provide information so people know what’s going on,” Masse said, explaining that the recent installation of cameras, sensors, and message boards along the mile-long stretch of raised highway to help motorists deal with the long-term effects of the lane and ramp closures beginning this month. Information will also be posted online for those who want to check out conditions before leaving home.

The elevated viaduct through Springfield carries about 75,000 vehicles per day. Essentially a concrete deck slab supported by steel girders — which are in turn supported by steel pier caps, column piers, and footings with pile foundations — the structure has undergone several rehabilitation projects over the past quarter-century, but nothing approaching a total deck replacement.

“The viaduct deck is in horrible condition, and we’re here to fix it, to give it life for the next 20 to 30 years,” said Ralph Romano, a MassDOT engineer, by way of explaining what the project — which stretches from the Interstate 291 interchange to around State Street — entails.

Now and Later

The first stage of the project, known as stage 1A, is coming to a close, and included pre-emptive repairs to the bridge deck to prepare the two outer lanes of I-91 to handle traffic while rehabilitation of the inner lanes is taking place.

In addition, some local roads were reconfigured to prepare for increased traffic volume due to upcoming detours, including construction of the West Columbus Avenue Extension to help improve traffic flow, and construction of a temporary off-ramp from I-91 south at Birnie Avenue (to be called exit 6-7) to carry traffic onto downtown streets.

Stage 1B, beginning this month and lasting through next fall, will see the inner lanes of I-91 north and south along the median closed for deck reconstruction. All traffic will be shifted to the right, using the shoulder and breakdown lanes. Speed limits have been reduced through the work area and will be enforced with doubled fines, Romano said.

During this phase, JF White-Schiavone will demolish and replace the deck along the median and high-speed lanes of I-91, along with the I-291 on-ramp to I-91 south and the left side of the I-291 off-ramp from I-91 north, in phases. Access to I-291 will be maintained at all times, with the possible exception of overnight closures where detours will be implemented.

The DOT has been testing ramp closures and detours over the past few months while crews performed preliminary deck work, mostly at night. The Birnie Avenue connector onto the interstate has been closed since October, and this month will see the closing of southbound exits 6 and 7, on-ramps from Union and State streets onto I-91 north, and the Route 20 connector into I-91 south.

Detours involving East and West Columbus Avenue, Hall of Fame Avenue, and other roads — details and maps are available online at www.massdot.state.ma.us/i91viaductrehab/traffic.aspx — will be well-marked, Romano said, while I-291 will be accessible through downtown using Liberty and Dwight streets.

“A lot of thought went into this,” Romano said of the traffic-management plan, “but traffic engineering is not an exact science. It relies on human behavior sometimes, so there’s only so much we can do. But we do try to respond to anything that’s not quite right, and we will be doing that throughout the project.”

Stage 2 of the project, slated for late fall 2016 through late fall 2017, won’t see any ramp reopenings, but traffic in both directions will shift to the center, newly constructed lanes, while construction shifts to the low-speed travel lanes and the shoulders, along with the I-91 northbound on-ramp to I-291 east, which will be constructed in two phases.

Additionally, the exit 9 off-ramp from I-91 north to Route 20 will be closed for the first part of stage 2. Again, access from I-91 north to I-291 east will be maintained at all times, except for possible overnight closures. By late fall 2017, commuters will have full use of I-91 in both directions. The temporary exist 6-7 will be removed, along with the West Columbus Avenue Extension.

Then the project moves to a punch-list phase, as workers paint the structural steel, install municipal street lighting where necessary, complete final paving and traffic markings on local streets, and restore all disturbed areas. By the time the contract ends in February 2019, the completed viaduct will feature slightly wider shoulders, new lighting, and stormwater improvements to help protect local water quality.

Throughout the project, the contractors are responsible for controlling construction-related dust emissions, using a combination of sprinklers and sprayers, wind screens, and wind barriers will also be used to control the spread of dust between sidewalks and the work zone.

Bracing for Impact

For most Springfield workers and commuters, though, dust is far down the list of concerns. Traffic is typically at the top.

Taylor Rock, a worksite outreach coordinator with MassRides, was on hand at the public meeting to encourage the public to carpool, either on their own or with the help of a ‘matching program’ they can access online through her agency. MassRides also provides emergency rides home for people whose carpool partners have to leave work early.

Rock cited a study noting that 96% of people driving to work downtown do so alone. Meanwhile, 40% of them have access to flexible work hours. By carpooling and avoiding using the highway during peak rush hours, she said, motorists can make a dent in the traffic hassles that are bound to come.

“We’re not telling people to take their cars off the road, but just look at some alternate ways of traveling,” she said. “You may be able to counter some of the effects of the traffic congestion that will come with this project.”

Masse agreed.

“There will be only one lane open in each direction, and during peak commuting hours, early morning and late afternoon, these lanes will be pushed to their capacity, so the more vehicles we can get off that path by carpooling, vanpooling, and shifting work hours, the better,” he said. “The more people that take advantage of those solutions, the more we can help the situation up on the highway.”

A second ‘bright future’ for I-91 in Springfield, to quote that old newspaper headline, may seem far away once traffic slows to a crawl. But, as Masse noted, the days of patching are over as a more permanent fix begins.

Joseph Bednar can be reached at  [email protected]

Court Dockets Departments

The following is a compilation of recent lawsuits involving area businesses and organizations. These are strictly allegations that have yet to be proven in a court of law. Readers are advised to contact the parties listed, or the court, for more information concerning the individual claims.


Horizons Engineering Inc. v. Chicopee Inn Inc., d/b/a Econo Lodge and Dinesh Patel
Allegation: Non-payment for services rendered: $16,350.50
Filed: 9/30/15


West County Equipment Rentals, LLC v. Sugarloaf Nurseries and David and Charlotte Smith
Allegation: Breach of agreement for rental agreement: $7,771.88
Filed: 10/5/15


Ciocca Construction Corp. v. Baystate Co. d/b/a Columbia Gas
Allegation: Negligence causing massive explosion, personal injury, and property damage: $590,000+
Filed: 10/7/15

Coyote Realty, LLC v. Total Wellness Center, d/b/a CleanSlate
Allegation: Breach of lease agreement: $220,000
Filed: 10/9/15

Earl and Stacy Lannon v. Kadant Black Clawson Inc.
Allegation: Product liability causing permanent personal injury: $286,743.16
Filed: 10/28/15

Kate Dunne, PPA Tara Dunne and Michael Dunne v. Baystate Ob-Gyn Inc., Debra J. Junnila, M.D. and Julie M. Bell, C.N.M.
Allegation: Medical malpractice: $1,100,000+
Filed: 10/5/15

New England Family Dentistry, P.C. v. Supreeth Veevanna and Children’s Dentistry of Chicopee, LLC
Allegation: Breach of contract: $60,000+
Filed: 10/14/15

Pablo Torres v. The Silverbrick Group and 15 Taylor, LLC
Allegation: Breach of lease agreement: $25,000+
Filed: 11/2/15



Brett Fongemie v. Champion Steel, LLC,  Mark E. Gervais, and Bruce B. Bouchard
Allegation: Non-payment of wages: $25,000
Filed: 9/22/15

Miriam Rivera v. Joe Dias d/b/a Care Improvement Inc.
Allegation: Breach of contract for home-improvement services: $10/13/15

Perkins Paper LLC v. Fiore’s Bakery, LLC
Allegation: Non-payment of goods sold and delivered: $8,986.25
Filed: 10/20/15

Daily News

BOSTON — The New England Information Office of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released regional data on employer costs for employee compensation (ECEC) for September. ECEC data are based on the National Compensation Survey, which measures employer costs for wages, salaries, and employee benefits. Among the highlights:

  • Total compensation costs among private-industry employers in New England averaged $37.64 per hour worked in September. Wages and salaries accounted for 70.5% of total compensation costs (or $26.54 per hour), while benefits accounted for 29.5% of costs (or $11.10 per hour).
  • Total benefit costs to employers within the New England division mainly comprised the following categories: insurance (including life, health, short- and long-term disability insurance), $2.99 per hour worked; legally required benefits (including Social Security and Medicare), $2.87 per hour; and paid leave (including vacation, holiday, sick, and personal leave), $2.73 per hour. Retirement and savings added another $1.48 per hour to the total benefits cost in New England.
  • In the U.S., compensation costs among private-industry employers averaged $31.53 per hour worked in September. Wages and salaries, at $21.98 per hour, accounted for 69.7% of these costs, while benefits, at $9.55, made up the remaining 30.3%.
Company Notebook Departments

STCC, United Way Open Financial Success Center

SPRINGFIELD — Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) opened Springfield’s first Thrive Financial Success Center on Dec. 3, with a ceremony in the President’s Conference Room in Garvey Hall. Thrive is a collaborative effort between United Way of Pioneer Valley and STCC to provide financial education and support services to students and community residents. It is supported by PeoplesBank, MassMutual, the Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation, the United Way of Pioneer Valley, and the STCC Foundation. “After the success of the Thrive Financial Success Centers at Holyoke Community College and in downtown Holyoke, we are thrilled to open a third Thrive Center at Springfield Technical Community College,” said United Way of Pioneer Valley President and CEO Dora Robinson. “At the United Way of Pioneer Valley, we believe basic financial literacy should be a key aspect of everyone’s education. No career goal or life’s ambition should be hindered because a person doesn’t know how to balance their checkbook or maintain a good credit rating.” Thrive @ STCC anticipates it will serve 400 individuals in its first year of operation. Program offerings include confidential benefits screening and enrollment, a money-skills class, individual financial coaching sessions, free income-tax prepatration through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, links to workforce-development and training workshops, and LifeBridge, MassMutual’s free life-insurance program. Thrive Centers currently operate in partnership with the United Way at Holyoke Community College and at the Picknelly Adult and Family Education Center in downtown Holyoke. “Building financial awareness and planning skills is essential to our students’ and our community’s economic prosperity,” said STCC President Ira Rubenzahl. “Many of our students are overburdened with outside financial struggles. Coupling career guidance with access to financial coaching will assist Thrive participants to make informed decisions that will make their lives easier, allow them to remain focused on their studies, and prepare them for future employment.”

Berkshire Bank Launches ‘Season of Giving’ Effort

PITTSFIELD — Berkshire Bank has launched its fourth annual “Season of Giving” campaign, which runs through the end of the holiday season. Through the campaign, bank employees will complete a variety of community-service projects throughout cities and towns that Berkshire Bank serves. Berkshire Bank employees are also inviting the public to join with them to support local children and families in need during this holiday season to further expand the collective impact. More than 200 Berkshire Bank employees will participate in the effort, with all of the service projects benefiting nonprofit organizations and families across Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, and Vermont. In addition to these local efforts, Berkshire Bank has teamed up with the American Red Cross to participate in their annual Mail for Heroes program, through which bank employees will send holiday cards to service men, women, and veterans who cannot be with their families during the holidays. In the Pioneer Valley, all Berkshire Bank branches and Berkshire Insurance Group offices have teamed up with the state Department of Children & Families to collect gifts for local families in need. Donations are being accepted at any Berkshire Bank location in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties. The public is invited to stop by their local office to see which items are needed from the ‘giving tree.’ Bank employees will also volunteer their time with a variety of local nonprofit organizations during the holiday season, including Wreathes Across America and the Salvation Army. Berkshire Bank Foundation, the charitable arm of Berkshire Bank, also plans to contribute grants to local nonprofit organizations.

WNEU Offers Free Small-business Legal Assistance

SPRINGFIELD — The Western New England University Small Business Legal Clinic is now accepting applications from entrepreneurs and small-business owners seeking legal assistance for the spring 2016 semester. Under faculty supervision, law students assist clients with legal issues including choice of entity, employment policies, contract drafting, regulatory compliance, and intellectual-property issues relating to trademark applications and copyright. This is a free service available to local businesses. The Small Business Clinic at Western New England School of Law has assisted more than 300 small businesses, and is a solid resource for entrepreneurs who lack the finances to retain an attorney. By using the clinic’s services, businesses can avoid problems by getting legal issues addressed early and correctly. It also provides students with an opportunity to gain real-world experience. The Small Business Legal Clinic asks small-business owners to submit their applications by Thursday, Dec. 31. Applications received after that date will be considered if additional resources are available. Students will begin providing services in mid-January. For more information, call the clinic at (413) 782-1469 or e-mail [email protected].

Departments Incorporations

The following business incorporations were recorded in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties and are the latest available. They are listed by community.


Sow Inc., 1185 Suffield St., Agawam, MA 01001. Andrew Osgood, same. Sale and installation of window treatments.

Wiktor Transport Inc., 195 Leonard St., Agawam, MA 01001. Vladimir Stebenkov, same. Trucking.


Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award Foundation Inc., 64 Carriage Lane, Amherst, MA 01002. Patricia Romney, same. Charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes to encourage excellence in teaching among Amherst elementary school educators or other school systems under operation of the same superintendent; annual award includes onetime stipend from Ann Ualaward will.

Woodside Daycare Center Inc., 155 Woodside Ave., Amherst, MA 01102. Catherine Epstein, 90 Spring St., Amherst, MA 01002. Charitable and educational purposes to provide day care, nursery, child care, and related educational services in the Greater Amherst area.


RT’s Welding, Fabrication & Auto Repair Inc., 120 Federal St., Bays 3 and 4, Belchertown, MA 01007. Randy Letourneau, 570 Amherst Road, Belchertown, MA 01007. Welding, fabrication, and auto repairs.


CJC Mobile Homes Inc., 246 Murphy Lane, Chicopee, MA 01020. Jennifer Picard, same. Purchase and sale of mobile homes.

Viktant Transport Inc., 36 Melvin St., Chicopee, MA 01013. Victor Antonov, same. Trucking.


Talbot Home Services Corp, 526 Parker St., East Longmeadow, MA 01028. Elizabeth Ann Talbot, same. Home Services and maintenance.


Van Buren Legacy Inc., 4 Knob Hill Road, Great Barrington, MA 01230. Dan Ruderman, same. Media company.


New 2 U Dog Rescue Inc., 22 Conway Dr., Greenfield, MA 01301. Dawn-Marie Conway, same. Provide shelter and rehabilitation and find adoptive homes for canines.


Edward Hopkins Educational Foundation Inc., 438 River Dr., Hadley, MA 01035. Kathleen Tudryn, same. Charitable and educational purposes for enriching the educational experiences of students in the Hadley, Massachusetts Public Schools.


Holyoke Deli and Butcher Inc., 502 Westfield Road, Holyoke, MA 01040. Matt Frazier, 63 Squawfield Road, Westfield, MA 01085. Delicatessen and butcher shop.

Virk’s International Inc., 8-10 Green St., Holyoke, MA 01060. Saadatza Virk MR., 1029 Elm St. Apt # 3B, West Springfield, MA 01089. Retail Convenience.


Royal Talens North America Inc., 30 Industrial Dr., Northampton, MA 01060. Roelof Buldo Benning, Sophlalaan 46, P.O. Box 7300AA, Apaldoorn, The Netherlands. Sale of artistic paint, brushes, canvasses, color pencils, and stationary.

Sew Rite Inc., 137D Damon Road, Northampton, MA 01060. Kichun Park, same. Alteration store.


Linden St. Gas Station Corp., 185 Linden St., Pittsfield, MA 01201. Jitendra Patel, 34 Green Place, Brockton, MA 02301. Gas station and convenience store.


Alfred Powell Construction Corporation, 11 Preston St., Springfield, MA 01109. Alfred Powell, same. Light construction.
JEPMAC Springfield MA Inc., 436 Parker Street, Springfield, MA 01129. Jean Pierre-Victor, 8232 S Christiana Ave., Chicago, IL 60652. Buffett restaurant, catering SVC.

Ministerio Vencedores Para Cristo Inc., 843 Beacon Circle, Springfield, MA 01119. Sylkia Rivera, same. Non-profit organization spreading the word of God in the area; feeding hungry and bring hope to needy.

Re-Anagen Inc., 76 Florida St., Springfield, MA 01109. Jerome Jason Whittington, same. Fund and pursue cure and reversal of hair loss through scientific research.

Smithfield Packaged Meat Sales Corp., 20 Carando Dr., Springfield, MA 01104. Sales.

Springfield Vietnamese Cultural Association Inc., 1 Lyndale St., Springfield, MA 01108. Anton Cai, same. Charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes to promote and raise funds for Vietnamese community cultural events; preserve history of Vietnamese population, language, music, and traditions.

Team Zolo Auto Club Inc., 116 Michon St., Springfield, MA 0115. Anthony Baez, 464 Dickinson St., Springfield, MA 01108. Uphold car show events to raise money for different non-profit organizations.

The Ecumenical Church, 32 Hampden St., Springfield, MA 01103. Reverend Timothy Paul, same. Charitable, religious, and religious-educational purposes.


Reliable Motion Inc., 27B Sycamore St., Westfield, MA 01085. Volodymyr Pylypiv, same. Transportation of motor vehicles.


Balise K2 Inc., 122 Doty Circle, West Springfield, MA 01089. James Balise Jr., same. Automobile sales and service.

Technocare Inc., 12 Royce CT Apt. E6, West Springfield, MA 01089. Hetal Vaidya, same. Computer services and web designing.

US1 Express Inc., 533 Main St., West Springfield, MA 01089. Dildar Usmanov, same. Trucking.


2ND2NoneBall Inc., 3 Sylvan Dr., Wilbraham, MA 01095. Anthony Bergeron, same. Basketball training, camps, clinics, programs.

Wilbraham Amisha Corporation, 461-465 Main St., Wilbraham, MA 01095. Sushilaben Patel, same. Convenience store.


American Land Partners Inc., 665 Simonds Road, Williamstown, MA 01267. Harry Patten, same. Manage real estate holdings of NLP Finance, LLC.


Circle the Date

BizDiffMakrsLOGO2011Kate Campiti says there are many enjoyable assignments that are part of BusinessWest’s Difference Makers program, which was launched in 2009.

However, she would not put the process of selecting a given year’s honorees in that category.

“That’s always the most difficult part of this,” she said. “There are always dozens of interesting, very compelling nominations,” said Campiti, the magazine’s associate publisher. “The groups and individuals are all making a difference in the community. We could practically choose any of those who were nominated.

“Our assignment, if you will, is to select nominees who can help us show the many, many ways in which a group or individual can make a difference within this community,” she went on, “while also allowing us to tell some very interesting, very inspiring stories.”

The members of the class of 2016, as chosen recently by the editors and publishers of the magazine, do just that, she added.

Without offering any specifics — the honorees will be profiled in the Jan. 25 edition of the magazine — Campiti said the stories, mostly well-known, but some less than others — are compelling and certainly add to the impressive list of groups of individuals honored since the first gala was staged at the Log Cabin in the spring of 2009.

“Previous honorees range from college presidents and chancellors to the directors of nonprofit agencies; from the founder of Rays of Hope to the brain trusts behind Link to Libraries; from those who help provide housing for those less fortunate to those who ride bicycles to raise funds for cancer research,” she said. “The stories are different, but there is a common thread — people devoting time, energy, and imagination to the challenge of bettering quality of life for people in this region.

“And this year’s class of honorees certainly honors that tradition,” she went on, adding that March 31 at the Log Cabin will be a night to remember.

Tickets for the event are $65 per person, with tables of 10 available, and can be purchased by calling (413) 781-8600, ext. 100. Sponsorship opportunities are also available.

Fast Facts

What: BusinessWest’s annual Difference Makers program
When: Profiles of the honorees will be published in the Jan. 25 edition; the annual gala is set for March 31
Where: The gala will be at the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House in Holyoke
For More Information: Call (413) 781-8600



Daily News

CHICOPEE — Phillips Insurance Agency Inc. announced that account executive Sam Fortsch has earned the prestigious accredited adviser in insurance (AAI) designation. This degree was earned after he successfully completed the Liberty Mutual Commercial Lines Producers School, an intensive, six-month training program that included multiple classes and nine exams.

Fortsch joined Phillips Insurance in July 2014 after four years of active-duty service in the U.S. Army. He left the Army as a captain after two tours of duty in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne. He holds a bachelor’s degree from UMass.

Fortsch has developed a strong expertise in the energy, automotive, technology, and craft-brewing industries in a short time, said Joseph Phillips, president of Phillips Insurance. “The same level of commitment that he brought to serving his country, he has brought to serving his clients.”

Fortsch is servicing existing clients and cultivating new business opportunities throughout New England.

Phillips Insurance Agency, established in 1953, is a full-service risk-management firm with a staff of 23 professionals. The agency handles the personal and commercial insurance needs for thousands of individuals and businesses throughout New England.

Sections Travel and Tourism

Plane Speaking

Janice Webb

Janice Webb says that the strong dollar, coupled with a desire among Baby Boomers to see the world, is the prevailing force when it comes to travel in 2016.

Janice Webb says three area couples put down their deposit for a trip to Paris for next April on the morning of Nov. 13, just hours before news of the terrorist attacks across the City of Light first broke on CNN.

Webb, owner of Emerald City Travel in Springfield, circled back with the group the next day to see if they had any questions or concerns — or intentions to change their travel plans.

They had some of the former, certainly, but none of the latter, she told BusinessWest, adding that the prevailing attitude was that, while the attacks that killed 130 people were alarming, they were not enough to prompt cancellation of a trip, which would continue with a river cruise to Amsterdam, that those involved have been looking forward to for most of their lives.

“They all e-mailed back and said, ‘let’s do this and hope for the best,’ and that appears to be the common sentiment,” said Webb, a 30-year industry veteran who noted that the various forms of turmoil in Europe are colliding head on with a potent package — a weak euro combined with a powerful desire among retiring Baby Boomers and others to get out and see the world, or at least the homes of their ancestors.

The latter is, by and large, the much stronger force at the moment.

“People want to travel, and they’re not going to let this stop them,” she said, using ‘this’ to describe the sum of the international and domestic turmoil. “They’re going to be more cautious, certainly, but they’re still going to travel.”

Paul O’Meara agreed. He’s the business development manager for the Globus family of travel brands, which includes Avalon Waterways, Cosmos, and Monograms. He told BusinessWest that, since 9/11, and even moreso in recent years, international travelers have adapted to what he called a “new norm.”

Roughly translated, this equates to expectations — for longer lines and tighter security at airports, armed soldiers at many popular tourist destinations in Europe, and, yes, possible incidents involving terrorism.

“People are more experienced now, they know what to expect, and they’re more aware of their safety and more aware of their surroundings,” he said, adding that such travelers would certainly take notice of the recent global travel alert issued by the U.S. State Department (in effect until February), but they would not be intimidated or frozen by it. “This is not 1985 or 1965; travelers are more sophisticated now, and they’ve adjusted to this new norm.”

As for the attacks in France’s capital city and their impact on travel there, he summed things up with a line he would utter more than a few times.

“Paris is Paris — there’s a reason why 30 million people go there every year,” he said, adding that his company books more visits to that city than any other except Rome. “We have about 500,000 people booked on various trips to Paris, and fewer than a dozen have cancelled.”

But an attitude of defiance when it comes to not letting terrorism get in the way of a long-planned, long-dreamed-about trip to Europe also extends to Berlin, London, Venice, Belgium (despite the fact that Brussels was locked down for several days last month), and, to a lesser extent, Istanbul, although some cruise lines and travel companies are changing some itineraries in Turkey.

“The knee-jerk reaction to what happened in Paris or in Brussels is that people aren’t going to travel there,” said O’Meara. “But that’s not what’s happening.”

For this issue and its focus on travel and tourism, BusinessWest looks at how recent events are spawning concern, but they’re not keeping travelers from reaching their destination — whatever that might be.

Cruise Control

As he talked about travel to Europe and why he doesn’t expect it to be seriously dented by the attacks in Paris and other terrorist actions in that part of the world, O’Meara started his explanation by detailing one of his company’s current offerings.

It’s a package known as ‘Italian Vista,’ and it features eight days with stops in cities like Rome, Florence, Milan, and Venice, and includes hotel stays, meals, and guided tours. The price this fall was an already-attractive $1,999, and for next year, it’s a jaw-dropping $1,449.

“That’s all due to the weak euro and the attractive exchange rates,” he told BusinessWest, adding that such sticker prices on trips across the continent help explain why bookings for 2016 are running roughly 13% ahead of the pace for last year, despite the attacks in Paris, the bomb that brought down a Russian airliner, the refugee crisis, and other forms of turmoil.

“This is the time to book, and people are doing it,” he said. “The prices are attractive, the dollar is strong … these are great opportunities, and people don’t want to miss out on them.”

the City of Light

The terrorist attacks in Paris were unnerving, but thus far, they do not appear to be a deterrent for those making plans to visit the City of Light.

That’s not to say that the terrorist attacks in Paris are not having an impact in that city or others. Indeed, the general manager of the Palace Hotel Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome and Park Hyatt’s vice president for France recently told The New York Times, “Naturally, occupancy is drastically decreasing in the wake of the attacks … we noticed a lot of cancellations right after the attacks for the following days and weeks, with the decrease more significant on bookings from the leisure traveler segment than the business one.”

But overall, O’Meara says travelers are simply pausing before traveling to Paris and other destinations, and the sentiment within the travel industry is that they won’t be pausing for long, unless there are more incidents.

Webb agreed. She said fall is the time when travel companies put out deals designed to fill cruise ships and hotels for the coming season, and thus far, travelers have not been shy about snapping them up.

“They offer these deals, which include airfare sales, percentage discounts, and past-passenger discounts, to get the product rolling,” she said, adding that these discounts are typical of what’s been offered the past several years. “And I’ve had a lot of people make reservations starting the first week in October; it’s been steady since, and it’s mostly European product.”

She said there are many factors at play when it comes to the ongoing surge in international travel — and travel in general. They include the strong dollar, which is now worth almost as much as a euro, when three years ago the rate was almost 1.4 dollars to the euro.

But there’s more to the equation. Bad winters, especially the one in 2015, have promoted many to conclude that, to endure such punishment, they need to break it up with a week or 10 days someplace warm, usually coinciding with February school vacation.

Adventure-packed destinations are still very much in vogue, which means Costa Rica is still hot, said Webb, adding quickly that many people young and old have already been there and done that, and now, most are just looking for a good deal and a good beach.

Then there are the aging Baby Boomers, many of them with disposable income, and others as well, who want to visit places they’ve heard about or the country their family calls home.

For many in this region, that means Italy or Ireland. “It seems like there’s lots of Irish and Italians in the Springfield area,” said Webb, who is booking lots of trips to both countries.

But there is still another factor in all this, she went on, noting that, overall, events like those that took place in Paris have only a temporary impact on travel — if other conditions are favorable, such as the economy — and usually not a deep impact.

An exception to that rule was 9/11, Webb added quickly, noting that the industry suffered greatly as business was frozen by uncertainty. But even then, there were groups and individuals who were undaunted and determined to seize opportunities.

“People were generally fearful at first,” she said of the days and weeks following 9/11. “But there’s one contingent of people who travel right away because they know the prices are going to be low, and they’re going to book the bargains. And then, a second contingent of people come right behind them, because they’re just tired of not doing what they want to do, and at that point, they perceive the risk to be worth taking to see what they want to see or live the way they want to live.”

Whether this pattern continues in the wake of this tumultuous fall remains to be seen, but all indications are that it will.

But while travelers will be undaunted, for the most part, they will also be more cautious, Webb predicted. She predicted that some may opt to travel with a group rather than visiting a city or region on their own, which is good for cruise-ship lines and tour operators.

Meanwhile, others may seek out destinations deemed to be safe, or at least safer.

“Sometimes a travel warning like this will push people to cruising,” Webb explained, “because if a port is deemed unsafe, the cruise line won’t go there; they’ll just substitute another port, and so people feel confident that, if the cruise lines go there, it’s a safe place to go.”

Not Tripped Up

Even within the confines of that ‘new norm’ O’Meara described, the terrorist attacks in Paris were certainly unsettling — for travelers and the travel industry.

Thus far, though, it appears that the package of attractive fares, a strong dollar, a desire among Boomers to see the world, and ‘Paris being Paris’ is creating opportunities well worth the sum of the risks involved.

Like those three local couples bound for Paris next spring, people are booking, and hoping for the best.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

Community Spotlight Features

Community Spotlight

David Nixon says Texas Roadhouse expects to open soon on Route 9

David Nixon says Texas Roadhouse expects to open soon on Route 9, one of several new businesses that went through with their plans even after a moratorium on new natural-gas hookups.

Officials in Hadley recently met with a developer to go over some technical zoning issues for a new retail establishment he hopes to build in town.

Town Administrator David Nixon said it’s one of many projects that are underway or on the drawing board, and a combination of factors make Hadley a great place for a business to grow and flourish.

“We have low property taxes, a stable single tax rate, affordable water and sewer utilities, appropriate zoning, and good access to transportation,” he told BusinessWest. “The town is in a strong financial position and has a AA+ rating from Standard & Poor’s, so as a package Hadley is an attractive place for businesses.”

However, last spring Berkshire Gas issued a moratorium on new or expanded service in Hampshire and Franklin counties due to a lack of pipeline capacity, which led town officials to become concerned that the decision would impact economic-development potential, not to mention a number of projects that had been started but were not complete.

Nixon said he took a proactive stance and voiced his concerns when he met with Berkshire Gas representatives as well as state Rep. John Scibak, chair of the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development, and state Sen. Stanley Rosenberg to talk about possible consequences of the moratorium.

“You don’t know what will happen when a major energy provider tells you, ‘sorry, there is no more,’” Nixon said, adding that the decision affects all towns in both counties. “But we have been very pleased that it hasn’t caused a slowdown in economic development in Hadley. Companies are continuing to build here; they are using propane instead of natural gas.”

Indeed, Bob Bolduc said the lack of the energy source did not hinder progress on a new, $6 million Super Pride station and 6,000-square-foot convenience store being built on Route 9 that can be seen immediately upon crossing the Calvin Coolidge Bridge into Hadley.

“Route 9 has a high traffic count, and the visibility of the site is excellent,” Bolduc said, explaining that Pride accumulated 4.5 acres of the choice property over a period of several years and nine structures, including the former Aqua Vitae restaurant and several houses being demolished to make way for the new facility that will occupy two acres.

“Although we were disappointed that we couldn’t have natural gas, a large propane tank will be satisfactory because it’s what we have in Southwick, Belchertown, and Palmer,” he noted.

Other commercial construction projects that have moved forward since the moratorium include a new, 7,163-square-foot Texas Roadhouse which is nearly finished; a 6,192-square-foot Advanced Auto Parts store; a new, 10,000-square-foot mall containing five storefronts that will be known as Mill Valley Commons, which is expected to open in February or March; and American River Nutrition, a manufacturing firm that makes vitamin E and is building a 24,192-square-foot plant on Venture Way, expected to open sometime in the near future.

“They had all planned to heat with natural gas, but switched to propane,” said Building Commissioner Tim Neyhart, explaining that piping designed for natural gas has been modified accordingly.

Development of East Street Commons, which consists of 32 new, affordable, and energy-efficient single-story homes for people 55 and older, was also affected by the moratorium. “They had to decide whether to continue building, and it drastically slowed down the project because the developer has to change every unit,” Neyhart said, adding that natural gas pipes do exist on East Street, and if the moratorium is lifted, people could tie into them in the future.

For this, the latest installment in its Community Spotlight series, BusinessWest looks at how neither the natural-gas moratorium nor anything else has failed to slow the pace of progress in this farming community turned retail mecca situated strategically between Northampton and Amherst.

What’s in Store?

Bolduc told BusinessWest that navigating the state permitting process for his project has taken took two years and cost $200,000, which is typical for a new gas station on a state highway because a bevy of environmental and traffic studies must be undertaken to ensure the facility won’t affect endangered plants, endangered species, or their natural habitats.

But it is finally complete, and although construction will not begin until spring, when it is complete, the new Pride complex will be among the largest in the region, with a drive-up window for coffee and a Subway restaurant with a seating area inside.

“We’ve applied for a license to sell beer and wine, which Pride does in five other stores,” Bolduc continued, adding that the company is working closely with the UMass Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High Risk Drinking. The organization’s efforts are highlighted on a billboard that went up in late October near the Calvin Coolidge Bridge that bears the group’s website and the message “Working Together to Prevent Underage and Dangerous Drinking.”

“It’s an impressive group, and they have a lot of good ideas about where to place alcohol in the store, as well as the signage for it, and the optimal hours of operation,” said Bolduc. “We will be their poster child; it’s a first for a business to roll up their sleeves and do proactive work based on their recommendations.”

The Pride complex is one of many initiatives underway or in the planning stages, said Nixon, adding that the town is taking a proactive stance to reduce energy costs and officials are supporting projects related to alternative energy.

They include a new solar farm on Mill River Road built by Nexamp that is expected to be operational by the end of the month. He said the town offered Nexamp the option of making payments in lieu of taxes over a period of 20 years, which will increase by about 2% annually.

“It helps everyone avoid a roller-coaster ride. If we collected taxes right away, we would get a lot of money up front before they started making much, but as their property and equipment depreciated, we would get a lot less,” Nixon explained, adding that another solar farm that was completed by Nexamp about two years ago subsidizes 70% of the town’s municipal power at a 21% discount and Nexamp has agreed to subsidize the remaining 30% at a 16% discount.

“The town spends $225,000 annually on electricity, so it will be a significant savings,” he noted.

In addition, Hampshire College plans to build a solar farm in Hadley to power its buildings, and town officials are working out a pilot agreement with the institution.

“We also partnered with the Hampshire Council of Governments and were able to get a three-year extension on a fixed rate for municipal electricity. So we are looking at a stable cost that will be discounted by the two solar farms, above and beyond any conservation measures we take,” Nixon continued.

In other news, the Municipal Building Committee is working to renovate old structures, and progress has been made on that front. Asbestos flooring in Town Hall was removed and replaced during the summer, and lighting in the building was improved.

Nixon said Town Hall operations were moved to the public-safety complex during the six weeks it took to complete the project.

“We used the temporary move as an exercise related to our emergency-management plan,” he noted. “Outside of a few technical issues, it went very smoothly, and the issues were documented so know what works, what doesn’t, and what changes we need to made for a real emergency.”

There are also plans to install new front doors on the facility and new roofs on the three buildings — the senior center, public-safety complex, and garage used by the Department of Public Works — which is all being paid for with local funding.

And although cutting costs, making improvements to municipal buildings, and fostering economic growth is important, Hadley has no plans to ignore its agricultural history. In fact, the town recently implemented a Farmland Preservation Agreement, and is working to transfer property-development rights to preserve farmland that is put up for sale.

“We’re in the process of buying 100 acres through a partnership with the state,” Nixon said, adding that this land will be protected from development. “Hadley leads the Commonwealth in open-space preservation; we have 3,000 acres of preserved land, not counting state forests, which speaks to food security and natural-habitat preservation. It’s important because farming is a lifeway and part of our heritage.”

Hadley has also done millions of dollars of infrastructure work over the past year. “We’ve been working on culverts, bridges, roads, and sewer and water lines. Two existing pumping stations were refurbished at a cost of $1.86 million, in addition to $182,000 spent on the design and engineering,” Nixon said. “And we’re working on a state-funded culvert project that will cost $900,000, and replacing water and sewer lines at a cost of $377,000 and $240,000.”

Moving Forward

Hadley is doing well in terms of economic growth, and the prospects for more in the year ahead look good.

“I’m seeing solid growth,” Nixon said. “There is still commercial land left to build on and places that can be rebuilt, which is what Pride is doing on the land near the bridge. About 21,000 vehicles travel along Route 9 every day, and businesses there provide employment as well as goods and services that people want and need: food, entertainment, gardening centers, movie theaters, dining facilities, a pet motel, and commodities that range from sporting goods to electronics. Overall, Hadley is an attractive place to do business.”

The town’s master plan is being updated, and surveys, focus groups, and public hearings have been held to get public input. “It should be completed in another year and will have a lot to say about housing, zoning, roads, population, and land preservation,” Nixon noted.

Which will all add up to change that officials believe will make Hadley an even more vibrant town in the years to come.


Hadley at a glance

Year Incorporated: 1661
Population: 5,013  (2011)
Area: 24.7 square miles
County: Hampden
Residential Tax Rate: $11.15
Commercial Tax Rate: $11.15
Median Household Income: $51,851 (2010)
Family Household Income: $61,897 (2010)
Type of government: Open Town Meeting, Board of Selectmen
Largest Employers: Super Stop & Shop; Evaluation Systems Group Pearson; Elaine Center at Hadley; Home Depot; Lowe’s Home Improvement
* Latest information available

Departments Picture This

Send photos with a caption and contact information to:  ‘Picture This’ c/o BusinessWest Magazine, 1441 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103 or to [email protected]

40 Under Forty Reunion

Springfield Country Club hosted the most recent 40 Under Forty reunion on Dec. 2, as honorees from the past nine years came out to mingle, network, and enjoy the season.

Amanda Huston

Left to right: Amanda Huston (class of 2010) and Sean Wandrei (’10).

Jeremy Casey

Left to right: Jeremy Casey (’13), Michelle Desmarais, and Gregg Desmarais (’15).

Kristi Reale

Left to right: Kristi Reale (’09), Alfonso Santaniello (’14), and Bill Trudeau (’08).

Jeremy Leap

Left to right: Jeremy Leap (’13), Samalid Hogan (’13), Michael Gove (’07), and BusinessWest Editor George O’Brien.

Jeff Fialky

Left to right: Jeff Fialky (’08), Liz Rappaport (’14), and Sarah Tsitso (’07).

Date with Destiny


Continuing a tradition of celebrating local talent in its marketing and community-outreach efforts, Florence Bank invited the public to meet renowned artist/photographer Ellen Augarten at a reception on Dec. 4 at the bank’s main branch in Florence. Augarten is a Northampton photographer and artist whose career spans more than three decades and whose body of work includes children and family portraits, and compelling Pioneer Valley images shown through the prism of double-exposure photography to add a dramatic look to each scene. Her work appears throughout each month in the bank’s 2016 calendars, which will be available shortly at each of the Florence Bank branches.

Another Exciting Chapter

Link to Libraries

The Link to Libraries Business Book Link program has a new sponsor at the Coburn School in West Springfield. Steve Mitus, executive vice president and chief financial officer at Balise Auto Group, and his wife, Moira, are sponsoring and reading to grade 4 students. Link to Libraries donates books to more than 400 sites in Western Mass. and Connecticut each year. More than 79,000 new books were distributed this fiscal year. For more information, visit www.linktolibraries.org.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame announced the broadcast schedule for the 2016 Spalding Hoophall Classic, an annual basketball showcase now in its 15th year.

Games will be played at Blake Arena on the campus of Springfield College Thursday, Jan. 14 through Monday, Jan. 18. The nation’s premier high-school basketball event will once again showcase the top basketball teams from across the country, with local teams taking the court on Thursday and Friday.

The Cube will live-stream local games on Thursday and Friday, as well as select games throughout the weekend. The headlining matchups will be televised live by ESPN on Saturday and ESPNU on Monday. Live stats will be available for all games via GameChanger. A full game schedule can be found at www.thehoophallclassic.com.

“For the past 15 years, we have been fortunate to host the top high-school teams in the nation at the birthplace of basketball, Springfield College,” said John Doleva, president and CEO of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. “We expect this year’s field to be especially competitive, and we thank our media partners for allowing us to share this exciting event with fans outside of Springfield.”


Questions and Answers


design for MGM Springfield

These two renderings, one from 2013 (top) and the other from this fall (bottom), show the dramatic change in design for MGM Springfield, which has been a source of recent controversy.

It’s been an interesting, and in many ways frustrating, year for MGM and its project in Springfield’s South End. Ground was broken in March, but soon after, a decision was made to move the scheduled opening back, from 2017 to 2018, to coincide with conclusion of the I-91 viaduct project. Later, amid announced changes to the design, including the scrapping of the planned hotel tower and a reduction in the overall size of the footprint, there were questions about the company’s commitment to the Springfield project — and hastily called press conferences to confirm that commitment. Mike Mathis, president of MGM Springfield, admits that the company made some mistakes over the past several months, but he also admits that he was surprised by, and in some ways unnerved by, a perceived lack of trust in the company to keep its word and build a first-class facility in Springfield. He believes those doubts are now in the past, and in this wide-ranging Q&A, he explains why, and also why he believes 2016 will be a year of movement and much-needed momentum.

BusinessWest: Back in March, MGM staged an elaborate groundbreaking ceremony in the South End. There were several hundred people there, lots of excitement, and great anticipation that this project was going to start changing the landscape. That hasn’t happened, obviously. Can you talk about what appears to be a false start, why the South End looks the same as it did nine months ago, and why the timetable has been pushed back to late 2018?

Mathis: “We certainly expected that the groundbreaking in the spring would roll into demolition of the Zenetti School, which was the backdrop for the groundbreaking, and then new construction. But shortly thereafter, we started to hear rumblings about the viaduct project and the new timelines related to that. We heard the rumblings that it would be delayed past our late September [2017] opening, to the tune of 12 months or so.

“As a result of that, we started thinking about our own schedule over the spring and summer of 2015. There’s an inner relationship between the viaduct project and our project; I have to be careful with percentages, but about 90% of our arrivals will come off 91, so the viaduct is a crucial part of our business plan. When we realized that project would be delayed past our opening, we spent a good deal of the spring and summer trying to understand the new schedule, the performance history of the contractor, and the nature of MassDOT’s history on delivering on projects.

“And, no matter how good you felt about their ability to do it, we wanted to build in a little bit of conservatism. For a very long time, the project showed a late-2017 completion, and in many ways that made us nervous because there wasn’t much opportunity for slippage … we heard that there might be a new timeline associated with letting that contract out by the state, and we just reacted to it.”

BusinessWest: As it turned out, that change in your schedule was just the beginning when it came to emerging doubt about MGM’s commitment to Springfield and this project, which culminated in several press conferences and project updates this fall, where you and others with the company reaffirmed that commitment. Can you talk about what transpired and why?

Mike Mathis

Mike Mathis says he believes MGM has put concerns about the company’s commitment to Springfield and the South End project in the past.

Mathis: “I’m not sure how it happened, frankly. It was a combination of factors, and I think it was a perfect storm of events in terms of what was perceived as bad news upon bad news. And there may have been a little too much radio silence from us.

“I personally made the decision, and it was supported by the local team, that it’s a mistake to continually deny something that has no rationale in it. So we went quiet when people were saying ‘this is a signal’ and started talking about MGM’s lack of commitment. That void allowed some of the naysayers to get out there and talk about how this was the first shoe to drop, whether it be the schedule extension or the proposed design changes.

“When you really talk to a lot of people who were concerned, it was less about those specific items or the substance of those specific items; it was concern that it was the beginning of something else.”

BusinessWest: What has been the basic strategy when it comes to quelling these concerns, with both the public and elected officials?

Mathis: “Just getting information out to people, information that we believe shows that we are committed to Springfield.

“It didn’t help that some of this news dropped during the last six weeks of a municipal election cycle, because I think everyone’s looking for their issue to rally around, and for whatever reason, painting MGM as the bad guys that were going to be held to their promises was something that certain elected officials thought was a rallying call for their constituents. I didn’t understand it, I still don’t understand it, but I like to think we’re past it.”

BusinessWest: Certainly part of that perfect storm you described was the decision to scrap the hotel tower in favor of a six-story facility. Can you talk about that decision and why you think it became such a lightning rod for criticism and doubt?

Mathis: “Personally, I knew the tower was significant visually, because we touted it in a lot of our materials. So I expected to have a dialogue about it, I expected people to ask questions, and we were prepared to answer those questions. Early on, we had the support of the mayor, and his architectural consultant called the change brilliant, said it energized Main Street, and was more consistent with what we were doing with the rest of the project.

“We knew people would feel strongly about the tower, and some people would feel strongly in favor of what we were doing. But I think we were expecting a little more deference as the world-class developer to the changes we proposed. What surprised me and what surprised the team was the lack of trust that some of the public had in our expertise in this area.”

BusinessWest: Does the lack of a tower put MGM Springfield at any kind of competitive disadvantage, in your opinion?

Mathis: “We really don’t believe the tower is a competitive factor. Part of this road show I’ve been on explaining all these changes is explaining to people that the tower is the least compelling part of our project. And some of the comments we got during the evaluation process, by both the city and the state, back that up; the tower was actually called out, and analysts said it was the least attractive part of the project in terms of what we’re trying to do downtown.

“One of the things I’ve been saying to people is that ‘you can’t see the tower from Hartford.’ The power of our project is the MGM brand, the marketing, the outreach, the programming you put at the MassMutual Center in terms of entertainment. In multiple-jurisdiction markets, you have the competition of the neon across the street; it’s the ‘hey, look at me’ factor. So you need something very visual.

“Foxwoods has a tower, Mohegan has a tower, but a tower doesn’t distinguish the project. If anything, the low-rise we’re proposing is a cooler feature; being on Main Street is a more unique experience.”

six-story facility

Mike Mathis says MGM does not believe that scrapping the hotel tower for a six-story facility will present a competitive disadvantage.

BusinessWest: Let’s talk for a moment about this project and doing business in Massachusetts and Springfield, a state and a city that are new to the casino industry and therefore new to the process of building a casino. What has that been like, and how it is different from — and more challenging than — building in Las Vegas, for example, and how has this played a role in the public-relations troubles and trust issues that emerged over the summer and fall?

Mathis: “What’s unique about Massachusetts and the Springfield project is that we’re doing it under so much public scrutiny. So much of it is in different venues, be it the city or the Gaming Commission. And we knew coming into this opportunity that this was a privileged license, and as a result, the public feels, and rightfully so, that they have an ownership stake in the project.

“I can’t think of anything in the MGM portfolio where we’ve come into a process like this; in Las Vegas or Macau, and in multiple-license jurisdictions in general, they tend to be more pro-development, and it’s development as a right, as I describe it. And because of that, we joke around in the office these days to never take for granted the days when we could go down to Clark County, which is the jurisdictional body in Las Vegas, and pull a permit; you pull a permit, and three years later we see you at the grand opening. That’s oversimplifying it, because they do have some control over some of the program and design, but generally it’s development as a right.”

BusinessWest: So has this been a learning process in some respects?

Mathis: “It has been. For MGM, this has been a pretty unique, sort of sole-license jurisdiction bid, and I don’t think we were quite ready for the kind of scrutiny that came with this.

“But in fairness to the public and some of the folks we’ve been dealing with through this process, much of this has been self-inflicted by MGM because we made some significant changes in the design, and but for those changes, I think we’d be well on our way — not from a scheduling standpoint, because that was outside of our control, from our view, but from a design and momentum standpoint, we feel we’d be in a different position if we didn’t need to make some of the changes we proposed.

“But this isn’t unique. We make some of those kinds of changes with our other projects all the time, and you wouldn’t notice, much less feel it from the public like we have. Things are exponentially simpler in Las Vegas and some of the other jurisdictions we’ve worked in because there’s already an established procedure for these kinds of projects. They care about parking, and they care about certain architectural elements — how far is the building set back, what are the heights, some really objective criteria. And once you check those boxes, you’re generally good to go.”

BusinessWest: How close is MGM to being good to go with its Springfield project? Do you believe you’ve put doubts about the company’s commitment to Springfield and this project behind you?

Mathis: “The quick answer is ‘yes.’ If we hadn’t earned trust back in 2012, 2013, or 2014, I think we earned it with this last round of discussions. What I’m hoping is that, if or when there’s an issue, next time we get a little more of a benefit of the doubt from the public.

“I hope there’s a sentiment that we’re not leaving town, we’ve made a substantial commitment, and every day that goes by, our commitment grows. And I hope that elected officials give us the time to work through an issue, knowing that we have the best interests of the city in mind.”

BusinessWest: Certainly the doubts about MGM’s commitment to Springfield have been fueled by the rumors that Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun, with the support of the state, will be building another Connecticut casino close to the border with Massachusetts. If that third casino becomes reality, how does that impact your plans for MGM Springfield?

Mathis: “If that competition comes, and it comes across the state line — which is not the best thing for Connecticut or Massachusetts, because there are other opportunities in Connecticut that aren’t in our backyard that would be better for MGM but also better for Connecticut — it won’t impact our project other than to potentially increase the investment we’re going to make.

“That’s because we’re going to have to be that much more attractive a destination. From what I’ve understand, what they’re talking about in Connecticut is a slots facility, $300 million or so, which represents about a third of what we’re investing here. It’s tailored to the convenience gambler, and on the edges that will hurt our business, but what I think will be really important in my mind, as leader of this venture, is that it will simply raise the bar for what we have to do in Springfield and make it that much more worth it to go the extra 20 minutes to get to our facility.”

BusinessWest: Looking back over the past nine months or so, what could, and what should, MGM have done differently?

Mathis: “That whole process of going from where we had a large amount of support from the public to having things devolve into putting out fire after fire is one of those situations where the more you refute something, the more you legitimize it, and that’s something we tried to avoid early on when some of the naysayers came out and questioned our commitment. I don’t know if there’s ever a right way to handle something like that because it’s not completely rational.

“We’ve done what feels like a postmortem on the past six months, trying to think about how, if we had to deal with some of these same issues again, we might do things differently, we might handle them differently. I think part of the challenge we’re always going to have is being transparent with the public in sort of real time. And that doesn’t lend itself to perfect or full information.

“We’re always going to err on communicating a problem and then finding the solution. Maybe we could have done a better job of letting people know that ‘this is the problem, and we’re working on a solution.’”

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

Law Sections

The Ultimate Role Reversal


Hyman G. Darling

Hyman G. Darling

One of the most challenging aspects of aging can be the role reversal that often occurs as aging parents need care from their adult children.

This dynamic can be very unsettling for all involved; it is difficult for some parents to admit they need help, and then to accept that help, and it is difficult for some children to provide the care and support an elderly parent may require. Where possible, it is always best to address these situations as a family group, and as far in advance as possible.

If you see a situation arising in which your parent will need care, you should begin planning to assess their needs and wants. If a parent has multiple children, this planning should include them all. Sadly, siblings often perceive each other as taking advantage of parents for financial gain. Even more sadly, some children do indeed take financial advantage of elders. A family group working together can benefit both parents and children, with the hope that the joys and hardships of caring for parents will be shared between siblings.

Seeking Help

It is often a good idea to enlist the services of a geriatric care manager. These professionals generally possess a wealth of information about available services and programs, and can provide support to elders and children alike. A care manager can also assist with admission to an assisted-living or nursing facility, if and when that becomes necessary. They will have ideas and strategies to share about every aspect of elder care, from financial considerations to mental health resources; from medication management to respite for caregivers.

The plan must focus on parents’ needs. These will almost always include transportation, medical care, dietary needs, hygiene, assistance with finances or record keeping, and household duties. The plan should also include possible avenues to recognize and adapt to parents’ changing needs, because medical issues may increase, and additional services may become required. Some ideas or services that families find helpful include adult day-care facilities, permanent or temporary institutionalization, or perhaps even moving parents between siblings.

The needs of parents, however, are not the only consideration. Children caring for aging parents may become depressed or overwhelmed, so any well-thought-out care plan must also include support for caregivers.

These caregivers often need counseling, particularly those caring for a parent with dementia, which comes with its own unique set of demands and challenges. There are many counselors and support groups that can help caregivers realize they are not alone, help to deal with ongoing or changing issues at home, and preserve their own mental and physical health. Additionally, paid home care may be a good supplement to care from family members, when the primary caregivers need respite.

Financial Matters

Financial planning is also a crucially important part of the considerations. Often, caregiver children may need to use the Family Medical Leave Act to take a leave of absence from employment. Some may even stop working in order to stay home and provide care for the aging parent. The family may wish to meet with an attorney and draw up a written agreement where parents will financially compensate children for care. These ‘parental-care agreements’ can be an important tool to use when an elder is staying at home.

Finally, be ready to recognize that in-home care from children may not be possible or appropriate for every family. In some cases, it is simply not possible to avoid a nursing home. This may be due to financial considerations, extensive care needs that a child cannot provide, or some combination thereof. Institutionalization in a nursing home is generally quite expensive, and can cost upwards of $10,000 per month in some cases.

It is heartbreaking to realize that a lifetime of savings may be wiped out by long-term-care expenses. There are, however, strategies that families may use to cope with the expense.

Faced with a health crisis and the possibility of nursing-home care, many families are tempted to transfer money from parents to children as soon as illness strikes. Such a transfer is not an effective way of securing family assets. In many cases, any transfer of funds from the elder will commence a five-year waiting period for federal and/or state long-term-care benefits. With very rare exceptions, this five-year waiting period applies to all elders who have made a transfer, regardless of the value of the gift or the intention behind it.

Long-term-care insurance is becoming more and more appealing as a means to protect assets in the event of institutionalization. Generally, this insurance may be used to cover or defer the cost of a nursing-home, or even to pay for in-home care. Some insurance companies may even combine life insurance, annuity, and long-term-care benefits within a single policy.

Those considering purchasing a long-term-care insurance policy should consider all the risks and benefits. Those will be determined by income, ability to pay premiums, and the value of other assets that the family wishes to preserve. The need for long-term-care insurance has become so prevalent that it should likely be considered a ‘required’ policy, similar to life, homeowner’s, and disability insurance. It is very important to have a trusted agent review elders’ financial situation carefully to ensure the proper amount of insurance coverage is purchased. A policy with at least five years of coverage may make it possible for elders to gift away some assets upon entering a nursing home.

Their care would then be covered by the insurance policy for the next five years, and upon termination of that insurance coverage, the elders will then potentially qualify for Medicaid. This type of planning must be done very carefully, preferably with the advice of a trusted elder-law attorney possessing specific knowledge and experience.

Plan Ahead

If you foresee a situation arising in which your parent will need your care, begin planning as soon as possible to assess the needs of all parties, hopefully before a crisis demands immediate action. This will bring peace of mind to you and your parents, and will assure the best possible chance of successful planning, health, and happiness for parents and children alike.

Attorney Hyman Darling is chair of Bacon Wilson’s Estate Planning and Elder Law departments. His areas of expertise include all areas of estate planning, probate, and elder law. He is a frequent lecturer on various estate-planning and elder-law topics at the local and national levels; (413) 781-0560; [email protected]

Construction Sections

Driving Force

The new Balise Hyundai in Springfield.

The new Balise Hyundai in Springfield.

Contractors who have made inroads in auto-dealership construction are finding these to be good times indeed, as area dealers, from solo stores to large chains, engage in what can only be described as a building boom. The reasons are myriad, from an improving economy to demands from car makers that showrooms have a consistent look, to changes in the way cars are purchased and serviced today, and how 21st-century dealership design reflects those shifts.

If there’s one driving force behind all the auto-dealership construction and expansion over the past few years, Bill Peffer noted, it is, quite simply, a growing economy.

“The reason you’re seeing dealerships around the country refurbish is because the economy is really good, and a good economy drives good sales of new cars, trucks, and SUVs,” said Peffer, president and chief operating officer of the multi-state Balise Auto Group, which boasts several dealerships, focusing on different brands, in the Greater Springfield region. “More dealerships mean more points to sell the products — although dealers are finding the competition is pretty strong as well.”

Balise has been renovating and expanding in the area, most recently with a new Hyundai dealership on Columbus Avenue in Springfield, but with several new facilities over the past decade. Meanwhile, the Lia Auto Group has built and renovated new stores across the Pioneer Valley, as have TommyCar Auto Group in Hampshire and Franklin counties, Sarat Ford Lincoln in Agawam, Marcotte Ford in Holyoke, and Fathers & Sons in West Springfield, just to name a few.

“Part of it is the growth of the industry,” added Eric Forish, president of Forish Construction in Westfield, one of the region’s leading builders of auto dealerships, a tradition that started with his father in the 1940s. “Most dealers in our area have multiple locations, multiple brands, multiple facilities. That’s the nature of how they operate in their industry. And the volume of activity at each location often requires growth in the size of the facility.”

Indeed, according to MiBiz, a Michigan-based business website, the facility, training, and technology expenses required to run a modern dealership favor larger dealer groups that can share back-office resources and spread out narrow margins over higher sales volumes.

Balise — which contracts with South Hadley-based Associated Builders on its Western Mass. construction and renovation — is certainly one of those large players. But more dealerships also means more challenges to stay on top of current trends.

Click HERE to download a chart of the region’s general contractors

“They want to have more inventory, so parking areas get larger,” Forish said. “They want to be green-friendly, so they update their lighting fixtures in the parking lots; LED fixtures return tremendous savings from conserving energy. Then there’s the energy efficiency of the buildings themselves. There are a multitude of ways dealers try to stay current. Their products are new, and they want their facilities to be new facilities.

“Even on the service side,” he went on, “the technicians’ tools are way beyond anything they used to have. In the repair area, it’s all computerized. Their equipment is state of the art. Even the lifts themselves are very much different than the lifts of years ago. The whole operation is much more modern. Many types of businesses have to keep up with technology, and it’s no different in auto dealerships.”

But while area dealers focus on drawing in new business, manufacturers have their own ideas about what constitutes an ideal showroom and service center — and those changes are also helping to drive the current building boom.

Consistent Look

The trend among car makers is to standardize, to some degree, the look and feel of showrooms that sell their brands, and they are in some cases providing incentives — and in others, simply issuing mandates — to renovate and modernize their showrooms.

“Most brands in the U.S. are well-established brands, with few new players over the past 25 or 30 years,” Peffer said. “As those brands mature, they develop touch points unique to the brand to differentiate from the next brand.”

These mandates can encompass everything from the exterior façade to the colors of the interior walls to the furniture where customers wait for service.

“What’s driving the process now is that manufacturers are requiring their dealers to upgrade to a new image,” Forish said. “These design programs are similar to chain restaurants, where you have to have a consistent national image. Car dealerships need to do the same in terms of exterior exposure and interior finishes.”

Forish should know, having tackled dozens of projects for auto dealers — most recently multiple projects for Curry in Chicopee, Sarat in Agawam, and the New York-based Lia Auto Group. “We’ve done probably a dozen facilities for them,” he said of Lia. “We must be doing something right because they keep bringing us back.”

Other dealers have tapped Forish’s niche experience as well, from Marcotte Ford, which chose the company to build its new truck center in Holyoke, the only one of its kind in the region, to facilities for Steve Lewis Subaru in Hadley and Cernak Buick in Easthampton. “The names go on and on. We certainly have deep roots with the auto dealerships.”

Marcotte Ford

Marcotte Ford’s new commercial truck center in Holyoke.

As a partner with many different manufacturers, Peffer said, Balise is well aware of the demands they’re placing on dealers. For instance, the chain’s new Hyundai dealership on Columbus Avenue in Springfield boasts a six-bay express service element for customers who want to get in and out quickly, a separate cash-wash facility, and a ready-credit used-car space, all in separate buildings on the same grounds.

“That illustrates the Hyundai global brand identity,” he told BusinessWest. “This is the direction you’ll see Hyundai dealerships around the country move to.”

Meanwhile, Fathers & Sons is currently building a dedicated showroom in West Springfield for Audi because that maker, like others, wants dealers to move away from the old ‘auto mall’ facility that sells many different nameplates under one roof, to reduce the chance of a customer driving away with another maker’s product. Audi has also provided direction on the new facility’s design, what it calls a ‘terminal’ concept with an aesthetic dominated by glass and metal.

Although car makers are increasingly asking for specific design elements, Peffer said, dealer groups can bring consistency as well. “Balise Toyota, Honda, and Ford all have a well-lit, spacious, drive-up service lane where you’re met by the assistant service manager.”

These areas are typically marked with signage explaining the pricing for a range of basic services, another attempt to be transparent with customers who have likely already done their homework on the Internet.

“The nature of doing business as an auto dealer has changed, as well as the type of service they offer and the nature of customer-service relationships,” Forish added. “If you’ve taken your vehicle in for service at a newer dealership recently, you realize that, at most of these places, you drive into a building and are greeted by the service writer that reviews the scope of repairs or maintenance you’re going to receive. Then you go relax in these wonderful customer lounges, which have high-definition TV, wireless access for your devices, and play areas for the kids.

“It’s all about the experience for the customer,” he went on. “And the dealerships — especially if they have some age to them — need to get to these current standards to be part of a brand.”

Shifting Tides

As manufacturers ramp up mandates for standardization in their showrooms, MiBiz notes, some dealer groups have resisted the change. A 2013 study by auto-industry consultant Glen Mercer found that, while expansion of showrooms and service departments can pay off on the bottom line, other modernization efforts bring little return on investment.

Still, customers appreciate changes aimed at improving their experience, Peffer said.

“More and more people start shopping for prices online, and by the time they get to the dealership to make the purchase, they’re there to buy, as opposed to just kicking the tires,” he told BusinessWest. “They get all their information online, and by the time they hit the showroom floor, they’re looking for a good experience.

“That’s what differentiates a dealer from another dealer,” he went on. “And the facility makes the experience. How convenient is it? How inviting is it? Is there ample parking? Is there a delivery area for new cars? The footprint for dealerships has really changed to amplify the experience. They’re not just big boxes with a bunch of inventory.”

In short, he said, the modern dealership reflects what customers want, and the list is a simple one. “They want greater transparency with the advent of the Internet. And you have to provide convenience and a logical flow to how their car is serviced.”

On those points and others, too many dealerships built decades ago simply fall short. That, in turn, should continue to provide plenty of opportunity for contractors looking for a hot niche to drive new business.

Joseph Bednar can be reached at  [email protected]

Daily News

CHICOPEE — The Elms College School of Nursing, in collaboration with the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Sunday Sandwich Ministry, is holding a memorial service and dinner to honor homeless people who passed away in 2015 in Chicopee.

The event takes place Friday, Dec. 18 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen & Pantry, 170 Pendexter Ave., Chicopee. The memorial program, which precedes the 5 p.m. dinner, will be held outside, so attendees should dress accordingly. The public is invited to join in remembrance. Food pantry donations of non-perishable food items or money may be made at the event.

For 25 years, on or near the first day of winter and the longest night of the year, the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) has advocated this national day of memory to bring attention to the tragedy of homelessness and to remember friends who have lost their lives to homelessness.

The Basilica of St. Stanislaus Sandwich Ministry distributes food and clothing to people who are homeless or facing financial challenges in Chicopee center each Sunday.

Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen & Pantry is a nonprofit organization serving the hungry and disadvantaged in the Greater Chicopee community. Lorraine’s serves an average of 100 meals each evening and approximately 500 families a month through the pantry.

Elms College School of Nursing operates the caRe vaN, providing free healthcare to the homeless and underserved of Chicopee and Holyoke.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — On Dec. 7, the Western New England University Colleges of Business and Engineering held the first student Product Innovations Showcase event in Rivers Memorial Hall.

It was the culmination of a co-curricular course established several years ago and funded in part by a grant from the VentureWell. Entrepreneurial teams of engineering and marketing students collaborate to turn ideas into marketable products that occasionally receive patents. The engineers develop a limited functionality prototype, and the business students develop a business plan.

The first Showcase event featured 17 product innovations from the co-curricular course and six products from a freshman engineering class. Visitors to the event were given play money and asked to invest it in the products they thought had the best chance of being commercialized.

The top investments went to the following products: Lectroblocks, a configurable power-strip system to meet a variety of electronic needs; SureHome, a secure outdoor-storage lockbox for home deliveries by carriers; Trojet, an innovative new endoscopic surgical tool; and the Smartseat, a revolutionary self-cleaning toilet-seat attachment. The number-one freshman project was Frore Case, a unique cooling cover for high-use mobile phones that overheat.

The keynote speaker for the Showcase was Kenneth Morse, chairman and CEO of Entrepreneurship Ventures Inc. A serial entrepreneur and angel investor, he co-founded six tech startups, including 3Com, with MIT friends and classmates, all of which went global. He also served as the founding managing director of the MIT Entrepreneurship Center. Stanley Kowalski III, CEO of FloDesign Sonics, helped facilitate the Showcase program.

The faculty members teaching the entrepreneurship and innovation courses include Assistant Professor of Marketing Mary Schoonmaker, Associate Professors of Mechanical Engineering Glenn Vallee and Richard Mindek, and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Robert Gettens.

Daily News

LONGMEADOW — In keeping with Bay Path University tradition, an area nonprofit organization has been selected to receive donations from the Bay Path community in celebration of the holiday season. This year, Baystate Children’s Hospital will be the recipient charity of contributions from the university.

Baystate Children’s Hospital, located at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, remains the only accredited children’s hospital in the region and delivers a high level of care to infants, children, and adolescents. The hospital is equipped with 110 beds, including 57 bassinettes, and provides more than 50 inpatient and outpatient services.

Donations from Bay Path faculty and staff will include much-needed items such as toys, games, strollers, and books, among other essentials, and will be collected for the hospital today during the university’s annual employee holiday party. Bay Path employees will be honored for their years of service to the university during the party as well.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — On Dec. 21, 1891, a physical-education instructor named James Naismith introduced a new game to a class of young men in an otherwise unremarkable gymnasium at the YMCA International Training School in Springfield.

The objective of this game seemed simple: throw a round ball into a round basket tacked to a balcony 10 feet above the floor. The pace of the game was slow and its origins humble, but the new pastime spread quickly, and by 1894, basketball was being played in France, China, India, and more than a dozen other countries.

On Dec. 21, 2016, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and the basketball community will celebrate 125 years of basketball, and will precede that date with a year of special activities and events.

“The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame is proud to promote and preserve the game we love,” said John Doleva, president and CEO of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. “The game has reached far more people than Dr. Naismith could have ever imagined, and we look forward to commemorating his legacy and the great game of basketball during this momentous anniversary.”

Beginning in 2016, the Hall of Fame will recognize the 125 best basketball venues, ranging from high-school gymnasiums to NBA arenas. Beginning this spring, the official Basketball Hall of Fame Twitter account (@hoophall) will host a number of basketball-themed countdowns, such as the top 125 basketball shoes of all time and the top 125 moments in the history of basketball. Fans are encouraged to use the hashtag #naismithday to share their special basketball moments and memories.

Aug. 19, 125 days before the 125th anniversary, will serve as the official countdown date for the 125th-anniversary auction on www.hoophall.com. Basketball fans will have the opportunity to bid on 125 collectibles of the game, including autographed enshrinement memorabilia from the Hall of Fame’s private collection.

The festivities will culminate with a one-day event on Dec. 21, 2016. Additional special events may be unveiled throughout 2016.

Daily News

AMHERST — Clinical & Support Options Inc. (CSO) honored eight employees for their outstanding commitment to the community at its annual staff appreciation and holiday event on Dec. 4. These awards are presented annually to recognize the exemplary contributions made by employees in the course of their work. More than 325 guests attended this lively event, which was held at the UMass Student Union Ballroom.

The Exemplary Administrative Support Award, which honors an administrative support employee whose work has been notable for its excellence, went to Marceina Purdy, back-end billing specialist in Northampton.

The Outstanding Leadership Award, which recognizes outstanding leadership, vision, and initiative in support of the agency’s mission and objectives, went to Sara Stodulski, Springfield outpatient supervisor.

The Exemplary Direct Service Award, honoring an employee whose direct-care work has been notable for its excellence, went to Ben Tozloski, Greenfield outpatient clinician.

Chris Jones, Athol crisis clinician, was recognized with the Morale/Spirit Award, which honors the employee who, in the course of their work, has done the most in contributing to the agency’s employee morale.

Nicole Lemire, Greenfield family-support worker, was recognized for Outstanding Commitment to Recovery. This award recognizes a person who promotes and integrates the principles of recovery and a trauma-informed approach by actively modeling such principles in his or her work.

The award for Community Service Leadership went to Ariane Krumholz, director of Quality Improvement. This award honors a staff member who has provided exceptional personal dedication and a commitment to excellence in bringing communities together at the grass-roots level to assure that the agency meets the needs of those it serves.

The Exemplary Team Award, which recognizes a program, department, or committee that has functioned as an exemplary team, whether formally or informally designated, went to the team at the Bridge Family Resource Center in Amherst.

Finally, CSO honored Rich Nadolski, director of Clubhouse services, for his 30 years of service at CSO.

“Our employees work tirelessly every day supporting our clients and making our communities healthier,” said President and CEO Karin Jeffers said. “I am honored to be a part of this team and recognize these employees for their dedication and excellence.”

Daily News

EAST LONGMEADOW — Robert Charles Photography recently announced a goal to raise $20,000 for Baystate Children’s Hospital.

Since 2005, the studio has donated more than $80,000 to the hospital by gifting its proceeds from sessions purchased in the month of December. In an effort to reach its ultimate goal of raising $100,000, the company has put together a special holiday package available until Wednesday, Dec. 23. All proceeds from the sale of these packages will benefit the area’s only children’s hospital.

For a donation of $79 to Baystate Children’s Hospital, donors will receive a photographic
session, an 8×10 signature portrait, digital images for social media, and a surprise gift. Two other companies have stepped up to help in this year’s effort; Pop’s Biscotti & Chocolate of Wilbraham and the Delaney House of Holyoke. Both have offered to provide special gifts to those who make a donation. The retail value of the holiday package now exceeds $350.

To make a donation and receive a holiday package, call (413) 525-4264 or visit www.robertcharlesphoto.com. Holiday packages may be purchased as a gift or used for the family making the donation. The sessions can also be scheduled until April 2016. A limited number of packages are available.

Daily News

LONGMEADOW — John O’Rourke III has been appointed to the position of controller at Bay Path University.

O’Rourke will work closely with Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services Michael Giampietro and the staff of the university’s Business Office to account for and manage its financial assets. His responsibilities include overseeing payroll, accounting, receivables and payables, grant accounting and compliance, and the Bursar’s Office.

“John O’Rourke is highly skilled in financial analysis, auditing, and strategic planning,” Giampietro said. “We are excited to have him join the university staff.”

O’Rourke brings to the university more than 15 years of experience in finance and accounting. Prior to joining the Bay Path staff, he served as comptroller for Holyoke Community College, and has additional experience as an investment accountant for MassMutual Financial Group and staff accountant for Lester Halpern & Co. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from UMass Amherst.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross is seeking nominations for the 14th annual Hometown Heroes Breakfast, held to honor the selfless and humanitarian acts of the citizens of Western Mass.

The Red Cross wants to honor those who are enriching and transforming lives, be it through a heroic act that saved a life or through the donation of years of service to the public. At the breakfast on March 17, the Red Cross will showcase how local heroes change lives.

There are two ways to nominate a hero, either online or by downloading the form and returning it to the American Red Cross in Springfield. Nominees should demonstrate integrity, character, and leadership. Visit www.redcross.org/local/massachusetts/news-events. The nomination deadline is Dec. 31.

Daily News

LONGMEADOW — Ruth’s House, the assisted-living residence at JGS Lifecare, announced the appointment of Samantha Panniello as dining services coordinator. As an experienced executive and catering chef, she brings a new dimension to the facility’s signature kosher dining and banquet menus.

Panniello brings more than 10 years of experience to Ruth’s House. Formally trained at the Connecticut Culinary Institute, where she was recognized for excellence and graduated at the top of her class, she worked as a chef for both Springfield College and UMass Amherst before becoming kitchen manager of the Federal in Agawam and Vinted in West Hartford, Conn. where she was named head chef. While at Vinted, the restaurant received a rave review by the New York Times, praising its “rich tastes on small plates.” Panniello also landed an executive chef position at Lego in Enfield, Conn., and most recently served as head chef of Marketplace/Back Street Bistro in Springfield.

“We’re proud to welcome Samantha to coordinate our dining services. She brings tremendous talent, enthusiasm, and experience to our culinary team,” said Joelle Tedeschi, executive director of Ruth’s House. “Our residents are in for a treat.”

Daily News

EAST LONGMEADOW — Carleen Eve Fischer Hoffman, owner of Hand to Paw Reiki, has been named one of the “Top 25 Women to Watch in Western Massachusetts” for 2015-16 by Western Mass Women magazine, a local lifestyle publication.

Hoffman was recognized for her success and innovation with her business, and also because of her commitment to the community. The publication has been presenting the awards in multiple categories for six years running. Winners are selected based on their involvement with the community, their dedication to their careers, overall achievements, and general professionalism.

Hoffman’s unique services at Hand to Paw Reiki use the ancient form of Japanese healing that combines ‘rei’ (spirit) and ‘ki’ (energy) to help people or their pets. She started her business in 2014, focusing on pets originally. She will visit pet patients in their homes and also visits local senior centers on a monthly basis. She has an office in West Springfield located inside Karma Yoga Studio for her non-pet clients.

In addition to her business, Hoffman is deeply involved with the Women Business Owners Alliance and the East Longmeadow Medical Reserve Corps and Local Emergency Planning Committee.

Dee Emery-Ferrero, CEO and publisher of Western Mass Women, noted that Hoffman is doing something “unique and different and that really made her stand out” as a candidate. “Carleen is very innovative and very creative. She loves animals and has an amazing business. She has worked really hard to get where she is. She is an incredible woman, and I am thrilled to see her receive this award.”

Hand to Paw Reiki works to facilitate the body’s healing response through positive, healing energy. Treatments can work for general aches and pains, arthritis, anxiety, or trouble relaxing or sleeping. Reiki can help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with cancer treatments, surgery, or other illnesses. Reiki can also help pets with similar symptoms, including fear of thunderstorms.

“Reiki is a great addition to your current medical routine,” Hoffman said. “It is a non-invasive, complementary, and alternative health practice that promotes overall health and well-being.”

Daily News

WARE — Country Bank is sharing the warmth this holiday season with its friends and neighbors. In each of 15 branch locations, the bank has brought back the Hat & Mitten Tree.

The public is invited to stop by a branch to donate a new hat, scarf, pair of mittens, or any non-perishable food items. Collections will be accepted until Friday, Dec. 18, at which time they will be brought to local food pantries for distribution in their communities.

As a reminder, all Country Bank offices will close at noon on Thursday, Dec. 24 and will remain closed through Sunday, Dec. 27.

Daily News

AMHERST — The Mullins Center Community Ice Rink and MAPFRE Insurance are getting into the holiday spirit by hosting a Holiday Skating Party on Sunday, Dec. 13 from 2:30 to 4:20 p.m. The event will feature cookie decorating, snowflake crafting, yard games, and on-ice activities. Holiday-themed snacks will be available for purchase.

Admission is free for the first 100 guests who RSVP. Otherwise, tickets are $15 per person, which includes the cost of skate rental and activities. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through the Mullins Center Box Office or by contacting Nick Shaheen at (413) 545-3373 or [email protected].

Sign up for the Mullins Center Insider Club at www.mullinscenter.com to receive information about this event and others.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — When tornadoes carved a 39-mile path through the landscape of Western Mass. on June 1, 2011, thousands of lives were impacted. Even today, many of the tornado victims are still dealing with the aftermath, including Isidoro and Alejandrina Mulero of Springfield. Their home in the Six Corners section of the city sustained significant damage to the roof, siding, windows, and foundation.

After four years, the Muleros’ home is almost habitable thanks to volunteers from the community as well as Habitat for Humanity and Revitalize Community Development Corp. (formerly Rebuilding Together), who refurbished the damaged structure. Now, all the family needs is to have the flooring installed, for which Baystate Rug & Flooring, a local, family-owned provider of flooring with locations in East Longmeadow and Chicopee, has donated labor.

According to Margarita Mulero, the daughter of Isidoro and Alejandrina, the family reached out to Baystate Rug & Flooring at the recommendation of a pastor at a local church.

“We were looking for someone whose heart would go out to them, someone who could volunteer their services to help finish the repairs to the house,” she said. “Baystate Rug & Flooring was the company that was suggested, and when we contacted them, they expressed interest in helping us.”

Jorge Morgado, vice president of Baystate Rug & Flooring, noted, “at Baystate Rug and Flooring, we live by the motto ‘how can I make today a better day?’ When we learned about the Mulero family of Springfield, who were struggling to get back into their tornado-damaged home, we wanted to help in some small way. Donating installation services is one way we can demonstrate our commitment to making each day better for our community.”

Daily News

WESTFIELD — Baystate Noble Hospital recently received a check for $1,000 from the Amelia Park Ice Arena’s October Pink in the Rink event. This donation will go the Baystate Noble Hospital Breast Cancer fund, which helps women going through breast-cancer treatment who may not be able to afford all of the expenses associated with their care.

Services at Baystate Noble include the Burk Women’s Imaging Center, where mammograms and bone densitometry testing is done, and the Comprehensive Breast Program, featuring diagnosis, treatment, and post-operative care for breast cancer. Treatment for lymphoma and alternative health sessions, such as massage and Reiki, are also offered.

Pink in the Rink at Amelia Park Ice Arena featured a Western Mass Blizzard Girls hockey game, a pink-themed public skate, raffles, and a bake sale.

“We are honored to receive this donation from the Amelia Park Ice Arena’s Pink in the Rink event for the third year in a row,” said Allison Gearing-Kalill, vice president of Community Development at Baystate Noble Hospital. “Donations like this may help your neighbor or family member who is going through cancer treatment. We are fortunate and grateful that the community supports Baystate Noble, which enables us to provide excellent care for our patients.”

Daily News

SOUTH DEERFIELD — Charles Ramon, owner of Ramon Financial Services, announced that Yvonne Diaz is joining the company as a benefits consultant. She will design and service employee-benefit programs for new and existing clients.

Diaz brings 16 years of industry experience, including 10 years as an account executive at Health New England. She received her bachelor’s degree in liberal studies from Bay Path College and is currently a member of Leadership Pioneer Valley’s Class of 2016.

Daily News

WARE — In October, a team of officers and a trustee from Country Bank traveled to Haiti as part of a mission of the Be Like Brit Foundation. During the seven-day excursion, the group built a home in the community of Grand Goave, while connecting with children at the foundation’s nearby orphanage.

Country Bank was joined on the trip by Mark O’Connell, CEO of Wolf & Co., an accounting firm with offices in Boston and Springfield, along with five members of his team. Dubbed ‘Team Double Trouble,’ each group built a new house, benefiting two of the area’s disadvantaged families.

Housing is still greatly needed more than five years after the earthquake that devastated the Caribbean nation. The team from Country Bank cleared the lot, hand-poured the foundation, and framed and finished the structure. All the lumber, concrete, and water to the two remote building sites were carried by hand by the teams.

“As community bankers, we are deeply involved with the families in need in our own region,” said Paul Scully, president and CEO of Country Bank, who traveled with the group. “Our journey with the Be Like Brit Foundation provided us with greater appreciation of the support that people need around the world. It was a life-changing experience for our group on both a personal and professional level, as the trip served as a corporate team-building and bonding opportunity. I am deeply proud to be surrounded by a team of such dedicated and caring individuals.”

In addition to their time building, the teams toured the Mission of Hope International facilities, including a school, computer lab, and library. They also attended church with the children on Sunday and came back to serve lunch the following day.

The orphanage was built in memory of 19-year-old Britney Gengel, the Rutland, Mass. native who perished in the 2010 Haiti earthquake while on a service trip with her college, Lynn University.

Daily News

BOSTON — Every year since 1963, the U.S. president has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small-business owners.

As part of the next National Small Business Week (May 1-6, 2016), the U.S. Small Business Administration takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small-business owners, and others from all 50 states and U.S. territories. Every day, they’re working to grow small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation, and increase America’s global competitiveness.

“Help us identify the job creators, risk takers, and community builders who deserve public recognition for being small business champions,” said Massachusetts District Director Robert Nelson. “This is an opportunity for a banker, a chamber of commerce, a community organization, or even an individual to promote a business, a client, or even an employee that is having success.”

The Massachusetts District Office will recognize honorees in the following categories: 2016 National Small Business Person of the Year, Exporter of the Year, Jeffrey Butland Family-owned Business Award, Women-owned Small Business Award, Veteran-owned Small Business Award, Minority-owned Small Business Award, Microenterprise of the Year, Manufacturer of the Year, and Financial Services Champion.

The deadline for submitting nominations is Jan. 11. The nomination form and eligibility guidelines are available at www.sba.gov/ma.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — The Springfield College School of Social Work and Doggett International Center welcomed Hong Kong Baptist University social-work faculty members Petrus Ng, Dr. Hung Suet-Lin, and Dr. Fung Kwok-kin to campus the week of Nov. 30 through Dec. 5.

The collaboration is part of a two-year exchange program involving faculty and students from the Springfield College School of Social Work; the Springfield College School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; and Hong Kong Baptist University. Frank Fu, Hong Kong Baptist University associate vice president, funds the program.

During the delegation’s visit, they had the opportunity to collaborate with Springfield College School of Social Work faculty members, serve as guest lecturers in classes for graduate social-work students, participate in field agency visits, meet with the Springfield College School of Social Work advisory board and social-work student organization officers, present to post-master’s certificate program students, and serve as guest lecturers for the graduate social-work students in the weekend program.

The Springfield College School of Social Work has a long-standing relationship with Fu and Hong Kong Baptist University. Last year, Springfield College School of Social Work Dean Francine Vecchiolla and faculty members Walter Mullin and Ann Roy had a chance to visit with Fu when they traveled to Hong Kong Baptist University to give a presentation at the Global Social Science Conference.

A short time after the conference in Hong Kong, Fu traveled back to the Brennan Center and visited the Springfield College School of Social Work in January 2015. Fu has a strong connection with Springfield College, earning a master’s degree in 1973 and a doctorate in 1975, followed by serving as the director of the Springfield College Doggett International Center from 1978 through 1983.

An author of more than 100 journal articles and 17 textbooks, Fu has worked throughout the world in China, Canada, and the U.S. and has received several distinguished honors, including the Medal of Honor in 2009 by the SAR Government of Hong Kong.

Fu returned to Hong Kong in 1983, where he worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for nine years before joining the faculty at Hong Kong Baptist University. Fu has served as the head of the Physical Education department and dean of the faculty of Social Sciences at Hong Kong Baptist University before settling into his current role as the University’s associate vice president, and director of the Dr. Stephen Hui Research Centre.

For more than a century, Springfield College presidents, students, alumni, and athletic teams have traveled the globe building relationships, conducting educational and sports programs, and receiving government and humanitarian awards. Today, more than 600 Springfield College alumni reside in 65 countries outside the U.S.