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This Generation Is Already Making a Seismic Statement By JAMES T. KRUPIENSKI, CPA Every 20 years or so, there is a generational shift in the workplace. The most recent group […]

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For the Record By STEFANIE RENAUD, Esq. In December, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) struck down a Whole Foods policy banning employees from secretly recording conversations in the workplace […]


Joint Venture The statute legalizing marijuana for medical purposes in Massachusetts presents a confounding dilemma when comes to the workplace. On one hand, the law states that any person who […]

Lessons from the ‘Blind Barber Case’ By PETER VICKERY A mixture of sympathy and surprise best describes the tone of the news stories about the recent decision from the Mass. […]

Letter of the Law By OLGA M. SERAFIMOVA, Esq. Having to deal with a unionization effort is challenging enough, but having to do it a second time after a narrow […]

Going Concern By MARYLOU FABBO, Esq. Massachusetts specifically recognizes ‘gender identity’ as a protected classification, providing transgender employees with certain rights, including the right to be treated in the same […]

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Not Feeling Well When Massachusetts voters approved a law mandating paid sick leave for a vast swath of workers, many employers worried about the expenses and legal issues the new […]

Beware Section 150 By PETER VICKERY, Esq. How much could an employer end up paying for violating the anti-retaliation provisions of the Wage Act? Much more than you might expect. […]

Raising the Stakes By JOHN GANNON The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently proposed changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that will impact payroll considerations for a majority […]

Failure to Hire Muslim Woman Was Religious Discrimination By KIMBERLY KLIMCZUK It is well-settled that employers may not discriminate against employees or applicants on the basis of religion. On June […]

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Carpet-cleaning Venture Advances HRU’s Mission When Human Resources Unlimited (HRU) decided that its core mission — training and placing people with disabilities in meaningful jobs — would benefit from partnering […]

Supreme Court to Weigh Claims of ‘Class-action Abuse’ By PETER VICKERY The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take a case concerning the scope of two kinds of mass employee […]


United Personnel Engages in Professional Matchmaking Jennifer Atwater says partnerships are at the foundation of United Personnel’s 30-year history of success. “We don’t just put bodies in jobs; we do […]

Recent SJC Rulings Reject Efforts to Constrain Employers By PETER VICKERY, Esq. In April, the State Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) issued two important employment-law decisions. In both cases, the SJC […]