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A New Challenge

Diana Szynal

Diana Szynal

Diana Szynal recently made a successful transition from public service — she was a selectman in Hatfield and then a legislative aide — to running the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce. Now, she’s making another transition, to leadership of the Springfield Regional Chamber. While Greater Springfield is a much larger area, she said the challenges facing businesses, and the basic mission of the chamber, are the same as they are in Franklin County, and she’s ready to put her experience to work in her new setting.

Diana Szynal says that within minutes of the announcement that she had been named the new president of the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce going out last spring, her phone started ringing and pinging.

There were calls and texts from area business leaders, government officials, and directors of area economic development agencies wanting to meet and talk.

“The calls started coming, and I’m still getting them,” said Szynal (pronounced Zy-nal), adding that her appointment book is quickly filling up for the next several weeks.

Those appointments are part of what she describes as a broad learning process as she takes the reins at the Springfield chamber, succeeding Nancy Creed, who has stepped down officially after several years at the helm, but is assisting in the transition.

Indeed, while Szynal, who most recently served as director of the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce and before that served as a legislative aide to the late state Rep. Peter Kocot, is certainly familiar with Springfield and Hampden County in general, she admits that there will be a ‘getting acquainted’ period awaiting her as she assumes the leadership position at the Springfield Regional Chamber.

“I know that I don’t know everything about Springfield,” Szynal, who started her new job July 5, told BusinessWest. “But I do know that I’ve had dozens of local businesses and community leaders offer to help me with that; Springfield is the economic engine of Western Massachusetts, and we need to make sure that we’re at the forefront, always at the cutting edge, of what’s happening, business-wise and legislatively.”

“The pandemic really did shine a spotlight on how critical it is to be part of that larger group and have that support and have that information that was so important.”

While scheduling meetings with those who are now calling and texting her, Szynal is also putting together a to-do list, one that includes a return of the chamber’s popular Super 60 program this fall — nominations are currently being accepted for that honor — as well as a resumption of the chamber’s ambassadors program (put on the shelf due to COVID), and, further down the line, planning of the first in-person Outlook lunch since the start of the pandemic in March of 2020.

Also on the list is creation of a new strategic plan — the last one was undertaken before the pandemic — and continuing and building upon Creed’s strong track record for not only keeping members well-informed, but making sure their voices are heard on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill.

“Nancy was, and still is a great voice for this region,” said Szynal. “We need to continue to make sure that our voice is heard, and the way you do that is by engaging the legislators and forming good relationships with stage agencies. The legislative piece is really important, and that’s where the Springfield Regional Chamber has a leg up, because it spends so much time making sure that it has put together a solid legislative agenda that supports what businesses need and makes sure that the voice at this end of the state is heard.”

Overall, Szynal takes the reins at an intriguing time for this chamber, and chambers in general.

Indeed, she said that the pandemic provided an opportunity for chambers to show their true value to members — and potential members — when it comes to not only providing needed information (although there was plenty of that) but for being a true resource for, and advocate for, the business community.

“I think there was a real affirmation of the value of chamber membership, particularly during the pandemic,” she said. “In Franklin County, when we went into the shut-down and my phone was ringing, it was non-members who were reaching out. Members of chambers were getting a lot of information during that tumultuous time on matters such as the Payroll Protection Program, who qualified, and how the loans were processed.”

This ability to step up and elevate their game, if you will, resulted in chambers being able to retain members and actually add new ones at a time of real challenge for businesses of all sizes and in every business sector, she went on, adding that both the Franklin County chamber and the Springfield Regional chamber have posted solid numbers the past few years, better than those from before the pandemic.

Moving forward, she said she plans to build off this momentum — and that’s what she prefers to call it — while also strengthening existing relationships with both other chambers and other economic-development-related agencies.

For this issue, BusinessWest talked with Szynal about her new appointment, the state of the Springfield Regional chamber, and the prospects for all chambers in the post-pandemic world.


Getting Down to Business

Recalling her shift from public service — she was a selectman in Hatfield and then in county government before joining Kocot as an aide — to running a chamber of commerce, Szynal said it was a relatively smooth, almost seamless transition. That’s because the work is similar in many respects, she noted, adding that in both arenas, there are large amounts of listening and advocacy involved.

Elaborating, she said that in her municipal roles, she got to work with many area economic-development-related agencies, such as the regional employment boards (now MassHire agencies), the Economic Development Council of Western Mass., and others. She was able to take those relationships, as well as her understanding of the state Legislature and relationships she forged there, to her work with the Franklin County chamber.

“It was while I was working for representative Kocot that I really cut my teeth on learning about workforce development, economic development, the importance of community organizations and nonprofits, and the importance of public-private partnerships,” she explained. “And how all of that fits into economic development.

region’s voice

Diana Szynal says one of her priorities moving forward is making sure this region’s voice is heard on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill.

“I was also able to develop at that time really important relationships with key stakeholders throughout the region,” she went on. “So when Rep. Kocot passed away, I went to the Franklin County chamber, and all of those relationships and learning experiences were invaluable in helping me execute the mission there.”

Szynal is expecting a similarly smooth transition as she moves from the Franklin County chamber to the one in Springfield, because, while the two regions are certainly different when it comes to population, the chambers are of similar size, membership-wise. Meanwhile, most all of the issues and challenges within the business communities are the same, and so is the basic mission of the organizations — to serve members and advocate on their behalf.

“The main focus of a chamber is communication, relationships, and business support,” said Szynal. “Each chamber is a little different, but most focus on the same things. Through events we facilitate networking and collaboration among members, and we give businesses some visibility through our membership directory, our website, member spotlights, all of those things. The business-to-business relationships, business-to-community relationships, those are things that most chambers focus on, although each chamber adds their own flavor.”

In Springfield, the size and makeup of the chamber reflects the diversity of the city and its recent upward trajectory, said Szynal, noting that, despite the pandemic and its impact on every sector of the economy, Springfield is in a growth mode and seeing vitality in most aspects of its economy.

“Springfield has so much going for it — there’s been so much revitalization in the area,” she said. “The sectors of healthcare and education, tourism and hospitality, manufacturing … all of those things are so vital and so critical here. I’m really looking forward to diving in and learning all that I don’t know and putting some fresh eyes on the chamber and the region.”

As noted earlier, she arrives at an intriguing time for this chamber, and all chambers. While most have become smaller staff-wise — several, including the Springfield Regional Chamber, are essentially one-person operations — there is a new vibrancy for many due to the relevancy gained during the pandemic.

“There is a lot of opportunity here. I have a lot on my to-do list, but I can’t wait to dive in.”

“The pandemic really did shine a spotlight on how critical it is to be part of that larger group and have that support and have that information that was so important,” Szynal told BusinessWest, adding that the challenge, and opportunity, moving forward is to hammer home the importance of chambers during what could be called more-normal, but still quite challenging times.

Indeed, Szynal said businesses large and small are still being impacted by a number of issues, many of them COVID after-effects including supply-chain issues, soaring prices, the early signs of recession, and, especially, a workforce crisis that doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

“Look at the challenges businesses are facing today that they didn’t have to before — supply chain issues, fuel prices are going to be crushing to some businesses, workforce issues, childcare, and more,” she said, adding that in such times, being part of an organization like the chamber, which can make its voice heard in Boston and Washington can be beneficial to businesses of all sizes.

Speaking of more normal, Szynal said the chamber will be turning back the clock to 2019 with regard to its events and many of its programs. On the events side of the ledger, the agency has started to stage in-person gatherings again — the annual meeting at the Springfield Sheraton drew more than 250 guests — and one of its largest annual get-togethers is back on the docket for the fall.

This is the program known as Super 60, a compilation of the region’s most successful companies based on performance in two categories — Total Revenue and Revenue Growth. One of the chamber’s most important revenue generators, Super 60 was put on ice in 2020 and 2021 because of the pandemic, and Szynal believes the lengthy pause will generate some interest in the popular program, slated for Oct. 28 at the MassMutual Center.

The same could be said for the chamber’s annual Outlook lunch, the region’s largest gathering of area business leaders. It has been staged remotely the past two years, and Szynal is looking forward to that tradition, and many other annual gatherings, returning to an in-person format.

“Outlook, the Beacon Hill and Washington summits, the Government Reception, the Mayors Forum … it’s so important to get back to doing those again because they provide information and offer opportunities for businesses to be together,” she explained. “I’m looking forward to being back full steam.”

While planning those events, she has many other items on her to-do list, starting with those meetings with area civic, business, and economic development leaders.

And there will also be work to create a new strategic plan for the institution.

“The last one was done three years ago, so it would be time to do another one anyway,” she noted. “But with everything that’s happened in the last two and a half years, it’s a really good time to evaluate the mission of the chamber and how we’re meeting that mission.”


The Bottom Line

From a personal perspective, Szynal said she chooses to look at the next stop on her career path as an opportunity and not necessarily as a challenge.

It will be an opportunity to continue the kind of work she has been doing for the past several years in several different capacities.

“I really love connecting with people, learning about their business, and learning about their business needs,” she explained. “I love that aspect of any job, that’s why I loved working with Peter Kocot, because I did so much constituent work; this is what I’m looking forward to.
“There is a lot of opportunity here,” she went on. “I have a lot on my to-do list, but I can’t wait to dive in.”


George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]


‘Friday Focus’ Panel

April 9: The Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) master of business administration (MBA) program will present a free virtual panel at noon on entrepreneurship and small business in the time of COVID-19, as part of its “Friday Focus” panel series examining the pandemic’s impact on business and economic development. Moderated by MCLA Director of Corporate Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Joshua Mendel, this series features local business leaders, MBA program alumni, and faculty from MCLA’s Business Department. To register, visit mcla.edu/mba. All events will take place virtually and are free and open to the public. This event will also be streamed to the MCLA Facebook page and will be archived on the MCLA YouTube channel for later viewing. MCLA’s MBA program is a part-time, accelerated program designed to meet the needs of the working adult learner. Most courses meet through a combination of online and face-to-face instruction and blend classroom experience with practical, hands-on fieldwork. In addition, the program offers diverse academic programming and provides a high return on investment. MCLA’s MBA program accepts applications throughout the year, and new students may begin the program in the fall, spring, and summer.


‘National Security Priorities in Biden’s First 100 Days’

April 15: “National Security Priorities in Biden’s First 100 Days” will be the topic of a discussion by Western New England University (WNEU) School of Law Dean Sudha Setty on Thursday, April 15 at noon. The cost for this virtual event, presented by the World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts, is $10 (free for students). Setty will discuss various national-security priorities of the Biden administration, including investigations into domestic terrorism, anticipated policy changes regarding targeted killings, and foreign-policy priorities. Setty became dean of the School of Law in 2018 and has served on the faculty since 2006. She is the author of National Security Secrecy: Comparative Effects on Democracy and the Rule of Law, the editor of Constitutions, Security, and the Rule of Law), and has written dozens of articles on national-security law and policy. The April 15 event is sponsored by Glenmeadow, Sir Speedy, and Wilbraham & Monson Academy. For more information and to register, visit the World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts website at www.wacwestma.org.


Alumni Achievement Award Nominations

Through April 23: When BusinessWest launched its 40 Under Forty program in 2007, it did so to identify rising stars across our region — individuals who were excelling in business and through involvement within the community — and celebrate their accomplishments. In 2015, BusinessWest announced a new award, one that builds on the foundation upon which 40 Under Forty was created. It’s called the Alumni Achievement Award (formerly the Continued Excellence Award). As the name suggests, it is presented to the 40 Under Forty honoree who, in the eyes of an independent panel of judges, has most impressively continued and built upon his or her track record of accomplishment. To nominate someone for this award, visit BusinessWest.com/40-under-forty/40-under-forty-alumni-achievement-award. The deadline is Friday, April 23 at 5 p.m., no exceptions. The 2020 honoree will be announced at the 40 Under Forty gala in June. Candidates must be from 40 Under Forty classes prior to the year of the award — in this case, classes 2007 to 2020. A list of 40 Under Forty Alumni can be found at BusinessWest.com/40-under-forty/40-under-forty.


Springfield Partners for Community Action Scholarships

Through April 23: Springfield Partners for Community Action announced it will award a number of $1,000 scholarships that can help recipients with tuition and alleviate the cost of going back to school and investing in bettering themselves. All applicants must be Springfield residents, and income-eligibility guidelines may apply. Scholarships will be awarded to those attending accredited/licensed schools in Massachusetts. Applications must be received by April 23. Late entries will not be considered. If selected, recipients must be available to attend an awards event (most likely virtual) in June. Visit www.springfieldpartnersinc.com/whatwedo/scholarshipsprogram for the application form and information on how to apply.


Series on Workplace Violence Prevention

April 27, May 26, June 30: The Employers Assoc. of the NorthEast (EANE) and its training partners from Protective Advanced Safety Services (PASS), will present a three-part training series at EANE’s Agawam training center for regional employers on workplace violence prevention. The first workshop is slated for 3 to 5 p.m. Session topics include “Who’s Coming to Work,” “CALM: De-escalation Strategies,” and “Hire Right, Fire Smart.” All three sessions are designed to equip employers with the tools and knowledge they need to keep their workplaces safe from violence, including microaggressions, employee-relations escalations, and the worst-case scenario: an active shooter. Space in this training series is limited to 10 participants as EANE is following state guidelines on social distancing and capacity limits. The cost for the program is $331.50 for all three sessions. Interested parties can reach out to Allison Ebner at [email protected] or call (413) 789-6400 for more information.


VA Healthcare Virtual Summit

May 24-26: The Institute for Defense and Government Advancement (IDGA) announced plans for the IDGA VA Healthcare Summit. BusinessWest is sponsoring this event, at which attendees will have the opportunity to meet with the leaders positioned to provide substantive change across the department, with a particular focus on advancing patient advocacy and experience, digital transformation, community and vendor engagement, e-learning, the VA’s innovation ecosystem, and more. IDGA’s summit will highlight these areas across the agenda, as well as include enabling VA initiatives currently underway to advance the most critical needs for veterans across the U.S. This year’s agenda, developed through indepth research by IDGA, covers a range of topics, including VHA innovation ecosystem initiatives, VA telehealth capabilities, financial management and business-transformation efforts, and a deep dive into clinical delivery. For more information and to view the agenda, visit www.idga.org/events-veteransaffairshealthcare-spring. To join and receive a 20% discount, register at bit.ly/3sts2FV and quote code VAH_HCN. All federal, state, and local government, as well as military and law enforcement, can attend at no cost.



Coping with a Changed Landscape

Kate Phelon says she misses her members.

Claudia Pazmany recalls the early days of this crisis, when she was bought to tears on an almost daily basis by the stories related to her by devastated business owners.

Nancy Creed says it’s become her mission to provide members with comprehensive and reliable information as they try to navigate their way through a crisis the likes of which they’ve never seen before.

Collectively, these chamber of commerce directors — Phelon in Westfield, Pazmany in Amherst, and Creed with the Springfield Regional Chamber — spoke not only for each other, but for colleagues across the country as chambers confront COVID-19.

And ‘confront’ is certainly the right word.

Indeed, as individual chambers work to keep members informed and assist them with the task of keeping the doors to their businesses open (figuratively if not literally — many of them have been ordered closed), they are in what amounts to survival mode themselves, especially since they are not at present eligible for federal stimulus money, though they’re lobbying to be included in the next stage of funding. And some of them may not, in fact, survive.

“I was on a call recently with our national association,” Creed recalled. “And they were saying that they expect 25% of the chambers not to survive this.”

The reasons for such dire predictions are obvious. Indeed, to serve their members, chambers rely on revenue from two primary sources — membership fees and events. And both are imperiled in some ways, the latter far more than the former, although overall membership and simply collecting fees that are due are certain to be impacted by this crisis.

Nancy Creed

Nancy Creed

“I was on a call recently with our national association. And they were saying that they expect 25% of the chambers not to survive this.”

As for those events, they range from the small — monthly after-5s, for example — to the large — the annual golf tournament in Westfield or Amherst’s Margarita Madness are in that category — to those in between, like regular breakfasts and legislative luncheons. Some events have been rescheduled for later in the year, but others have simply been lost, like Westfield’s popular St. Patrick’s Day breakfast — the first time it hasn’t been held in 40 years.

“At the same time as we’re worried about our members, we’re also worried about our chambers,” Phelon said. “There’s a huge concern for the chambers — we’re not having our events, which generate much of our revenue, and many of our members are really struggling.”

On March 6, the Springfield Regional Chamber staged its annual Outlook lunch at the MassMutual Center in downtown Springfield. For many business leaders in the Pioneer Valley, that was the last large gathering they attended. Everything since has been wiped off the calendar; BusinessWest has no need to publish its Chamber Corners section dedicated to listing upcoming chamber events because there are none for at least several more weeks.

But while chambers work to maintain their own bottom lines, their primary function of late has been a conduit of information to members who desperately need it.

They’re doing it through their websites and webinars, through polls — the Springfield Regional Chamber has conducted a number of them — and through conference calls with state and national leaders, during which they relay questions from their members, such as a Tele-Town Hall with U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, staged by the Springfield Regional Chamber on April 7.

Kate Phelon

Kate Phelon

“At the same time as we’re worried about our members, we’re also worried about our chambers. There’s a huge concern for the chambers — we’re not having our events, which generate much of our revenue, and many of our members are really struggling.”

Phelon said she and other chamber leaders have taken part in regular conference calls with Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito; Mike Kennealy, secretary of Housing and Economic Development; and a host of other officials. It started with one call a week, and now there are two, she noted, adding that such sessions have not only provided information to the chamber leaders, but provided them a chance to convey what’s on their members’ minds.

“They want to hear from us — they want to know what the issues are,” she said. “They take all our questions, and it’s been very helpful for us.”

Meanwhile, chamber leaders have been doing a lot of listening — and that in itself has been hard.

Pazmany said Amherst, a college town with no college students and restaurants, taverns, and museums that can’t open, has been particularly hard hit.

“It’s like summer here — only it’s far, far worse than summer,” she said. “No one needed for summer to arrive this soon; many businesses in this community have been just devastated by this.”

Overall, most chambers are experiencing what their members are experiencing — an ultra-challenging time dominated by questions that are often difficult to answer.

Plain Speaking

Since the pandemic fully arrived in Western Mass., and especially since the governor ordered all non-essential businesses to close, the primary function for area chambers has been to act as a combination sounding board and conduit for information.

And the emphasis has always been on providing information that is accurate and reliable, said those we spoke with, adding that there is plenty of news, if it can be called that, which does not fall into that category.

Claudia Pazmany

Claudia Pazmany

“It’s like summer here — only it’s far, far worse than summer. No one needed for summer to arrive this soon; many businesses in this community have been just devastated by this.”

“We’re trying, on a daily basis, to grab credible sources, and we really rely on the administration, because that takes rumor out of it — it comes straight from the horse’s mouth,” said Creed. “Our polls are just to get a pulse of the community so we can see what’s going on and pivot as we need to and gauge the sentiment of the business community — so it’s by no means scientific.”

Elaborating, she said her chamber has been partnering with other groups, such as the Employers Assoc. of the NorthEast, in an effort to inform business owners, but without overwhelming them.

“If there are other subject-matter experts out there, we want to partner with them instead of recreating the wheel,” she explained, “because there’s so much information, so much activity, that we certainly don’t want to overwhelm members — they already have enough on their plates.”

Pazmany said her chamber has created a ‘Resources for Business’ page on its website that is updated daily in an effort to help keep members informed at a time when they cannot gather in a room for a breakfast or educational seminar.

Phelon said her chamber, like all others, has been focused on providing information and connecting members to resources, which is what it has always done, except now it’s doing more of it, and that role has perhaps never been more important.

“Some chambers are putting information out daily, and we’re doing it at least weekly,” she said, adding that chambers are doing all this under unique circumstances.

“Most of us are dealing with reduced staff, some of us are working at home, some of us are in the office,” Phelon went on, noting that chambers are considered ‘essential.’ She does go into the office, but remains at least six feet away from her assistant and sanitizes the space on a daily basis.

Pazmany said her chamber, located on Main Street in downtown Amherst, has closed that office and has staffers working at home, in a nod to edicts concerning social distancing.

“We have a very small space, and we’re used to getting a lot of people in the door, and we thought that keeping the office open wasn’t the right thing to do given the circumstances,” she explained. “We like to say that, while the door may be locked, we’re open for business.”

While life has changed for chambers, it has for their members as well, certainly, and chambers are adjusting as these members struggle to keep their own doors open.

“We’re giving our members options on payments, and we’re even deferring it for 60 days,” Phelon explained, noting that many chambers are doing the same. “We understand the impact this is having on their business, and we want to be sympathetic.”

She noted that one additional challenge for chambers is that the needs of the members vary, generally with the size of the venture, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for providing assistance.

“We’ve got our very small micro-businesses that really need the help — it’s overwhelming for them; they’re struggling, and they don’t know if they’re going to make it,” she explained. “We also have major corporations that have an HR department and have significant resources, and everything in between. So it’s challenging.”

Lost Days

Beyond providing information, the other major role for chambers, historically, has been to provide networking opportunities for members. And it is this role that has been most impacted by the pandemic.

Indeed, gatherings of more than 10 people have been banned, which effectively eliminates after-5s, breakfasts, tabletop events, golf tournaments, annual meetings, legislative luncheons, and more — events staged to inform, bring members together, and generate revenue.

While some events have been pushed back or canceled altogether (like the St. Patrick’s Day breakfast in Westfield), chambers are looking to create what are being called ‘virtual networking events.’

They’re not exactly like the real thing, said those we spoke with, but they do enable people to see one another and interact, even if it’s on a computer screen, rather than in a local restaurant, golf course, banquet hall, or the showroom at Mercedes-Benz of Springfield. That was the site of a large after-5 involving a number of chambers early in March, said Pazmany, adding that, in a number of ways, that seems like a long time ago.

“We had 300 people there — it was a great event,” she recalled. “Who could believe that we’re now all sequestered in our homes?”

While looking to stage some events virtually, chambers are pushing their spring events further back into the calendar year. Phelon had a legislative luncheon slated for later this month and is now eyeing June. Meanwhile, her golf tournament, that chamber’s largest fundraiser, slated for East Mountain Country Club, was set for May, but it’s now rescheduled for June 22, with the hope that this is far enough out.

Pazmany said all of her chamber’s events into June have been canceled or moved back. Margarita Madness has been rescheduled for Sept. 24, but she’s not sure if that will work.

“We thought it was a safe date, but you just don’t know,” she said. “Every day I look at all the statistics, and I can’t tell you that date is safe.”

Creed told BusinessWest that the Springfield Regional Chamber is fortunate in several respects. For starters, it was able to stage perhaps its largest fundraiser of the year, the Outlook event, before the ban on large gatherings was put in place. Also, the chamber has reserves that it has not had to tap into as yet, and it has been able to “repurpose” staff members — its events coordinator has been shifted to member-engagement duties, for example — rather than lay them off, as some chambers have.

While the Outlook lunch went on as scheduled, the Springfield Regional Chamber has been forced to move its Fire & Ice signature cocktail event, which gave area bars and restaurants a chance to shine, said Creed, noting that it was scheduled for March. The next large fundraiser is the Super 60 event, which is scheduled for mid-fall and thus has not been impacted yet.

“Our events are so diversified that, if we lost one, we would still be in good shape,” she noted.

It remains to be seen if other chambers can say the same.

Spreading the Word

Summing up the situation for the business community and the chambers serving it, Phelon again spoke for all her colleagues.

“We’re all feeling … I wish I knew the right word; we’re all feeling the pressure and the concern,” she told BusinessWest. “We’re trying to stay positive, too, thinking ‘this will pass.’ But there are so many unknowns. This is unprecedented.”

It is, and for chambers, it’s an extreme challenge that comes when they already had their full share of challenges.

Like their members, to come out on the other side, they’re going to have to be resourceful, persistent, and willing and able to find new ways to do business.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

Chamber Corners


(413) 253-0700

• March 4: Driven By Community, 5-7 p.m., a multi-chamber event at Mercedes-Benz of Springfield with the Amherst Area Chamber, East of the River Chamber, Greater Northampton Chamber, West of the River Chamber, Hampshire County Young Professionals, and Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield. Sample food, drink, and learn something about area nonprofits. Meet someone new and learn more about businesses in your community. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members.

• March 11: March After 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Pulse Café, Hadley. Our monthly networking event with a focus on healthy living and eating. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members.

• April 2: Margarita Madness, 5-7:30 p.m., hosted by Insterskate 91 at Hampshire Mall. Presented by Steve Lewis Subaru. Mix, mingle, and network at our largest signature event of the year. Enjoy an evening of tasty margaritas and vote for your favorite. Local restaurants will showcase their fare, and dozens of raffles prizes will be donated by Amherst Area Chamber members. Cost: $35 pre-registered, $45 at the door.

• April 15: April After 5, 5-7 p.m., sponsored by Paciorek Electric at its DiamondBack Properties, LLC Building, 65D Elm St., Hatfield, with food and drink catered by Grill N’ Chill. Enjoy this night of networking with people from across the Valley. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members.



(413) 527-9414

• Feb. 20: Books & Joe with Moe, 8:30-10 a.m., hosted by the chamber office, 33 Union St., Easthampton. This will be the second in a series of four meetings. Join like-minded individuals for an intellectual discussion sparked by reading books. Sponsored by Richard’s Fuel & Heating Co. and Freedom Credit Union. Cost: $99 per person for the entire series. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served. Participants are required to obtain their own copy of the book explored. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Feb. 25: Networking by Night, 4-6 p.m., hosted by Packard’s, 14 Masonic St., Northampton. We will enjoy a fun-filled evening of building friendships and business relationships, along with food, a cash bar, and networking. Cost: free for members, $25 for future members. Pre-registration is required and closes on Feb. 15. There will be no at-the-door registrations. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1: Her Place at the Table, 7:45-9 a.m., hosted by the chamber office, 33 Union St., Easthampton. A five-part series designed to help women increase confidence and build leadership skills to be wildly successful and take their place at the table. Cost for all five sessions: $99 per person for members, $129 for future members. Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• March 13: St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon, noon to 2 p.m., hosted by Summit View Banquet House, 555 Northampton St., Holyoke. Join us as we salute Greater Easthampton St. Patrick’s Day Committee award winners and enjoy a traditional corned-beef lunch. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for future members. Pre-registration is required; there will be no registrations at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• March 19: Books & Joe with Moe, 8:30 a.m., hosted by the chamber office, 33 Union St., Easthampton. The second meeting of the Chamber Book Club. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• March 24: Speed Networking Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Summit View Banquet House, 555 Northampton St., Holyoke. We are partnering with the Springfield Regional Chamber for another fun-filled networking event. Kick-start your day and join us for breakfast. Cost: $20 for members, $30 for walk-ins. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 584-1900

• Feb. 25: Nonprofit Resource Roundtable, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Come together with nonprofit professionals for a monthly conversation facilitated by Kristin Elechko of Cascade Consulting. Cost: free. RSVP at www.northamptonchamber.com/chamber-events/workshops.

• March 4: March Arrive @5: Multi Chamber Networking Event, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Mercedes-Benz of Springfield, 295 Burnett Road, Chicopee. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Register at northampton.chambermaster.com/events/details/2020-arrive-5-march-4-3807.

• April 1: April Arrive@5 netWORK, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Smith Vocational School, 80 Locust St., Northampton. Our netWORK Arrive@5 series will feature a nonprofit in the Greater Northampton Community and invite guests to participate in a project to benefit that organization. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Register at northampton.chambermaster.com/events/details/2020-arrive-5-network-april-1-3808.


(413) 568-1618

• March 2: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Tighe & Bond, 53 Southampton Road, Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Donald Humason. The event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is requested so we may give our host a proper head count. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• March 13: St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Westfield State University, Scanlon Hall, 577 Western Ave., Westfield. Platinum sponsor: Westfield State University; coffee bar sponsor: Westfield Starfires; in-kind sponsor: Flowers by Webster. Join us for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast as we honor our 2020 Sons of Erin Colleen and her court, Irishwoman of the Year, Irishman of the Year, and Parade Marshal. Guest speaker is Associate Justice Edward McDonough Jr. of the Massachusetts Appeal Court. Cost: $28 for members, $43 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events or contact the chamber at (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• Feb. 20: Third annual Fire & Ice Craft Cocktail Competition, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. Cost: $50 for members in advance ($60 at the door), $60 general admission in advance ($70 at the door).

• Feb. 27: Leadership Institute professional development program kickoff, 1-4:30 p.m., hosted by TD Bank Conference Center, 1441 Main St., Springfield.

• March 6: Outlook 2020 hosted by U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by MassMutual Center, 1277 Main St., Springfield. Cost: $60 for members in advance, $80 general admission. Tables of 10 available. Reservation deadline: Feb. 26. No walk-ins will be accepted.

• March 24: Multi-chamber Speed Networking in partnership with the Greater Easthampton Chamber of Commerce, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Summit View Meeting House, 555 Northampton St., Holyoke. Cost: $20 for members in advance ($30 at the door), $30 general admission in advance ($40 at the door).

• April 7: Mayors Forum featuring Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, West Springfield Mayor Will Reichelt, and others, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by the Delaney House, 3 Country Club Road, Holyoke. Cost: $30 for members in advance ($35 at the door), $40 general admission ($45 at the door).

• April 29: Beacon Hill Summit, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A day at the State House in Boston, hosted by state Sen. James Welch and state Rep. Carlos Gonzalez. An opportunity to spend a day with members of the Baker-Polito administration. Includes lunch and reception. Cost: $180 for members, $225 general admission.

To register for any chamber event, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 426-3880

• Feb. 27: Co-chamber Lunch ‘n’ Learn Seminar: “The State of Small Business in Western Mass.,” 12-1:30 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, West Springfield. Enjoy lunch while learning about changes in small-business laws, minimum wage, PFML, and ways to overcome business challenges in Western Mass. Join us and ERC5 as we learn all there is to know. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• March 4: Driven by Community, a multi-chamber networking event, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Mercedes-Benz of Springfield in Chicopee. Join us as we network with some of the region’s chambers and organizations. Fun, food, and friends. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• March 19: Mayoral Breakfast, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Storrowton Tavern & Carriage House, West Springfield. Presenting Sponsor: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. Join us for an informative discussion with our mayors, who will update guests on all that is going on in our towns individually and collaboratively. To register or sponsor, visit www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• April 16: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Riverdale Street, West Springfield. Enjoy a sit-down lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief intro and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. Cost: free for members (plus lunch), $10 for non-members (plus lunch). Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately that day. Please note, we cannot invoice you for these events. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.



• Feb. 20: YPS Third Thursday Networking Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by BarKaya! Enjoy complimentary, handcrafted appetizers and a cash bar. Cost: free for YPS members, $10 for non-members. Register at springfieldyps.com.

• March 19: YPS Third Thursday Networking Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Trinity Pub at the Irish Cultural Center. Enjoy complimentary appetizers, a cash bar, and live Irish music. Cost: free for YPS members, $10 for non-members. Register at springfieldyps.com.

• April 16: YPS Third Thursday Networking Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Towne Taproom. Enjoy complimentary appetizers and a cash bar. Cost: free for YPS members, $10 for non-members. Register at springfieldyps.com.

• May 2: Fourth annual YPS Adult Field Day, 9 a.m. to noon, hosted by Extra Innings and Train for Life of Chicopee. This throwback to elementary school is built with adults in mind for a team-building competition. Register at www.runreg.com/ypsfieldday. Registration includes participation in activities, after party and lunch from 350 Grill, T-shirt, DJ, prizes, refreshments, and more. Early-bird pricing and sponsorships are available.

Chamber Corners



(413) 253-0700

• Jan. 22: Annual Member Meeting & Luncheon, 12-2 p.m., hosted by the Red Barn at Hampshire College. Executive Director Claudia Pazmany will present our 2019 impact statement and unveil our 2020 vision for the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce. We will salute outgoing board members and ambassadors and welcome new ones. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit amherstarea.com.

• Jan. 31: Hadley Dental Care Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening, 5-7 p.m. Learn all about the state-of-the-art technology and client-centric care offered by Dr. Tapan Pujara and Dr. Chaitalee Ganatra and celebrate the grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for Hadley Dental Care with an after-party, including a champagne toast, next door at the Taproom. Free and open to the public. For learn more and to register, visit amherstarea.com.

• Feb. 6: Amherst Pitch Night with Valley Venture Mentors, 5-7 p.m., hosted by AmherstWorks. A collaboration with Valley Venture Mentors, the Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship at UMass Amherst, Hampshire College, the Amherst Economic Development Department, and AmherstWorks, this will be an opportunity to network, meet new and upcoming businesses, and possibly win some cash prizes. Cost: $5 and optional donation to best pitch prize pool. For more information and to register, visit amherstarea.com.

• Feb. 12: Going Green & Saving Green Luncheon, 12-2 p.m., hosted by Hitchcock Center for the Environment. Panel discussion and lunch featuring local experts in sustainability sharing strategies to implement sustainable practices that will save organizations dollars and protect the planet. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit amherstarea.com.



(860) 653-3833

• Jan. 29: Legislative Breakfast, 7:30-9:30 a.m., hosted by Doubletree by Hilton Hartford-Bradley Airport, 16 Ella Grasso Turnpike, Windsor Locks. State representatives and senators will hear what’s on your mind regarding regional business issues. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members.

• Feb. 11: TVCA Business After Hours, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Luppoleto Brewing Co., 20 Main St., Windsor Locks. Networking with six chambers, beer or soda drink ticket, appetizers, raffle prizes, and cash bar. Spotlight your business with a sponsorship. Cost: free for members, $20 for non-members.



(413) 527-9414

• Jan. 30: Celebrate Success, 5-8 p.m., hosted by Northampton Country Club, 135 Main St., Leeds. Join us as we celebrate the past year, what we’ve learned, and where we are headed. We will honor Liz Paquette, Businessperson of the Year; Glendale Ridge Vineyard, Business of the Year; Casey Douglas, Community Service Person of the Year; and Chris Gallivan, Ambassador of the Year. Cost: $45 per person. Pre-registration and dinner selection are required, and space is limited. There will be no at-the-door registration. Deadline for refunds is Jan. 25. Unpaid no-shows will be invoiced. To learn more and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Feb. 13: In the Know, 8:30-10 a.m., hosted by the Inn on Boltwood, 30 Boltwood Ave., Amherst. Continuing the popular series begun last year, In the Know will feature panelists Jeff Bujak, Prodigy; Michelle Zimora, Z Wraps; and Dan LiBissionnault, Dan’s Power Plant, Fauxmaggio Cheese. They will share what keeps them up at night, how they deal with those issues, and how they handle their quick success. A light breakfast and coffee will be served. Cost: $15 for members, $30 for future members. Pre-registration is required; there will be no at-the-door registration. To learn more and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Feb. 20: Books & Joe with Moe, 8:30-10 a.m., hosted by the chamber office, 33 Union St., Easthampton. This will be the second in a series of four meetings. Join like-minded individuals for an intellectual discussion sparked by reading books. Sponsored by Richard’s Fuel & Heating Co. and Freedom Credit Union. Cost: $99 per person for the entire series. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served. Participants are required to obtain their own copy of the book explored. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 584-1900

• Feb. 5: Arrive@5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Artifact Cider Project. Monthly networking and connection presented by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce. Come when you can, stay as long as you can. Featuring libations and flatbreads from Artifact Cider Project in its new taproom in Florence. Cost: $10 for members, $14 for non-members. RSVP at www.northamptonchamber.com/chamber-events/arrive5.



(413) 568-1618

• Jan. 28: Block Party, 4-6 p.m., hosted by Westwood Restaurant and Pub, 94 North Elm St., Westfield. Join us for an open house and meet Westwood and chamber businesses for drinks, appetizers, networking, and more. Chamber members are welcome. Marketing tables are available. For more information and to register, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618.

• Feb. 10: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Pottery Cellar, the Mill at Crane Pond, 77 Mill St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Chamber members and non-members are free. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• Feb. 10: PWC Headline Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Featuring Karla Medina, retired Hartford police sergeant and owner and founder of Sudor Taino Fitness. Cost: $35 for PWC members, $40 general admission, $25 for students. To make a reservation, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 787-1555

• Jan. 28: “The Buzz About Cannabis: Marijuana in the Marketplace and the Workplace,” 12:30-5 p.m., hosted by Sheraton Springfield, One Monarch Place, Springfield. Featuring leading business, legal, and medical professionals, distributors, and entrepreneurs. Cost: $60 for early-bird registration until Jan. 14, $75 after Jan. 14. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 5: “The 2020 Elections: Fasten Your Seatbelts — From Massachusetts to the Beltway, It’s All on the Line” Rise & Shine Business Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by MassMutual Center, 1277 Main St., Springfield. Featuring political consultant Tony Cignoli. Cost: $25 for members in advance ($30 at the door), $35 general admission in advance ($40 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 20: Third annual Fire & Ice Craft Cocktail Competition, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. Cost: $50 for members in advance ($60 at the door), $60 general admission in advance ($70 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 426-3880

• Feb. 5: Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.



• Feb. 20: YPS Third Thursday Networking Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by BarKaya! Enjoy complimentary, handcrafted appetizers and a cash bar. Cost: free for YPS members, $10 for non-members. Register at springfieldyps.com.

Chamber Corners



(413) 568-1618

• Jan. 6: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Andrea York Photography, 16 Unio• Ave., Westfield. Joi• us for coffee with Westfield Mayor-elect Donald Humason. The event is free and ope• to the public. Pre-registratio• is requested so we may give our host a proper head count. For more informatio• and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Jan. 13: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Unio• Crossing Realty, LLC, 420 Unio• St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Chamber members and non-members are free. For more informatio• and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Jan. 28: Block Party, 4-6 p.m., hosted by Westwood Restaurant and Pub, 94 North Elm St., Westfield. Joi• us for a• ope• house and meet Westwood and chamber businesses for drinks, appetizers, networking, and more. Chamber members are welcome. Marketing tables are available. For more informatio• and to register, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618.

• Feb. 10: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Pottery Cellar, the Mill at Crane Pond, 77 Mill St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Chamber members and non-members are free. For more informatio• and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• Jan. 16: PWC Headline Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Storrowto• Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield, with Karla Medina, retired Hartford police sergeant and owner and founder of Sudor Taino Fitness. Cost: $35 for PWC members, $40 general admission, and $25 for students. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 787-1555

• Jan. 28: “The Buzz About Cannabis: Marijuana i• the Marketplace and the Workplace,” 12:30-5 p.m., hosted by Sherato• Springfield, One Monarch Place, Springfield. The region’s most comprehensive cannabis event, featuring leading business, legal, and medical professionals, distributors, and entrepreneurs. Cost: $60 for early-bird registratio• until Jan. 14, $75 after Jan. 14. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 5: “The 2020 Elections: Faste• Your Seatbelts — From Massachusetts to the Beltway, It’s All o• the Line” Rise & Shine Business Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by MassMutual Center, 1277 Mai• St., Springfield. Featuring political consultant Tony Cignoli. Cost: $25 for members i• advance ($30 at the door), $35 general admissio• i• advance ($40 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 20: Third annual Fire & Ice Craft Cocktail Competition, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. Cost: $50 for members i• advance ($60 at the door), $60 general admissio• i• advance ($70 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 27: Leadership Institute professional development program kickoff, 1-4:30 p.m., hosted by TD Bank Conference Center, 1441 Mai• St., Springfield. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 426-3880

• Jan. 16: Networking Lunch, noo• to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. Enjoy a sit-dow• lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief introductio• and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. The only cost to attend for members is the cost of lunch. Non-members pay $10 plus lunch. Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately that day. Please note, we cannot invoice you for these events. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

Chamber Corners


(413) 568-1618

• Jan. 6: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Andrea York Photography, 16 Union Ave., Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor-elect Donald Humason. The event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is requested so we may give our host a proper head count. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Jan. 13: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Union Crossing Realty, LLC, 420 Union St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Chamber members and non-members are free. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Jan. 28: Block Party, 4-6 p.m., hosted by Westwood Restaurant and Pub, 94 North Elm St., Westfield. Join us for an open house and meet Westwood and chamber businesses for drinks, appetizers, networking, and more. Chamber members are welcome. Marketing tables are available. For more information and to register, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618.

• Feb. 10: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Pottery Cellar, the Mill at Crane Pond, 77 Mill St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Chamber members and non-members are free. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• Jan. 16: PWC Headline Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield, with Karla Medina, retired Hartford police sergeant and owner and founder of Sudor Taino Fitness. Cost: $35 for PWC members, $40 general admission, and $25 for students. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 787-1555

• Feb. 5: “The 2020 Elections: Fasten Your Seatbelts — From Massachusetts to the Beltway, It’s All on the Line” Rise & Shine Business Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by MassMutual Center, 1277 Main St., Springfield. Featuring political consultant Tony Cignoli. Cost: $25 for members in advance ($30 at the door), $35 general admission in advance ($40 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 20: Third annual Fire & Ice Craft Cocktail Competition, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. Cost: $50 for members in advance ($60 at the door), $60 general admission in advance ($70 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Feb. 27: Leadership Institute professional development program kickoff, 1-4:30 p.m., hosted by TD Bank Conference Center, 1441 Main St., Springfield. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 426-3880

• Jan. 16: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. Enjoy a sit-down lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief introduction and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. The only cost to attend for members is the cost of lunch. Non-members pay $10 plus lunch. Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately that day. Please note, we cannot invoice you for these events. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

Chamber Corners

(413) 253-0700

• Through Dec. 11: First annual Red Ticket Month in Downtown Amherst. For every $25 spent at participating downtown businesses, receive a red ticket. Come to Kendrick Park on Dec. 21 to celebrate winter’s arrival with music, carriage rides, a hot-cocoa stroll, and a ticket drawing for $250 or $1,000. For more details, visit amherstdowntown.com.

• Dec. 11: Annual Chamber Holiday Party, 5-7 p.m., hosted by AmherstWorks, 11 Amity St., Amherst. An evening of merriment to celebrate the year. Reflections, networking, and an opportunity to deepen relationships with each other. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. For tickets and more information, visit amherstarea.com.

(413) 568-1618

• Dec. 13: December Holiday Breakfast, hosted by East Mountain Country Club, 1458 East Mountain Road, Westfield. Featuring the Westfield High School Show Choir. Join us in celebrating the holidays and support the chamber’s 2019 holiday spirit beneficiary. Attendees are encouraged to bring a donation for the 104th Fighter Wing, Barnes ANG, Airman & Family Readiness Program. Event Sponsor: Staples; silver sponsor: Easthampton Savings Bank; bronze sponsor: Shortstop Bar & Grill; coffee bar sponsor: Westfield Starfires. Tickets: $28 for members, $43 for non-members. For more information, to become a sponsor, or to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Dec. 16: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Arbors, 40 Court St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Free for both chamber members and non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

(413) 532-6451

• Dec. 11: Business After 5 with the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, 5 p.m., hosted by Summitview Banquet House, Holyoke. We will be collecting donations and toys for Toys for Tots. Summitview will be providing dinner and a cash bar. Cost: $15 with a new, unwrapped gift; $25 without gift (donation of $10 to be made to Toys for Tots in advance). Tickets and registration are available at shgchamber.com.

(413) 426-3880

• Jan. 16: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. Enjoy a sit-down lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief introduction and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. The only cost to attend for members is the cost of lunch. Non-members pay $10 plus lunch. Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately that day. Please note, we cannot invoice you for these events. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

Chamber Corners


(413) 253-0700

• Through Dec. 11: First annual Red Ticket Month in Downtown Amherst. For every $25 spent at participating downtown businesses, receive a red ticket. Come to Kendrick Park on Dec. 21 to celebrate winter’s arrival with music, carriage rides, a hot-cocoa stroll, and a ticket drawing for $250 or $1,000. For more details, visit amherstdowntown.com.

• Dec. 11: Annual Chamber Holiday Party, 5-7 p.m., hosted by AmherstWorks, 11 Amity St., Amherst. An evening of merriment to celebrate the year. Reflections, networking, and an opportunity to deepen relationships with each other. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. For tickets and more information, visit amherstarea.com.


(413) 527-9414

• Dec. 5: Jingle Bell Mixer, 5-8 p.m., hosted by Boylston Rooms, 122 Pleasant St., Suite 112, Easthampton. Listen to the music of Feel Good Drift while enjoying passed appetizers. Cost: $50 per person. Pre-registration is required. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 568-1618

• Nov. 26: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Rosewood Home & Gifts, 34 Elm St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber’s scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for members and non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Nov. 29-30: Westfield #ShopSmall. The Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with many local businesses throughout Westfield, will support Small Business Saturday on Nov. 29-30. Forty businesses are featured on a game board. Event sponsor, Staples, will provide a posterboard of the game board for the 40 businesses to display in their window. Another event sponsor, the Pennysaver, will include the game board in its Nov. 21 issue. Shoppers can visit a minimum of 10 participating merchants to be eligible for cash prizes of $500, $300, and $150. For more information, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Dec. 13: December Holiday Breakfast, hosted by East Mountain Country Club, 1458 East Mountain Road, Westfield. Featuring the Westfield High School Show Choir. Join us in celebrating the holidays and support the chamber’s 2019 holiday spirit beneficiary. Attendees are encouraged to bring a donation for the 104th Fighter Wing, Barnes ANG, Airman & Family Readiness Program. Event Sponsor: Staples; silver sponsor: Easthampton Savings Bank; bronze sponsor: Shortstop Bar & Grill; coffee bar sponsor: Westfield Starfires. Tickets: $28 for members, $43 for non-members. For more information, to become a sponsor, or to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Dec. 16: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Arbors, 40 Court St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Free for both chamber members and non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.



(413) 532-6451

• Dec. 6: 30th annual Holiday Stroll on the Town Common in South Hadley, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Event includes face painting, coloring contest, cookie decorating, various crafts, and a parade with Santa and tree lighting. This event is free to the public.

• Dec. 11: Business After 5 with the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, 5 p.m., hosted by Summitview Banquet House, Holyoke. We will be collecting donations and toys for Toys for Tots. Summitview will be providing dinner and a cash bar. Cost: $15 with a new, unwrapped gift; $25 without gift (donation of $10 to be made to Toys for Tots in advance). Tickets and registration are available at shgchamber.com.



(413) 426-3880

• Dec. 4: Holiday ‘Ugly Sweater’ Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Courtyard by Marriott, West Springfield. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. For more information about this event, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• Jan. 16: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. Enjoy a sit-down lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief introduction and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. The only cost to attend for members is the cost of lunch. Non-members pay $10 plus lunch. Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately that day. Please note, we cannot invoice you for these events. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

Chamber Corners



(413) 499-1600


• Oct. 30: Good News Business Salute: Women in Business, 5-7:30 p.m. In recognition of Women in Business Month, we pay tribute to the good work that women do here in the Berkshires. Celebrate at the newly renovated Williams Inn in Williamstown, as 1Berkshire honors four successful area businesses both owned and run by women: Barrington Stage Co., Lenox Fit Inc., North Adams Yoga, and Your Color Connection. Cost: $35 for members, $50 for non-members. To register, visit 1berkshire.com.

• Nov. 13: Chamber Nite, 5-7 p.m. 1Berkshire’s monthly networking opportunity continues in November with an event to be held at Wohrle’s Foods in Pittsfield. Cost: free for members. To register, visit 1berkshire.com.



(413) 253-0700

• Oct. 30: Supplier Diversity Programs Community Day, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., hosted by the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce.

• Nov. 5: 50th Anniversary Celebration, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Amherst Insurance Agency. Cost: free.

• Nov. 6: Startup Night at AmherstWorks, 5-7 p.m., presented by Valley Venture Mentors. Cost: free.

• Nov. 7: “Marijuana: Opportunities & Challenges,” 4-6 p.m., hosted by Jones Library. Cost: free.

• Nov. 13: Working Across Generations Workshop, 5-6:30 p.m., hosted by Look Park Garden House. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com.

• Nov. 15: Launching Women Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., hosted by Courtyard by Marriott. Cost: $25 for members, $45 for non-members.

• Nov. 18: Talk on Housing and Employment, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Amherst Survival Center. Cost: free.

• Nov. 21: Diversity and Inclusion Workshop, 8 a.m. to noon, hosted by Hadley Farms Meeting House. Cost: $25 for members, $45 for non-members.



(860) 653-3833

• Nov 1: First Friday, 7:30 a.m., hosted by Bobby V’s Restaurant.

• Nov 7: Business After Hours, 5:30 p.m. East Street Shops, East Granby, Conn., hosts a free, fully catered cocktail party during an expanded Business After Hours to support Friend to Friend Food Pantry. This event includes not only the Bradley Regional Chamber but also surrounding chambers and community members. The newly renovated center is located at 10 East St. next to Planet Fitness. Come and mingle with members of other area organizations while enjoying open bar and hors d’oeuvres. For those who would like to give, we will be accepting voluntary monetary donations to benefit Friend to Friend Food Pantry. Bring a friend. Registration required.

• Nov 12: Business After Hours, 5:30 p.m., hosted by Bradley International Airport. Tour new updates of the terminals and hear Kevin Dillon, Connecticut Airport Authority chief, speak.

• Nov 14: E-Circle Marketing Lunch & Learn, noon. “A Fresh Approach to Marketing and Sales That Will Drive Business Growth. Registration required.

• Nov 14: USA Mechanical grand reopening ribbon cutting, 4 p.m. USA Mechanical & Energy Services, LLC is doubling its footprint. With the growth of the company in both construction and HVAC service and maintenance, it has added employees, sheet-metal fabrication and warehouse space, offices, and a conference room and training center.

• Nov 20: Ambassador Luncheon, noon, hosted by DoubleTree Hotel/Shade Bar & Grill.

All events are free for Bradley Regional Chamber members, and there is small fee for non-members. The Ambassador Luncheon is a ‘pay your way’ event. Visit www.bradleyregionalchamber.org for more information and to register.



(413) 527-9414

• Nov. 7: Networking by Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Cooley Dickinson Urgent Care, located in the Southampton Shopping Center at 10 College Highway in Southampton. Refreshments will be served, and door prizes from Go with the Float will be awarded. Attendees will also have a chance at one of four $25 chamber gift cards courtesy of Michael Markiewicz, financial advisor. Cost: free for members, $20 for non-members. Pre-registration required. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Nov. 19: Speed Networking, 8-10 a.m., hosted by Inn on Boltwood, 30 Boltwood Dr., Amherst. Start your morning off at this high-energy, fast-paced, fun new way to network. Have some coffee, enjoy breakfast, and then do some speed networking. Cost: free for members only. Pre-registration required. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 584-1900

• Oct. 28: “Nonprofit Resource Roundtable with Jenny Ladd: Fundraising as Program, Program as Fundraising,” noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by the Garden House at Look Memorial Park. How can our fundraising be a form of our programming, and how can programming be part of fundraising? All too often, the person, people, or department doing fundraising are off in a corner separate from the programmatic workings of a nonprofit. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 29: “Health Connector for Small Business,” noon to 1 p.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber, 33 Hawley St., Northampton. Join us for an informative session with Rich Cahillane of American Benefits Group and Chaitra Sanders, account manager for the Health Connector for Business Distribution Channel. This event is part of the Greater Northampton Chamber 2019 Connect Campaign Event Series. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.



(413) 568-1618

• Nov. 4: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Amelia Park Arena, 21 South Broad St., Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan. Cost: free and open to the public. Pre-registration is requested so we may give our host a proper head count.

• Nov. 14: Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner, 5:30-8:30 p.m., hosted by Shaker Farms Country Club, 866 Shaker Road, Westfield. Join us as we roll out the red carpet and honor our 2019 ‘Of the Year’ Award winners: Business of the Year: Westfield Gas & Electric/Whip City Fiber; Nonprofit of the Year: Westfield 350th Committee; Lifetime Achievement: Sister Elizabeth Oleksak of Genesis Spiritual Life & Conference Center. Cost: $59. Members and non-members are invited to attend. For more information, to become a sponsor, and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Nov. 26: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Rosewood Home & Gifts, 34 Elm St., Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber’s scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for members and non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Nov. 29-30: Westfield #ShopSmall. The Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with many local businesses throughout Westfield, will support Small Business Saturday on Nov. 29-30. Forty businesses are featured on a game board. Event sponsor, Staples, will provide a posterboard of the game board for the 40 businesses to display in their window. Another event sponsor, the Pennysaver, will include the game board in its Nov. 21 issue. Shoppers can visit a minimum of 10 participating merchants to be eligible for cash prizes of $500, $300, and $150. For more information, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• Nov. 6: Rise & Shine Business Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. Featuring Roseann Sdoia Materia, author, motivational speaker, and Boston Marathon bombing survivor.

• Nov. 21: Government Reception, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Carriage House, Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield.

Reservations for all chamber events may be made by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.




(413) 426-3880

• Nov. 7: Food Fest West, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, West Springfield. Local restaurants and eateries show off their cuisine at this well-attended event. Vote for your favorite restaurant. A DJ, raffle, and entertainment will round out this event. Proceeds raised by Food Fest West will go toward the Partnership for Education and the WRC Educational Fund, which provides grants to businesses for on-the-job training and continuing-education needs. Tickets may be purchased online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].



• Nov. 21: November YPS Third Thursday. 5-7 p.m., hosted by Worthington Street Pub, 211 Worthington St., Springfield. Join YPS for complimentary handcrafted appetizers and a cash bar with more than 50 craft beers and barrel-aged cocktails. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. Register at springfieldyps.com.

Chamber Corners



(413) 575-7230

• Oct. 2: Inaugural Lexington Group Aeron Chair Hockey Tournament, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Lexington Group, 380 Union St., West Springfield. Co-hosted by BusinessWest, ERC5, and the West of the River Chamber of Commerce. In celebration of its 30th anniversary, Lexington Group is hosting this tournament benefiting the Foundation for TJO Animals. This will be an after-5 anniversary celebration and networking event. Players and administrative staff from area elite hockey teams, American International College and UMass Amherst, will battle it out in a friendly competition on the rink. The winning team of the battle round will play against the Springfield Thunderbirds. Cost: free, but registration is required. Register at lexington-aeronhockey.eventbrite.com.



(413) 527-9414

• Oct. 8: Networking In the Know Panel Series, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Abandoned Building Brewery, 142 Pleasant St., Unit 103A, Easthampton. We will go deep into what and your business needs to be diligent about and why. Topics include the latest on banking and credit-card scamming, business e-mail compromise, check ACH fraud, and direct deposit of payroll e-mail scam technology. A panel of experts — Linda Schwartz, of Westfield Bank, Martha Rickson of Polish National Credit Union, and William Judd of bankESB — will explain how to protect yourself and your business from these types of scams. Refreshments will be served courtesy of Hamel’s Creative Catering. Cost: $15 for members, $30 for non-members. Pre-registration is required, and no tickets will be available at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Oct. 23: Cybersecurity Chamber Breakfast, 8:30-10 a.m., hosted by the Greater Easthampton Chamber of Commerce, 33 Union St., Easthampton. Suite 3 President Dave DelVecchio will guide attendees through a security-awareness training review in three easy steps: identify the cybersecurity problem, create a security framework, and define what you as a user can do to help. This session is loaded with content and many actionable takeaways to improve the security awareness level within the attendee’s organization. Cost: $15, which includes a light breakfast. Pre-registration is required, and no tickets will be sold at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 584-1900

• Oct. 2: Schmoozapalooza, 5-7:30 p.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. An annual networking party bringing business and community together, featuring food, wine, and cold brews donated by local restaurants. Sponsored by Florence Bank, CopyCat Ink, Pioneer Training, and Christopher Heights of Northampton. Cost: $10/ for members. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 8: “Digital Marketing Demystified” with Rhyme Digital, noon to 2:30 p.m., hosted by Coldwell Banker Training Center, 112 Main St., Northampton. Join us for the first workshop in the Greater Northampton Chamber 2019 Connect Campaign Event Series. Presentation by Blair Winans of Rhyme Digital in Easthampton. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 22: “Sync Up with the Chamber and the Downtown Northampton Assoc. – A Conversation with Health, Wellness, and Beauty Businesses,” 8-9:30 a.m., 33 Hawley St., Northampton. Join us for a conversation among professionals and business owners within the health, wellness, and beauty sector. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 22: “Social Media in the Workplace” with Daniel Carr of Royal, P.C., 8:30-9:30 a.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 24: “Marketing and Advertising: What Works and What Doesn’t?” 8-9 a.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Join Joe O’Rourke of Northampton Radio Group for an informative talk on what works and what doesn’t in marketing and advertising. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 28: “Nonprofit Resource Roundtable with Jenny Ladd: Fundraising as Program, Program as Fundraising,” noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by the Garden House at Look Memorial Park. How can our fundraising be a form of our programming, and how can programming be part of fundraising? All too often, the person, people, or department doing fundraising are off in a corner separate from the programmatic workings of a nonprofit. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.

• Oct. 29: “Health Connector for Small Business,” noon to 1 p.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber, 33 Hawley St., Northampton. Join us for an informative session with Rich Cahillane of American Benefits Group and Chaitra Sanders, account manager for the Health Connector for Business Distribution Channel. Cost: free. RSVP at northamptonchamber.com/connect-campaign-2019.



(413) 568-1618

• Oct. 7: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Western Massachusetts Hospital, 91 East Mountain Road, Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan. The event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is requested so we may give our host a proper head count. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Oct. 9: Lunch & Learn: “Talk Saves Lives: A Community Introduction to Suicide Prevention,” 11:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Western Massachusetts Hospital, 91 East Mountain Road, Westfield. Presented by Heather White, area director, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Massachusetts and Vermont Chapter. This workshop will discuss the shockingly large scope of suicide, current research on prevention, suicide risk and warning signs, and how, together, we can help prevent it. Box lunch provided by Peppermill Catering. Cost: free for members, $40 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Oct. 17: Lunch & Learn: Hemp CBD Educational Seminar, 11:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Western Massachusetts Hospital, 91 East Mountain Road, Westfield. Presented by Kathleen Angco-Vieweg of Rehab Resolutions. This workshop is for everyone interested in learning basic information regarding CBD oil, the difference between hemp and marijuana, benefits of CBD oil, and what CBD oil can help with. Lunch provided by Peppermill Catering. Cost: free for members, $40 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Oct. 21: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by East Mountain Country Club, 1458 East Mountain Road, Westfield. The event will include a cash bar, refreshments, and a 50/50 raffle to benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• Oct. 17: Renaissance of Springfield Leadership Forum, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Springfield Museums. Panelists will include female leaders in Springfield who will share their visions and contributions to the current Springfield renaissance. Kay Simpson, president of Springfield Museums, will moderate the panel. Cost: $35 for members, $40 for non-members. To register, e-mail [email protected].



(413) 532-6451

• Oct. 17: Business After 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by TD Bank, Newton Street, South Hadley. Network with area businesses and business people. The event will include cider tastings, a cash bar, and light refreshments. Cost: $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Register online at shgchamber.com.



(413) 787-1555

• Oct. 2: “Rise and Shine: Differentiate Yourself – It’s YOU They Buy,” 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, 281 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Cost: $25 for members ($30 at the door), $35 general admission ($40 at the door). To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• Oct. 25: Super 60, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Chez Josef, 176 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Cost: $60 for members, $75 general admission. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.



(413) 426-3880

• Oct. 2: Inaugural Lexington Group Aeron Chair Hockey Tournament, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Lexington Group, 380 Union St., West Springfield. Co-hosted by BusinessWest, ERC5, and the West of the River Chamber of Commerce. In celebration of its 30th anniversary, Lexington Group is hosting this tournament benefiting the Foundation for TJO Animals. This will be an after-5 anniversary celebration and networking event. Players and administrative staff from area elite hockey teams, American International College and UMass Amherst, will battle it out in a friendly competition on the rink. The winning team of the battle round will play against the Springfield Thunderbirds. Cost: free, but registration is required. Register at lexington-aeronhockey.eventbrite.com.

• Oct. 14: Annual Scholarship/Business Grant Golf Tournament, hosted by Springfield Country Club, West Springfield. Registration at 11:30 a.m., lunch at noon, shotgun start at 1 p.m. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information or tickets, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• Oct. 23: Mingle with the Mayors VIP Luncheon, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Join us for an update from the mayors of Agawam and West Springfield over lunch, and mingle with the mayors afterward during this private, VIP event. Seating is limited. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• Nov. 7: Food Fest West, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, West Springfield. Local restaurants and eateries show off their cuisine at this well-attended event. Vote for your favorite restaurant. A DJ, raffle, and entertainment will round out this event. Proceeds raised by Food Fest West will go toward the Partnership for Education and the WRC Educational Fund, which provides grants to businesses for on-the-job training and continuing-education needs. Tickets may be purchased online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

Chamber Corners

(413) 575-7230

• Sept. 27: ERC5 2019 Golf Tournament, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., hosted by the Country Club of Wilbraham, 859 Stony Hill Road, Wilbraham. Join us and enjoy food, raffles and awards, contests of skill, networking, and spirited competition. The Golf Classic helps to support the ERC5 scholarship fund, which has awarded more than $155,000 to local high-school students. Visit www.erc5.com for sponsorship and player-registration information.

(413) 773-5463

• Sept. 17: Business After Hours at the United Way of Franklin County’s Taste & Toast ’Round the County, 5-8 p.m., hosted by Franklin County Fairgrounds. Join us at the historic Round House at the Franklin County Fairgrounds for the United Way of Franklin County’s Taste & Toast tournament. Mixologists are invited to face off for the chance to be named the ultimate in crafting cocktails. Register at (413) 772-2168 or uw-fc.org.

• Sept. 27: Monthly Breakfast and United Way Kickoff, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Franklin County Technical High School, 82 Industrial Blvd., Turners Falls. The United Way of Franklin County is kicking off its 2019 campaign. Learn about the upcoming campaign and how you can participate. Sponsored by Melanson Heath. Cost: $15 for members, $20 general admission. Register at [email protected] or franklincc.org.

(413) 594-2101

• Sept. 18: Salute Breakfast: “Maintaining the Work-Life Balance,” 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by MassMutual Learning and Conference Center, Chicopee. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, N. Riley Construction Inc., Polish National Credit Union, USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Featuring state Rep. Aaron Vega (chief greeter) and Kathy Anderson of Holyoke Medical Center (keynote speaker). An interactive opportunity for small businesses and startups to learn how to tap into state and local support. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Register at www.chicopeechamber.org/events.

(413) 527-9414

• Sept. 27: “Women and the Art of Risk,” 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., hosted by the Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. This year’s women’s leadership event will feature workshops, discussions, and career-development opportunities, all led by distinguished women from the Pioneer Valley. Hear personal and professional stories of how taking calculated risks led these women to new adventures and made them stronger leaders. Keynote speaker: Jody Kasper, chief of Police, city of Northampton. Cost: $119, which includes breakfast and lunch. A table of 10 may be purchased for $875. Pre-registration is required, and no tickets will be sold at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

(413) 568-1618

• Sept. 16: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Polish National Credit Union, 1 Parkside Ave., Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free to both chamber members and non-members. For more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618, or register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events.

• Sept. 20: September Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by the 104th Fighter Wing ANG, 175 Falcon Dr., Westfield. Platinum sponsor: Baystate Noble Hospital; gold sponsors: Westfield Gas & Electric/Whip City Fiber; silver sponsor: A Plus HVAC Inc.; bronze sponsors: BHN/Carson Center, Governor’s Center, and the Arbors. Cost: $28/ for members, $43 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Sept. 21: September Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by the 104th Fighter Wing ANG, 175 Falcon Dr., Westfield. Platinum event sponsor: Baystate Noble Hospital. Gold sponsor: Westfield Gas & Electric. Silver sponsor: A Plus HVAC Inc. Bronze sponsors: Behavioral Health Network/the Carson Center, Governor’s Center, and the Arbors. For sponsorships or registration questions, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618. Cost to attend: $28 for members, $43 for non-members. Register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events.

(413) 787-1555

• Oct. 17: Renaissance of Springfield Leadership Forum, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Springfield Museums. Panelists will include female leaders in Springfield who will share their visions and contributions to the current Springfield renaissance. Kay Simpson, president of Springfield Museums, will moderate the panel. Cost: $35 for members, $40 for non-members. To register, e-mail [email protected].

(413) 426-3880

• Sept. 17: Legislative Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. Presenting sponsor: Health New England. A panel of legislators, featuring state Sens. James Welch and Donald Humason and state Reps. Nicholas Boldyga and Michael Finn, will provide updates from Beacon Hill, followed by a question-and-answer session. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For sponsorships or to register online, visit www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information on ticket sales, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• Sept. 25: “Mingle with Dingle” networking event with guests from Dingle, Ireland, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Irish Cultural Center/Trinity Pub, West Springfield. Join us for a night of networking with our sister-city friends from Dingle, Ireland. Food, raffle prizes, and fun for all. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. Sponsorship opportunities available. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• Oct. 2: Inaugural Lexington Group Aeron Chair Hockey Tournament, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Lexington Group, 380 Union St., West Springfield. Co-hosted by BusinessWest, ERC5, and the West of the River Chamber of Commerce. In celebration of its 30th anniversary, Lexington Group is hosting this tournament benefiting the Foundation for TJO Animals, which supports veterinary needs and services for local, homeless animals at the Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control & Adoption Center. This will be an after-5 anniversary celebration and networking event. Players and administrative staff from area elite hockey teams, American International College and UMass Amherst, will battle it out in a friendly competition on the rink. The winning team of the battle round will play against the Springfield Thunderbirds. Cost: free, but registration is required. Register at lexington-aeronhockey.eventbrite.com.

• Oct. 14: Annual Scholarship/Business Grant Golf Tournament, hosted by Springfield Country Club, West Springfield. Registration at 11:30 a.m., lunch at noon, shotgun start at 1 p.m. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information or tickets, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• Oct. 23: Mingle with the Mayors VIP Luncheon, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Join us for an update from the mayors of Agawam and West Springfield over lunch, and mingle with the mayors afterward during this private, VIP event. Seating is limited. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

Chamber Corners



(413) 594-2101

• Aug. 21: Party on the Patio Chamber Open House, 4:30-7 p.m., sponsored by Westfield Bank, Polish National Credit Union, and PeoplesBank. Networking, international foods from favorite Chicopee restaurants, cash bar, and live music. Cost: $25 or two for $40. Register at www.chicopeechamber.org/events.

• Aug. 29: Seminar: “Grants and Opportunities Available to Small Businesses” with Samalid Hogan, 8:30-10:30 a.m., hosted by Hampton Inn, Chicopee. Sponsored by Westfield Bank. An interactive opportunity for small businesses and startups to learn how to tap into state and local support. Cost: $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Coffee, tea, and light breakfast included. Register at www.chicopeechamber.org/events.

• Sept. 12: Business After Hours, 4:30-6:30 p.m.. hosted by the Red Fez. Sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. Networking fun at a Chicopee staple, featuring a full Portuguese buffet and cash bar. Space is limited for this annual event. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Register at www.chicopeechamber.org/events.

• Sept. 18: Salute Breakfast: “Maintaining the Work-Life Balance,” 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by MassMutual Learning and Conference Center, Chicopee. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, N. Riley Construction Inc., Polish National Credit Union, USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Featuring state Rep. Aaron Vega (chief greeter) and Kathy Anderson of Holyoke Medical Center (keynote speaker). An interactive opportunity for small businesses and startups to learn how to tap into state and local support. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Register at www.chicopeechamber.org/events.



(413) 527-9414

• Sept. 12: Networking by Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Nini’s Ristorante, 124 Cottage St., Easthampton. Sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. The event will include food provided by Nini’s, a cash bar, and business-to-business relationship building. This event is free to members and their employees; however, pre-registration is required. Non-members are invited for $20. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Sept. 27: “Women and the Art of Risk,” 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., hosted by the Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. This year’s women’s leadership event will feature workshops, discussions, and career-development opportunities, all led by distinguished women from the Pioneer Valley. Hear personal and professional stories of how taking calculated risks led these women to new adventures and made them stronger leaders. Keynote speaker: Jody Kasper, chief of Police, city of Northampton. Cost: $119, which includes breakfast and lunch. A table of 10 may be purchased for $875. Pre-registration is required. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 584-1900

• Aug. 1: Downtown Northampton Marketing Meeting, 8-9:30 a.m. Join the Greater Northampton Chamber, the Downtown Northampton Assoc., and Rhyme Digital for a presentation and feedback session on northampton.live, the new website for all things Northampton. Learn about how businesses can engage in digital marketing and plug into this resource. Cost: free. For more information, visit northamptonchamber.com.

• Aug. 21: Dazzle and Dine Holiday Menu Preview Party, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Inn on Boltwood. Planning your holiday party? Mix and mingle with the inn’s team, take a tour of its event spaces, and enjoy hors d’oeuvres, a sampling of entrées, and live entertainment. Reserve your holiday party early to receive special discounts and perks. Cost: $20 per person. For more information and to register, visit northamptonchamber.com.

• Sept. 11: September Arrive@5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Northampton Survival Center. Come when you can, stay as long as you can. A casual mix and mingle with friends and colleagues. Cost: $10 for members, $12 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit northamptonchamber.com.



(413) 568-1618

• Aug. 7: West Meets West Business After Hours, hosted by Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. A networking collaboration between the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce and West of the River Chamber of Commerce. Cash bar and appetizers will be available. Bring your business cards and expand your network. Cost: free for chamber members, $10 cash at the door for non-members. Marketing table sponsorships are available for $100.

• Sept. 9: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by the Arbors, 40 Court St., Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan. The event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is requested so we may give our host a proper head count. Register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618.

• Sept. 16: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Polish National Credit Union, 1 Parkside Ave., Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free to both chamber members and non-members. For more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618, or register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events.

• Sept. 21: September Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by the 104th Fighter Wing ANG, 175 Falcon Dr., Westfield. Platinum event sponsor: Baystate Noble Hospital. Gold sponsor: Westfield Gas & Electric. Silver sponsor: A Plus HVAC Inc. Bronze sponsors: Behavioral Health Network/the Carson Center, Governor’s Center, and the Arbors. For sponsorships or registration questions, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618. Cost to attend: $28 for members, $43 for non-members. Register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events.



(413) 426-3880

• Aug. 7: West Meets West Networking with Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce, 5-7 p.m., hosted by 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Join us for a night of networking with the Greater Westfield Chamber, featuring food, raffle prizes, and fun for all. Cost: free for chamber members, $10 cash at the door for non-members. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information about this event, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• Sept. 4: Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Partners Restaurant, Agawam. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. For more information about this event, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• Sept. 17: Legislative Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. Presenting sponsor: Health New England. A panel of legislators, featuring state Sens. James Welch and Donald Humason and state Reps. Nicholas Boldyga and Michael Finn, will provide updates from Beacon Hill, followed by a question-and-answer session. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For sponsorships or to register online, visit www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information on ticket sales, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].



• Aug. 15: August Third Thursday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the White Lion Summer Beer Garden Join us for our signature networking Third Thursday. YPS will be hanging in the VIP area. Cost: free. Register at www.springfieldyps.com.

Chamber Corners

(413) 499-1600

• June 25: Chamber Nite, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Kittredge House, 444 Main St., Dalton. This event is a free networking opportunity for members of 1Berkshire.

(413) 527-9414

• June 26: Speaker Breakfast: Cyber Breach Symposium, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Williston Northampton School, 19 Payson Ave., Easthampton. Featuring Mat Reardon, Beazley Group. Learn what steps you can take to minimize your risk. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

(413) 534-3376

• June 26: Business After Hours and ribbon-cutting ceremony, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Pulp, 80 Race St., Holyoke. Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of one of Holyoke’s newest businesses. Pulp is a unique gallery right on the canals featuring the work of artists and makers. There will be light hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine, live music, art, and connections.

(413) 584-1900

• July 10: July Arrive@5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Miss Florence Diner, 99 Main St., Florence. A networking event sponsored by Delap Real Estate, Northampton Cooperative Bank, and the Hub. Cost: $10 for members.

(413) 568-1618

• July 9: The Westfield Starfires are hosting Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce members to a complimentary game at Bullens Field, Smith Avenue, Westfield. Beginning at 5 p.m., watch the teams warm up, relax in the beer garden, or grab a bite to eat. The game against the Bristol Blues starts at 6:30 p.m. Call (413) 568-1618 to reserve a ticket.

• July 11: 42nd annual Pancake Breakfast, 7-11 a.m., hosted by Westfield Middle School, 30 West Silver St., Westfield. Pancake sponsor: BusinessWest; sausage sponsor: BMC-HealthNet Plan; placemat sponsor: Appalachian Press; ticket sponsor: Puffer Printing. This event, held rain or shine, will include pancakes, children’s activities, and vendors. Cost: $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, $3 for kids under age 10. Tickets available at the chamber office at 16 North Elm St., Westfield (check or credit), or at the event (cash only). To order a vendor table online, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships, tickets, or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• Aug. 7: West Meets West Business After Hours, hosted by Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. A networking collaboration between the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce and West of the River Chamber of Commerce. Cash bar and appetizers will be available. Bring your business cards and expand your network. Cost: free for chamber members, $10 cash at the door for non-members. Marketing table sponsorships are available for $100.

(413) 426-3880

• Aug. 7: West Meets West Networking with Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce, 5-7 p.m., hosted by 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Join us for a night of networking with the Greater Westfield Chamber, featuring food, raffle prizes, and fun for all. Cost: free for chamber members, $10 cash at the door for non-members. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information about this event, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.


• June 25: Leadership Luncheon, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Valley Venture Mentors, 276 Bridge St., Springfield. Enjoy an informal lunch and networking while hearing from Kristin Leutz, CEO of Valley Venture Mentors. Cost: free for members, $15 for non-members.

Chamber Corners



(413) 499-1600

• June 25: Chamber Nite, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Kittredge House, 444 Main St., Dalton. This event is a free networking opportunity for members of 1Berkshire.




(413) 253-0700

• June 12: New Members Reception, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Powerhouse at Amherst College. Recognizing our newest members with an evening of live music, a signature summer cocktail, food tastings, and networking. Visit www.amherstarea.com/events to register.

• June 13-15: Taste of Amherst, Thursday, 5-9 p.m.; Friday, 5-10 p.m., Saturday, noon to 10 p.m. The Amherst Area Chamber and the Amherst Business Improvement District present Taste of Amherst, bringing together local restaurants and food vendors, live music, carnival activities, and more on the Amherst Town Common. Visit www.amherstarea.com/events to register.




(413) 773-5463

• June 19: Business After Hours, 5-7 p.m., hosted by People’s United Bank, 45 Federal St., Greenfield. Networking event with refreshments sponsored by People’s United Bank. Cost: $10. To register, e-mail www.franklincc.org.

• June 21: Annual Meeting and Legislative Breakfast, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Eaglebrook School, Deerfield. Cost: $15 for members, $20 general admission. To register, e-mail www.franklincc.org.




(413) 594-2101

• June 13: Business After Hours: Interstate Towing Inc. 20th anniversary celebration, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Series sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. Marketing tables available for $75. Free to attend, but RSVP required. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• June 19: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Elms College Campus Center. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Polish National Credit Union, N. Riley Construction Inc., USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Chief Greeter: Jessica Dupont, Health New England and Dress for Success. Keynote speaker: Meghan Rothschild, Chikmedia. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.




(413) 527-9414

• June 11: “In the Know” Panel Series and Networking, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Fort Hill Brewery, 30 Fort Hill Road, Easthampton. The Chamber offers the second in the “In The Know” panel series, where a panel made up of Gen Brough, president, Finck & Perras Insurance; Dave Griffin Jr., vice president, Dowd Agencies; and Matt Waugh, president, Waugh Agency Insurance will discuss insurance needs. Get the insight you need to consider to protect yourself and your business. Refreshments will be served courtesy of Nini’s. Cost: $15 for members, $30 for non-members. Pre-registration is a must. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• June 26: Speaker Breakfast: Cyber Breach Symposium, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Williston Northampton School, 19 Payson Ave., Easthampton. Featuring Mat Reardon, Beazley Group. Learn what steps you can take to minimize your risk. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.




(413) 534-3376

• June 19: Business Person of the Year and Annual Meeting Dinner Reception, 5-8 p.m., hosted by the Wherehouse?, 109 Lyman St., Holyoke. Join us for an elegant evening of recognition as we honor Barry Farrell of Farrell Funeral Home as our Business Person of the Year and Maria D. Ferrer, M.D. Beauty Salon as the Henry Fifield recipient. There will be plenty of food, drink, and connections. Past Business Person of the Year Mike Hamel will serve as master of ceremonies.


• June 26: Business After Hours and ribbon-cutting ceremony, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Pulp, 80 Race St., Holyoke. Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of one of Holyoke’s newest businesses. Pulp is a unique gallery right on the canals featuring the work of artists and makers. There will be light hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine, live music, art, and connections.




(413) 584-1900

• June 13: Torch: Our Time to Shine, 6-10 p.m., hosted by the Academy of Music, Northampton. Sponsors: Cooley Dickinson, the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Florence Bank, PeoplesBank, BusinessWest, Leadership Pioneer Valley, Keiter Builders, and Aladco Linen Services. The opening red-carpet reception will feature community-facilitated illustration to envision the future of Northampton, a program with musical entertainment from the Downtown Sounds Co-Op House Band, Pioneer Valley Performing Arts’ Spectrum A Cappella, and the Green Street Brew. The program will honor leadership transitions within the community, including the organization’s own Suzanne Beck and her successor. The evening continues with a party under the stars, food, and festivities behind the Academy of Music. Cost: $150, community investor; $100, chamber supporter; $50, entrepreneur. Register at aomtheatre.ticketfly.com.

July 10: July Arrive@5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Miss Florence Diner, 99 Main St., Florence. A networking event sponsored by Delap Real Estate, Northampton Cooperative Bank, and the Hub. Cost: $10 for members.




(413) 568-1618

• June 13: Chamber’s 60th Diamond Celebration, 5-8:30 p.m., hosted by the Ranch Golf Club, 65 Sunnyside Road, Southwick. Sponsored by Diamond, Mestek Inc., Berkshire Bank, United Bank, Arrha Credit Union, Rehab Resolutions, G.I.L.T.E. Bakery Service, and Adform Interiors. Join us for dinner as the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce celebrates 60 years of service to our business community. Join us for a walk down memory lane, and learn what is happening now and what the future will bring for the chamber. During the cocktail hour, network with some old friends, and hopefully make new ones. For every two tickets sold, you will receive a $100 gift card from the chamber to Andrew Grant Diamond Center. Guests will also receive a commemorative pin. Cost: $60 per person. Register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• June 17: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Westfield Bank, 462 College Highway, Southwick. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for chamber members, $15 for non-members (cash or credit paid at the door). Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.




(413) 787-1555

• June 19: “Powering Your Exports,” a program for manufacturing and tech companies, 8:30-10:30 a.m., hosted by TD Bank Conference Center, 1441 Main St., Springfield. Presented by the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network and the Massachusetts Export Center. Registration is free at www.msbdc.org.




(413) 426-3880

• June 13: Annual Breakfast and Morning of Comedy, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Chez Josef, Agawam. The event will kick off with the welcoming of new chairman Ryan McLane and the incoming WRC board of directors. Then join us for a few laughs with comedian Tom Hayes from North Shore Comedy in Boston. Cost: $35 for members, $45 for non-members. Sponsorships and program advertising available. For more information and tickets to this event, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].




• June 13: Networking Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by 350 Grill. Join us for our signature networking night and enjoy appetizers. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members.

• June 25: Leadership Luncheon, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Valley Venture Mentors, 276 Bridge St., Springfield. Enjoy an informal lunch and networking while hearing from Kristin Leutz, CEO of Valley Venture Mentors. Cost: free for members, $15 for non-members.

Chamber Corners



(413) 499-1600

• June 25: Chamber Nite, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Kittredge House, 444 Main St., Dalton. This event is a free networking opportunity for members of 1Berkshire.



(413) 253-0700

• May 29: Economic Development Panel, 4-6 p.m., hosted by the Old Chapel at UMass. A presentation of the state of economic development in Amherst and a panel discussion of the community’s strategic advantage as well as a vision for the future of economic development in the Amherst area. A reception to continue the conversation, with bites from the award-winning UMass Dining, will follow. Visit www.amherstarea.com/events to register.

• June 12: New Members Reception, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Powerhouse at Amherst College. Recognizing our newest members with an evening of live music, a signature summer cocktail, food tastings, and networking. Visit www.amherstarea.com/events to register.

• June 13-15: Taste of Amherst, Thursday, 5-9 p.m.; Friday, 5-10 p.m., Saturday, noon to 10 p.m. The Amherst Area Chamber and the Amherst Business Improvement District present Taste of Amherst, bringing together local restaurants and food vendors, live music, carnival activities, and more on the Amherst Town Common. Visit www.amherstarea.com/events to register.



(413) 594-2101

• May 31: Chicopee Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Tournament, 10 a.m. shotgun start, hosted by Chicopee Country Club. Presented by Polish National Credit Union. Sponsored by First American Insurance Agency Inc., Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Poly-Plating Inc., Hampton Inn, Residence Inn of Chicopee, Tru by Hilton, ICNE, Roca Inc., and Health New England. Cost: $125 per golfer, $500 per team of four, and/or $20 golfer package that includes 25 raffle tickets and one mulligan. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• June 4: CEO Luncheon,11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Tru by Hilton, 440 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. A quarterly luncheon series where CEOs tell of how they rose to their positions. June’s luncheon will feature Christine Judd of Roca Inc. Series sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. Cost: $30 for members, $35 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• June 8: Run the Runway 5K, 10 a.m., hosted by Westover Metropolitan Airport. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Polish National Credit Union, PeoplesBank, First American Insurance Agency Inc., Williams Distributing, Insurance Center of New England, and Northern Tree Service Inc. This a collaborative event with the Galaxy Community Council and Westover Metropolitan Airport, featuring a car show and festival immediately following the race. Race registration and vendor space still available. Visit www.chicopeechamber.org/run-the-runway for more information.

• June 13: Business After Hours: Interstate Towing Inc. 20th anniversary celebration, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Series sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. Marketing tables available for $75. Free to attend, but RSVP required. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• June 19: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Elms College Campus Center. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Polish National Credit Union, N. Riley Construction Inc., USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Chief Greeter: Jessica Dupont, Health New England and Dress for Success. Keynote speaker: Meghan Rothschild, Chikmedia. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.



(413) 527-9414

• June 11: “In the Know” Panel Series and Networking, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Fort Hill Brewery, 30 Fort Hill Road, Easthampton. The Chamber offers the second in the “In The Know” panel series, where a panel made up of Gen Brough, president, Finck & Perras Insurance; Dave Griffin Jr., vice president, Dowd Agencies; and Matt Waugh, president, Waugh Agency Insurance will discuss insurance needs. Get the insight you need to consider to protect yourself and your business. Refreshments will be served courtesy of Nini’s. Cost: $15 for members, $30 for non-members. Pre-registration is a must. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• June 26: Speaker Breakfast: Cyber Breach Symposium, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Williston Northampton School, 19 Payson Ave., Easthampton. Featuring Mat Reardon, Beazley Group. Learn what steps you can take to minimize your risk. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 534-3376

• June 5: Business Connections Expo and Business After Hours, 1-7 p.m., hosted by the Delaney House, 3 Country Club Road, Holyoke. A chance for the public and business people can mingle and connect with colleagues and chamber members over light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. The expo will end at 4 p.m., and vendors will have the opportunity to break down their tables and head back inside Delaney’s Grand Ballroom to make the connections they were unable to make during the course of the expo. The public will be able to come back at 4:30 p.m. for hot and elegant hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and an open patio with a roaring fire for a regular Business After Hours. Space is limited.

 n June 19: Business Person of the Year and Annual Meeting Dinner Reception, 5-8 p.m., hosted by the Wherehouse?, 109 Lyman St., Holyoke. Join us for an elegant evening of recognition as we honor Barry Farrell of Farrell Funeral Home as our Business Person of the Year and Maria D. Ferrer, M.D. Beauty Salon as the Henry Fifield recipient. There will be plenty of food, drink, and connections. Past Business Person of the Year Mike Hamel will serve as master of ceremonies.


• June 26: Business After Hours and ribbon-cutting ceremony, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Pulp, 80 Race St., Holyoke. Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of one of Holyoke’s newest businesses. Pulp is a unique gallery right on the canals featuring the work of artists and makers. There will be light hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine, live music, art, and connections.



(413) 584-1900

• May 28: Workshop: “Upgrading to Office 365,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. Cost: $35 for members, $45 for non-members.

• June 13: Torch: Our Time to Shine, 6-10 p.m., hosted by the Academy of Music, Northampton. Sponsors: Cooley Dickinson, the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Florence Bank, PeoplesBank, BusinessWest, Leadership Pioneer Valley, Keiter Builders, and Aladco Linen Services. The opening red-carpet reception will feature community-facilitated illustration to envision the future of Northampton, a program with musical entertainment from the Downtown Sounds Co-Op House Band, Pioneer Valley Performing Arts’ Spectrum A Cappella, and the Green Street Brew. The program will honor leadership transitions within the community, including the organization’s own Suzanne Beck and her successor. The evening continues with a party under the stars, food, and festivities behind the Academy of Music. Cost: $150, community investor; $100, chamber supporter; $50, entrepreneur. Register at aomtheatre.ticketfly.com.

• July 10: July Arrive@5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Miss Florence Diner, 99 Main St., Florence. A networking event sponsored by Delap Real Estate, Northampton Cooperative Bank, and the Hub. Cost: $10 for members.



(413) 568-1618

• June 3: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Hampden Village Community Center, 1 Village Green, Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan. This event is free and open to the public. To register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618 so we may give our host a proper head count.

• June 13: Chamber’s 60th Diamond Celebration, 5-8:30 p.m., hosted by the Ranch Golf Club, 65 Sunnyside Road, Southwick. Sponsored by Diamond, Mestek Inc., Berkshire Bank, United Bank, Arrha Credit Union, Rehab Resolutions, G.I.L.T.E. Bakery Service, and Adform Interiors. Join us for dinner as the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce celebrates 60 years of service to our business community. Join us for a walk down memory lane, and learn what is happening now and what the future will bring for the chamber. During the cocktail hour, network with some old friends, and hopefully make new ones. For every two tickets sold, you will receive a $100 gift card from the chamber to Andrew Grant Diamond Center. Guests will also receive a commemorative pin. Cost: $60 per person. Register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• June 17: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Westfield Bank, 462 College Highway, Southwick. Refreshments will be served. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for chamber members, $15 for non-members (cash or credit paid at the door). Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.



(413) 787-1555

• June 5: “Live from Springfield! It’s Wednesday Night Live,” annual meeting and celebration and Leadership Institute graduation, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Sheraton Springfield. Cost: $75 for members in advance, $85 for general admission. To register, visit www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mail [email protected], or call (413) 755-1310.

• June 19: “Powering Your Exports,” a program for manufacturing and tech companies, 8:30-10:30 a.m., hosted by TD Bank Conference Center, 1441 Main St., Springfield. Presented by the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network and the Massachusetts Export Center. Registration is free at www.msbdc.org.



(413) 426-3880

• June 5: Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted By Trinity Pub/Irish Cultural Center, West Springfield. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. For more information, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• June 13: Annual Breakfast and Morning of Comedy, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Chez Josef, Agawam. The event will kick off with the welcoming of new chairman Ryan McLane and the incoming WRC board of directors. Then join us for a few laughs with comedian Tom Hayes from North Shore Comedy in Boston. Cost: $35 for members, $45 for non-members. Sponsorships and program advertising available. For more information and tickets to this event, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].



• June 13: Networking Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by 350 Grill. Join us for our signature networking night and enjoy appetizers. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members.

• June 25: Leadership Luncheon, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Valley Venture Mentors, 276 Bridge St., Springfield. Enjoy an informal lunch and networking while hearing from Kristin Leutz, CEO of Valley Venture Mentors. Cost: free for members, $15 for non-members.

Chamber Corners



(413) 499-1600

• April 24: Good News Business Salute, 7:30-9 a.m. Throughout the year, 1Berkshire selects businesses and organizations to recognize at events called Good News Business Salutes. These may honor an expansion, creation of new jobs, a significant milestone or anniversary, the unveiling of a new program, or a substantial new commitment to the community. The Esther Quinn Award will be given out at this event to an actively involved community member. Cost: $35 for members; $50 for non-members. Register at bit.ly/2H71NS6.



(413) 253-0700

• April 10: April After 5 – Battle of the Admins, 5-7 p.m., hosted by PinZ at the Hampshire Mall. In celebration of Administrative Professionals Day, offices will compete in fun team-building events to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among staff and show them how much you appreciate their hard work. Cornhole, ping-pong, and axe throwing are just a few of the fun events the Hampshire Mall has prepared. Looking to meet new people? We will pair you up with someone you don’t know to network.

• April 17: Amherst Area Economic Development Panel, 4-6 p.m., hosted by UMass Old Chapel. A presentation of the state of economic development in Amherst and a panel discussion of the community’s strategic advantage as well as a vision for the future of economic development in the Amherst area.

• April 19-28: Daffodil Days. In celebration of spring, the Amherst downtown will be adorned with sprouting daffodils and artistic storefront windows. Many restaurants, cafés, and shops will have special spring offerings and sales.



(413) 773-5463

• April 18: Business After Hours, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Polish American Citizens Club, 46 South Main St., South Deerfield. Sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. A networking event featuring a cash bar and an all-Polish menu by Hamel’s Catering. Register at franklincc.org or by e-mailing [email protected].

• April 26: Monthly Chamber Breakfast Series, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Terrazza Restaurant. Sponsored by the Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice. Full breakfast will be served during the program, featuring a panel celebrating the contribution of today’s immigrants. Speakers include Laurie Millman, executive director for the Center for New Americans; Abas Cecunjanin, owner of Terrazza Restaurant; Arjen Vriend, owner of Pioneer Gardens Inc.; and Geetu Shokeen, owner of Montague Dental Arts. Register at franklincc.org or by e-mailing [email protected].



(413) 594-2101

• April 5: Shining Stars Gala, 6-10 p.m., hosted by Castle of Knights, Chicopee. Presented by Westfield Bank. Sponsored by PeoplesBank, Polish National Credit Union, Health New England, BusinessWest, Siddall & Siddall, P.C., the Arbors Kids, N. Riley Construction, the Chicopee Herald, and Hampton Inn of Chicopee. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• April 17: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Willits-Hallowell Center. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, N. Riley Construction Inc., Polish National Credit Union, USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Marketing for small business chief greeter: Chris Thompson of CT Enterprises. Keynote speaker: Alfonso Santaniello of Creative Strategy Agency. Cost: $25 for members, $30 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• April 25: Business After Hours – Happy Hour After Hours, 4:30-6:30 p.m., hosted by Exchange St. Station. Come after work and relax and enjoy a drink and some light refreshments. Don’t forget your business cards. Cost: $10 for member, $15 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.



(413) 527-9414

• April 3: Networking by Night, 5-9 p.m., hosted by the Springfield Thunderbirds at the MassMutual Center. Networking 5-7 p.m., followed by a game courtesy of the Thunderbirds. This event is free to members and their families. Pre-registration is required, as there will be no tickets available at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• April 25: Food 4 Thought Lunch & Learn, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Mill 180 Park, 180 Pleasant St., Easthampton. Robin Kline, director of Volunteer & Guest Services at Cooley Dickinson Health Care, will facilitate a program about customer Service. If you think it’s no big deal, think again. This seemingly innocuous little detail can make or break an organization. A box lunch is included with registration. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for future members. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.



(413) 584-1900

• April 2: Workshop: “Excel Tips & Tricks, Part 2,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This class will present a series of tips and shortcuts that will help attendees work more efficiently and complete more complex tasks with Microsoft Excel. Learn how to assign range names to groups of cells and how to use range names in formulas and functions. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

• April 3: April Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Danco, 10 West St., West Hatfield. A networking event sponsored by Northeast Solar, NEPR, Health New England, and MassHire Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board. Cost: $10 for members.

• April 23: Workshop: CyberSafe, 9 a.m. to noon, hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. CyberSafe is a three-hour workshop for non-technical users that focuses on using technology without compromising personal or organizational security. Students will learn the skills they need to protect digital data on computers, networks, mobile devices, and the internet. They will learn how to identify many of the common risks involved in using technology, such as phishing, spoofing, malware, and social engineering, and then learn how to protect themselves and their organizations from those risks. Cost: $50 for members, $60 for non-members.

• May 1: May Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Emerson Way, Northampton. A networking event sponsored by Gove Law Office, Keiter Builders, and Kuhn Riddle Architects. Cost: $10 for members.

• May 14: Workshop: “Microsoft Word Tips,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This workshop contains a variety of quick tips and tricks in Microsoft Word that will save hours of time. Attendees will learn to add buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar; shortcuts for selecting words, sentences, and paragraphs; and how (and why) to display non-printing characters in a document. Practice using the Format Painter to copy formatting and fix problems with numbered and bulleted lists. Learn to create AutoCorrect entries to correct common typos, and AutoText entries and Quick Parts to easily enter frequently used text. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

May 28: Workshop: “Upgrading to Office 365,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. Cost: $35 for members, $45 for non-members.



(413) 568-1618

• April 1: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m, hosted by Westfield Sportsman’s Club, 98 Furrowtown Road, Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan. The event is free and open to the public. To register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618 so we may give our host a proper head count.

• April 8: After 5 Connections, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Armbrook Village, 551 North Road, Westfield. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for members, $15 for non-members (cash or credit paid at the door). Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• April 12: Legislative Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Tekoa Country Club, 459 Russell Road, Westfield. Tony Cignoli of A.L. Cignoli Co. will be moderating a panel of legislators at our annual Legislative Luncheon. Don’t miss this opportunity for your voice to be heard on issues or budget items that affect your business or employees. Invited panelists include state Sens. Don Humason and Adam Hinds, and state Reps. Natalie Blais, Nicholas Boldyga, Smitty Pignatelli, Lindsay Sabadosa, and John Velis. Cost: $35 for members, $50 for non-members. Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• April 25: Westfield Education to Business Alliance High School Career Fair, 8-10:30 a.m., hosted by Westfield State University, Woodward Center, 395 Western Ave., Westfield. Don’t miss the chance to help shape the future through workforce development in the community. Create connections for your business and the next generation of your workforce by inspiring Westfield High School and Westfield Technical Academy students with career and college exploration. More than 500 students will be in attendance. There is no charge to be a vendor. Register online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• April 30: Marketplace Sip & Shop, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce and the Southwick Economic Development Committee at the Ranch Golf Club, 65 Sunnyside Road, Southwick. Join more than 40 local merchants while sipping your way through the market. Refreshments and cash bar available. This event is free and open to the public. Vendor cost: $50 if bringing a table, $75 if you would like us to provide the table, or if you would like floor space. Vendor sign-up and additional details available online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.



(413) 532-6451

• April 6: Mohegan Sun Bus Trip, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hop on King Ward’s 40-person bus for a day of fun at one of the world’s finest casinos. Pickup and dropoff at the Chicopee Home Depot parking lot at 9 a.m. Cost: $50 per person, which includes bus fare, $15 food voucher, and $15 gambling voucher. Call Steven Laplante at (413) 246-4911 for more information, or e-mail [email protected] to reserve seating.

• April 17: Business After 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Thirsty Mind, located in South Hadley’s Village Commons, across the street from Mount Holyoke College. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. RSVP and direct questions to [email protected], and mail a check, payable to the South Hadley & Granby Chamber of Commerce, to 2 Lyman St., South Hadley, MA 01075.



(413) 787-1555

• April 3: Mayor’s Forum, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Delaney House, One Country Club Road, Holyoke. Presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. Featuring Mayor Domenic Sarno of Springfield, Mayor Nicole LaChapelle of Easthampton, and Mayor William Sapelli of Agawam. Cost: $30 for members ($40 at the door), $35 for non-members ($45 at the door).

• April 11: Beacon Hill Summit, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., sponsored by Baystate Health and Comcast. A day at the State House in Boston hosted by state Sen. James Welch and state Rep. Carlos Gonzalez. An opportunity to spend a day with members of the Baker-Polito administration. Cost: $180 for members, $225 for non-members, which includes lunch and reception.

• April 11: Professional Women’s Chamber Tabletop Showcase, 5-8 p.m., hosted by Carriage House, Storrowton Village, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Cost: $40 admission includes food and one drink; $150 for exhibitor table. Reservations for all chamber events may be made by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.



(413) 426-3880

• April 3: Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. For more information about this event, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.



• April 19: April Third Thursday featuring area graduate schools, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Samuel’s at the Hall of Fame. Join us for our monthly Third Thursday while learning about graduate schools from representatives from various area colleges and universities. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. Learn more at springfieldyps.com.

Chamber Corners

(413) 499-1600

• April 24: Good News Business Salute, 7:30-9 a.m. Throughout the year, 1Berkshire selects businesses and organizations to recognize at events called Good News Business Salutes. These may honor an expansion, creation of new jobs, a significant milestone or anniversary, the unveiling of a new program, or a substantial new commitment to the community. The Esther Quinn Award will be given out at this event to an actively involved community member. Cost: $35 for members; $50 for non-members. Register at bit.ly/2H71NS6.

(413) 253-0700

• March 28: Margarita Madness, 5:30-8:30 p.m., hosted by Insterskate 91 at Hampshire Mall. Presented by TommyCar Auto Group. Enjoy an evening of margaritas and vote for your favorite. There will also be dishes from participating restaurants and dozens of raffle prizes. Trumpy of the Valley’s Hits 94.3 will emcee the event. Cost: $30 in advance, $40 at the door. Buy tickets at www.amherstarea.com. Margarita tables are sold out.

(413) 773-5463

• April 18: Business After Hours, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Polish American Citizens Club, 46 South Main St., South Deerfield. Sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. A networking event featuring a cash bar and an all-Polish menu by Hamel’s Catering. Register at franklincc.org or by e-mailing [email protected].

• April 26: Monthly Chamber Breakfast Series, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Terrazza Restaurant. Sponsored by the Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice. Full breakfast will be served during the program, featuring a panel celebrating the contribution of today’s immigrants. Speakers include Laurie Millman, executive director for the Center for New Americans; Abas Cecunjanin, owner of Terrazza Restaurant; Arjen Vriend, owner of Pioneer Gardens Inc.; and Geetu Shokeen, owner of Montague Dental Arts. Register at franklincc.org or by e-mailing [email protected].

(413) 594-2101

• March 20: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by the Delaney House. Chief greeter: Karen Hansmann, Chicopee Cultural Council/chamber board. Keynote: Happier Valley Comedy, “5 Tips for Quieting Your Voice of Unhelpful Judgement.” Series sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, N. Riley Construction Inc., Polish National Credit Union, USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events. Sponsor tables still available; call (413) 594-2101, ext. 102.

• April 5: Shining Stars Gala, 6-10 p.m., hosted by Castle of Knights, Chicopee. Presented by Westfield Bank. Sponsored by PeoplesBank, Polish National Credit Union, Health New England, BusinessWest, Siddall & Siddall, P.C., the Arbors Kids, N. Riley Construction, the Chicopee Herald, and Hampton Inn of Chicopee. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• April 17: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Willits-Hallowell Center. Sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, N. Riley Construction Inc., Polish National Credit Union, USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Marketing for small business chief greeter: Chris Thompson of CT Enterprises. Keynote speaker: Alfonso Santaniello of Creative Strategy Agency. Cost: $25 for members, $30 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

• April 25: Business After Hours – Happy Hour After Hours, 4:30-6:30 p.m., hosted by Exchange St. Station. Come after work and relax and enjoy a drink and some light refreshments. Don’t forget your business cards. Cost: $10 for member, $15 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

(413) 527-9414

• April 3: Networking by Night, 5-9 p.m., hosted by the Springfield Thunderbirds at the MassMutual Center. Networking 5-7 p.m., followed by a game courtesy of the Thunderbirds. This event is free to members and their families. Pre-registration is required, as there will be no tickets available at the door. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• April 25: Food 4 Thought Lunch & Learn, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Mill 180 Park, 180 Pleasant St., Easthampton. Robin Kline, director of Volunteer & Guest Services at Cooley Dickinson Health Care, will facilitate a program about customer Service. If you think it’s no big deal, think again. This seemingly innocuous little detail can make or break an organization. A box lunch is included with registration. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for future members. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

(413) 534-3376

• March 20: Big Honkin’ Business After Hours at Marcotte Ford, 4:30 p.m. This event is a collaboration with the Greater Westfield and Greater Chicopee chambers, featuring food stations, beer and wine, marketing opportunities, door prizes, and more. Cost: $10 for members, $25 for non-members.

(413) 584-1900

• March 26: Workshop: “Excel Tips & Tricks, Part 1,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This workshop contains a variety of quick tips and tricks in Microsoft Excel that will save users hours of time. Learn how to add buttons to the quick-access toolbar, so the commands you want are at your fingertips. Learn how to view all the formulas in a worksheet and how to freeze rows and columns for easier viewing and navigation. Practice time-saving shortcuts for selecting, moving, and copying cells, and learn how to use autofill to create a series of numbers or dates or to copy formulas. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

• April 2: Workshop: “Excel Tips & Tricks, Part 2,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This class will present a series of tips and shortcuts that will help attendees work more efficiently and complete more complex tasks with Microsoft Excel. Learn how to assign range names to groups of cells and how to use range names in formulas and functions. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

• April 3: April Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Danco, 10 West St., West Hatfield. A networking event sponsored by Northeast Solar, NEPR, Health New England, and MassHire Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board. Cost: $10 for members.

• April 23: Workshop: CyberSafe, 9 a.m. to noon, hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. CyberSafe is a three-hour workshop for non-technical users that focuses on using technology without compromising personal or organizational security. Students will learn the skills they need to protect digital data on computers, networks, mobile devices, and the internet. They will learn how to identify many of the common risks involved in using technology, such as phishing, spoofing, malware, and social engineering, and then learn how to protect themselves and their organizations from those risks. Cost: $50 for members, $60 for non-members.

May 1: May Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Emerson Way, Northampton. A networking event sponsored by Gove Law Office, Keiter Builders, and Kuhn Riddle Architects. Cost: $10 for members.

May 14: Workshop: “Microsoft Word Tips,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This workshop contains a variety of quick tips and tricks in Microsoft Word that will save hours of time. Attendees will learn to add buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar; shortcuts for selecting words, sentences, and paragraphs; and how (and why) to display non-printing characters in a document. Practice using the Format Painter to copy formatting and fix problems with numbered and bulleted lists. Learn to create AutoCorrect entries to correct common typos, and AutoText entries and Quick Parts to easily enter frequently used text. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

May 28: Workshop: “Upgrading to Office 365,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. Cost: $35 for members, $45 for non-members.

(413) 568-1618

• March 20: Big Honkin’ Business After Hours, 4:30-7 p.m., a three-chamber event with the Greater Westfield, Greater Chicopee, and Greater Holyoke chambers, hosted by Marcotte Ford, 1025 Main St., Holyoke. Hearty appetizers, food stations, beer, and wine provided. Live jazz music and valet parking. Bring business cards to make connections and enter to win raffle prizes. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Pre-registration is recommended at www.westfieldbiz.org/events or by calling the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

(413) 532-6451

• April 6: Mohegan Sun Bus Trip, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hop on King Ward’s 40-person bus for a day of fun at one of the world’s finest casinos. Pickup and dropoff at the Chicopee Home Depot parking lot at 9 a.m. Cost: $50 per person, which includes bus fare, $15 food voucher, and $15 gambling voucher. Call Steven Laplante at (413) 246-4911 for more information, or e-mail [email protected] to reserve seating.

• April 17: Business After 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Thirsty Mind, located in South Hadley’s Village Commons, across the street from Mount Holyoke College. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. RSVP and direct questions to [email protected], and mail a check, payable to the South Hadley & Granby Chamber of Commerce, to 2 Lyman St., South Hadley, MA 01075.

(413) 787-1555

• March 19: “A New Wave,” 4-6 p.m., hosted by the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, 1000 Hall of Fame Ave., Springfield. A presentation by the city of Springfield Office of Economic Development in partnership with the Springfield Regional Chamber, highlighting new economic-development projects and updates on larger economic-development projects in the works. Includes reception with cash bar following. Admission is complimentary, but reservations are required.
Reservations for all Springfield Regional Chamber events may be made by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.

(413) 426-3880

• March 21: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Enjoy lunch while networking with fellow chamber members and guests of members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief intro and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. Cost: free for members; $10 for non-members. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• April 3: Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. For more information about this event, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.


• March 21: YPS Third Thursday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by MGM Springfield Lobby Bar. Join us for our March Third Thursday. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. Afterward, we will enjoy the show at ROAR comedy club. For an exclusive discount on tickets to the show, visit springfieldyps.com.

• April 19: April Third Thursday featuring area graduate schools, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Samuel’s at the Hall of Fame. Join us for our monthly Third Thursday while learning about graduate schools from representatives from various area colleges and universities. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. Learn more at springfieldyps.com.

Chamber Corners

(413) 499-1600

• March 12: 1Berkshire Education Session: “Digital Marketing for Community Organizations,” 3-5 p.m., hosted by Lee Bank, 40 Pittsfield Lenox Road, Lenox. Join 1Berkshire, HYFN Local, and WWLP Media as guest presenter Mitch West discusses digital advertising, incorporating video and social media. Free to 1Berkshire members.

• March 12: 1Berkshire Chamber Nite, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Lee Bank, 40 Pittsfield Lenox Road, Lenox. Join us for the March Chamber Nite in partnership with the Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires. Members of either organization get in for free, and we’ll highlight the theme of community impact.

• March 13: 1Berkshire Education Session: “Digital Marketing for Small, Medium, and Large Companies,” 8-11 a.m., hosted by 1Berkshire, 66 Allen St., Pittsfield. Join 1Berkshire, HYFN Local, and WWLP Media as guest presenter Mitch West discusses incorporating video into digital advertising strategies (8 a.m.), social media (9 a.m.), and navigating digital advertising (10 a.m.). Free to 1Berkshire members.

• March 13: 1Berkshire Education Session: “Digital Marketing for Creative Economy, Culturals, Hospitality, and Tourism,” 2-4 p.m, hosted by Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge. Join 1Berkshire, HYFN Local, and WWLP Media as guest presenter Mitch West discusses digital advertising, incorporating video and social media. Free to 1Berkshire members.

(413) 253-0700

• March 6: Business Leadership Discussion Group, 4:30-7:30 p.m., hosted by Jake’s at the Mill, Amherst. Presented by Family Planning Business Center and Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce. Register at www.amherstarea.com.

• March 28: Margarita Madness, 5:30-8:30 p.m., hosted by Insterskate 91 at Hampshire Mall. Presented by TommyCar Auto Group. Enjoy an evening of margaritas and vote for your favorite. There will also be dishes from participating restaurants and dozens of raffle prizes. Trumpy of the Valley’s Hits 94.3 will emcee the event. Cost: $30 in advance, $40 at the door. Buy tickets at www.amherstarea.com. Margarita tables are sold out.

(413) 594-2101

• March 5: CEO Power Hour Luncheon featuring Gina Kos of Sunshine Village, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by the Collegian Court. A quarterly luncheon series where CEOs tell how they rose to their positions. Series sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. Cost: $30 for members, $35 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• March 8: Big Honkin’ Business After Hours, 4:30-6:30 p.m., a multi-chamber event hosted by Marcotte Ford. A celebration of Marcotte’s new, state-of-the-art dealership. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members.

• March 20: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by the Delaney House. Chief greeter: Karen Hansmann, Chicopee Cultural Council/chamber board. Keynote: Happier Valley Comedy, “5 Tips for Quieting Your Voice of Unhelpful Judgement.” Series sponsored by Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, N. Riley Construction Inc., Polish National Credit Union, USI Insurance Services, Spherion Staffing Services, and PeoplesBank. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events. Sponsor tables still available; call (413) 594-2101, ext. 102.

(413) 527-9414

• March 7: Networking by Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Puzzled Escape Games, Eastworks, 116 Pleasant St., Unit 141. An evening of intrigue and networking. See if you have the skills needed to escape. Cost: free for members, $15 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• March 15: St. Patrick’s Day Lunch, noon to 2:30 p.m., hosted by Northampton Country Club, 135 Main St., Leeds. Enjoy a corned beef and cabbage luncheon and salute the St. Patrick’s Day committee award winners, Michael Callini, Steve Zsavisa, and Mr. & Mrs. Florek. Newly elected state Rep. Dan Kelly will be the keynote speaker. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for future members. Reservations are required, as space is limited. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

(413) 534-3376

• March 6: Coffee Buzz, 7:30 a.m., hosted by Holyoke Hummus Café. Did you know Holyoke Hummus now serves breakfast? Join the Greater Holyoke business community as we indulge in fine vegetarian cuisine over a warm beverage. There will be plenty of coffee and connections to be had as Holyoke Hummus Café celebrates its second birthday. Cost: free.

• March 13: Annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, 7:15 a.m., hosted by the Log Cabin, Holyoke. Presented by PeoplesBank. Sponsored by the Republican; Holyoke Gas and Electric; Resnic, Beaureguard, Waite and Driscoll; Holyoke Medical Center; and Marcotte Ford. Join us for our annual St. Patrick’s weekend kickoff as we feature live Irish music, Holyoke tartan for sale, a full Irish breakfast, and plenty of laughs and connections. Rumor has it there will be a special guest speaker. As always, there will be plenty of Irish cheer. Cost: $35 for members, $50 for non-members, $250 for tables of eight for members. Shamrock sponsorship for $550 (e-mail [email protected]).

• March 20: Big Honkin’ Business After Hours at Marcotte Ford, 4:30 p.m. This event is a collaboration with the Greater Westfield and Greater Chicopee chambers, featuring food stations, beer and wine, marketing opportunities, door prizes, and more. Cost: $10 for members, $25 for non-members.

(413) 584-1900

• March 6: March Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Forget Me Not Florist, 114 Main St., Northampton. A networking event sponsored by the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, Complete Payroll, and PeoplesBank. Cost: $10 for members.

• March 26: Workshop: “Excel Tips & Tricks, Part 1,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This workshop contains a variety of quick tips and tricks in Microsoft Excel that will save users hours of time. Learn how to add buttons to the quick-access toolbar, so the commands you want are at your fingertips. Learn how to view all the formulas in a worksheet and how to freeze rows and columns for easier viewing and navigation. Practice time-saving shortcuts for selecting, moving, and copying cells, and learn how to use autofill to create a series of numbers or dates or to copy formulas. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

• April 2: Workshop: “Excel Tips & Tricks, Part 2,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. This class will present a series of tips and shortcuts that will help attendees work more efficiently and complete more complex tasks with Microsoft Excel. Learn how to assign range names to groups of cells and how to use range names in formulas and functions. Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members.

• April 3: April Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Danco, 10 West St., West Hatfield. A networking event sponsored by Northeast Solar, NEPR, Health New England, and MassHire Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board. Cost: $10 for members.

• April 23: Workshop: CyberSafe, 9 a.m. to noon, hosted by Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce, 99 Pleasant St., Northampton. Presented by Pioneer Training. CyberSafe is a three-hour workshop for non-technical users that focuses on using technology without compromising personal or organizational security. Students will learn the skills they need to protect digital data on computers, networks, mobile devices, and the internet. They will learn how to identify many of the common risks involved in using technology, such as phishing, spoofing, malware, and social engineering, and then learn how to protect themselves and their organizations from those risks. Cost: $50 for members, $60 for non-members.

(413) 568-1618

• March 4: March Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Westfield Gas & Electric at the Operations Center, 40 Turnpike Industrial Road, Westfield. Join us for coffee with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan. The event is free and open to the public. To register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events or call (413) 568-1618 so we may give our host a proper head count.

• March 15: St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Westfield State University, Scanlon Hall, 577 Western Ave., Westfield. Platinum sponsor: Westfield State University; small business sponsor: Puffer Printing; in-kind sponsor: Flowers by Webster. Join us for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast as we honor our 2019 Sons of Erin Colleen, Hannah Elizabeth Jury, and her court; Irishwoman of the Year Terri Broderick Hathaway; Irishman of the Year Jim Rood, and Parade Marshal Bo Sullivan. Cost: $25 for members, $40 for non-members. For more information and to register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events or contact the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• March 20: Big Honkin’ Business After Hours, 4:30-7 p.m., a three-chamber event with the Greater Westfield, Greater Chicopee, and Greater Holyoke chambers, hosted by Marcotte Ford, 1025 Main St., Holyoke. Hearty appetizers, food stations, beer, and wine provided. Live jazz music and valet parking. Bring business cards to make connections and enter to win raffle prizes. A 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber scholarship fund. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Pre-registration is recommended at www.westfieldbiz.org/events or by calling the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

(413) 532-6451

• March 14: Business After 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by: Johnny’s Tap Room, South Hadley. Located in South Hadley’s Village Commons, across the street from Mount Holyoke College, Johnny’s Bar & Grille has been serving up food and drinks since 2006. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. To RSVP or for more information, e-mail [email protected], and mail a check, payable to the South Hadley & Granby Chamber of Commerce, to 2 Lyman St., South Hadley, MA 01075.

• April 6: Mohegan Sun Bus Trip, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hop on King Ward’s 40-person bus for a day of fun at one of the world’s finest casinos. Pickup and dropoff at the Chicopee Home Depot parking lot at 9 a.m. Cost: $50 per person, which includes bus fare, $15 food voucher, and $15 gambling voucher. Call Steven Laplante at (413) 246-4911 for more information, or e-mail [email protected] to reserve seating.

• April 17: Business After 5, 5-7 p.m., hosted by the Thirsty Mind, located in South Hadley’s Village Commons, across the street from Mount Holyoke College. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. RSVP and direct questions to [email protected], and mail a check, payable to the South Hadley & Granby Chamber of Commerce, to 2 Lyman St., South Hadley, MA 01075.

(413) 787-1555

• March 4: Outlook 2019, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by the MassMutual Center, 1277 Main St., Springfield. Presented by Health New England. Featuring national columnist Margaret Carlson as keynote speaker, plus U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. Cost: $60 for members in advance, $80 general admission in advance, $100 at the door.

• March 14: Fire & Ice Craft Cocktail Competition and Fundraiser, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. Sponsored by Florence Bank.

• March 19: “A New Wave,” 4-6 p.m., hosted by the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, 1000 Hall of Fame Ave., Springfield. A presentation by the city of Springfield Office of Economic Development in partnership with the Springfield Regional Chamber, highlighting new economic-development projects and updates on larger economic-development projects in the works. Includes reception with cash bar following. Admission is complimentary, but reservations are required.

Reservations for all Springfield Regional Chamber events may be made by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.

(413) 426-3880

• March 21: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Enjoy lunch while networking with fellow chamber members and guests of members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief intro and company overview. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. Cost: free for members; $10 for non-members. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• April 3: Wicked Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, West Springfield. Wicked Wednesdays are monthly social events, hosted by various businesses and restaurants, that bring members and non-members together to network in a laid-back atmosphere. For more information about this event, call the chamber office at (413) 426-3880, or register at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.


• March 21: YPS Third Thursday, 5-7 p.m., hosted by MGM Springfield Lobby Bar. Join us for our March Third Thursday. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members. Afterward, we will enjoy the show at ROAR comedy club. For an exclusive discount on tickets to the show, visit springfieldyps.com.

Chamber Corners

(413) 499-1600

• Oct. 17: Chamber Nite, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Hillcrest Commons, 169 Valentine Road, Pittsfield. Chamber networking event. Free for members.

• Oct. 24: Good News Business Salute, featuring Women in Business Month, 5-7 p.m, hosted by Seven Hills Inn, 40 Plunkett St., Lenox.

• Oct. 28: Berkshire Young Professionals Event, 4-8 p.m., hosted by St. James Place, 352 Main St., Great Barrington.

(413) 253-0700

• Oct. 4: A+ Awards Banquet, 5-9 p.m., hosted by UMass Student Ballroom, 280 Hicks Way, Amherst. Each year, the chamber takes a moment to collectively celebrate the outstanding achievements of community members and entities that contribute to the growth and well-being of the place we choose to work and live. Cost: $80, $75 for a table of 10. Register at amherstarea.com.

• Oct. 24: Multi-chamber Oktoberfest, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Hadley Farms Meeting House, 41 Russell St., Hadley. Register at amherstarea.com.

• Oct. 25: Legislative Breakfast, 7:30-9:30 a.m., hosted by Lord Jeffery Inn, 30 Boltwood Ave., Amherst. The annual legislative breakfast brings together legislators, local officials, and business leaders to network and discuss current and upcoming policy issues. Cost: $20 for members, $25 for non-members. Register at amherstarea.com.

(413) 594-2101

• Sept. 19: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Tru By Hilton, 440 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Chief greeter: Tony Cignoli. Keynote speaker: state Rep. Joseph Wagner. Series sponsored by United Personnel, Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Polish National Credit Union, Gaudreau Group, Spherion Staffing Services, PeoplesBank, and Interstate Towing Inc. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• Sept. 28: Chamber Seminar: “Authenticity in Leadership,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by Residence Inn, 500 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Presenter: Lora Wondolowski of Leadership Pioneer Valley. Presented by Westfield Bank. Cost: $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• Oct. 2: Multi-chamber Business Table Top Expo, 4:30-7 p.m., hosted by Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Sponsored by LaQuinta Inns & Suites, Holyoke Medical Center, Westfield Bank, BusinessWest, and Polish National Credit Union. The Greater Chicopee, Greater Holyoke, South Hadley & Granby, Springfield Regional, and Quaboag Hills chambers of commerce will host more than 100 vendors in this networking event. Vendor tables are booking now at $125, with a $25 charge for electricity. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. Sponsorship packages are still available. Free to the public to attend. Register a vendor table online at chicopeechamber.org/events, and ask about the new-member discount.

• Oct. 17: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by MassMutual Learning & Conference Center. Featuring a community planning update. Chief greeter: Lee Pouliot, city of Chicopee. Keynote speaker: Tim Brennan, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. Sponsored by United Personnel, Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Polish National Credit Union, Gaudreau Group, Spherion Staffing Services, PeoplesBank, Lisa Vachon, CPA, and FutureWorks. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at chicopeechamber.org/events.

(413) 527-9414

• Sept. 23: Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. The Greater Easthampton Chamber of Commerce joins with other area chambers to provide information concerning the nursing ballot initiative. There will be a continental breakfast and networking beginning at 7:30 a.m., folllowed by a panel discussion beginning at 8 a.m. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Sept. 28: Women & the Art of Risk, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., hosted by the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. A women’s leadership event featuring workshops, discussions, and career-development opportunities, all led by distinguished women from the Pioneer Valley. Hear personal and professional stories of how taking calculated risks led these women to new adventures and made them stronger leaders. The keynote speaker is Dr. Valerie Young, an internationally recognized expert on impostor syndrome. Cost: $119, or $875 for a table of 10. Pre-registration is a must. For more information, a schedule of the day’s events, and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Oct. 2: “The Story Behind the Grand Bargain,” 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by the Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. A joint event with the Springfield Regional Chamber and 1Berkshire. Lunch will be 11:30 a.m. to noon, and the program will follow from noon to 1 p.m. Nancy Creed, president of the Springfield Regional Chamber, and John Regan, executive vice president of Government Affairs at Associated Industries of Massachusetts, will explain the details of the compromise bill and what it means for businesses. You will learn how they negotiated the compromise with a grassroots coalition and what that process could mean for future hot-button issues and how they affect business. Cost: $30 for members, $40n for non-members. Register at www.springfieldregionalchamber.com. Greater Easthampton Chamber members register with code GBE18.

• Oct. 11: Networking by Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Abandoned Building Brewery, 142 Pleasant St., Unit 103A, Easthampton. Sponsored by Tunnel 7 and Fran’s Fine Editing. Food and door prizes will be available, along with a cash bar. Cost: $10 fir members, $15 for non-members. Pre-registration is suggested. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

(413) 534-3376

• Sept. 19: Chamber After Hours, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Gateway City Arts, 92 Race St., Holyoke. Join us for our first After Hours of this fiscal season. The team down at Gateway City Arts is excited to host this networking event in its Biergarten and Bistro. Cost: free to members who register in advance, $10 at the door and for non-members.

• Sept. 21: Now in its 30th season, the chamber and Holyoke Community College present Leadership Holyoke, to be held over a series of eight days. Faculty members from HCC will participate as instructors and facilitators, and community leaders will participate as speakers and discussion leaders. Cost: $600 for all eight sessions. Sign up at holyokechamber.com.

• Sept. 28: Women and the Art of Risk, hosted by the Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. A women’s leadership event, in conjunction with the Greater Easthampton Chamber of Commerce, featuring workshops, discussions, and career-development opportunities, all led by distinguished woman from the Pioneer Valley. Hear personal and professional stories of how taking calculated risks led these women to new adventures and made them stronger leaders. Sign up at easthamptonchamber.org.

(413) 584-1900

• Oct. 2: October Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m., a networking event and chamber open house hosted by the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce. Sponsored by Pioneer Training. Cost: $10 for members.

(413) 568-1618

• Sept. 20: Workshop: “Cybersecurity for Cloud-based Solutions: Emphasis on Endpoints in the Data Center,” 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., hosted by Tekoa Country Club, 459 Russell Road, Westfield. Presented by Norhals Group LLC, Carbon Black, and VMWare’s Cloud Force Security. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Cost: $45. For sponsorships or registration questions, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618. To register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events.

• Sept. 21: September Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by 104th Fighter Wing ANG, 175 Falcon Dr., Westfield. Platinum event sponsor: Baystate Noble Hospital; gold sponsors: Savage Arms, United Bank, and Westfield Gas & Electric; silver sponsor: A Plus HVAC Inc; bronze sponsors: Armbrook Village, Governor’s Center, Micro Abrasives Corp., and Rehab Resolutions. Join us to hear from keynote speaker Tim Brennan, executive director of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. Immediately following breakfast, we will take the 2019-20 directory centerfold photo, and those who have the time can take a tour of the base. Cost: $25 for members, $40 for non-members. For sponsorships or registration questions, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618. To register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events.

• Sept. 28: Workshop: “Social Media in the Workplace,” 8:30-10 a.m., hosted by Holiday Inn Express, 39 Southampton Road, Westfield. Presented by attorney Timothy Netkovick of Royal P.C. Cost: free for mmembers; $30/non-members (Paid in Advance). For sponsorships or registration questions, e-mail [email protected] or call (413) 568-1618. To register, visit www.westfieldbiz.org/events.

• Oct. 1: Mayor’s Coffee Hour with Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan, 8-9 a.m., hosted by Armbrook Village, 51 North Road, Westfield. Free and open to the public. Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events or call the chamber at (413) 568-1618 to register so we may give our host a head count.

• Oct. 4: Multi-Chamber Lunch & Learn, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Storrowton Tavern Carriage House, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Rick Lord, president and CEO of Associated Industries of Massachusetts, will offer a barometer of the regional business climate and the historic ‘grand bargain’ legislation that promises to have profound effects on businesses and employees. Cost: $30 for members, $40 for non-members (cash or credit paid at the door). Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

• Oct. 4: Ticket to Ride, hosted by the Holyoke Merry-Go-Round, 221 Appleton St., Holyoke. In honor of Manufacturing Month, manufacturers are invited to don casual business attire for a ride down the rails to the Merry-Go-Round in Holyoke. Aboard, you will be treated as a VIP, with an open bar and free hors-d’oeuvres. Non-manufacturers welcome as well. Space is limited. This event is free and open to the public. Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events or call the chamber at (413) 568-1618 to register.

• Oct. 10: October After 5 Connection, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Chester Railway Station, 10 Prospect St., Chester. Refreshments will be served, and a 50/50 raffle will benefit the chamber’s scholarship fund. Bring your business cards and make connections. Cost: free for members, $10 for non-members (cash or credit paid at the door). Sign up online at www.westfieldbiz.org/events. For sponsorships or more information, call the chamber at (413) 568-1618.

(413) 773-5463
• Sept. 28: Monthly Breakfast Series, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Franklin County Technical High School, 82 Industrial Blvd., Turners Falls. Full breakfast will be served during the program, which will feature the kickoff of the United Way of Franklin County’s fundraising campaign. Register at franklincc.org or e-mail [email protected].
(413) 787-1555

• Oct. 2: “The Story Behind the Grand Bargain,” 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by the Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. Cost: $30 for members, $40 for non-members, $45 at the door. Register by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.

• Oct. 2: Multi-chamber Business Table Top Expo, 4:30-7 p.m., hosted by Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Presented in collaboration with the Greater Chicopee, Greater Holyoke, Holyoke, Greater Westfield, and Quaboag Hills chambers. Cost: $125 for exhibitors. Register by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.

• Oct. 17: Deadline for Super 60 reservations. Register by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.

• Oct. 26: Super 60 Awards Celebration, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Chez Josef, 176 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Join us as we celebrate the success of the fastest-growing privately held companies in the region. Cost: $60 for members, $75 for non-members, $100 at the door. Register by visiting www.springfieldregionalchamber.com, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (413) 755-1310.

(413) 426-3880

• Sept. 18: September Legislative Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Chez Josef, 176 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Join us as we listen to an informative panel discussion with our elected officials. State senators, state representatives, and local mayors will update guests on all things politics. The presenting sponsor is Horizon Services; premier sponsors include the Insurance Center of New England, Health New England, Polish National Credit Union, and Republic Services; and preferred sponsors include Reliable Temps, Spherion Staffing, Westfield Bank, and Partners Restaurant & Catering. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• Oct. 4: Multi-chamber Lunch & Learn, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Enjoy lunch while learning about the future of our business climate with guest speaker Richard Lord, CEO of Associated Industries of Massachusetts. Cost: $30. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

• Oct. 18: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Crestview Country Club, Agawam. You must be a member or guest of a member to attend. Enjoy a sit-down lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief introduction and company overview. The only cost to attend is the cost of your lunch. Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately the day of the event. We cannot invoice you for these events. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.

• Oct. 25: Food Fest West, 5:30-8 p.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, West Springfield. Local restaurants show off their cuisine at this well-attended event, which also features a DJ, raffle, and entertainment. Vote for your favorite restaurant. Proceeds raised by Food Fest West will go toward the Partnership for Education and the WRC Educational Fund, which provides grants to businesses for on-the-job training and continuing-education needs. Cost: $35 in advance, $45 at the door. Tickets may be purchased online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com. For more information about this event, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or [email protected].

Chamber Corners

(413) 253-0700

• Aug. 30: Candidate Debate, 7 p.m., hosted by Amherst Regional Middle School auditorium. A pre-primary debate for candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for state representative (Third Hampshire) and state senator (Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester).

(413) 594-2101

• Sept. 6: CEO Luncheon, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Collegian Court, 89 Park St., Chicopee. A quarterly luncheon series where CEOs tell of how they rose to their positions. September’s luncheon will feature Jim Goodwin of CHD. Series sponsored by Polish National Credit Union. Cost: $30 for members, $35 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• Sept. 13: Business After Hours, 4:30-6:30 p.m., hosted by Red Fez, 70 Exchange St., Chicopee. Series presented by Polish National Credit Union Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• Sept. 19: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., hosted by Tru By Hilton, 440 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Chief greeter: Tony Cignoli. Keynote speaker: state Rep. Joseph Wagner. Series sponsored by United Personnel, Westfield Bank, Holyoke Medical Center, Polish National Credit Union, Gaudreau Group, Spherion Staffing Services, PeoplesBank, and Interstate Towing Inc. Cost: $23 for members, $28 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

• Sept. 28: Chamber Seminar: “Authenticity in Leadership,” 9-11 a.m., hosted by Residence Inn, 500 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Presenter: Lora Wondolowski of Leadership Pioneer Valley. Presented by Westfield Bank. Cost: $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Sign up online at www.chicopeechamber.org/events or call (413) 594-2101.

(413) 527-9414

• Sept. 13: Networking by Night, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Northampton Country Club, 135 Main St., Leeds. Sponsored by Tunnel 7 and Fran’s Fine Editing. Food and door prizes will be available, as well as a cash bar. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Pre-registration is suggested. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Sept. 23: Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., hosted by Springfield Country Club, 1375 Elm St., West Springfield. The Greater Easthampton Chamber of Commerce joins with other area chambers to provide information concerning the nursing ballot initiative. There will be a continental breakfast and networking beginning at 7:30 a.m., folllowed by a panel discussion beginning at 8 a.m. For more information and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

• Sept. 28: Women & the Art of Risk, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., hosted by the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. A women’s leadership event featuring workshops, discussions, and career-development opportunities, all led by distinguished women from the Pioneer Valley. Hear personal and professional stories of how taking calculated risks led these women to new adventures and made them stronger leaders. The keynote speaker is Dr. Valerie Young, an internationally recognized expert on impostor syndrome. Cost: $119, or $875 for a table of 10. Pre-registration is a must. For more information, a schedule of the day’s events, and to register, visit www.easthamptonchamber.org or call the chamber at (413) 527-9414.

(413) 773-5463

• Sept. 28: Monthly Breakfast Series, 7:30-9 a.m., hosted by Franklin County Technical High School, 82 Industrial Blvd., Turners Falls. Full breakfast will be served during the program, which will feature the kickoff of the United Way of Franklin County’s fundraising campaign. Register at franklincc.org or e-mail [email protected].

(413) 787-1555

• Sept. 13: Professional Women’s Chamber Season Kickoff Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by the Munich Haus, 13 Center St., Chicopee. Sponsors: BusinessWest and HCN. Lisa Mullins, host of WBUR’s All Things Considered, will headline the luncheon. Cost: $35 for members, $40 for non-members, $99 for luncheon season pass. Registration will be available soon on the PWC website at www.professionalwomenschamber.com.

(413) 532-6451

• Sept. 13: Lunch & Learn: “Marketing Your Small Business,” noon to 1:30 p.m., hosted by Yarde Tavern, 3 Hadley St., South Hadley. Ryan Mahoney, an account manager at Hibu, will facilitate this discussion about how best to promote your business with the resources you have, whether you are a one-person business or someone who works at a much larger company. We will order individually off the Yarde Tavern menu at noon, and plan to start the discussion about 12:15 p.m. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. To register, visit www.shgchamber.com and go to this event on the calendar.

(413) 426-3880

• Sept. 18: September Legislative Breakfast, 7-9 a.m., hosted by Chez Josef, 176 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Join us as we listen to an informative panel discussion with our elected officials. State senators, state representatives, and local mayors will update guests on all things politics. The presenting sponsor is Horizon Services; premier sponsors include the Insurance Center of New England, Health New England, Polish National Credit Union, and Republic Services; and preferred sponsors include Reliable Temps, Spherion Staffing, Westfield Bank, and Partners Restaurant & Catering. Register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com.


• Sept. 13: Vote the Valley: The New Springfield, 5-7 p.m., hosted by Mahogany Room at Symphony Hall, 34 Court St., Springfield. Join us for an in-depth update from Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno on the current state of Springfield. We will highlight the advances and opportunities for young professionals in the area and those who work with them. For sponsorship and partnership opportunities, e-mail Ashley at [email protected].