Toastmasters Helps Members Do More Than Talk the Talk

Toastmasters DPart0415aIn her role as a credit analyst for TD Bank, Alicia Raymond spends most all of her time crunching numbers and helping to gauge risk. She’s not often interacting with clients or making presentations.

But with an eye toward the future, she knows that, to advance into commercial lending and one day have her own portfolio of clients, she must build confidence and improve her communication skills.

And those are the primary reasons why, nine months ago, she joined he downtown Springfield chapter of Toastmasters International, an organization that, as the name implies, has 313,000 members in 14,650 clubs in 126 countries around the world.

“I never felt comfortable doing it,” said Raymond, using that collective to describe the broad range of what would be considered public speaking. “It was something I knew I needed to work on if I wanted to advance.”

She first entered the room — in this case, a donated conference room at Cambridge College’s downtown facility in Tower Square — with curiosity and trepidation (more of the latter, to be sure), but soon found the group the group to be laid back, and that put her at ease.

Still, she remembers being quite nervous for her first two-minute speech, on a topic she can’t even remember. That’s because there have been so many since, and in the process of giving them and participating in a host of other exercises, including the regular ‘Table Talk’ sessions, during which random topics are discussed, she has greatly expanded her comfort zone when it comes to speaking in front of other people.

Alicia Raymond

Alicia Raymond understood that she needed to gain confidence and improve her communication skills to advance, and has done both through Toastmasters.

Meanwhile, she’s gained critical feedback and can measure improvement in several ways — from her considerably more-relaxed state to a marked decrease in the number of times she says ‘um’ or ‘ah’ when speaking in general.

In all of these respects — from the reasons for joining to first impressions to the results — Raymond is very typical of the people who find Toastmasters and often stay with the organization for years, if not decades, said Shera Cohen, who certainly speaks from experience.

Indeed, she had those same sentiments, fears, and emotions when she first attended a Toastmasters meeting nearly three decades ago, and she’s watched hundreds of others experience them as well.

“I didn’t give a speech for nine months after I joined — I could have given birth in the time it took to finally give one,” said Cohen, who heads up In the Spotlight, a nonprofit group that promotes the arts, and also leads the Springfield Armory Alliance, another nonprofit. “I was nervous about being judged and that I would not be coherent at all, and that I would use all those filler words like ‘um’ or ‘ah’ or ‘er,’ and that I wouldn’t sound professional.”

She eventually overcame all that with the help of a good mentor within the club, started with a short speech, worked toward longer ones, garnered invaluable repetition, and improved continuously.

Shera Cohen

Shera Cohen says Toastmasters provides a positive environment where members can progress at their own pace.

That’s what the organization has helped thousands of people achieve worldwide, said Cohen, unofficial president and spokesperson for the downtown Springfield club. She told BusinessWest that, while common perception holds that Toastmasters will help members give speeches in front of 400 or 500 people, or, as the name implies, give a toast at a wedding (and it will do that), it is more focused on building confidence, making people more comfortable in a range of settings, and enabling participants to think on their feet — an important skill in many professions.

Membership has brought a number of benefits for Sharon Gates, who owns a franchise of Conference Direct and assists clients of all sizes with finding sites for meetings and conferences. In that role, she’s making presentations to business owners and making pitches to prospective new clients — skills she was looking to improve, and has.

“I would say the difference is substantial,” she said when comparing things before she found the Springfield chapter through a web search three years ago and now. “Before I arrived, there was a lack of confidence with public speaking, and the nerves took over. Now, I’m much more in control; the more you do something, the more comfortable you get.”

For this issue, BusinessWest talked with several members of the Springfield chapter about how Toastmasters has helped them overcome what is widely considered one of society’s greatest fears — public speaking is right up there with flying, death, heights, the dark, failure, rejection, and spiders — and gain needed self-confidence along the way.

Speaking Up

Ellen Freyman has been a practicing attorney for more than 30 years. She focuses primarily on real-estate and business law, which means she spends almost all her time at her desk or at the Registry of Deeds, rather than in the courtroom.

But when she’s not at work, she’s active with one of many groups she supports in various ways, including the Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield, which she currently serves as board chairman.

When she took on that responsibility, she understood that it would place her behind the podium — not often, but enough. And not for major policy speeches, certainly, but for general remarks, such as welcoming an audience, introducing a speaker, or kicking off a program.

She knew she could do all those things, but also knew she wanted, and needed, to do them better, and especially without the prepared notes that made her remarks seem, well, scripted, which they were.

That’s the primary reason why, even though she’s probably less than a decade from retirement, she chose to join the Springfield chapter of Toastmasters, and why she’s going to make a strong commitment to improving her recent attendance at meetings; she wants to get better and become more comfortable behind a microphone, and when speaking in general.

“Every time I speak in front of people, I need to use a script, and I’d love to be able to be more extemporaneous,” she said, noting one specific goal. “Overall, I want to feel comfortable — and more confident — when I’m up there talking.”

This is a common theme among those who join Toastmasters, said Cohen, adding that the Springfield chapter is one of three public groups regionally — the others are in Northampton and East Longmeadow — along with several private chapters at MassMutual.

There is a one-time entry fee of $20, she said, adding that annual dues are $48, with that money going toward rent, advertising, manuals, and local, regional, national, and international competitions, among other expenses.

Membership in the downtown Springfield chapter is capped at 20, and it is around that number now, she said, adding that individuals join at all ages, represent a wide range of professions, and arrive with a singular goal of controlling and overcoming their fear of public speaking.

This is accomplished through a very structured format designed to ease people into speaking in front of others, she noted, adding that all meetings unfold in a similar fashion.

There are generally one or two formal speeches given each session, she said, adding that members progress through a series of speeches carefully outlined by Toastmasters International, starting with shorter ones and progressing to longer, more involved talks — and always at the member’s pace.

“We don’t rush people,” Cohen said, recalling her own hesitation with giving a speech. “When they’re ready, they’re ready.”

While some members give speeches, others handle a variety of other roles, including timing the speech, counting the ‘ums’ and related words, and providing feedback.

This last individual, the ‘designated evaluator,’ is coached to provide positive feedback, with the accent on positive, to help build confidence, not shatter it.

“Everything is done kindly — we start with something good to say, and we end with something good to say; we clap all the time,” Cohen explained, adding that feedback is offered to address everything from body language to the smoothness of the delivery, all with the goal of helping the speaker improve.

“We give the results at the end … some people might not want to know, but others want to know exactly how they did,” she said. “I say ‘so’ a lot, so I want to know how many time I say that word.

“People gradually get into it, and it really helps when there’s a mentor, whether a formal one or an informal one,” she went on. “Toastmasters encourage the experienced members to help the newbie; I had a mentor whom I didn’t ask for; he was a little tough on me. But it worked — he encouraged me.”

Each meeting also features a segment called Table Topics, which, as the name suggests, involves a topic — almost anything except politics or religion — discussed around the table.

People don’t know what the topic is until they hear it, said Cohen, adding that it could involve a current event, an upcoming holiday, asking someone to comment on their favorite vacation, or another topic that could generate a wide range of responses and encourage participants to think quickly.

“Some of the topics are really simple, like, ‘what are you going to do for Easter?’” she explained. “But the ones that ask you to think a little more are interesting; some of the answers are funny, and some are very serious.”

The Subject at Hand

These Table Talk sessions have been particularly helpful for Dave Malloy, client services manager for United Personnel in Springfield. In that role, he handles everything from client retention to improving the recruiting pool, and is often interacting with the many types of clients the company has.

Dave Malloy

Dave Malloy says Toastmasters has helped him most with extemporaneous speaking — getting him to think quickly on his feet.

Previously, he handled business development at National Ambulance in Springfield and worked for several manufacturers on the operations and logistics side of the business.

He’s been involved with Toastmasters since 2008, or roughly since he discovered that what he needed to improve his communication skills and ability to organize thoughts was repetition, something this organization provides in large quantities.

“What I first thought about Toastmasters was, ‘this will help me give presentations in public to 20 people, 50 people, or more — and that’s certainly something that someone can work on and polish,” he said. “But where it’s really helped for me is with Table Topics, which is more devoted to spontaneous speaking, or extemporaneous speaking, as opposed to having prepared comments.

“To me, that’s where I find more value, because it’s allowed me to be better in my work in terms of being more responsive to people,” he went on. “In the old days, when someone would come up to me at work and they’d have a question, I would feel like I’d have to go back to my desk, research things, and figure out what my answer is. Through Toastmasters, when someone asks me a question, I feel more comfortable, and I can draw from the knowledge I possess more readily, and I think that’s from practice.”

All that practice has made him a better, more valuable employee, he told BusinessWest, because he’s more efficient and can respond to people more quickly and effectively.

“That’s what comes from having to respond and comment on a topic when, a minute earlier, you didn’t know what that topic would be,” he continued. “It teaches you to think on your feet — and where else do you get the chance to practice that?”

Gates agreed, adding that, above all else, Toastmasters has provided her with needed self-confidence she’s gained through various speeches, but also from those spontaneous speaking exercises.

“I pushed myself to attend the meetings, number one, and when I attend, I do some speaking, whether it’s a short speech or Table Topics,” she explained. “And that really pushed me to get in front of an audience, get the feedback, and get the repetition, which has allowed me to be much more comfortable.

“So much so,” she went on, “that I recently gave a presentation to 200 people. I was a little nervous, of course, but it was fine. I was in control, where in the past, I would not have felt in control.”

Raymond can’t speak with as much experience, but she uses very similar language to describe how the group is helping her with a recognized need.

“I’m still nervous when I get up in front of people, but it’s a much more manageable level of nerves,” she explained. “I’ve become less reluctant to get in front of groups — I have the confidence that now I can do this, whereas before I started, when someone said, ‘we need someone to present for such and such,’ I would say, ‘pick someone else — not me, not me, not me!’”

Getting the Last Word

Malloy told BusinessWest that, although he’s been part of Toastmasters for eight years, he’s never considered his work with that group anywhere near done, because he needs to keep getting those reps he described as so valuable to his work and career.

“I will always need this. I know what the stats are — 98% of the public is afraid of speaking in public, or something like that; whatever it is, it’s a very large number,” he said. “I’m one of those people, and I’ll never not be one of those people. But what Toastmasters allows me to do is take this part of who I am and work on it.”

With that, he spoke for all those whose goal it is to speak more clearly and more effectively.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

DBA Certificates Departments

The following Business Certificates and Trade Names were issued or renewed during the month of March 2015.


LKQ Southwick, LLC
609 Silver St.
Michael Sullivan

Mad Man
58 Oak Lane
Thomas Graveline

Northeast Power Sports
66 Letendre Ave.
Felix Santana Jr.


591 Memorial Dr.
Kristin Adams

No Heat Call Tommy
213 Bemis Ave.
Thomas Fregeau

Precision Orthodontic Lab
10 Percy St.
David Merritt

Sandy’s Auto World Transport
172 Prospect St.
Ludmila Kudrya

Soft Touch Auto Wash
1405 Memorial Ave.
Joseph Larrivee

Suds Your Duds Laundromat
349 Chicopee St.
Preston Carr

The Kung Fu Academy
551 East St.
Mark Ostrander


Budget Inn
579 Northampton St.
Mita Patel

CNS Academy for Healthcare Professionals
187 High St.
Marc Beaulieu

Hampden Mini Mart
263 Hampden St.
Angel Coriano

JoJo’s Mini Market
31 Essex St.
Joel Brito

Legends Barbershop
153 Sargeant St.
Tatiana Madera

Messier Funeral Home
1944 Northampton St.
Michael A. Usher

The Muse Custom Framing
220 South Water St.
Debra Luzny


Bella Couture Salon & Day Spa
154 East St.
Michell Ruark

Marta Law Offices
30 Chestnut St.
Paulo G. Marta


Architectural Home
320 Riverside Dr.
Patrick Bauhan

Brad’s Landscaping & Handyman Services
86 Overlook Dr.
Bradley Finn

1 Amber Lane
Emily Withenbury

Florence Pie Bar
17 Main St.
Maura Glennon

Give Life to Art
215 State St.
John Lewis

Helio Aerial Photo
716 Park Hill Road
Jonathan Soto

The Jamrog Group
211 North St.
Amy Jamrog

Understory Professional Woodsman
40 Williams St.
Carl T. Danelski


Palmer Auto Mall
1219 Thorndike St.
Raymond Recor


La Fortuna Mini Market
899 Carew St.
Jose M. Sanchez

Larry’s Trucking Company
16 Lakeside St.
Larry Cole

LMP Trucking
150 Northampton Ave.
Robert Parker

MJH Carpenters
1532 Bay St.
Michael Helbling

MAD Respect
150 Oklahoma St.
Joseph Daniels

Main Street Laundromat
95 Main St.
Deborah Woytowicz

Mr. Tees and More
2 Chestnut St.
Richard A. Ducharme

MW Dwell
99 Haskin St.
Marshal Anderson

New England Fashion Show
24 Warriner Ave.
Maria R. Lozada

Nontoxic Apparel
95 Breckwood Blvd.
Samantha Kratovil

Nuccio’s Inc.
477 Page Blvd.
Carmine Picardi

Olympic Deli Restaurant
232 Chestnut St.
Francisco Rasario

Orchard Gardening
172 Main St.
Jerome Brown

Orchard Imports, LLC
1213 Worcester St.
D’Juan Barlow

Pop’s Biscotti
26 Middlebrook Dr.
Maria Elizabeth

Pro Cuts
322 St. James Ave.
Xavier Velazquez

RV Medics
868 Armory St.
Christopher Dillard

Reyes Screen Printing
5 Brianna Lane
Carlos J. Reyes

62 Eddy St.
Thomas J. Regan

Sole Fresh
1655 Boston Road
Emanuel L. Mwenda

The Able Place
186 St. James Ave.
Elaine Awand

The Brim and Crown Shop
439 White St.
Richard D. Little

The Chalkboard Jungle
28 Knollwood St.
Bonnie M. Roy

The Curve Society
462 Berkshire Ave.
Elizabeth A. Wallace

Upper Room Music Group
1500 Main St.
Sam Bradley


Kimberly Hatch Photography
77 Mill St.
Kimberly Hatch

Pancake Sundaes, LLC
266 Elm St.
Pancake Sundaes, LLC

Responsible Driving of Westfield, LLC
132 Elm St.
Responsible Driving of Westfield, LLC

Spark Arc Sheet Metal
104 Mainline Dr.
Comfort Services, LLC


Aline of Hair East
306 Westfield St.
Aline Stolar

Christine G. Whalen
1005 Elm St.
Christine G. Whalen

Freeland Construction Company
1111 Elm St.
Leroy R. Clink

Novella Photography
1838 Riverdale St.
Paulette Griswold

766 Main St.
Dzhavat Azizov

Reina’s Mini Market
411 Main St.
Michael S. Candelaria

Departments Incorporations

The following business incorporations were recorded in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties and are the latest available. They are listed by community.


The Coffee Grind Inc., 450 West St., Amherst, MA 01002. Isabel Mercado, 18 Hunter Hills Circle, Amherst, MA 01002. Coffee bar and tea house.


Alphabet Soup Childcare Center Inc., 166 West State St., Granby, MA 01033. Bobbi L. Rougeau, same. Childcare services.


A & S Building and Remodeling Inc., 123 Depot Road, Hatfield, MA 01038. David Jagodzinski, same. Construction.


Aircraft Management Service & Sales Inc., 330 Whitney Ave., Suite, 440, Holyoke, MA 01040. Michael J. Kane, 6 Old Pasture Dr., East Longmeadow, MA 01028. Management and sale of aircraft and related industries.


Renal and Transplant Associates of New England, P.C., 15 Pendleton Lane, Longmeadow, MA 01106. Krishnan Babu, same. Medical services.


Andrew Cavanagh Inc., 555 Turners Falls Road, Montague, MA 01351. Andrew Cavanagh, same. Building websites and applications.


A2Z Science Inc., 57 King St., Unit A, Northampton, MA 01060. Andre Boulay, same. Retail sales.


Anthony Gianacopoulos Attorney at Law, P.C., 75 North St., Suite 320, Pittsfield, MA 01201. Anthony Gianacopoulos, same. Legal services.


4Life Entertainment Organization Inc., 389 North Loomis St., Southwick, MA 01077. Spencer Lavoie. same. Event production for charitable causes.

Adam Transport Inc., 628 College Highway, Southwick, MA 01077. Erdem Akca, same. Trucking.

Allied Tree Service Inc., 237 Hillside Road, Southwick, MA 01077. Adam C. Roberts, same. Commercial and residential tree service including but not limited to tree removal, stump grinding, and chipping.


Save Cathedral High School Inc., 110 Atwater Terrace, Springfield, MA 01107. Al Dilascia, 16 Ginger Road, Chicopee, MA 01020. Charity for Catherdral High School.


Western England Amateur Boxing Inc., 5 Princeton St., Westfield, MA 01085. Dean Fay, same. To support charitable and community organizations through amateur boxing and related events.

Yagmur Inc., 18 School St., Westfield, MA 01085. Yagmur Hamurcu, 19 Pine St., Ludlow, MA 01056. Pizza restaurant.

Briefcase Departments

MGM Springfield Breaks Ground on $800 Million Resort
SPRINGFIELD — MGM Resorts International hosted the groundbreaking of MGM Springfield — an $800 million casino resort slated to open in fall 2017 in downtown Springfield — on Tuesday. The event marked the start of the construction phase of this unique urban mixed-use development, the Commonwealth’s first destination casino resort. Hundreds of people were in attendance at the groundbreaking celebration, emceed by Kathy Tobin, former local news anchor and current director of Program Development at Friends of the Homeless. With the Zanetti School — severely damaged by the June 2011 tornado that tore through Springfield’s South End — as a backdrop, speakers highlighted the history of Springfield, the rebirth of the South End neighborhood, and the energy and optimism that is filling the region. “With every licensing milestone and every campaign victory, we have honored the potential of MGM Springfield,” said Jim Murren, MGM Resorts International chairman and CEO. “Today is even more special, though, as we put shovels in the ground to officially celebrate what we came here to do: put people back to work and begin a rebirth of the once-thriving urban center of Western Massachusetts.” The crowd, which included many state and local elected and appointed officials, gathered to hear from Murren, MGM Springfield President Michael Mathis, Mass. Gaming Commission Chairman Steve Crosby, Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, and Revitalize CDC Associate Director Ethel Griffin. More than 30 construction workers representing various trades were at the site to honor the moment. Guests were treated to an interactive event, as they were asked to write their wishes for the future of the city of Springfield and Western Mass. Their wishes were then dropped into an MGM Springfield wishing well. MGM will put all the wishes into a capsule that will be placed in the resort foundation as construction begins. The outdoor event also featured a traditional first shovel of dirt as well as celebratory confetti blasts. In keeping with MGM’s commitment to engage local businesses, Springfield vendors Langone’s, AC Produce, and Palazzo provided décor and beverages. Zasco Productions of Chicopee provided the staging, risers, and sound and technical equipment. Taylor Rental of South Hadley provided additional tables and chairs. “The city of Springfield’s people welcomed us into their hearts and homes and trusted us with their hopes for the future,” Mathis said. “This property was designed with the input of residents who wanted more for their families and their community. Today is the day we start to realize that future as we activate the most robust construction site Springfield has ever seen.” MGM Springfield will bring 3,000 permanent jobs and 2,000 construction jobs to downtown Springfield. MGM has established a hiring goal of 35% of the workforce from the city of Springfield and 90% from a combination of Springfield and the region. Additionally, MGM Springfield has entered into surrounding-community agreements with neighboring communities providing for tens of millions of dollars.

WomenUpFront Launches Roundtable
SPRINGFIELD — In support of the growth and success of Pioneer Valley women presidents and the businesses they own, WomenUpFront is launching a new monthly roundtable for women business owners whose annual revenues have passed the $200,000 mark but have not quite reached $1 million. Sponsored by PeoplesBank and hosted at the Business Growth Center at Springfield Technology Park, WomenUpFront is looking for business owners from Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties for this newest program, set to begin on Wednesday, April 15. WomenUpFront is bringing its successful model piloted in Berkshire County to the Pioneer Valley because there is a need to support women business owners of growing businesses. “There have been conversations over the years about starting this, but none has materialized until now,” said Cathy Crosky, founder and facilitator of WomenUpFront. “Scaling a business has its challenges, and this is a proven model that helps women business owners succeed. They really appreciate this kind of facilitated peer mentoring, too.” Joan Leahy, vice president of Marketing for PeoplesBank, said the bank “is proud to sponsor WomenUpFront and bring this important opportunity to area women business owners. As an organization that runs on innovation and collaboration, we know the benefits of mentoring, teamwork, and the free exchange of ideas. We support WomenUpFront because it will provide these entrepreneurs with many of the same opportunities and successes that we have enjoyed.” The roundtable provides a learning forum for owners to get out of the weeds of the day-to-day and look at their businesses more strategically. The objective is to help women accelerate their businesses to the next level and place their companies in a better position to access new opportunities and continue to prosper. Lasting and meaningful relationships are formed among the participants. “I’m thrilled that the Business Growth Center is hosting WomenUpFront,” said Marla Michel, director of the center. “Women business owners are focused, dedicated, and strong, and often have overcome many obstacles to get to where they are. WomenUpFront can help them learn skills and get advice in a very collegial environment to accelerate further success.” Monthly roundtable meetings will be held at the Business Growth Center the third Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon.

Tech Foundry Starts Recruiting New Class
SPRINGFIELD — Following a successful inaugural year, Tech Foundry has turned its focus to filling this year’s class of students, beginning with an open house on Wednesday, April 8 at its headquarters on the ninth floor of 1391 Main St., Springfield. The open house begins at 5:30 p.m., and prospective students and parents are encouraged to attend. In addition, the staff at Tech Foundry will be going into area schools and meeting with guidance counselors and other community influencers to drive as many applications as possible before the April 17 deadline to apply. Applications can be found at www.thetechfoundry.org. Founded by Paragus IT CEO Delcie Bean, Tech Foundry is a nonprofit education and job-placement program looking to transform underemployed and overlooked populations into a powerful and robust workforce in the information-technology field. With partners such as Mass Mutual, the Davis Foundation, UMass, and Baystate Health, it raised nearly $450,000 to get started. Tech Foundry aims to create a homegrown workforce for the many area businesses looking for tech professionals, and began the program this year with an inaugural class of high-school students. Upon completing the program and graduating high school, the goal is to place students in an entry-level IT job in the Valley in the $30,000-$40,000 salary range. In the long term, Tech Foundry aims to turn Western Mass. into a technology hub, attracting companies from all over the country to locate some of their high-tech jobs in the Pioneer Valley.

PVPC Receives Award from PolicyLink
SPRINGFIELD — The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), on behalf of LiveWell Springfield, is one of just six organizations across the country to receive an award from the Leadership Conference Education Fund and PolicyLink to advance affordable, accessible transportation policy. PVPC will use the funds to embed transit-equity principles into LiveWell Springfield, and will host local activities to engage, educate, and empower local leaders within communities of color to lift up the Equity Caucus agenda locally and federally. Specifically, PVPC is collaborating with Joseph Krupczynski and the Center for Design Engagement, Natalia Muñoz of Verdant Multicultural Media, and Evelín Aquino to expand the successful capacity-building sessions implemented in 2014 for emerging leaders in Springfield. (For a summary of this work, visit www.pvpc.org/content/new-video-building-skills-equity-and-engagement-planning). “When we completed our three-and-a-half-year, HUD-funded equity and engagement work last year, we knew we needed more funding to expand our capacity-building workshops,” explained Catherine Ratté, principal planner and section manager at PVPC. “Our civic-engagement goal is not just to engage individuals from under-represented groups, but also to create pathways for them into positions of power. Participation in democracy, especially from communities that are too often left out, brings important voices to the table and makes sustainable growth and development possible.” Equitable transportation investments are crucial to connecting people to jobs, educational opportunities, affordable housing, healthcare, and other basic needs. Through a coalition of more than 100 organizations, the Transportation Equity Caucus is charting a new course for transportation investments, focused on policies that advance economic and social equity in America. For more information, see www.equitycaucus.org. Live Well Springfield, a movement to promote healthy eating and active living, has been working for the last few years putting systems into action that support safe and friendly walking and biking. As part of LiveWell Springfield’s work in 2012-14, PVPC facilitated creation of the city’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Complete Streets Plan, implementation guide, Complete Streets policy draft, and Complete Streets buildout plan and map (www.livewellspringfield.org).

State Unemployment Rate Drops to 4.9% in February
BOSTON — The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) released preliminary February 2015 estimates that show the Massachusetts total unemployment rate dropped to 4.9% from the January rate of 5.1%, a 0.2% decrease. Over the year, the unemployment rate fell by 1.1% from 6.0% in February 2014. The share of working-age residents employed or unemployed, also known as the labor participation rate, was 65.9%, an increase of 0.3% since January. Compared with February 2014, the labor participation rate increased a full percentage point over the year. February 2015 estimates show that 3,430,500 residents were employed and 177,300 were unemployed. Compared with February 2014, February 2015 had 34,400 fewer unemployed, the largest annual decrease in the number of unemployed since October 2011. Over the month, jobs were up 800, with a private-sector loss of 800. Since February 2014, jobs grew by 58,100, with 46,300 private-sector job gains. The sectors with the largest job gains over the year included education and health services and professional, scientific, and business services.

School Building Authority Announces Contest
BOSTON — State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg, chair of the Mass. School Building Authority (MSBA), and MSBA Executive Director Jack McCarthy announced the 2015 “My Ideal School” contest. The goal of the contest is to promote discussion among students and teachers about how thoughtful design and construction of schools in Massachusetts support student learning. The contest is open to all first-grade students currently attending a Massachusetts public school. Regional winners will receive a prize donated by Santander Bank. One grand-prize winner will have his or her “My Ideal School” contest picture featured on the cover of the MSBA annual report. All winners will be honored at an awards ceremony at the Massachusetts State House on May 27. Contest submissions must be postmarked by April 24 for consideration. More information can be found on the MSBA website at www.massschoolbuildings.org. The Mass. School Building Authority partners with Massachusetts communities to support the design and construction of educationally appropriate, flexible, sustainable, and cost-effective public-school facilities. Since its 2004 inception, the authority has made more than 1,500 site visits to more than 250 school districts as part of its due-diligence process, and has made more than $11.2 billion in reimbursements for school-construction projects across Massachusetts.

Most Patients Don’t Visit Nearest Emergency Room
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Fewer than half of emergency-department (ED) visits are to the patient’s local emergency room, according to a new data brief from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), FierceHealthcare reported. After analyzing data on ED visits between 2009 and 2010, Amy Brown and colleagues at the NCHS found the average visit involved an ED that was located 6.8 miles from the patient’s home, even though the nearest ED was on average only 3.9 miles from home. Overall, only 43.8% of visits were to the ED closest to the patient’s home. Researchers also looked at emergency visits within metropolitan statistical areas, which are regions that contain a core urban area with a population of 50,000 or more. Visits inside these areas were less likely than those outside to be to a different ED than the one closest to the patient’s home, according to Brown and her team. They also found that visits that took place at EDs further from patients’ homes occurred more often for older patients, at larger hospitals, and in EDs with longer waiting times within metropolitan statistical areas. Further study is needed to understand the determinants behind these statistics, Brown and her team wrote, particularly if demand for emergency care continues to increase, as it has since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Company Notebook Departments

Mercy Announces $1 Million Gift for Cancer Center Campaign
SPRINGFIELD — Mercy Medical Center announced that Cynthia and William Lyons have made a $1 million challenge gift to Transforming Cancer Care – the Capital Campaign for the Sister Caritas Cancer Center. The Lyons’ gift will support the 26,000-square-foot expansion of the Cancer Center and is particularly significant because it reflects the largest single gift for the Capital Campaign from members of the community. “We have been inspired by the high level of care and compassion that runs throughout the Sisters of Providence Health System,” said Cynthia Lyons. “The work being done at the Sister Caritas Cancer Center is especially exciting.” Added Daniel Moen, president and CEO of the Sisters of Providence Health System, “The tremendous support we have received from Cynthia and William Lyons is indicative of the importance and necessity of the services provided by the Sister Caritas Cancer Center. We are grateful for their generosity on behalf of the patients who will benefit from the expansion project.” Under the leadership of Dr. Philip Glynn, director of Oncology, the Sister Caritas Cancer Center staff has expanded significantly to meet patient need that continues to increase. By 2022, demand for outpatient cancer services is expected to grow by 26%. In addition to increasing treatment space, the $15 million expansion will bolster the cancer center’s already strong capabilities by enhancing communication among the oncology providers and facilitating ease of access to existing services. The design of new infusion bays will increase privacy for patients, as well as for a supporting family member or friend. “We are so impressed with the new leadership and forward thinking of Mercy Medical Center and its oncology center,” Lyons said. “The commitment and vision of the physicians directly involved with the growth of the cancer center speaks to the investment of the hospital community. The new plan unites state-of-the-art treatment, research, and clinical-trial opportunities with Mercy’s trademark mission-driven qualities of compassion and respect for the individual. “This expansion is important because, directly or indirectly, cancer touches all of us,” she continued. “People really do want to be part of something that is successful and meaningful. We sincerely hope our gift inspires others in our community to give as well.” To make a gift to Transforming Cancer Care – the Capital Campaign for the Sister Caritas Cancer Center, call (413) 748-9920 or visit www.mercycares.com.

Normandeau Receives Partner of the Year Award
WEST SPRINGFIELD — Normandeau Technologies (NTI) announced it has been awarded the 2014 Ericsson-LG Enterprise North American Partner of the Year Award at the Ericsson-LG Global Partner Conference held in Cancun, Mexico. The award celebrates the excellence Normandeau Technologies has achieved in helping to build the North American distribution channel for the iPECS communications platform and for its success in bringing IP telephony, unified communications, mobility, and call-center solutions to SMBs in industries such as manufacturing, insurance, realty, medical, education, government, and financial. Bob Rankin, general manager of Presence Management, the largest distributor of Ericsson-LG iPECS products in North America, noted, “NTI continues to expand sales of our award-winning iPECS LIK VoIP platform with the iPECS Unified Communications Solution (iPECS UCS) and iPECS Contact Center Suite Solution (iPECS CCS). We recognize and appreciate the continuous hard work NTI performs in their region, and we applaud their continued success with iPECS.” Successfully marketed worldwide with a dominant market share in South Korea, Australia, and South Africa, and significant market share in many other countries, the iPECS is a highly scalable and fault-tolerant platform that connects up to 1,200 endpoints per system and up to 300,000 endpoints with networking. It’s a versatile, premise-based IP phone platform with a competitive entry cost, five-year warranty, and one of the industry’s lowest total cost of ownership (TCO). The Ericsson-LG UCS is a collaboration platform for organizations of virtually any size that integrates voice, presence, video conferencing, and instant messaging on the IPECS platform. The Ericsson-LG CCS is a multi-channel call-center solution providing intelligent management of multiple communication mediums. “We’re honored to receive this recognition for our sales success with the Ericsson LG line of advanced communication applications in the Massachusetts area and for our success in bringing these new technologies to our clients,” said Brett Normandeau, president of NTI. “Solutions like the iPECS UCS and iPECS CCS offer a tightly integrated, next-generation communications environment for telecom resellers at a very compelling price point.”

Braman Termite and Pest Elimination Earns Award
AGAWAM — Braman Termite and Pest Elimination, a provider of pest-management services in Southern New England since 1890, has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to the local marketplace, according to the consumer-review site in 2014. “We are honored at Braman Termite and Pest Elimination to have once again earned the Angie’s List Super Service Award, especially this year as we celebrate 125 years in business,” said Jerry Lazarus, third-generation owner. “I am confident that we provide a superior level of customer service that our customers have come to expect. This service is the result of our entire staff, but also under the leadership of several dedicated members that have been with Braman for decades.” Only about 5% of the companies in the Greater Springfield market have performed consistently well enough to earn the Super Service Award, said Angie’s List founder Angie Hicks. Service-company ratings are updated daily. Companies are graded in areas ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality. Angie’s List Super Service Award winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an ‘A’ rating in overall grade, recent grade, and review-period grade. The company must be in good standing with Angie’s List, pass a background check, and abide by Angie’s List operational guidelines.

BHS Partners with Ob/Gyn Practices
PITTSFIELD — In a move that will help to ensure long-term obstetric and gynecologic services throughout the region, Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) has announced that three key ob/gyn physician practices have joined together and formed Berkshire Ob/Gyn of BMC, which solidifies and stabilizes critical women’s health services for the community. The three practices joining under the Berkshire Health Systems Physician Practice Group are Berkshire Ob/Gyn Associates, located in Pittsfield and Lenox, and Northern Berkshire Ob/Gyn and Gyn Services of the Berkshires, located in Adams. This investment in ob/gyn stabilizes these essential physician services and supports consistent and reliable access to care. The partnership was partially precipitated by the 2014 closure of the former North Adams Regional Hospital (NARH) and the community need to provide ongoing maternal-child healthcare for residents of North Berkshire. A former NARH physician practice, Northern Berkshire Ob/Gyn was able to continue to provide care without interruption of service when Berkshire Health Systems assumed responsibility for the practice, and Berkshire Ob/Gyn provided coverage for the North Berkshire physicians and their patients. Growing changes in healthcare policy and in the health insurance reimbursement system have challenged the viability of private physician practices, which was a major factor in prompting Berkshire Ob/GYn to join together with the two BHS practices to form one unified service under BHS. At the same time, healthcare systems like BHS are increasingly relied upon to ensure current and future access to critical services for the community by investing in physician practices and ensuring they have the necessary support systems and financial stability and investment to succeed in the long term. Working together, the physicians of Berkshire Ob/Gyn of BMC can provide 24/7 coverage for maternity and routine, surgical, and emergency gynecological care throughout the region. Berkshire Ob/Gyn of BMC includes Drs. Andrew Beckwith, Daniel Barraez-Masroua, Robert Benner, Herbert Kantor, Joan Lister, Charles O’Neill, Cassandra Service, Michael Shreefter, Lauren Slater, and Susan Yates. In addition, the practice features the expertise of three certified nurse midwives: Robin Rivinus, Lydia Kelly, and Evelyn Resh. The practice will continue to provide services throughout Central and Northern Berkshire County, with offices in Pittsfield, Lenox, and Adams. O’Neill and Yates will primarily work out of the Adams office, but will also provide services in Central Berkshire County. Lister will provide urgent-care gynecological services. “The strength of this combined physician practice will allow us to continue to provide comprehensive ob/gyn and women’s-health services for all who need this care in the Berkshires,” Beckwith said. “Healthcare has become increasingly complex, and private physician practices are faced with significant challenges that threaten their long-term viability. By becoming part of Berkshire Health Systems, we have preserved these practices, and, as one unified provider, we can assure access to our patients to the best physician and healthcare services possible.”

<strong>Loomis House Nursing Center Earns Top Scores
— The Loomis Communities announced that the Loomis House Nursing Center has received perfect scores on surveys from the Mass. Department of Public Health (DPH) for the third year running. The DPH reviews all areas of care practices to make certain that all regulations are followed. These areas include resident rights, facility practices, infection control, quality of life, resident satisfaction, quality of care delivered, culinary services, all nursing and ancillary services, rehabilitation, physical environment, and administration. In addition, a second life-safety survey reviews the physical plant issues that make a safe living and working environment. “Deficiency-free surveys are a top indicator of excellence in nursing homes,” said David Scruggs, president and CEO of the Loomis Communities. “We are extremely proud of the dedicated staff at the Loomis House Nursing Center.” Loomis House Nursing Center was the first nursing home in Massachusetts to receive certification as a leader in providing person-centered care, a concept that adapts the way care is delivered to accommodate each resident’s preferences. “This holistic approach to successful aging and self-determination honors and respects the individual,” Scruggs said. The certification comes from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities International, an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human-services organizations. The Loomis Communities offers independent-living apartments and cottages, assisted living, and skilled nursing care at Applewood in Amherst, Loomis House in Holyoke, Loomis Lakeside at Reeds Landing in Springfield, and Loomis Village in South Hadley.

Departments People on the Move

John Howland

John Howland

Greenfield Savings Bank recently announced that John Howland has been chosen to succeed Rebecca Caplice as the next president and CEO of the bank and its holding company, GSB, MHC. Howland was elected at the bank’s annual meeting of corporators on March 18. Howland served as president of two banks prior to joining Greenfield Savings, most recently the First Bank of Greenwich, based in Greenwich, Conn. He has worked in the financial-services field his entire career, and holds a bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College and a juris doctor degree from the University of Maine School of Law. “John brings a broad range of experience from both banking and the financial-services sector,” said Ed Margola, chairman of the board. “His commitment to community, management style, and personality are consistent with Greenfield Savings Bank’s philosophy and goals.” Added Howland, “I am honored to have been selected to serve as the president and CEO of this extraordinary institution. Becky Caplice has done an amazing job as the CEO. I’m stepping into a position with a well-run organization led by a strong senior management team and welcoming employees.” Howland, 50, notes that he plans to build on the strong foundation that Caplice built over her 24-year tenure at the bank. Although she is stepping down from the day-to-day operation of Greenfield Savings, Caplice will continue to serve as a director of the bank.
Monson Savings Bank recently announced the election of five new corporators who are advisors to the bank, representing the communities the bank serves. They also possess certain governing functions, including the election of the bank’s president. Monson Savings has 55 corporators, including the five elected at the bank’s annual meeting on March 4:
Louis Abbate, president emeritus, Willie Ross School for the Deaf, Longmeadow;
Mark Borsari, president, Sanderson MacLeod, Palmer;
Joseph Lawler, benefits consultant, the Gaudreau Group, Wilbraham;
Roy St. George, vice president, Moulton Insurance Agency Inc., Ware; and
Julie Quink, managing principal, Burkhart, Pizzanelli, P.C., West Springfield.
“We’re extremely fortunate to have these folks join our team,” said Steve Lowell, president of Monson Savings Bank. “We rely on our corporators to keep us in touch with the needs of our communities, provide invaluable insight into our operations, and also to help us spread the word of all that we have to offer. Our corporators are leaders in the communities we serve, they are highly engaged with us, and we very much appreciate their involvement.”
David Griffin Jr.

David Griffin Jr.

The Dowd Agencies announced that Account Executive David Griffin Jr. has received the Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) designation. This accomplishment is not mandated for the insurance industry, but provides an extensive knowledge base to benefit consumers. “Prestigious designations like CIC are essential if you want to be considered among the leaders in our industry,” said John Dowd Jr., president and CEO of the Dowd Agencies. “It shows a true commitment to professionalism and excellence in the business of insurance sales. David is a rising star here in the Pioneer Valley business community, and we are proud of his accomplishments.” The CIC program includes 20 hours of rigorous coursework for each of the five industry categories: personal insurance lines, commercial casualty insurance, commercial property insurance, life and health insurance, and agency management. Griffin works in the Holyoke office of the Dowd Agencies. Since joining the firm in 2009, he has grown in his role and now assists the leadership team. He began his career in the insurance industry as a property and casualty underwriter for Liberty Mutual, where he supported the company in Schaumburg, Ill. and Charlotte, N.C., before joining the Dowd Agencies. He is a 2007 graduate of Bentley University, where he earned a degree in finance. Additionally, Griffin supports the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce and volunteers on the boards of directors for the Holyoke Rotary Club, the Sisters of Providence Health System, and Wistariahurst.
Samantha Coulter

Samantha Coulter

Samantha Coulter recently accepted the role of assistant director of Sales and Marketing in the Event Service and Summer Program Office at Hampshire College. She is responsible for bringing in external clients for social, corporate, and summer events. Her previous experience includes working with trade-show sales, where she covered the entire U.S. as her territory, handling the marketing, advertising, and sales for a Connecticut-based banquet facility and being the social-catering sales manager for a Massachusetts hotel with more than 300 overnight rooms, 20 meeting rooms, and a large ballroom.
Jack Ferriter

Jack Ferriter

At its March annual meeting, the board of trustees of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation (MBF) unanimously selected Attorney Jack Ferriter as a member of the board of trustees for a four-year term. The board meets in Boston and is comprised of judges and lawyers from across the Commonwealth. Ferriter is a business and estate attorney at Ferriter Law in Holyoke. He has been a fellow of the MBF for 12 years and has served on the grant-review committee for the last 10 years. The MBF represents the commitment of lawyers and judges in Massachusetts to improve the administration of justice, promote an understanding of the law, and ensure equal access to the legal system for all residents of the Commonwealth, particularly those most vulnerable. He recently received the Distinguished Advisor in Philanthropy Award from the Community Foundation and has served as campaign chair and board chair of the United Way of Pioneer Valley, among many other leadership positions. Ferriter has also been recognized by the YMCA, the Saint Patrick Committee, and the Northeast Public Power Assoc. He is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross, where he was a member of the President’s Council, and Western New England University School of Law, where he served on the Law Review Editorial Board.
Keith Tatlock of New England Financial Group, an office of MetLife and a part of the MetLife Premier Client Group, has been authorized by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. to use the certification marks ‘CFP’ and ‘certified financial planner practitioner’ in accordance with CFP Board certification and renewal requirements. Tatlock met the rigorous experience and ethical requirements, completed financial-planning coursework, and passed the CFP certification examination. He has also agreed to meet ongoing continuing-education requirements and to uphold the CFP Board’s Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility and Financial Planning Practice Standards. Tatlock has 10 years of experience in the financial-services sector. He is a graduate of Westfield State University and holds securities series 7 and series 63 as well as life- and health-insurance licenses. He is a member of the Estate Planning Council of Hampden County, the Financial Planning Assoc. of Massachusetts, and Business Networking International. He is also currently a major in the Massachusetts Air National Guard at the 104th Fighter Wing in Westfield.

Chamber Corners Departments

(413) 787-1555
• April 8: ACCGS Lunch ‘n’ Learn, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at La Quinta Inn and Suites, 100 Congress St., Springfield. “When Creative Meets Data.” Learn the ‘where’ and ‘how’ to harness the power of real one-to-one personalized marketing. Presented by Mary McCarthy of Andrews Associates. Reservations are $25 for members, $35 for general admission. Reservations may be made online at www.myonlinechamber.com.
• April 16:
East of the River Five Town Chamber Member Appreciation Night, 5-7 p.m., at Europa Black Rock Bar & Grill, 782 Center St., Ludlow. Enjoy networking, games of chance, and more. Reservations are $5 for members, and may be made online at www.myonlinechamber.com. East of the River Five Town Chamber is an affiliate of the Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield.
• April 29: ACCGS Beacon Hill Summit 2015, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. at the Massachusetts State House. Hosted by state Sen. James Welch. Day-long opportunity to meet with members of the Baker-Polito administration and the Massachusetts delegation. Reservations are $180 per person, including continental breakfast, transportation, lunch, reception, and all summit materials. Reservations may be made online at www.myonlinechamber.com.

(413) 594-2101
• April 15: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., at the Summit View Banquet & Meeting House. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.
• April 16: Mornings with the Mayor, 8-9 a.m., at the Boys & Girls Club, 580 Meadow St., Chicopee. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.
• April 17: Lunch & Learn, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Hampton Inn, 600 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. Attorney Kate O’Brien from Sullivan, Hayes & Quinn will present “No Union, No Worries? No Way!” This is an informative program about what almost all private-sector, non-union employers need to do to avoid being a target of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.
• April 22: Business After Hours, 5-7 p.m., at La Quinta Inn & Suites, 100 Congress St., Springfield. For more information, call the chamber at (413) 594-2101.

• May 15: Lunch & Learn, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Hampton Inn, 600 Memorial Dr., Chicopee. “ACA Compliance: Employer Requirements and Management Tools.” Learn about a solid, user-friendly road map for understanding compliance issues. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.
• May 20: Business After Hours, 5-7 p.m., Renaissance Manor on Cabot, 279 Cabot St., Holyoke. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.
• May 21: Greater Chicopee Chamber Golf Tournament, 10 a.m., at Chicopee Country Club. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.
• May 27: Salute Breakfast, 7:15-9 a.m., at Elms College, 291 Springfield St., Chicopee. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 594-2101 or visit www.chicopeechamber.org.

(413) 527-9414
• April 13: Monday Morning with the Mayor: Getting Down to Business about Business. Casual conversation with Mayor Karen Cadieux, 8-9 a.m., at Burger King, 113 Northampton St., Easthampton. Free and open to the public.
• May 11: Monday Morning with the Mayor: Getting down to Business about Business. Casual conversation with Mayor Karen Cadieux, 8-9 a.m., at Easthampton Savings Bank, 36 Main St., Easthampton. Free and open to the public.
(413) 534-3376
• May 15: Chamber After Hours at Pic’s Place, 5-7 p.m. Sponsored and Hosted by Pic’s Place, 910 Hampden St., Holyoke. Tickets: $10 for members, $15 for the public. Call the chamber at (413) 534-3376 or sign up online at holyokechamber.com.
• May 18: Annual Chamber Cup 2015 Golf Tournament, celebrating the chamber’s 125th anniversary, 10:30 a.m. at Wyckoff Country Club, 233 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. Registration and lunch at 10:30 a.m.; tee off at noon (scramble format); dinner following game with elaborate food stations catered by the Log Cabin. Cost: $125 per player includes lunch, 18 holes of golf, cart, and dinner. Dinner only: $25. Awards, raffles, and cash prizes follow dinner. Tournament sponsors: Log Cabin and PeoplesBank. Corporate sponsors: Dowd Insurance, Goss & McLain Insurance Agency, Holyoke Gas & Electric, Mountain View Landscapes, Holyoke Medical Center, People’s United Bank, the Republican, and Resnic, Beauregard, Waite & Driscoll. For reservations, call the Chamber Office at (413) 534-3376 or register online at holyokechamber.com.
• May 21: Chamber Business Connections, 5-7 p.m. Sponsored and hosted by PeoplesBank, in the atrium in the PeoplesBank Building at 330 Whitney Ave. Cost is $10 for chamber members, $15 for non-members. Join your friends and colleagues for this fun and casual evening of networking. Refreshments, door prizes, and 50/50 raffle. 
• June 19: Save the date for the chamber’s 125th Anniversary Gala Ball at the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke. Cocktails at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Enjoy an elegant meal and dance to the music of the Floyd Patterson Band. Join Marcotte Ford as one of the major event sponsors by calling (413) 534-3376. Event is open to the public. More details to follow. 
(413) 584-1900
• May 6: May Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m. at Whalen Insurance Agency. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 584-1900
• July 1: July Arrive @ 5, 5-7 p.m. Sponsored by Pioneer Landscapes and Easthampton Electrical. For more information or to register, contact the chamber at (413) 584-1900.
(413) 568-1618

• April 8: April After 5 Connection, 5-7 p.m., at Vantage Sports & Rehab, 130 Southampton Road, Westfield. Refreshments will be served. Bring your business cards and make connections. Tickets are $10 for members, $15 cash for non-members. To register, call Pam at the chamber office at (413) 568-1618.

• April 28: Southwick Home to Business Show, at Tucker’s Restaurant. For more information, contact Pam at the Chamber office at (413) 568-1618.

• May 4: Mayor’s Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., at Renaissance Manor, 37 Feeding Hills Road, Westfield. This event is free and open to the public. Call Pam at the chamber office at (413) 568-1618 to register, so we may give our host a head count.

• May 13: May After 5 Connection, 5-7 p.m., at Armbrook Village, 551 North Road, Westfield. Refreshments will be served. Bring your business cards and make connections. Tickets are $10 for members, $15 cash for non-members. To register, call Pam at the chamber office at (413) 568-1618.
• May 18: Annual golf tournament at 10 a.m. at Tekoa Country Club. More details to come.

(413) 755-1310
• April 14: Professional Women’s Chamber Ladies Night,  5-7 p.m., at Hofbrauhaus, 1105 Main St., West Springfield. Enjoy complimentary wine and refreshments.
Reservations are complimentary but required. To reserve a spot, contact Gwen Burke at (413) 237-8840 or [email protected].
(413) 426-3880
• April 16: Networking Lunch, noon to 1:30 p.m., at Cal’s, 1068 Riverdale Road, West Springfield. Enjoy a sit-down lunch while networking with fellow chamber members. Each attendee will get a chance to offer a brief sales pitch. The only cost to attend is the cost of lunch. Attendees will order off the menu and pay separately the day of the event. Please note, we cannot invoice you for these events. Attendees must be members or guests of members. 
For more information, contact the chamber office at (413) 426-3880 or e-mail [email protected].

Agenda Departments

‘Victorian Opulence’ Exhibit
Through April 2016: On April 7, the Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History unveiled a new exhibit titled “Victorian Opulence: Springfield’s Industrial Elite.” The exhibit, which runs through April 10, 2016, features a representative selection of the kinds of luxury and everyday items that would be found in the typical upper-class Victorian homes, while also exploring the lives and values of many of these prominent families. Using beautifully ornate objects from the Springfield Museums’ own collections, this exhibit provides a window into the lives of America’s privileged classes both at home and at play during the Victorian era. Some of the fine clothing and personal items, like elegant men’s pocket watches and ladies’ jewelry and hair combs, will be familiar to fans of Downton Abbey. Objects like grandfather clocks and gentleman’s ceremonial items exhibit a level of craftsmanship no longer evident today. The items on view tell many stories about their owners, the time and place in which they lived, and the level of wealth that allowed them to possess such luxury items. The exhibit covers the period between 1840 and 1900, a time when Springfield was a powerhouse of innovation and industry. Wealthy industrialists like Everett Barney, the inventor of the clamp-on ice skate, and railroad president and Congressman Chester Chapin displayed their success through their philanthropic pursuits and by making their homes into showpieces for their newfound wealth. The spirit of philanthropy shown by individuals like James Rumrill and George Walter Vincent Smith helped create some of Springfield’s most venerable institutions, including Forest Park and the Springfield Museums themselves.

Employment-law Seminar
April 9: Due to the high volume of interest, Royal LLP will present an encore of its seminar pertaining to three major changes in employment law that every employer needs to be aware of for 2015. The seminar will take place from 8 to 9 a.m. at the company’s offices at 270 Pleasant St., Northampton. At this roundtable, the company will focus on sick leave, domestic-violence leave, and paternity leave, and will also flag an issue with respect to the Affordable Care Act relating to healthcare reimbursement, as well as minimum wage. The seminar will be led by principal Amy Royal. Cost is $30 per person; payments may be mailed to Royal LLP, 270 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA 01060. Advance registration is required, and seating will be limited. Contact Ann-Marie Marcil at [email protected] to register.

Remembrance Service
April 19: Families who have experienced the death of a child over the past year are invited to attend the annual Service of Remembrance held by Baystate Children’s Hospital. All family members and friends are invited to attend the event, which will be held at 1 p.m. at Baystate Medical Center’s Chestnut Conference Center at 759 Chestnut St., Springfield. It is also open to families with losses prior to 2014. Baystate Children’s Hospital staff will be in attendance at the event to remember and pay tribute to the children and families who were under their care. Families are asked to respond by April 13 with the number of adults and children planning to attend the event, as well as their child’s name, if they would like it printed in the memorial-service program. Families with earlier losses are simply asked to call and register. To respond, call Marge Bloom (413) 794-5559. “We hope that the Service of Remembrance and the reception that follows will provide a unique opportunity for a special group of families to come together to remember and honor their children,” said Bloom. The service will include readings, music, and a ceremony of light. Families can share a photograph or other memento of their child on a ‘table of memories’ at the event. They may also choose to have their child’s name printed in the program and read aloud during the service, regardless of whether they can attend. As part of the service, families will be given a piece of fabric which they can personalize in memory of their child before it is added, along with others, to create a memory quilt. The quilt will be displayed this September, along with other quilts created in past years, at Baystate’s annual Memorial Quilt Exhibit. For more information on Baystate Children’s Hospital, visit www.baystatehealth.org/bch.

Restaurant Week
April 23 to May 2: The Springfield City Council’s young professionals subcommittee, partnered with the Springfield Business Improvement District (BID), will serve up mouth-watering meals during Springfield Restaurant Week 2015. Many downtown and riverfront restaurants are featured in this event, including Chef Wayne’s Big Mamou, Currents (Marriott), Champions (Marriott), Luxe Burger Bar, Nadim’s Mediterranean, Panjabi Tadka, PICKS/MVP (Sheraton), Plan B Burger, the Fort/Student Prince, Theodore’s, Pizzeria Uno, Adolfo’s, McCaffrey’s Public House, Blackjack Steakhouse, and Shakago. Each restaurant will offer a special two- or three-course dinner menu for a set price of $20.15 per person. Further details and menus will be posted on springfielddowntown.com/dinespringfield. City Councilor Justin Hurst, who chairs the young professionals subcommittee, noted that the event “is an opportunity for not only young professionals, but families and the community at large to experience the unique spread the city has to offer.” Added BID Assistant Director Morgan Drewniany, “we’re proud to forge a partnership with the YP subcommittee to promote a vibrant downtown through supporting Springfield restaurants.” Event sponsors include Baystate Health, Williams Distributing, White Lion Brewing Co., Garten, LLC Landscaping and Services, Farmington Bank, MassLive, and Inspired Marketing Inc.

Bowl for Kids’ Sake
April 25: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County will host Bowl for Kids’ Sake, the mentoring organization’s biggest annual fund-raiser, at the French King Entertainment Center in Erving from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 45 year-old, donor-funded organization challenges everyone — mentors and mentees, their friends and families, business people, community leaders, and others who may not have time to mentor, but still support Big Brothers Big Sisters’ mission — to join Bowl for Kids’ Sake help change the life of a child forever. For more than 40 years, Bowl for Kids’ Sake has supported Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the country, becoming its premiere fund-raising event and raising $20 million nationwide each year. People interested in forming a team should contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County directly, via [email protected] or (413) 772-0915. Once a team is formed, each team member should starting soliciting donations from friends, colleagues, or family members. The minimum total pledge amount, per team member, is $75. In addition, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County is still accepting corporate sponsors for this event. Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2015 challenges bowlers to dress like a superhero. Prizes will be awarded to teams and individuals for creativity and team unity. In addition, all bowlers can qualify for gift certificates to area restaurants by raising $100 or more; all bowlers who raise $75 or more automatically receive a free T-shirt. The day will also include 50/50 raffles, a photo booth provided by Base Camp Photo, music, food, drink, and more.

Military Ball & Gala
April 25: The Pioneer Valley USO announced that the fifth annual Military Ball & Gala Honoring Our Troops will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Log Cabin in Holyoke. Presenting sponsors include Steve Lewis Subaru and 1812 Auto Body, and the Purple Heart sponsor is Bay Path University. Music will be provided by the Bronx Wanderers. Tickets are available by calling the USO office in Chicopee at (413) 557-3290. The Military Ball & Gala is the largest fund-raising effort of the year and funds many of the Pioneer Valley USO’s programs and services. It was designed in keeping with the long-standing traditions of formal military balls while allowing the public to attend and participate in a gala evening. Military formal and business dress is required. The Pioneer Valley USO serves the needs of active military and their families through the efforts of volunteers, the board of directors, and the public.

Not Just Business as Usual
April 30: The Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) Foundation’s Not Just Business as Usual (NJBAU) event is one of the premiere networking events for business leaders in Western Mass. This annual celebration, in its sixth year, is a celebration of innovative thinking which gives participants the opportunity to learn from business experts while raising significant funding for the STCC WORKS scholarship program. The event will be held at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. A cocktail and networking reception will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m., with dinner and the keynote speaker, Google Engineering Director Steve Vinter, to follow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Vinter has overseen the growth of Google’s Cambridge site from 15 software engineers in 2007 to more than 900 today. He is responsible for developing digital-publishing products such as Google eBooks, Google Play Newsstand, and Play for Education, and has over 20 years of industry experience working in the Boston area, focusing on building products and services for hundreds of millions of users of mobile and cloud computing. He also is the co-founder of MassCAN, a partnership of organizations which collaborate to inspire and educate students in Massachusetts to learn computing and prepare them to lead and innovate the future economy, which will be driven by computer technology. This year, NJBAU will feature interactive workstations featuring the STCC Mobile SIM and Engineering program. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are now available. Tickets are $100 each, and sponsorships begin at $1,500. For additional information or to become a sponsor, contact Christina Tuohey, STCC director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at (413) 755-4475 or [email protected]. To purchase tickets online, visit www.stcc.edu/njbau.

VVM Awards Ceremony
April 30: Valley Venture Mentors (VVM) will host its inaugural Accelerator Awards event at the MassMutual Center in Springfield. The event will honor recent graduates of its new Accelerator Program, which is currently grooming 29 startup teams from across the Pioneer Valley for success by imparting meaningful business knowledge, structure, and tools. During the awards ceremony, the organization will award grants of up to $50,000 each to startup teams selected as finalists. The event runs from 5 to 8:30 p.m. and will include a lively networking reception as well as a dinner and awards program, featuring startup teams and an address by John Harthorne, founder and CEO of MassChallenge. This year’s Accelerator Program is funded by MassMutual, the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, with the mission to support an entrepreneurial renaissance in Springfield and the Pioneer Valley. According to VVM founder Paul Silva, “this event is the ideal opportunity to see firsthand the excitement that VVM and the Accelerator Program are generating, so we hope everyone who is interested in learning about VVM’s work will join us for an inspiring evening.” During the four-month Accelerator Program, each team is assigned to a peer-supported group, introduced to VVM advisors, and provided free co-working space in downtown Springfield. The teams engage in investment-readiness boot camps with hands-on training, expert-led lectures, peer collaboration, advisor meetings, and practice judging rounds. Teams also participate in VVM’s ongoing weekly workshops that cover strategy, innovation, marketing, sales, team building/dynamics, best practices, fund-raising, and introductions to term-sheet and valuation processes. “VVM takes a lovingly critical approach to training its startups,” Silva said. “We put the entrepreneur first in every endeavor.” The positive, rigorous training program is structured around the Lean LaunchPad curriculum, which emphasizes achieving the highest possible investment-readiness level and overcoming the three main causes of startup death: failing to achieve product-market fit, premature scaling, and team-member dynamics. “We provide comprehensive, effective resources for our teams,” Silva added. “Our real aim is to provide our groups with preparation beyond the presentation. We want them to build their businesses for the long term.”

May 12-14: With manufacturing a driving force of economic growth in the Northeast, as well as across the U.S., more than 12,000 business owners, engineers, designers, production managers, and purchasing executives will gather at EASTEC, the East Coast’s premier manufacturing event. Produced by SME, the biennial event takes place at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield and features more than 650 exhibitors and three days of complimentary educational sessions. In its 34th year, the event showcases the latest manufacturing technologies from additive manufacturing/3D printing to waterjet cutting, and provides access to industry experts sharing insights on how to foster innovation, increase productivity, and improve profits. This year, attendees will also get to see more than 300 new products being highlighted at the show. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with resources, research and purchase the latest technologies, and discover ways to improve productivity and increase profits. Meanwhile, the complimentary educational sessions will address trending topics such as automation innovations and Lean creativity, along with other major advancements in manufacturing. New features in 2015 will include keynote presentations from Carl Palme, applications product manager, Rethink Robotics; and Jason Prater, vice president of Development, Plex Systems, that will help with solving complex issues that U.S. manufacturers face today. EASTEC also will highlight the Bright Minds Program, designed to educate the next-generation workforce on the advancements in manufacturing that make it an exciting and rewarding career path. Winners of the Bright Minds Dream It! Do It! Student Challenge will be recognized at a special program during the three-day event. EASTEC is recommended for professionals in industries such as aerospace, defense, medical, automotive, commercial machinery, electronics, fabricating, and plastics. The event is nearly sold out, so SME encourages companies to reserve exhibit space before it’s too late. To learn more about EASTEC, view full conference and exhibit details, or register, visit easteconline.com.

40 Under Forty
June 18: The ninth annual 40 Under Forty award program, staged by BusinessWest, will be held at the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House. Details on the event, which honors the region’s most accomplished and civic-minded professionals under age 40, will be published in upcoming issues. The class of 2015 will be revealed and profiled in the April 20 issue.

Valley Fest
Aug. 29: White Lion Brewing Co. announced that it will host its inaugural beer festival, called Valley Fest, at Court Square in downtown Springfield. MGM Springfield will be the presenting sponsor. The festival is poised to be White Lion’s signature annual event, introducing the young brand to craft-beer enthusiasts throughout New England and beyond. White Lion Brewing Co., the city of Springfield’s only brewery, launched in October 2014. Founder Ray Berry and brewmaster Mike Yates have released three selections under the White Lion brand and have been busy promoting their efforts in venues all over Massachusetts and other New England states. “Valley Fest will have the best of the best local, regional, and national beer and hard cider brands,” Berry said. “Even in our inaugural year, Valley Fest will be the largest one-day beer festival in Western Massachusetts. We expect to draw up to 2,000 enthusiasts from throughout New England. We are very excited to showcase the fourth-largest city in New England and all of its amenities.” Berry anticipates that more than 50 breweries and many local food vendors will converge on Court Square for two sessions. Enthusiasts will have an opportunity to sample more than 100 varieties of beer and hard cider alongside pairing selections by local chefs. Michael Mathis, MGM Springfield president, said “the local entrepreneurial spirit of White Lion Brewing, coupled with the historic Court Square setting, is a winning combination to start a new Springfield tradition.” A number of sponsors have already committed to the event, including MassMutual Financial Group, the Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield, the Dennis Group, Springfield Sheraton Monarch Place, Paragus Strategic IT, Williams Distributing, and the Springfield Business Improvement District (BID). “We are honored to sponsor Valley Fest and look forward to it being an annual event that shares in the facilitation of growth within the downtown community,” said Chris Russell, executive director of the Springfield BID. Visit www.valleybrewfest.com for event details, ongoing updates, and sponsorship opportunities.

Court Dockets Departments

The following is a compilation of recent lawsuits involving area businesses and organizations. These are strictly allegations that have yet to be proven in a court of law. Readers are advised to contact the parties listed, or the court, for more information concerning the individual claims.

All Metals Industries Inc. v. Baystate Metal Solutions Inc. and Patricia A. Fernandez
Allegation: Breach of contract: $113,198.95
Filed: 2/5/15

EP Floors Corp. v. The Polycube Company, LLC and Recycle Inc.
Allegation: Breach of contract: $120,000
Filed: 2/25/15

Michael E. Anderson v. Toyota Motor Sales
Allegation: Product liability: $500,000
Filed: 2/11/15

Pioneer Tool Supply Co. Inc. v. AMK Welding Inc.
Allegation: Non-payment of goods sold and delivered: $39,826.63
Filed: 2/13/15

S & K Distribution, LLC d/b/a New Castle Building Products v. Morris Roofing and Sheet Metal Corp. and Steven N. Kravitz
Allegation: Breach of contract and non-payment of materials provided: $12,000
Filed 2/13/15

Amand Chouinard v. Publisher Circulation Fulfillment Inc., Paul Racine, Jason Coones, Steve Fletcher, and Chris Robare
Allegation: Sexual harassment and discrimination: $25,000+
Filed: 1/26/15

Christine Nutter v. Tractor Supply Co.
Allegation: While shopping, plaintiff fell off of a loading dock: $79,715.14
Filed: 2/21/15

Mary P. and Michael D. Boudreau v. William Ryder Funeral Home Inc.
Allegation: Breach of funeral-service contract: $2,000. Filed: 2/3/15


James Hall v. Green Tree Servicing, LLC
Allegation: The plaintiff had a mortgage with the defendant’s company which he paid off with the sale of the home, but the defendant refused to discharge, causing economic damage: $24,800
Filed: 1/2/15

Janelle Johnson, as parent of her minor child, Samuel Johnson v. Spirit Halloween
Allegation: Negligent maintenance of Halloween display causing injury: $2,430.10
Filed: 1/20/15

Marcelino Ortiz Jr. v. Bowditch, LLC d/b/a Northampton Lodging House
Allegation: When attempting to open a window in a room the plaintiff was renting from the defendant, the window came off the hinges and fell on the plaintiff’s head: $2,947.81
Filed: 2/9/15

Reinhart Food Services, LLC v. The Sub & Pizza of Amherst Inc.
Allegation: Non-payment of goods sold and delivered: $6,336.91
Filed: 2/20/15

Basette Printers, LLC d/b/a Bassette Company v. Encompass Design Inc.
Allegation: Non-payment of goods sold and delivered: $8,340.79
Filed: 2/6/15

Crystal Window and Door Systems, LTD v. Lizotte Glass Inc.
Allegation: Non-payment of goods sold and delivered: $34,260.48
Filed: 1/26/15

Sanmar Corp. v. Turbo Screen Painting, LLC
Allegation: Non-payment of goods sold and delivered: $12,738.66
Filed: 2/12/15

Departments Picture This

Send photos with a caption and contact information to: ‘Picture This’ c/o BusinessWest Magazine, 1441 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103 or to [email protected]

Groundbreaking Event

MGMGroundbreakingShovelLowMGMGroundbreakingThe casino era officially began in Springfield on March 24, as ground was broken for MGM Springfield, an $800 million resort casino that will take shape in the city’s tornado-ravaged South End. Top, with the tornado-damaged Zanetti School in the background, Jim Murren, MGM Resorts International chairman and CEO, offers remarks to the hundreds in attendance. Above, the confetti canons go off as dignitaries handle the official groundbreaking duties.

Impactful Gift

PicThis1Mercy Medical Center recently announced that Cynthia and William Lyons of Wilbraham have made a $1 million challenge gift to Transforming Cancer Care – the Capital Campaign for the Sister Caritas Cancer Center. The Lyons’ gift will support the 26,000-square-foot expansion of the center and reflects the largest single gift for the campaign from members of the community. “We have been inspired by the high level of care and compassion that runs throughout the Sisters of Providence Health System,” said Cynthia Lyons. “The work being done at the Sister Caritas Cancer Center is especially exciting.” Under the leadership of Dr. Philip Glynn, director of Oncology, staff at the cancer center has expanded significantly to meet patient need; by 2022, demand for outpatient cancer services is expected to grow by 26%. The $15 million expansion will also bolster the center’s capabilities by enhancing communication among oncology providers and facilitating ease of access to existing services. The design of new infusion bays will increase privacy for patients, as well as for a supporting family member or friend. Sr. Mary Caritas, SP, is a member of the Sisters of Providence Health System (SPHS) board of trustees, was president of the former Mercy Hospital, and was a driving force behind the initial effort to build the cancer center that now bears her name. Pictured at right, Caritas and Daniel Moen, president and CEO of SPHS, display a photo of Bill and Cindy Lyons at the news conference announcing the gift.

Celebrating Sisterhood

2-BayPath159749-BayPath159746-BayPath1597414-BayPath1597410-BayPath15974More than 1,600 people packed the MassMutual Center on March 27 for the 20th annual Women’s Leadership Conference, presented by Bay Path University. The event, with the theme “Celebrating Sisterhood,” featured three keynote speakers — Angelique Kidjo, the ‘undisputed queen of African music’; Kathy Giusti, cancer survivor, philanthropist, and founder of two melanoma research foundations; and Cuban-born singer Gloria Estefan — as well as a host of breakout sessions on a wide range of topics. From top to bottom: Bay Path President Carol Leary present Estefan with a school sweatshirt; a group of Bay Path students enjoy the conference; Kidjo entertains the audience during her morning keynote address; Bay Path alumni represent the theme of the conference; and Sheila Heen, founder of Triad Consulting Group and author of Difficult Conversations and Thanks for the Feedback: the Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well (Even When It’s Off-base, Unfair, Poorly Delivered, and Frankly, You’re Not in the Mood), solicits comments during her breakout session, “Thanks for the Feedback.”

Daily News

EAST LONGMEADOW — Forastiere Family Funeral & Cremation, which has served the Greater Springfield community since 1905, announced its first ever Family Craft Day, to be held Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to noon at Captain Charles Leonard House on Main Street in Agawam.

“This is the time of year when we are celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. As part of our commitment to our community, we wanted to offer families a fun and creative way to mark those holidays, regardless of whether or not they have lost a loved one,” said Frank Forastiere, president and funeral director of Forastiere Family Funeral & Cremation.

All are invited to create gifts for Mother’s and Father’s Day, for teachers and grandparents, as a remembrance of a lost loved one, or as a simple thank you. The Family Craft Day is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

To reserve a spot, call (413) 525-2800. For information about Forastiere Family Funeral & Cremation, visit forastiere.com.

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — The Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield (ACCGS) will hold its bi-monthly Lunch ‘n’ Learn on Wednesday, April 8, with a focus on effective personalized marketing.

Mary McCarthy, director of marketing for Andrew Associates, will address the event, which takes place at La Quinta Inns and Suites, 100 Congress St., Springfield. The goal is to educate attendees on how to translate market research and data into effectively personalized marketing strategies that reach target audiences. Networking and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m., and the program starts at 1 p.m.

Daily News

WARE — Country Bank’s annual meeting was held at the Worcester Art Museum last month. The evening’s agenda included the election of trustees, corporators, and officers, as well as a report of 2014 highlights and financials.

“We are delighted to announce that we have 9 new corporators joining us. Each of them will provide a unique perspective to what Country Bank offers in their local communities,” said Paul Scully, president and CEO. New members include Dr. Mohammed Ahmed, Sheila Cuddy, Brian D’Andrea, Robert Dik, Mary Falardeau, Janice Kucewicz, Lauren Miller, James Paugh III, and Richard Poissant.

Meeting attendees also learned that Country Bank will be opening a new location on Park Avenue in Worcester later this year. The bank currently serves Central and Western Mass. with 15 offices. For more information, visit www.countrybank.com or call (800) 322-8233.

Daily News

CHICOPEE — J. Polep announced the promotion of Adam Kramer to vice president of Purchasing and Food Service.

Kramer has been with J. Polep since 2006, most recently as director of Food Service. Over the last nine years, he has also been a field sales representative, district manager, and president of Grote & Weigel (a division of J. Polep).

Kramer is known for his dedication to the products he delivers, as well as his ability to grow with the industry as the business dictates. Visit www.jpolep.com to learn more about the company history.

Bankruptcies Departments

The following bankruptcy petitions were recently filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. Readers should confirm all information with the court.

22 Redgewood Place LLC
22 Ridgewood Place, LLC
Mill St. Innovative Housing
P.O. Box 562
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Chapter: 11
Filing Date: 03/04/15

Allyn, Ryan M.
16 Memorial Circle
Holyoke, MA 01040
Chapter: 13
Filing Date: 03/02/15

Allyn, Willam D.
2 Hawthorne Lane
Holyoke, MA 01040
Chapter: 13
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Benoit, William W.
Benoit, Tammy L.
P.O. Box 1457
Pittsfield, MA 01202
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Bernstein, Deborah L.
249 Quarry Road
West Springfield, MA 01089
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/03/15

Breault, J. Joseph
81 Westwood Road
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Bukowski, Tadeusz
1307 Tinkham Road
Wilbraham, MA 01095
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/13/15

Caulton, Earl R.
Caulton, Sandra E.
11 Old Point St.
Springfield, MA 01109
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/01/15

Cameron, Coretta T.
29 Victoria St.
Springfield, MA 01104
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Cheria, Jonathan M.
Cheria, Rebecca L.
40 Bliss St.
Ludlow, MA 01056
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Cortis, Anthony D.
Cortis, Meagan L.
a/k/a Desilets, Meagan L.
53 Druids Lane
West Springfield, MA 01089
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/02/15

Cotto, Marisol
540 Grayson Dr.
Springfield, MA 01119
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Coville, Richard
64 K St.
Turners Falls, MA 01376
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/05/15

Czybryt, Joanna M.
37 Francis Ave.
Adams, MA 01220
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/09/15

Deuso, Kimberly A.
40 Rapalus St.
Indian Orchard, MA 01151
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/09/15

Foster, Jennifer L.
59 Somerset Lane
Somers, CT 06071
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Garabedian, Janice M.
29 French Dr.
Palmer, MA 01069
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Goraj, Mark Thomas
23 Devens St.
Indian Orchard, MA 01151
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/05/15

LaPlante, Ronald R.
33 Kellogg Ave., Apt 6
Amherst, MA 01002
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/15/15

Lavell, Frederic P.
Lavell, Maxine L.
289 Holyoke St.
Ludlow, MA 01056
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

LFE Mechanical Contractor
Eldridge, Larry F.
54 Charter Oak Dr.
Feeding Hills, MA 01030
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/02/15

Lillie, Chantel May
13 Meadow St.
Adams, MA 01220
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/06/15

Mallard, Kelee
195 Massachusetts Ave.
Springfield, MA 01109
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/15/15

Malone, Charlean D.
15 Harmon Ave.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/01/15

Masic, Dzenan
Masic, Meliha
47 River St. #4
West Springfield, MA 01089
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/05/15

Masotti, Thomas John
450 Island Pond Road
Springfield, MA 01118
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/06/15

Milbier, William E.
299 Maple St.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/03/15

Morin, Sandra A.
42 Spikenard Circle
Springfield, MA 01129
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Morris, Vicky L.
24 Rose Ave.
Lee, MA 01238
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/14/15

Nawracaj, Joseph F.
119 Waldorf St.
Springfield, MA 01109
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/06/15

Nickerson, Wendy A.
324 First St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Paine, Annette Lorraine
a/k/a Trudell, Annette L.
56 Granby St.
Springfield, MA 01108
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/06/15

Payton, Reynold G.
266 Gilbert Ave.
Springfield, MA 01119
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/15/15

Ramos, Noemi
404 Southwick Road
Westfield, MA 01085
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/12/15

Rivera, April L.
6 Temple St., Apt. 1L
Holyoke, MA 01040
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Rodriguez, Evelyn
15 Belleview Dr.
Westfield, MA 01085
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/02/15

Rosario, Orlando
Rosario, Ileana A.
a/k/a Maldonado, Ileana A.
224 Gifford St.
Springfield, MA 01118
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Serrano, Jermain D.
P.O. Box 1967
Pittsfield, MA 01202
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/10/15

Simonin, Brenda E.
a/k/a Webster, Brenda E.
a/k/a Ponti, Brenda E.
5A North Kellogg Road
Haydenville, MA 01039
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/04/15

Spaulding, Emily Mae
71 Elm St., Unit B
Hatfield, MA 01038
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/13/15

Sprague, Nathan S.
81 Dalton Ave., # 3
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/12/15

Swords, Kenneth J.
96 Pendelton Ave.
Chicopee, MA 01020
Chapter: 13
Filing Date: 03/06/15

Veilleux, Stephane R.
39 Sefton Dr.
Southwick, MA 01077
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/13/15

Weaver, Michael J.
Weaver, Sandra A.
77 Enfield Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/06/15

Wright, Joseph N.
P.O. Box 97
Williamstown, MA 01267
Chapter: 7
Filing Date: 03/11/15

Departments Real Estate

The following real estate transactions (latest available) were compiled by Banker & Tradesman and are published as they were received. Only transactions exceeding $115,000 are listed. Buyer and seller fields contain only the first name listed on the deed.


99 Orchard St.
Conway, MA 01341
Amount: $159,000
Buyer: Jennifer L. Smith
Seller: Kirsten L. Chervinsky
Date: 02/27/15

2739 Shelburne Falls Road
Conway, MA 01341
Amount: $236,000
Buyer: Candida Canepa
Seller: Pixie J. Holbrook
Date: 02/27/15

304 South Deerfield Road
Conway, MA 01341
Amount: $468,500
Buyer: Elizabeth Stowe
Seller: Heidi L. Hobby
Date: 03/02/15


62 Eastern Ave.
Deerfield, MA 01373
Amount: $159,000
Buyer: Susan S. Lundrigan
Seller: Lacoille, Edward N. Jr., (Estate)
Date: 03/06/15

155 North Main St.
Deerfield, MA 01373
Amount: $226,500
Buyer: Amie L. Clark
Seller: Susan T. Hudyma
Date: 02/25/15


8-10 Grant St.
Greenfield, MA 01301
Amount: $174,000
Buyer: James E. Filipkowski
Seller: James E. Filipkowski
Date: 02/27/15

38-46 Greenfield St.
Greenfield, MA 01301
Amount: $1,410,000
Buyer: Store Master Funding 7
Seller: Channing L. Bete Co. Inc.
Date: 02/23/15

252 Log Plain Road
Greenfield, MA 01301
Amount: $177,000
Buyer: Michael H. Barnard
Seller: Daniel P. Field
Date: 03/05/15

229-231 Main St.
Greenfield, MA 01301
Amount: $290,000
Buyer: Rachael Seven LLC
Seller: Rooney & Sons Inc.
Date: 03/06/15

27 Smith St.
Greenfield, MA 01301
Amount: $185,000
Buyer: Dorina Placinta
Seller: Stephen D. Gibowicz
Date: 03/02/15

33 Sunrise Ave.
Greenfield, MA 01301
Amount: $240,000
Buyer: Jennifer J. Austin
Seller: Lorraine C. Ferrante TR
Date: 02/27/15


4 Number 6 Road
Leverett, MA 01054
Amount: $200,000
Buyer: Jean Sherlock
Seller: Daniel McIntire
Date: 02/26/15


80 4th St.
Montague, MA 01376
Amount: $133,404
Buyer: 80 on 4th LLC
Seller: USA HUD
Date: 03/06/15

19 L St.
Montague, MA 01376
Amount: $170,000
Buyer: Kara Mulligan
Date: 02/26/15

18 High St.
Montague, MA 01376
Amount: $123,000
Buyer: Gregory R. Haas
Seller: FNMA
Date: 03/04/15


13 Dewey Conrad Ave.
Orange, MA 01364
Amount: $134,000
Buyer: Kelly M. Sevigny
Seller: Reginald Haughton
Date: 02/26/15


19 Weatherwood Road
Shutesbury, MA 01072
Amount: $234,000
Buyer: Shana Anolik
Seller: Susan J. Russell
Date: 02/23/15

57 North Plain Road
Sunderland, MA 01375
Amount: $295,000
Buyer: Jennifer A. Murphy
Date: 03/05/15


Christian Lane (SS)
Whately, MA 01093
Amount: $155,000
Buyer: Caroline C. Pam
Seller: Ralph K. Farrick Funding TR
Date: 02/27/15

21 Poplar Hill Road
Whately, MA 01093
Amount: $181,000
Buyer: Maxwell W. Bland
Seller: Pamela A. Dickinson
Date: 02/23/15



8 Barry St.
Agawam, MA 01030
Amount: $328,500
Buyer: Judith A. Piper
Seller: Jaclyn M. Belland
Date: 02/26/15

44 Colonial Ave.
Agawam, MA 01001
Amount: $195,000
Buyer: Patrick H. Cullen
Seller: Jeffrey J. Benoit
Date: 03/06/15

43 Cooper St.
Agawam, MA 01001
Amount: $196,000
Buyer: David W. Elliott
Seller: Jill M. Tower
Date: 03/04/15

35 Hayes Ave.
Agawam, MA 01030
Amount: $228,000
Buyer: Margaret J. Dane
Seller: John J. Negrucci
Date: 02/27/15

425 Main St.
Agawam, MA 01001
Amount: $175,000
Buyer: Alan W. Bozak
Seller: Carole J. Calabrese
Date: 02/27/15

209 Pineview Circle
Agawam, MA 01001
Amount: $280,000
Buyer: David W. Hamel
Seller: Julie A. Fife
Date: 03/06/15

417 Shoemaker Lane
Agawam, MA 01001
Amount: $200,000
Buyer: Ellis L. Langone
Seller: Langone Plumbing 7 Heating
Date: 03/04/15

129 Tobacco Farm Road
Agawam, MA 01030
Amount: $370,000
Buyer: Joseph T. Martin
Seller: Robert A. Desimone
Date: 02/27/15


54 2nd Ave.
Chicopee, MA 01020
Amount: $785,000
Buyer: Keith Laflamme
Seller: Chicopee Partners LLP
Date: 03/05/15

40 Belmont St.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $123,100
Buyer: Bayview Loan Servicing
Seller: Tammy-Lynn Gadouas
Date: 03/06/15

107 Columba St.
Chicopee, MA 01020
Amount: $165,900
Buyer: Todd N Beattie
Seller: David J. Guertin
Date: 02/25/15

296 Front St.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $140,000
Buyer: City Of Chicopee
Seller: Peters Josephine, (Estate)
Date: 03/04/15

456 Front St.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $167,000
Buyer: Petros Mirisis
Seller: Lawrence A. Maziarz
Date: 03/05/15

18 Gagne St.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $166,000
Buyer: Alysha M. Lewis
Seller: Chase A. Standre
Date: 02/27/15

Chicopee, MA 01020
Amount: $134,300
Buyer: Bank New York
Seller: Gayle Arsenault
Date: 03/03/15

104 Lauzier Terrace
Chicopee, MA 01020
Amount: $220,000
Buyer: Rui M. Mendes
Seller: William T. Lavelle
Date: 03/06/15

274 Narragansett Blvd.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $120,389
Buyer: FNMA
Seller: Raul Hernandez
Date: 03/05/15

7 Overlook Dr.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $169,900
Buyer: Aneta Temple
Seller: Roxanne Ferretti
Date: 02/25/15

24 South St.
Chicopee, MA 01013
Amount: $152,500
Buyer: Coleen S. Nauman
Seller: Martha H. Shea
Date: 02/27/15

77 Westport Dr.
Chicopee, MA 01020
Amount: $215,000
Buyer: Timofey Adzhigirey
Seller: Nancy R. Forni
Date: 02/25/15


97 Barrie Road
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $215,000
Buyer: Shawn G. Santanello
Seller: Shelby P. Marrin
Date: 03/06/15

330 Chestnut St.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $900,000
Buyer: M&A Longmeadow LLC
Seller: Modak LLC
Date: 02/26/15

119 Colony Dr.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $329,900
Buyer: Nicholas R. King
Seller: Kristin Blakeslee
Date: 02/27/15

37 Holland Dr.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $235,000
Buyer: Marco Scibelli
Seller: Gioio Scibelli
Date: 02/27/15

East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $265,000
Buyer: Michael D. Collura
Seller: John A. Collura
Date: 02/25/15

89 Rogers Road
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $215,000
Buyer: Matthew D. Lloyd
Seller: China Access LLC
Date: 02/25/15

40 Shawmut St.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $240,000
Buyer: Steven Kofsky
Seller: Theresa J. Cloonan
Date: 02/24/15

30 Somers Road
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Amount: $160,000
Buyer: Odres Nuevos
Seller: Shiloh Church
Date: 03/05/15


37 Francis Ave.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $152,000
Buyer: Daniel M. Murray
Seller: Provident Funding Assocs.
Date: 02/27/15

37 Lindbergh Ave.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $256,500
Buyer: Arrow Worrall
Seller: Elizabeth E. Barker
Date: 02/27/15

224-226 Lyman St.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $342,000
Buyer: Naviah Investments LLC
Seller: 4306 3rd Avenue LLC
Date: 02/25/15

254 Main St.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $195,000
Buyer: Caroline I. Cotto
Seller: John J. Hanley
Date: 02/26/15

430 Pleasant St.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $125,750
Buyer: Stephen Parmenter
Seller: Wells Fargo Bank
Date: 03/05/15

98 Ridgewood Ave.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $124,900
Buyer: Michael A. Chatel
Seller: James L. Mooney
Date: 03/06/15

20 View St.
Holyoke, MA 01040
Amount: $149,261
Buyer: Deutsche Bank
Seller: Marie Cintron
Date: 02/23/15


63 Crestview Circle
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Amount: $320,000
Buyer: Jack V. Grassetti
Seller: Gloria I. Durpe
Date: 03/05/15

37 Greenwich Road
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Amount: $492,000
Buyer: Stewart A. Mackie
Date: 02/27/15

152 Hawthorne St.
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Amount: $200,000
Buyer: Sandra Kenefick
Seller: Leonard Lotito
Date: 03/06/15

123 Homestead Blvd.
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Amount: $185,000
Buyer: Lynn L. Wagman
Seller: Stephen P. Wagner
Date: 02/27/15

99 Silver Birch Road
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Amount: $315,000
Buyer: Kimberly A. Bucknor
Seller: Joseph J. Egan
Date: 03/05/15


27 Americo St.
Ludlow, MA 01056
Amount: $225,000
Buyer: Atwater Investors Inc.
Seller: Roland P. Savoie
Date: 02/27/15

95 Coolidge Ave.
Ludlow, MA 01056
Amount: $127,750
Buyer: Brenda L. Shields-Dean
Seller: Frank A. Murray
Date: 03/05/15

Parker Lane
Ludlow, MA 01056
Amount: $135,000
Buyer: David Cote
Seller: Whitetail Wreks LLC
Date: 02/24/15

269 Ventura St.
Ludlow, MA 01056
Amount: $359,900
Buyer: Kathleen E. Fleming
Seller: Michael A. Perry
Date: 02/27/15


13 Flynt Ave.
Monson, MA 01057
Amount: $169,000
Buyer: Tracy L. Davis
Seller: Kristen Beaulieu
Date: 02/25/15

250 Woodhill Road
Monson, MA 01057
Amount: $194,900
Buyer: Richard W. Lamb
Seller: Denning, Elizabeth F., (Estate)
Date: 03/04/15


14 Rockview St.
Palmer, MA 01069
Amount: $143,000
Buyer: Steeven Magan
Seller: Lynn M. Plotczik
Date: 03/04/15

23 Ware St.
Palmer, MA 01069
Amount: $180,790
Buyer: Bayview Loan Servicing
Seller: William F. Murray
Date: 02/24/15


70 Congamond Road
Southwick, MA 01077
Amount: $140,000
Buyer: Mark Provost
Seller: Norman H. Storey
Date: 03/06/15

129 Hillside Road
Southwick, MA 01077
Amount: $400,000
Buyer: Jaydub LLC
Seller: Eileen L. Horkun
Date: 02/27/15


416 Allen St.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $143,500
Buyer: Everton G. Senior
Seller: Global Homes Properties
Date: 02/26/15

281 Ambrose St.
Springfield, MA 01109
Amount: $180,000
Buyer: Ronald J. Charles
Seller: Kerrian A. James
Date: 03/06/15

Armory St.
Springfield, MA 01101
Amount: $125,000
Buyer: Buckeye Pipe Line Co. LP
Seller: Boston & Maine Corp.
Date: 03/02/15

93 Balfour Dr.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $143,000
Buyer: Dion E. Barron
Seller: Richard Garcia
Date: 03/05/15

18 Beaufort Circle
Springfield, MA 01104
Amount: $146,000
Buyer: Karen R. Waterman
Seller: Sabrina M. Gross
Date: 02/27/15

129 Bellevue Ave.
Springfield, MA 01108
Amount: $213,325
Buyer: Bank of America
Seller: Joan T. Byrnes
Date: 02/26/15

73 Ellsworth Ave.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $127,000
Buyer: David A. Brehaut
Seller: Mya Realty LLC
Date: 03/03/15

Garland St. (ES)
Springfield, MA 01101
Amount: $225,000
Buyer: Alfonso E. Acuna
Seller: Weissman Realty LLC
Date: 02/27/15

178 Gillette Ave.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $173,300
Buyer: Andrew J. Normand
Seller: Stephen M. Ellis
Date: 02/26/15

65 Glenvale St.
Springfield, MA 01119
Amount: $130,000
Buyer: Danette L. Krushel
Seller: USA VA
Date: 02/26/15

21 Herman St.
Springfield, MA 01108
Amount: $129,500
Buyer: Joyce T. Ramos
Seller: James W. Fiore
Date: 02/27/15

280 Lexington St.
Springfield, MA 01104
Amount: $119,012
Buyer: FNMA
Seller: Luis F. Rodriguez
Date: 02/25/15

70 Martone Place
Springfield, MA 01109
Amount: $450,000
Buyer: WBGLA Of Westfield MA LLC
Seller: Keith A. Laflamme
Date: 02/24/15

60 Northampton Ave.
Springfield, MA 01109
Amount: $116,000
Buyer: Zachary E. Rec
Seller: Galin Joseph
Date: 03/05/15

23 Old Brook Road
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $155,000
Buyer: Heather M. Sanford
Seller: 855 Liberty Springfield LLC
Date: 02/27/15

488 Porter Road
Springfield, MA 01128
Amount: $180,000
Buyer: Elizabeth Merrill
Seller: Brian J. Wallace
Date: 02/26/15

27 Pratt St.
Springfield, MA 01107
Amount: $185,000
Buyer: Baystate Medical Center
Seller: Alfonso E. Acuna
Date: 02/27/15

Quebec St.
Springfield, MA 01101
Amount: $220,000
Buyer: Wilfredo J. Semprit
Seller: Vyacheslav A. Kuzmenko
Date: 02/26/15

980 Sumner Ave.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $205,000
Buyer: Dieu H. Pham
Seller: Stephen C. Lafever
Date: 03/02/15

1197-1201 Sumner Ave.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $225,000
Buyer: Alfonso E. Acuna
Seller: Weissman Realty LLC
Date: 02/27/15

73 Talmadge Dr.
Springfield, MA 01118
Amount: $146,500
Buyer: Rosa I. Torres
Seller: Christopher Plewa
Date: 03/06/15

102 Tamarack Dr.
Springfield, MA 01129
Amount: $180,500
Buyer: Kenneth Ramos
Seller: Michael T. Wayner
Date: 02/26/15


1228 Amostown Road
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $260,000
Buyer: Inna Gargun
Seller: Joseph A. Brosseau
Date: 03/06/15

17 Angeline St.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $188,000
Buyer: Melany Laroe
Seller: David J. Paier
Date: 02/27/15

71 Austin Lane
West Springfield, MA 01013
Amount: $480,000
Buyer: Prasanth Prabhakaran
Seller: Frank J. Morassi
Date: 02/27/15

446 Brush Hill Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $115,150
Buyer: Daniel J. Deluca
Seller: Morganford Holdings LLC
Date: 02/26/15

714 Dewey St.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $180,000
Buyer: Whitney Salvatore
Seller: Elizabeth R. Clark
Date: 03/04/15

104 Hillcrest Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $137,000
Buyer: Aric A. Nunes
Seller: Angela M. Nunes
Date: 02/27/15

61 Homestead Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $223,000
Buyer: Ashleigh Chrusciel
Seller: Crossroads Property Investors
Date: 02/26/15

56 Kent St.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $135,000
Buyer: Denise Dumont
Seller: Thaddeus S. Saj
Date: 03/06/15

182 Monastery Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $276,000
Buyer: Ryan E. Finn
Seller: Charles D. Carpino
Date: 02/27/15

197 Monastery Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $224,000
Buyer: May E. Mangalili
Seller: John A. Perez
Date: 02/27/15

44 Pine St.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $124,900
Buyer: Angela R. Stone
Seller: Laurie A. Cassidy
Date: 02/24/15

386 Prospect Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $160,000
Buyer: Jason R. Faucher
Seller: George C. Dziurzynski
Date: 02/27/15

30 Virginia Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $210,000
Buyer: Halli Hunderfund
Seller: Stephen A. Cloutier
Date: 02/25/15

464 Westfield St.
West Springfield, MA 01089
Amount: $375,000
Buyer: Great Bay Properties LLC
Seller: 3 Diamond Realty Corp.
Date: 02/27/15


25 Big Wood Dr.
Westfield, MA 01085
Amount: $392,000
Buyer: Kelly J. Cieplinski LT
Seller: Kenneth K. Gordon
Date: 03/06/15

72 Highland View St.
Westfield, MA 01085
Amount: $181,500
Buyer: Thomas Curran
Seller: James R. Hale
Date: 03/06/15

113 Lindbergh Blvd.
Westfield, MA 01085
Amount: $150,000
Buyer: US Bank
Seller: Susan Norton
Date: 02/25/15

27 Woodland Road
Westfield, MA 01085
Amount: $237,000
Buyer: Mary P. Kadomoto
Seller: Elizabet Matthews-Sitnik
Date: 02/27/15

8 Woodside Terrace
Westfield, MA 01085
Amount: $146,000
Buyer: Pineview RT
Seller: JP Morgan Chase Bank
Date: 02/23/15


4 Warren Road
Wilbraham, MA 01095
Amount: $280,000
Buyer: Thomas M. Guberow
Seller: FHLM
Date: 02/26/15



4 Barry Circle
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $477,000
Buyer: Patrick P. Arguin
Seller: Paul A. Pierce
Date: 02/27/15

48 Belchertown Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $550,000
Buyer: Neal B. Patel
Seller: Reynold A. Gladu
Date: 02/27/15

Henry St.
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $190,000
Buyer: Scott Tundermann
Seller: Jean K. Canon
Date: 03/06/15

32 Hitchcock Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $364,000
Buyer: Amherst College
Seller: Patrick L. Williamson
Date: 03/04/15

16-18 Main St.
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $800,000
Seller: Russell, William F. 3rd, (Estate)
Date: 03/06/15

478 Station Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $624,900
Buyer: Amy A. Crawley
Seller: Western Development Corp.
Date: 02/26/15

60 Sunderland Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $265,000
Buyer: Parks Coop LLC
Seller: Bank Of America
Date: 03/06/15

84 Sunset Ave.
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $595,000
Buyer: Brian W. Fitzgerald
Seller: Laura Cadonati
Date: 03/02/15

235 West St.
Amherst, MA 01002
Amount: $235,000
Buyer: Across Campus UMass LLC
Seller: Xavier A. Tondeur
Date: 02/27/15


491 Daniel Shays Hwy.
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $220,000
Buyer: Daniel McLane
Seller: FNMA
Date: 02/25/15

Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $195,000
Buyer: Jeffrey O. Duprey
Seller: Shannon D. Sligo
Date: 02/27/15

111 Mill Valley Road
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $280,000
Buyer: Lauren Clarke
Seller: Rocco J. Malaspina
Date: 02/27/15

46 Mill Valley Road
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $158,000
Buyer: Daniel O. Sullivan
Seller: Burdge, Barbara J., (Estate)
Date: 02/27/15

22 Raymond Dr.
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $232,000
Buyer: Tyler D. Chambers
Seller: Dawn V. Waslh
Date: 02/27/15

44 River St.
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $256,000
Buyer: Bukola T. Okuwobi
Seller: Edward J. Pazik
Date: 02/26/15

36 Sheffield Dr.
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $342,900
Buyer: Brandon C. Dube
Seller: Patrick P. Arguin
Date: 02/27/15

90 Turkey Hill Road
Belchertown, MA 01007
Amount: $141,083
Buyer: FHLM
Seller: Conor R. McMillen
Date: 02/27/15


75 Glendale St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Amount: $156,000
Buyer: Roseanna M. Alves
Seller: Larose, Robert J., (Estate)
Date: 02/27/15

11 Keddy St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Amount: $168,500
Buyer: Victoria E. Trudeau
Seller: Debra A. Smith
Date: 02/27/15

27 Knipfer Ave.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Amount: $238,000
Buyer: Albert J. Finch
Seller: Jean Pierre Pasche
Date: 02/27/15

329 Main St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Amount: $119,900
Buyer: Ashtons Acquisitions LLC
Seller: Onewest Bank
Date: 02/27/15

85 Northampton St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Amount: $183,750
Buyer: Mark A. Essa
Seller: Stacia S. Tabaka LT
Date: 02/25/15

21 Pine Hill Road
Easthampton, MA 01027
Amount: $268,782
Buyer: Dewayne A. Matthews
Seller: Tori B. Jennings
Date: 03/03/15


553 Amherst Road
Granby, MA 01033
Amount: $180,200
Buyer: JP Morgan Chase Bank
Seller: Roger J. Rouillard
Date: 02/23/15

151 Carver St.
Granby, MA 01033
Amount: $310,000
Buyer: Douglas A. Gray
Seller: Kevin D. Rolfe
Date: 02/26/15

255 Carver St.
Granby, MA 01033
Amount: $190,000
Buyer: Richard Ordynowicz
Seller: Kathleen M. Lukasik
Date: 02/24/15

12-R Jackielyn Circle
Granby, MA 01033
Amount: $305,000
Buyer: Castle Farm Enterprises
Seller: Richard J. Niedbala
Date: 02/27/15


439 Main St.
Hatfield, MA 01038
Amount: $280,000
Buyer: Robert E. Slysz
Seller: Slysz, Robert E. Jr, (Estate)
Date: 03/03/15

112 West St.
Hatfield, MA 01088
Amount: $190,000
Buyer: John D. Sabola
Seller: Claire Laliberte
Date: 02/27/15


12 Bedford Terrace
Northampton, MA 01063
Amount: $3,225,000
Buyer: Simple Abode LLC
Seller: Smith Collage
Date: 03/04/15

40 Bradford St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Amount: $160,000
Buyer: Robert E. Aldrich
Seller: Martha A. Merriam
Date: 02/23/15

5 Kary St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Amount: $230,000
Buyer: Lori Leistyna
Seller: Katharine R. Walmsley
Date: 02/27/15

216 Lovefield St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Amount: $225,000
Buyer: Wendy J. Allen
Seller: James W. Shea
Date: 02/25/15

46 Middle St.
Northampton, MA 01062
Amount: $350,000
Buyer: Katharine R. Walmsley
Seller: John Koleszar
Date: 02/27/15

111 Moser St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Amount: $551,660
Buyer: Lesley Peebles
Seller: Kent Pecoy & Sons Construction
Date: 02/23/15

244 North St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Amount: $285,000
Buyer: Marta P. Tom
Seller: Caraker, Reece G., (Estate)
Date: 03/02/15

119 Riverside Dr.
Northampton, MA 01062
Amount: $206,000
Buyer: Cory E. Gatrall
Seller: Kathleen E. Silva
Date: 02/25/15

295 South St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Amount: $332,500
Buyer: Sarah E. Gibbons
Seller: Sandra E. Slanda
Date: 02/27/15

115 Willow St.
Northampton, MA 01062
Amount: $182,155
Buyer: Maria C. Govantes
Seller: Cindy Beebe
Date: 03/03/15


293 Morgan St.
South Hadley, MA 01075
Amount: $195,000
Buyer: Frederick M. Sard
Seller: Steven H. Harrington
Date: 02/24/15
1 Red Bridge Lane
South Hadley, MA 01075
Amount: $400,000
Buyer: Alexander V. Stepanov
Seller: Andrew B. Galik
Date: 03/03/15

148 Stony Brook Village
South Hadley, MA 01075
Amount: $327,335
Buyer: Barbara Callan-Bogia
Seller: Whispering Pines At Root
Date: 03/02/15


80 Crooked Ledge Road
Southampton, MA 01073
Amount: $482,500
Buyer: Jonathan H. Marsh
Date: 02/27/15

9 Glendale Woods Dr.
Southampton, MA 01073
Amount: $288,304
Buyer: FNMA
Seller: Charles J. Hubbard
Date: 02/27/15


86 Coffey Hill Road
Ware, MA 01082
Amount: $250,000
Buyer: Judy C. Riggenbach
Seller: Anne W. Martin
Date: 02/27/15

120 Glendale Circle
Ware, MA 01082
Amount: $135,900
Buyer: Keith W. Greiner
Seller: Donald P. Hebert
Date: 03/06/15

21-23 Morse Ave.
Ware, MA 01082
Amount: $138,000
Buyer: Timothy Welsh
Seller: Roger Morrissette
Date: 03/06/15

5 Sczygiel Road
Ware, MA 01082
Amount: $189,000
Buyer: Jaime A. Muche
Seller: Mark E. Richard
Date: 02/27/15


66 Old Goshen Road
Williamsburg, MA 01096
Amount: $125,000
Buyer: William B. Thomson
Seller: Michael E. McCabe
Date: 03/05/15

Community Spotlight Features
Northampton Expands Housing and Its Downtown

Mayor David Narkewicz

Mayor David Narkewicz says Northampton officials are planning a major redesign of Pulaski Park.

For more than three decades now, Northampton’s downtown has been the envy of cities and towns in this region and well outside it.

It is known for — and in many cases has won awards for — its cultural community, inventory of dining establishments, vitality, diversity, liveability, driveability (with bicycles), and sustainability. And moving forward, said Mayor David Narkewicz, the goal is to essentially make this city, well, even more of all of the above.

Indeed, plans are underway or on the drawing board for additional housing (especially in the ‘affordable’ category), traffic improvements, a wide range of developments on Pleasant Street (Route 5), long-awaited revitalization efforts involving Pulaski Park in the heart of downtown, new retail, and more.

“Northampton has won awards for its walkability and for having the best Main Street in America,” said the mayor. “And I’m excited about the progress being made and am very bullish about our city.”

The net effect of these many initiatives will be to effectively expand downtown, enable more people to live in it — thus providing more foot traffic for existing businesses and potential new ones — and make the city even more of a destination.

And that’s an important factor in the casino era set to begin in Massachusetts and especially the South End of Springfield, just 20 miles to the south, said the mayor, and also at a time when rail service will improve across the region, making Northampton that much more accessible.

Overall, Narkewicz says Northampton’s initiatives to expand its downtown, add more affordable housing, and make infrastructure improvements is a “winning strategy,” one that should enable it to withstand whatever threat the casino presents to its vitality.

“We need to focus on how to prepare and position ourselves so that we can remain a successful and viable downtown destination,” he said, adding that this is a multi-pronged initiative.

For this, the latest installment in BusinessWest’s Community Spotlight series, we take an in-depth look at the many developments underway or planned for Paradise City, and how they are expected to improve what is already considerable quality of life.

At Home with the Idea

Narkewicz said one of the few downsides to Northampton’s three-decade-long resurgence has been consistently high property values that have had the effect of pricing some people out of the city and its downtown.

Plans to increase the inventory of affordable housing will not only help remedy that situation, but they could also result in a more diverse population.

Two major housing projects that will feature affordable units and are in different stages of development are part of a broad initiative to expand and improve the Pleasant Street corridor.

HAPHousing Inc. is purchasing the Northampton Lodging House and plans to transform the multi-story building from single rooms into 72 units of housing, with half of them affordable or subsidized. The new apartments will be built on the upper stories of the building, and the first floor will contain 3,500 square feet of retail space, enough for two storefronts.

In addition, the Northampton Lumber Site, which sits perpendicular to the Northampton Lodging House, is under contract negotiations. Valley CDC is planning to purchase it and convert the property’s 70,000 square feet into 55 affordable housing units, each with one to three bedrooms.

“It’s a plus for our future to have new housing near state-transit-oriented development; these two projects are on a route served by the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority and within a five-minute walk to the Amtrak passenger rail station,” Narkewicz said, adding that the rerouted Amtrak Vermonter train service is operational, and although there are only two trains stopping in Northampton each day right now, ridership is strong and will continue to grow.

“There are also other benefits associated with an increase in downtown housing, including more customers for retail stores and restaurants. The housing will also allow people to be within walking distance to jobs, and the affordability factor is important,” he continued. “We take pride in trying to make sure that Northampton remains affordable to people on every rung of the income ladder.”

New housing options will also become available this year for elders when construction on Christopher Heights is complete. The senior housing facility is being built on the grounds of the former Northampton State Hospital, and half of the 86 assisted units will be affordable.

“It is part of a continuum to try to provide affordable housing for people of all ages,” the mayor said, adding that the Christopher Grantham Group which is building the facility, applied for and received housing tax credits from the state, which were boosted by $250,000 in Community Preservation Act funding from the city.

In addition to new housing options, other developments are planned for that area of the city. The state will begin construction on a major reconfiguration of the intersection of Route 5 and Conz Street, and the fork in the road that people encounter when they enter Northampton from the south will become a roundabout.

“This is one of our busiest intersections, and many businesses are centered around it, so this will help to make the traffic pattern more efficient and will be a more aesthetically pleasing gateway from the south,” Narkewicz said.

The vitality of the roadway was enhanced when the Fairfield Inn by Marriott opened late last year on Conz Street and added 108 new hotel rooms within walking distance to downtown, increasing the city’s hotel space to 300 rooms.

Art of the Matter

Northampton touts a new initiative called “Pleasant Futures,” which Narkewicz describes as a “community re-visioning process for Pleasant Street,” and a number of public meetings have been held to get input from residents in surrounding neighborhoods about what needs to be done to increase density and expand the downtown area in the neighborhood in a way that is pleasing to everyone.

It kicked off last May and is a collaborative effort between the Office of Planning and Sustainability and the Ward 3 Neighborhood Organization. “The concerns expressed in the meetings focused on pedestrian safety and vibrancy along the corridor,” Narkewicz said.

To that end, the city filed an application for a MassWorks grant to install new sidewalks, increase on-street parking, and create an attractive streetscape that would make the roadway more walkable. Traffic-mitigation funds from a new medical-marijuana dispensary soon to open on Conz Street will be used to help fund the planning process, and the mayor said Yes Computer renovated a building there a few years ago, while the owner of the shops across the street has renovated several storefronts.

“One of the advantages of interjecting more housing is that it pushes Pleasant Street to be more walkable and increases downtown’s vibrancy, which we are looking to expand,” said Economic Development Director Terry Masterson.

Change is also occurring in the heart of downtown. The Academy of Music, the oldest municipally owned theater in America, has increased its programming, and a major capital campaign kicked off in the fall of 2013 to install new seating, repair damage to the building’s ornate plaster from a leaky roof, and return the interior to its original colors.

“The city partnered with the Academy to improve the exterior and replace the roof,” Narkewicz said. “Most of the work was done last summer when the academy went black, and the city installed a new fire-escape system in the building at that time. The Academy is a major driver for tourism and brings 45,000 to 50,000 people to the city every year.”

He told BusinessWest that arts and culture play a major role in Northampton’s success, and venues like the Calvin Theater and Iron Horse Music Hall, events such as First Night and a monthly Arts Night Out, and retail stores that showcase the work of artists and artisans are part of the thriving arts fabric.

“A really exciting development in the same realm is also taking place on the other side of town,” Narkewicz said. “The Arts Trust has purchased the Universal Fitness Center, and through fund-raising and grants, they are turning it into an arts center with a black-box theater and space for artists to work in, which is important because Northampton’s success and the growth in property values and rents has made it difficult for artists to find affordable studios to work in.”

Park Place

Meanwhile, another major development is the broad effort to revitalize Pulaski Park.

It sits in the center of the city’s downtown, and a $2.4 million renovation and addition is being planned that will create more green, open space for residents and visitors to enjoy.

“We think the park will become a crown jewel in our already-excellent downtown,” said the mayor. “It sits between City Hall and the Academy of Music and hasn’t undergone a major renovation since 1976.”

Although upgrades had been considered in the past, cost played into the equation. But revamping the park recently became a viable option due to a change in state law that allows cities to use Community Preservation Act funds for existing parks, rather than just for new ones.

As a result, last year Northampton sought and received a $400,000 Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations (PARC) Grant to help fund the construction, as well as some initial design money from the City Council.

Stephen Stimson Associates was hired to create a plan for the park, and after holding a series of open meetings with residents to determine what they would like to see done, “they produced a breathtaking new design,” Narkewicz said. It is pending approval from the Community Preservation Committee, and, if it’s granted, construction will begin in June and continue through July 2017.

“Sustainability is part of the design, and it features a unique bioswale that will collect rainwater runoff and process it in an environmentally friendly way. The park will also have a new nature play area that will replace the existing, dated play structure. It will incorporate rocks, logs, and platforms and have a small slide,” the mayor said.

However, additional funds will be needed to complete the project, and the city is seeking $1,675,000 in the next round of PARC grants. About $200,000 of that funding would be used to comply with state PARC requirements to move utilities and communications lines underground.

Narkewicz said his office, the Department of Public Works, the Recreation Department, and the Office of Planning and Sustainability are all committed to identifying construction funding through a combination of local monies and state grant opportunities.

Bottom Line

For decades now, downtown Northampton has set the standard when it comes to vibrancy, diversity, and, as mentioned earlier, overall liveability.

Mayor Narkewicz and other city officials believe that the overall impact of the many initiatives underway will be to set the bar even higher. And, in doing so, they will give new meaning to that nickname Paradise City.

Northampton at a glance

Year Incorporated: 1884
Population: 28,495
Area: 35.75 square miles

County: Hampshire
Residential Tax Rate: $15.81
Commercial Tax Rate: $15.81
Median Household Income: $57,991 (2013)
Family Household Income: $81,680 (2013)
Type of government: Mayor; City Council
Largest Employers: Cooley Dickinson Hospital; Smith College; Veterans Administration Medical Clinic
* Latest information available

In Springfield, Now Is the Time to Dream

The event was called “Vision 2017: The Right Direction.”

Staged on March 24, it was the second edition of what will apparently become an annual get-together at CityStage, where city officials and others involved in the broad spectrum of economic development gather to talk about what’s happening and what might happen. And the focus is on a number — in this case $2.8 billion — that represents the sum of the public and private projects ongoing or in the pipeline.

This year’s presentation included a detailed breakdown of projects in progress — MGM Springfield, Union Station, and others — and those that will start soon, such as the expansion to the Sr. Caritas Cancer Center, the new Innovation Center, and the highly anticipated but also dreaded I-91 reconstruction project. There was also an entertaining update and look ahead concerning efforts to create an entrepreneurial renaissance downtown.

But easily the most intriguing aspect of the program was one titled “Dare to Dream.” It was a sequence of computer-generated images depicting what could happen in and around downtown Springfield in the years to come.

It’s amazing what one can do with the right software. Indeed, the Republican building was transformed into a minor-league baseball stadium and the so-called Steiger’s parcel, a.k.a. ‘a little park for a little while’ (it’s going on 20 years now, but who’s counting?), had been filled with, alternately, an ultra-modern, market-rate housing project or a beach populated with young entrepreneurs soaking up some sun (the beach concept garnered more crowd approval).

Meanwhile, the former Chestnut Middle School parcel was now home to a sparkling mixed-use facility, a new performing-arts center had been built in Mason Square, and Riverfront Park (complete with sailboats on Connecticut) had been given a serious makeover.

Kevin Kennedy, the city’s chief development officer, stressed repeatedly that all this was merely speculation and that people shouldn’t take any of those pretty pictures as givens or even firm possibilities.

But he also noted that it’s certainly OK to dream. And he’s right.

Indeed, years ago, and not that many years ago, people would have laughed at those computer-generated images and considered them unreasonable and not doable. And while some of those sentiments may linger to a certain extent, they are largely being replaced with feelings that all or certainly most things are not beyond the city’s reach.

An $800 million casino project becoming reality in the South End will help do that, and so will an official end to more than 40 years of roadblocks to the renovation of Union Station.

But there’s more to it than that. There are the three colleges now populating downtown Springfield in some manner. There’s TechSpring and the Innovation Center and the arrival of HitPoint Studios at 1350 Main St. There’s new market-rate housing like Silverbrook Lofts, and the promise of more to come. There’s an aggressive, results-oriented DevelopSpringfield already changing some neighborhoods.

There’s a palpable sense of momentum and a sense that, yes, things can happen here.

Of course, there are a number of challenges facing leaders as they strive to revitalize the city, from struggling public schools to sky-high poverty rates to lingering perceptions that the city and its downtown are not safe. But unlike years ago, there seems to be a sentiment that these systemic problems can be overcome. Because of that, this is a time to heavily promote Springfield, tell its story, and inspire private developers to invest here, because it is likely to be a sound investment.

We’re not sure how many of those computer-generated images will become reality — maybe none of them. What we do know is that now, perhaps more than at any time in the past 30 or 40 years, you don’t have to dare people to dream.

Just encourage them a little.

Olympics Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

By Andrew Zimbalist

The UMass Donahue Institute’s recent report on the economic impact of a 2024 Summer Olympics in Boston wasn’t surprising, given its assumptions and methodology — it projected gains of more than 50,000 jobs and billions of dollars.

While parts of the report are well-reasoned, the predicted impacts are suspect. That’s because the institute accepted the unrealistic assertions of the Boston 2024 organization regarding costs, revenues, and financing; used an inappropriate input-output methodology; ignored scholarly literature on the economic impact of hosting mega-sporting events; and misapprehended some items contained in the Boston bid.

In essence, the report’s results flow out of the assumptions that all operating costs will be covered by revenue from the Games, all construction costs will be covered privately, and the federal government will pick up 100% of the security costs (optimistically forecast at only $1 billion).

Consider each of these elements. The Boston 2024 bid shows operating costs and revenues at $4.7 billion. To get to this figure, Boston 2024 invokes $1 billion in “additional” or “other” revenue, the sources of which are not revealed. Boston 2024 also assumes it will take in $1.15 billion in ticket sales. London had an 80,000-seat Olympic Stadium, replete with luxury boxes and other revenue-generating accoutrements. Boston 2024 is planning a temporary, spartan, 60,000 seat stadium. London generated only $990 million in ticket sales. How will Boston top that by more than 16%?

Boston 2024’s operating costs include a $600 million payment to the U.S. Olympic Committee in recognition that some of the domestic sponsorship money will come from corporate relationships built by the USOC. Illogically, the new report figures $220 million of this money will go toward creating business and employment in Boston. This number is then multiplied by roughly 1.9 (the new employment generates new income, which brings new consumption, etc.), according to the IMPLAN model used in the report.

But this model is inappropriate for estimating the economic impact of mega-events. The sheer volume of construction around mega-events leads to the use of companies and workers from outside the hosting region, leading to much larger leakages out of the local economy and unrealistically high multipliers, among other problems.

It is noteworthy that most macro-economic models of the entire U.S. economy have multipliers of around 1.2. Since the Boston economy is only a small fraction of the U.S. economy, it is not feasible that it would have a multiplier that is more than 50% larger. Yet, that is what the report’s results depend on.

Although the institute expresses some skepticism, its report incorporates Boston 2024’s claim that all the venues will be built with private money. Why would a U.S. company build an Olympic stadium that will be torn down? Or a velodrome? Or a pentathlon stadium? Why has no company stepped forward and declared its intention to even explore this opportunity?

Based on its IMPLAN model, the report estimates that hosting the Olympics will generate more than 50,000 new jobs in 2024. It says these workers will spend some of the money they earn here, further boosting the local economy. But that makes no allowance for the fact that Olympic Games are notorious for relying on voluntary labor.

The Donahue report also examines the uncertainty of the impact of hosting on tourism, both during the games and after. It mentions that London tourism during the summer of 2012 was down by 8% compared with 2011. The report might have added that 2012 was one year further removed from the financial crisis of 2008-09, and, other things equal, we would expect higher tourism figures in 2012. The report neglects to mention that tourist arrivals in Beijing in 2008 were down 20%. Despite this evidence, and that from scholarly studies, the report curiously projects a substantial boost to Boston’s tourism.

If one builds an empirical model and simply assumes that all the investment will be private and that the investment won’t displace other investments, it is easy to show output and job growth. But these rosy projections are no more realistic than Boston 2024’s starry-eyed claim that no public money will be spent.

Andrew Zimbalist is a professor of economics at Smith College. His new book is “Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and World Cup.”

Difference Makers


Photos From the 2015 Difference Makers Gala

Thursday, March 19, 2015 held at the Log Cabin, Holyoke

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Photos by Denise Smith Photography
To see all the photos go HERE

Difference Makers 2015More than 350 people turned out at the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House in Holyoke on March 19 for a celebration of the Difference Makers for 2015. The photos on the next several pages capture the essence of the event, which featured entertainment from the Springfield Boys & Girls Club, as well as fine food and thoughtful comments from the honorees. This year’s class, chosen by the editors and publishers of BusinessWest from dozens of nominations, include Katelynn’s Ride, represented by Domenic Battista, Michelle Battista, Kim Zachery, Dan Williams, Steve Stark, and Corinne Briggs; MassMutual Financial Services, represented by Nick Fyntrilakis; Spirit of Springfield Executive Director Judy Matt; Valley Venture Mentors, represented by Paul Silva, Scott Foster, and Jay Leonard; and the new ownership group of the Student Prince/Fort: Andy Yee, Peter Picknelly, Michael Vann, and Kevin Vann.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 1From left: John Veit, marketing and recruiting senior associate, Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.; 2015 Difference Maker Paul Silva, executive director, Valley Venture Mentors; and 2013 Difference Makers Sr. Kathleen Popko and Sr. Mary Caritas of the Sisters of Providence.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 2Ethel Griffin (left), program manager, Revitalize Community Development Corp., with 2014 Difference Maker Colleen Loveless, the organization’s executive director.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 3From left: BusinessWest Publisher John Gormally; 2013 Difference Maker Jim Vinick, senior vice president of investments, Moors & Cabot Inc.; and Marjorie Koft.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 4
Scott Foster (right), partner at Bulkley Richardson and board member with 2015 Difference Maker Valley Venture Mentors, with his wife, Stephanie Foster, and son, James Foster.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 5From left: Brenda Olesuk, director of operations and development, Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.; Kathleen Plante, advertising consultant, BusinessWest; Meghan Lynch, CEO and president, Six-Point Creative Works; and 2009 Difference Maker Susan Jaye-Kaplan, founder of GoFIT and co-founder of Link to Libraries.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 62015 Difference Maker Andy Yee (right), one of the new owners of the Student Prince/Fort, with his wife, Sarah Yee, and son, Matthew Yee.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 7Peter Galiardi (left), president and CEO, HAPHousing, with 2011 Difference Maker Bob Perry, retired partner/consultant at Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 8From left: 2015 Difference Maker Peter Picknelly, chairman and CEO of Peter Pan Bus Lines and one of the new owners of the Student Prince/Fort; Paul McDonald; Susan Walsh; and Dennis Walsh, general manager, Sheraton Springfield.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 9Once again, the honorees received glass plates hand-crafted by Lynn Latimer, representing butterflies, the symbol of BusinessWest’s Difference Makers since the program was launched in 2009.

DSC_7880From left: Maureen Scanlon, owner, Murre Creative; Susan Bergeron-West, owner, Sirius Design; Jean Jinks; Florence DeRose; and 2015 Difference Maker Judy Matt, president, Spirit of Springfield.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 10
Front row, from left: from Health New England, Nicole Santaniello, content management specialist; Brian Kivel, sales executive; Elin Gaynor, assistant general counsel; and Cinnamon Azeez. Back row, from left: also from HNE, Laura Dellapenna, administrative assistant; Heidi Fountain, senior special accounts manager; and Robert Azeez, Medicaid behavioral health manager.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 11Front row, from left: Robert Zywno, attorney, Royal LLP; Tanzania Cannon-Eckerle, attorney, Royal LLP; and her husband, Joe Eckerle. Back row, from left: Joanne Salus, director of Human Resources, Community Enterprises Inc.; and Karina Schrengohst, attorney, Royal LLP.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 12Front row, from left: from MassMutual Financial Group, Michelle Sussmann, assistant vice president and chief of staff, Marketing Strategy, Planning, and Operations; Nick Fyntrilakis, vice president, Community Responsibility; Cindy Adams, program manager; and Nicole Fyntrilakis. Back row, from left: also from MassMutual, Tracy Shaw, assistant vice president; John Chandler, chief marketing officer; Mike McNamara, Media Relations and Communications; and Sonja Shaw, relationship manager.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 13
Front row, from left: from Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C., Kaylin Helitzer, associate; Jim Krupienski, senior manager; Kristi Reale, senior manager; and Jim Barrett, managing partner. Back row, from left: also from MBK, John Veit, marketing and recruiting senior associate; Brenda Olesuk, director of operations and development; Melyssa Brown, senior manager; Chris Marini, associate; and Kris Houghton, partner.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 14Front row, from left: Dennis Murphy, administrative specialist, First American Insurance Agency; Noni Moran, Human Resources director and claims adjustor, First American Insurance Agency; and Molly Murphy. Back row, from left: Moe Brodeur, controller, Peter Pan Bus Co.; Tom Picknally, senior vice president of Maintenance, Peter Pan Bus Co.; David Matosky, operations director, First American Insurance Agency; and Edward Murphy, chairman, First American Insurance Agency.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 15Front row, from left: from Fathers and Sons, Lori Monroe, business development; Trae Morrison, product specialist; and Bill Visneau, product specialist. Back row, from left: also from Fathers and Sons, Angela Lebel, service advisor; and Steve Langieri, sales manager.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 16Musical performances by area children are a Difference Makers tradition, and this year was no exception, with a choir from the Springfield Boys & Girls Club kicking off the evening’s ceremonies by singing Mariah Carey’s “Hero” and Katy Perry’s “Roar.”

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 17BusinessWest Editor George O’Brien (center) presents the 2015 Difference Makers award to the new ownership group of the Student Prince/Fort, from left, Andy Yee, Peter Picknelly, Michael Vann, and Kevin Vann.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 18BusinessWest Editor George O’Brien (third from left) presents the 2015 Difference Makers award to representatives from Katelynn’s Ride, from left, Corinne Briggs, Domenic Battista, Michelle Battista, Kim Zachery, Dan Williams, and Steve Stark.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 19Front row, from left: Marsha Montori, chief client strategist, Six-Point Creative Works; Marion Griswold, membership coordinator, Connecticut River Watershed Council; and Angela Mrozinski, outreach and events director, Connecticut River Watershed Council. Back row, from left: Melody Foti, senior vice president, Investments, Wells Fargo; and Meghan Lynch, CEO, Six-Point Creative Works.

Difference Makers 2015 Gala 20Representing 2015 Difference Maker Valley Venture Mentors, from left, Jay Leonard, Paul Silva, and Scott Foster.

Law Sections
Steven Schwartz Looks Back at a Lifetime in Law

Steven Schwartz

Steven Schwartz

Steven Schwartz considers himself a lucky person, because he’s spent a career doing exactly what he always wanted.

“Some people, when they’re young, they have a dream of what kind of profession or job they would like to have when they grow up,” he told BusinessWest. If he had forgotten his childhood dreams, he was reminded when his parents were moving and uncovered a paper he had written in the sixth grade at Washington School in Springfield.

“It was a combination of autobiography and future dreams,” Schwartz recalled. “I wrote that I would like to go to Boston University Law School, which I did, and I would like to be a lawyer. When I saw this, I was very surprised because, even while going through law school, I had never expected to become a practicing lawyer, but to be a businessman.

“But,” he quickly added, “I’m so lucky that I decided to practice law, as I’ve had the most wonderful career, and had the pleasure to work with so many fabulous people in this firm, and other law firms, in pursuing my craft.”

Prior to launching the firm that bears his name — Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. — he and Stephen Shatz were legal-services attorneys working with a neighborhood program. “We were staff members, but in 1969, we decided to set up our own firm. For about two years, we had another experienced lawyer who joined with us. In January 1971, we established our own firm without him.”

Later that decade, Gary Fentin came on board and would eventually find his name on the door as well.

“At the beginning, we were in general practice,” Schwartz said. “When you start a firm, you want to eat, and you are not too selective in the areas you are going to represent — provided that your lack of experience is not a detriment to the people who come to you with problems. Fortunately, we had many friends who were experienced lawyers who we could call on to hold our hand and give us the guidance we needed to ably represent our clients.”

Eventually, however, the firm garnered more business, to the point where the partners began developing the niche work they most enjoyed.

“Steve Shatz was interested in real-estate development and finance and banking law, and I pursued a career as a business lawyer and an estate planner,” he explained. “Fortunately, after about five years, we could focus on these areas and become specialists in our field. Over the years, we’ve added other practice areas in our firm based on later hires and the interest those lawyers had in particular fields.

“Some of the areas we were engaged in over the years have been eliminated because of changes in tax laws,” he added. “But we have been able to attract people to our firm who are interested in the areas we were interested in, and we’ve expanded those practices substantially. We now have a bankruptcy practice, a tax practice, and a regulatory practice in the area of zoning and land use.”

Today, 13 attorneys specialize in a broad range of business-law work for both for-profit and nonprofit entities, including estate planning and elder law; probate and guardianships; real-estate development, permitting, land use, and zoning; telecommunications siting and permitting; affordable-housing development and finance; corporate and business planning; contract preparation and negotiation; business exit planning; bond financing; bankruptcy; litigation; and licensing.

It’s a different legal world than it was 45 years ago, Schwartz said, and not always for the better. But he can look back at that long-ago school assignment with gratification, recognizing that not everyone actually gets to live out their sixth-grade dreams.

Start to Finish

Schwartz, who graduated from Babson College in 1963 and earned his law degree at BU in 1966, concentrates his practice in the areas of family business planning, mergers and acquisitions, corporate law, and estate planning — a range of specialties that involves representing principals in family business planning, including exit planning; representing individuals and corporations in the purchase and sale of business enterprises; strategic planning for the future of clients’ businesses; and providing advice on financing alternatives through loans and venture capital.

It’s a mouthful, but it basically boils down to helping other people reach their goals like he reached his, and there’s satisfaction in that.

“I’ve always been very interested in business, and many of my clients have included me in discussions related to the future of their business — whether to do an acquisition or not, or how to finance the business’s future,” he explained. “This has been extremely rewarding, as I’ve always taken pleasure in the success of my clients. I also learned that I’m better-positioned to be a lawyer than a manager, which takes many skills which I lack.”

Schwartz’s skill at helping business owners steer their ships has been recognized regularly on annual lists of Super Lawyers and Best Lawyers in America lists.

“It turns out, when you represent a family-owned or closely held business, a basic knowledge — and, really, more than a basic knowledge — of estate planning is necessary to represent their interests,” he explained. “Over the past few years, as many of my clients have dealt with the issue of what to do with their business when they get to retirement age, we’ve been very busy — transitioning into issues of transferring the interests of the family business to the next generation, or establishing employee stock-option plans for the business to be transferred to its employees.”

What economists call ‘Great Transfer’ — a handover of about $12 trillion from those born in the 1920s and 1930s to the Baby Boomers — has been going on for some time. But that figure is expected to be dwarfed by an anticipated $30 trillion in assets that the Boomers will transfer to their heirs over the next 30 to 40 years in the U.S. alone.

For that reason, attorneys who work in business planning are doing so at an intriguing, and busy, time in the country’s history. “Transitioning is a hot topic,” he noted, “mostly for people who own businesses.”

And with some of his clients dating back decades, Schwartz, in some ways, has had a hand in the region’s economic development over the years by helping businesses form, grow, and transition.

Love of the Game

As for Schwartz, he has no plans to transition into retirement, although communication — he’s watched landline phones and faxes give way to smartphones, texts, and e-mail — makes it easier these days to conduct business remotely. “That’s given me the opportunity to work from a different place and not retire, and still be effective at my craft.”

What makes him effective, he told BusinessWest, isn’t just knowledge and almost five decades of experience, but also a sincere love for his calling.

When he started practicing, he said, “I always felt that lawyers were interested in making a living, but their love of what they did was more important to them than the financial rewards. Today — as in many fields — the fact that there are so many lawyers means more financial pressures, and that makes the business end of the practice more important.”

Which leads to developments that confound the old-school side of Schwartz, even as his own firm has acquiesced to the times.

“I cannot remember any law firms back then having a marketing staff on board, or hiring outside agencies to service the law firm in that capacity,” he said. “I think a lot of it has to do with technology. In the early days, our new clients would come from referrals from bankers and insurance agents. Today, we get referrals for new clients from media advertising, public relations, public seminars, social media — and still some traditional referral sources.”

He even took a self-deprecating swipe at his own attire, which today involved a turtleneck and sport jacket. “That’s one substantial change,” he said. “I would never come to the office without a jacket or tie. That wouldn’t have been the case in the ’60s.”

Plenty has changed since then, of course, and many companies Schwartz helped off the ground in those early days have closed or transitioned to new owners — or, in many cases, are still growing, still contributing to business life in the Pioneer Valley.

“A lot of my clients are older,” he said, “and at some point, I’ll be dealing with their estates, which is necessary but very sad for me. I have clients in their 90s still working.”

Joseph Bednar can be reached at [email protected]

Law Sections
Recent Cases Should Serve as Wake-up Calls for Employers


John Gannon

John Gannon

Managing employee medical leaves of absence can certainly give employers a headache.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) have been around for more than two decades, yet human-resource professionals still consider these laws to be among the most challenging to navigate.

When an employee requests medical leave, employers are left to ponder a multitude of questions. Do we need to grant this request? What can we do while the employee is out of work? What kind of documentation can we ask for? How long is too long?

To further complicate things, recent legal developments prove one thing: ADA and FMLA violations are fertile ground for both class-action and single-plaintiff litigation. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which is responsible for enforcing federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, has taken aim at vulnerable employer medical leave-of-absence policies in two lawsuits. What follows is an overview of those suits.

Case #1: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. United Parcel Service Inc.

In this case, the EEOC claims that United Parcel Service (UPS) violated the ADA by denying medical leaves of absence for its employees with disabilities. The lawsuit contends that these medical leaves were required as a reasonable workplace accommodation.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, since 2002, UPS maintained a leave-of-absence policy that “administratively separated from employment” any employee who took more than 12 months of medical leave. UPS did not make exceptions to this policy based on the employee’s job or the nature of the disability.

For example, one employee took a 12-month leave of absence from work when she began experiencing symptoms of multiple sclerosis. After the leave, she returned to work for a few weeks, but started feeling negative side effects from her medication. The employee needed another two weeks off to receive therapeutic treatment, but instead of granting her request for additional leave, UPS fired the employee, citing its rigid 12-month leave policy. Other employees were also fired under UPS’ “inflexible” leave-of-absence policy after requesting leave for longer than 12 months.

The EEOC filed a class-action suit alleging that UPS violated the ADA by failing to accommodate its disabled employees. The ADA requires employers to provide employees (or applicants for employment) with reasonable workplace accommodations, unless such accommodation would cause an undue hardship. Common workplace accommodations can include an unpaid, job-protected leave of absence, in addition to job restructuring, modified or part-time scheduling, modified workplace policies, and transfer to vacant positions for which the employee is qualified.

Once an employer becomes aware of the need for a reasonable accommodation, the ADA obligates it to engage in an interactive process with the employee to identify and implement appropriate, reasonable accommodations. In the UPS case, the employer did not engage in any interactive process to determine whether it could accommodate its employees. Instead, the employer administratively terminated disabled employees as soon as they exceeded the 12-month leave-of-absence high-water mark. UPS filed a motion to dismiss the class action last year, but its motion was denied by the court, and the litigation is ongoing.

Case #2: Equal Employment Oppor-tunity Commission v. ValleyLife

Last month, the EEOC filed a lawsuit against ValleyLife, a disability-support-services company, alleging ADA violations, once again linked to the employer’s leave-of-absence policy. The lawsuit claims the employer discriminated against disabled employees by refusing to provide them with reasonable accommodations after they exhausted their available leave under the Family Medical Leave Act.

The FMLA provides eligible employees with 12 weeks of job-protected leave for a variety of medical and family reasons if they work for a covered employer. According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, ValleyLife’s “inflexible” leave-of-absence policy called for automatic termination of employees who requested medical leave after exhausting all of their FMLA time. The EEOC claims that ValleyLife did not consider whether an extended leave of absence was a reasonable accommodation option and therefore failed to engage in the interactive process.

In one case, the EEOC alleges that ValleyLife forced out an employee who used up all available FMLA leave and needed another surgery. ValleyLife did not engage in any interactive process to determine whether any accommodations (including additional leave) were possible.

Another employee was unable to return to her job after her 12 weeks of FMLA benefits were used up. ValleyLife allegedly terminated her employment pursuant to its leave-of-absence policy without considering whether the additional leave would impact the business.

Tips for Employers

The EEOC has made it clear that an “inflexible” leave-of-absence policy calling for automatic termination after an employer-established medical leave threshold violates the ADA.

For instance, many employers put a hard six- or 12-month cap on the amount of medical leave available to employees. These policies will not pass muster under the ADA because of their rigidity. Instead, employers must engage in the interactive process with every leave request based on an employee’s disability to determine whether the request poses an undue hardship to the business. Often, a six- or 12- month leave of absence will have harmful staffing implications or impact customer satisfaction, particularly where the position is not suitable for temporary employment or backfilling.

Under those circumstances, the employer might be able to deny the request if it properly considers the business impact and discusses other options with the employee.

Bottom Line

Denying medical leave-of-absence requests without careful consideration puts employers at risk of costly and time-consuming litigation. If you need assistance reviewing and analyzing a medical leave-of-absence request, you should contact experienced employment counsel for assistance. n

John S. Gannon is an associate with Skoler, Abbott & Presser, P.C., and practices in the firm’s Springfield office. Since joining the firm in 2011, he has defended employers against claims of discrimination, retaliation, harassment, wrongful-termination claims, as well as actions arising under the Family Medical Leave Act and wage-and-hour law. Gannon also has experience with lawsuits seeking to enforce restrictive covenants and protect trade secrets; (413) 737-4753; [email protected]

Law Sections
SJC Interprets Key Provisions of Alimony Reform Act


Katherine McCarthy

Katherine McCarthy

The passage of the Alimony Reform Act of 2011 brought about widespread changes to alimony in Massachusetts. Perhaps not surprisingly, the act also left many questions regarding how it would be interpreted by the probate and family courts.

Over the past few years, attorneys, judges, and litigants alike have questioned whether certain provisions of the act permit relief to individuals seeking to modify or terminate alimony orders that predate the passage of the act. This question was answered in part by recent decisions rendered by the Commonwealth’s highest court, the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC).

Three cases were argued before the SJC, all relating to the effect of the act on separation agreements or divorce judgments that predate the act. The SJC determined that the only provision of the act that is applicable to separation agreements and/or divorce judgments that are dated prior to March 1 2012 is a section in the act that allows for the modification of alimony based on the length of the marriage.

One major change brought on by the act is that, under most circumstances, general-term alimony will end once the payor reaches full retirement age under Social Security, unless the divorcing parties agree to another end date or the court deviates from this rule. But the question remained whether that provision of the act would apply to alimony orders that entered before the effective date of the act — in other words, whether the new retirement provision could be applied retroactively, or whether it applied only to alimony judgments that were entered after the date of the act.

The SJC determined that the Legislature did not intend for the retirement provision to apply retroactively. Consequently, a payor under a separation agreement or judgment entered prior to March 1, 2012 may not seek to terminate his or her alimony obligation based solely on the fact that he or she has reached full retirement age under Social Security. Rather, the payor must establish that there has been a material change of circumstances since entry of the alimony order which would justify the termination.

Another issue addressed by the SJC was whether the cohabitation provision of the act applies to alimony orders that entered prior to the effective date of the act. Under the act, a payor may seek to terminate his or her alimony obligation if the recipient is cohabitating with another individual as that term is defined in the act. The SJC decided that this provision, similar to the provision regarding retirement, is not retroactive and applies only to alimony orders entered into following the enactment of the act.

Therefore, payors who entered into agreements to pay alimony or are subject to divorce judgments prior to the enactment of the act must establish a material change in circumstances in order to modify or terminate their alimony obligation.

But it is not all bad news for payors of alimony established in agreements or judgments dated prior to the act, at least not those who were married for fewer than 20 years. The new alimony law allows a payor with an alimony order that predates the passage of the act to seek a modification based solely on the length of the marriage. The act contains detailed guidelines dictating when a payor can seek a modification or termination of alimony on these grounds.

In sum, while these recent cases have clarified some of the limits of the act, they are just the beginning of what are likely to be more challenges to the interpretation of the language of the act and the legislative intent behind the law.

Katherine E. McCarthy is an associate with Robinson Donovan, P.C., where she concentrates on domestic relations; (413) 732-2301.

Cover Story Golf Preview Sections Sports & Leisure
Golf Industry Adjusts to a Changing Climate

While golf courses in the Pioneer Valley will certainly be opening earlier than those east of Worcester — where close to nine feet of snow fell in less than two months and temperatures have not induced much melting — they will be getting down to business later than what would be considered normal or desirable.

And that has Kevin Kennedy a little worried.

The head professional at Springfield’s two municipal courses, Franconia and Veterans Memorial, told BusinessWest that golf seasons have a tendency to reflect how — and often when — spring begins.

“I really believe that, if you get off to a good start in the spring, it trickles down to club sales and everything else — everyone’s raring to go,” he explained. “I’d rather have a good spring than a good fall; if they don’t excited about golf in the spring, some people may not get excited for the whole year. A good spring start is imperative.”

However, it looks like area courses won’t be getting that good start. As BusinessWest went to press on April Fool’s Day, the professionals we spoke with were predicting it would be at least another week and probably two before anyone would be putting a peg in the ground.

Kevin Kennedy

While many in the golf industry are content to whine about business, Kevin Kennedy says, he prefers to be optimistic about the present and future.

That’s a few weeks later than normal — many courses are typically able to open in late March — and this year it’s after Good Friday, which is usually one of the busiest golfing days of the year. In fact, area courses with a lot of snow will likely kick off after the Masters tournament (April 9-12), which has become a symbol to many golfers in colder climates that it’s time to get out and play.

And a slow start certainly isn’t what courses need at a time marked by myriad and, in some cases, historic challenges for the industry — everything from the lingering effects from the recession, especially when it comes to discretionary spending, to an oversaturation of the local market when it comes to courses (although that’s certainly not a recent phenomenon); from continued discounting and price stagnation that has many consequences, to societal changes that have left many people, especially younger audiences, with little if any appetite for an activity that consumes five hours or more.

Yet, despite all this, there is optimism to be found among the pros we spoke with, who said they’re learning to adapt to this new environment.

E.J. Altobello, long-time professional at Tekoa Country Club in Westfield, said the course registered “minor growth” in 2014, another season that started later than what would be considered normal, a byproduct of predominantly solid weather during the summer and few lost weekend days. Overall, he said the golf market has stabilized somewhat after several challenging years immediately following the Great Recession.

“We’ve been pretty steady the past several years,” he said, referring to both Tekoa and the regional market in general. “I think we’ve managed to stop some of the bleeding from six or seven years ago. We’ve had minor growth — nothing off the charts — and that’s what we’re probably going to see this year.”

Mike Zaranek, head pro at Crumpin Fox, a higher-end course in the Franklin County community of Bernardston, agreed.

“We had a good year last year, with about the same number of rounds as we did in 2013, which I really can’t complain about in this golf world,” he said, adding that this was despite a similarly late start, April 19 to be exact. “Our membership has been hanging on — the numbers are steady, which, for our neck of the woods and this business climate, is pretty good.”

Even Kennedy, despite his apprehension about a late start, takes a decidedly glass-is-more-than-half-full attitude as he talks about the local market, the state of the sport, and the industry’s prospects for the future.

“I tend to be a little more optimistic than many,” he said. “There are some people in the industry, and not just locally, who prefer to sit around and whine about the golf industry and how bad it is. It’d definitely challenging, but I think the game is healthy, and we can grow it.”

Still, challenges abound, and for this issue and its focus on sports and leisure, BusinessWest looks at how they are forcing clubs to bring their A-games to the table in order to post some solid numbers.

Par for the Course

To summarize the state of the game and the environment in which clubs are operating today, Kennedy summoned some numbers to get his points across.

“In 1995, there were about 25 million golfers,” he said, noting that was the year before Tiger Woods joined the PGA tour and inspired people of all ages to not only watch the sport on TV, but take it up. “And in 2013 there were … about 25 million golfers.”

In between, or roughly around 2000, there were maybe 31 million or 32 million, he went on, noting that this surge, fueled by Woods and a strong economy, was greeted with a wave of new course construction that was country-wide and included Western Mass.

Indeed, this region saw the construction of several new tracts, including the Ledges in South Hadley, the Ranch in Southwick, and, most recently, Cold Spring in Belchertown.

“The overall supply of golf courses skyrocketed — every developer wanted to build 100 condos with courses around them,” said Kennedy, talking about the scene nationally, adding that demand is currently what it was two decades ago and much less than at the start of this century.

Mike Zaranek

Mike Zaranek says courses like Crumpin Fox can’t compete on price, so they must focus on value and providing an experience.

The laws of supply and demand dictate that there would be some attrition, that some courses would fail, he went on, noting that this happened nationally, with several hundred courses closed or soon to close.

But it hasn’t happened regionally, where the inventory has only grown.

And that has left clubs and their managers to take whatever steps they deem necessary to compete, he went on, adding that this means keeping prices stable (the two Springfield courses have not had an increase the past three years, for example), adding value wherever possible, focusing on good customer service, and, in many cases, marketing themselves far more aggressively than they did years ago.

Altobello agreed, and noted that the greater inventory of courses, even just a few new layouts, impacts everything from daily fee play to league play to the myriad outings and charity tournaments staged each year. And it all matters when there is already little margin for error.

“We’ve lost a few tournaments to some of the newer courses,” he said, noting the Ranch specifically because of its proximity. “Every new option out there hurts a little bit and dilutes the business for the rest of us.

“The real issue around here is saturation,” he went on. “It’s great for the consumer — this is a wonderful place to play golf — but not so great for course owners and operators.”

Using his own specific competitive situation, or “micro-climate,” as he called it, to illustrate his points, Altobello said that, although he’s competing against courses across the Pioneer Valley, the situation in his own backyard is especially intense.

Indeed, there are six public or semi-private courses in Westfield and neighboring Southwick alone — Tekoa, East Mountain, and Shaker Farms in Westfield; Southwick Country Club, Edgewood, and the Ranch in Southwick — along with two driving ranges and a par-3 course. And they serve only about 65,000 people, said Altobello.

“That’s a huge number — this is a tough environment to compete in,” he told BusinessWest, adding that a few of those courses are offering “ridiculously low” yearly rates to woo members and keep the daily time sheets full.

Given this competitive climate, Tekoa and other higher-end courses are forced to compete on quality, because they can’t compete on price.

“I certainly feel that our facility is a little better, and hopefully that wins out in the end,” he said, adding quickly that, while quality is important to some, increasingly, the golfing public is being motivated by rates and deals.

That’s because there are so many of them — available through coupon books, Groupon, Golf Now, and other online phenomena, and individual courses looking to drive traffic, especially on the slower weekdays, through golf-and-lunch specials.

“Some people are just looking to get out quick and get the lowest price available,” said Altobello. “It’s different strokes for different folks.”

Zaranek agreed. “People will ask, ‘what’s the special of the day?’ and ‘how much is this going to cost me?’” he said, adding that many will look to do better than the prices posted at the counter. “Everyone wants a deal — that’s the battle you fight.”

At Crumpin Fox, where daily rates average around $100, the club has to specifically focus on those for whom quality and excellent course conditions are a priority, he added.

“There are some places south of us where people can play three rounds for what it costs to play one at Crump,” he explained. “Our job is to get them to come up and understand the value attached to that high-end daily-fee golf course — how you’re treated, the experience you get, the golf holes you remember, the conditions you play under — and make it worth their trip once, maybe twice a year.”

Course Corrections

Meanwhile, there are many other challenges for club owners and professionals — everything from declining sales of clubs (generally, people are holding onto equipment longer than they did even a few years ago and buying last year’s models at a fraction of the cost of new sticks) to a younger generation that seemingly has no patience or passion for a game that takes so much of their time.

“The retail side of the business has changed considerably since the recession of 2008 and 2009,” said Altobello. “Guys aren’t spending money like they used to, and the equipment makers have trained people on when to buy; the 2015 driver is $400, but the 2014 driver is now $149. Is the 2015 driver $250 better than the 2014 model? Probably not. And when the next new driver comes out, people will know to wait it out.”

As for attracting younger audiences — and even those a little older who have similarly stiff competition for their time and attention — clubs are doing what they can to spark interest and hold it.

But it’s an uphill battle.

“Young kids want instant gratification — they want to pick up their phone and play a game, they want to go do this and then do that,” Kennedy explained. “Five hours? If I tell my daughter she’s going to have something good in five hours, she looks at me like I have seven heads. Five hours? How about five minutes? That’s what they have patience for.”

Despite those sentiments, clubs are being more aggressive with programs aimed at attracting younger audiences and, when possible, keeping them in the game, said Zaranek, noting that Crumpin Fox has pricing programs for families and juniors. Meanwhile, it is stressing options for time-strapped individuals, such as nine-hole outings or even playing a handful of holes.

Clubs are also working hard to keep younger individuals and families interested in golf through that challenging period when they are otherwise preoccupied with their career and their family.

Altobello said an all-too-common pattern is for young people to start playing the game in high school, maybe stay with it through college — although that’s challenging as well — but then drop the game when the responsibilities of parenthood and their career consume most all of their time.

“I don’t think the 17-and-under crowd is playing any less than they were 10 or 15 years ago,” he explained. “But I think that, as they get into business and get into their 20s, it seems like we lose them for about 10 to 12 years.

“The whole dynamic of the family has changed over the past 25 or 30 years,” he went on, adding that, while this isn’t a recent phenomenon, societal changes have amplified its impact. “Today, both parents are working, and kids are into more things — and parents need to be there, whether it’s a soccer game or practice or dance. It’s a time factor.”

The challenge for clubs is to try to keep people in the game, he went on, or at least make sure they get back into it when their children get older and time is more plentiful.

There are some positive developments, said the pros we spoke with, although the impacts are more likely to be felt down than the road than in the present.

One is the retirement and pending retirement of the huge Baby Boom generation, said Altobello, adding that this constituency has two things the golf industry requires — time and, generally speaking, disposable income. And many have the wherewithal to retire early.

“The real factor for most people is time,” said Altobello. “If you have a family and you’re working, you just don’t have a lot of time. Anyone who’s retiring early, people in their late 50s and early 60s — that really helps out, and we’re seeing more of those people, men and women, out there.”

Spring in Their Step

It will probably be at least mid-April before they’ll be out on many of the courses in this region.

That later start will only add to the many challenges facing golf-course owners today as they deal with changing societal patterns, lingering effects from the recession, a time-challenged population, and, yes, the weather.

In this climate, ‘steady’ is a reasonable goal and, in the end, a good number on the scorecard.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

Sections Sports & Leisure
For the Agawam Cinemas, There Will Indeed Be a Sequel


Kimberly Wheeler

Kimberly Wheeler says she was pleasantly surprised by the level of enthusiasm she encountered from local movie fans who supported her Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to renovate and reopen the Agawam Cinemas.

Facing an ultimatum effected by the ever-present hand of technology, Agawam Family Cinemas was forced to shut down last year.

The deadline had been looming for some time following the announcement that 35-mm film would no longer be used. The result was a difficult decision for many theater owners — initiate the costly conversion to digital projectors or close their doors.

Then-owner Sal Anzalotti, who had run the cinemas for nearly 20 years, elected to close the business, much to the devastation of many local families who frequented the cinemas. For a time it looked like the reign of movies at the 866 Suffield St. location was over; the price of bringing movies back to Agawam was seemingly too steep.

Fast-forward almost one year, and those very families once fraught with despair are now teeming with joy and excitement. The movies are indeed coming back to Agawam, with Kimberly Wheeler leading the way.

“This was an opportunity I simply couldn’t pass up,” said Wheeler, a lifelong Agawam resident and movie buff who spent countless hours catching films at the theater with friends and family. “When it closed its doors, it was absolutely heartbreaking.”

Wheeler had no experience prior to this year in acquiring and operating local cinemas. An EMT for 13 years and also an instructor of emergency medicine, she might have been the last person one might have expected to embrace such a massive undertaking. There are many innate challenges to restoring a cinema and getting a business back on its feet — challenges that would have daunted most people.

But with a lifetime of movie memories and the desire for new ones serving as her inspirations, Wheeler excitedly took over the shuttered cinemas and hasn’t looked back since.

Total Team Effort

Having only rented the business — now called Agawam Cinemas — for 10 months, Wheeler has gone a surprisingly long way in a short period of time. Needing to raise about $150,000 in order to purchase digital projectors, it was a tall task to get the business off the ground again.

But Wheeler wasn’t alone with her aspirations. Hundreds of area residents and business owners, many with similar recollections of catching movies in Agawam, showed their support through $45,000 in donations during a month-long fund-raising effort on Kickstarter. Additionally, several individuals reached out to Wheeler to express their support of the project and congratulate her for bringing the movie tradition back to Agawam.

“I had so much support from Agawam residents and businesses. It was stunning — the most heartwarming thing I have ever seen,” Wheeler told BusinessWest. “I don’t know if I could have done this without all of the help I’ve gotten from the community. It really does take a village.”

Agawam Family Cinemas

Agawam Family Cinemas started life as the local Jerry Lewis Twin Cinemas, and is set to reopen soon as a modern, fully digital theater.

It means a lot to Wheeler to have the community’s support as she continues through the renovation phase of the project. Working closely with Easthampton Savings Bank, she will provide most of the remaining funds for digital projectors from her own pocket. A murder-mystery-dinner fund-raiser is scheduled for April 11, but those proceeds will merely help defray the cost of acoustic improvements to the theaters.

Those costs are well worth it, Wheeler said, especially since the project has come as a pleasant surprise not only to Agawam residents, but to film fans throughout the area. Many people used to travel several miles to see movies in Agawam, passing up larger cinemas to experience the quaint environment.

“I got many letters and e-mails of encouragement,” added Wheeler, who hopes construction will be complete in time for a grand reopening in May or June. “It’s so important to know that the town and region are behind you 100% when you do something like this. People really missed this place.”

Residents and town officials alike are eagerly anticipating the reopening of the cinemas. From family events to nights out with friends, Agawam Cinemas will be ideal for people of all ages.

Wheeler, who has always enjoyed watching movies with her father, wants to give others a chance to experience the thrill of taking in movies with their families as well. She has seen countless movies in all genres over the years in Agawam, from Monsters University to Philomena. One of Wheeler’s fondest memories of the Agawam cinemas was seeing the film Django Unchained with her father. Theater policies at the time required at least four guests to be in attendance for the movie to run, but for a while Wheeler and her father were the only guests.

“We were sitting in the lobby, holding our breath to see if two other people would arrive to see this film alongside us, when finally one couple arrived,” Wheeler recalled. “We all let out a sigh of relief and laughed together. It was a team effort to get this film presented that evening, and we all enjoyed the film immensely.”

Town officials, meanwhile, have plenty of great memories of the place as well, many of their recollections dating back to the early days of the cinemas. Listening to their stories, one can easily understand how the cinemas have been stitched into the fabric of Agawam.

“I am both pleased and excited about the renovation and reopening of the Agawam Cinemas at the Southgate Plaza,” said Agawam Mayor Richard Cohen. “I remember when they originally opened as the Jerry Lewis Twin Cinemas. We are fortunate that the town’s only movie theater will once again be offering first-grade services with a hometown atmosphere. I can’t wait for the ribbon cutting and the ability of watching movies once again here in Agawam.”


Built in the late ’60s, Agawam Cinemas was originally part of a chain of Jerry Lewis Twin Cinemas franchises that sprouted up across the country, with individual operators paying around $10,000 to operate a given cinema. The two auditoriums hold 175 and 250 guests, respectively, with the unique distinction of having tables in front of every seat. The theaters used to hold more than 400 each, and the decision to add tables reduced seating capacity but increased guest comfort.

Since taking over the business, Wheeler has placed an emphasis on creating the most comfortable and convenient atmosphere possible for her guests. Upgrades are currently in progress to make the building fully ADA-compliant, and the lobby has experienced a makeover as well. In addition to standard concession choices that will be made available for snacks, Wheeler is also thinking outside the box by offering guests gourmet chocolate creations from Maureen’s Sweet Shoppe in East Longmeadow. Now that movies are coming back to town, she wants other businesses to benefit as well.

On the topic of business, Wheeler praised New England Theater Co. of Connecticut for its construction work on the building, and she’s eagerly awaiting opening night.

“We want to make it a destination for people, from the atmosphere to the exceptional customer service,” Wheeler said. “This is something that will get people out of their houses and help them forget their troubles. It will provide a great family and group experience.”

Unlike large movie theater chains, Wheeler is striving to foster the same neighborhood feel the place has always been known for, a venue where people can build friendships on the foundation of a common bond. By intertwining modern technologies with nostalgic elements, the cinema will transcend the zeitgeist of its initial creation and usher in a new era of movie magic in Agawam.

To celebrate the building’s history, the lobby will feature several items of Jerry Lewis memorabilia and other hallmarks of the cinema’s past. Prior to entering the theaters, guests will get to experience the history that connects generations of Agawam residents.

“We want the lobby to be comfortable, with a focus on nostalgia. We are digging up everything we can find, from the groundbreaking of the cinema to current day,” Wheeler said.

She plans to show first-run movies at the theaters, perhaps in an alternating sequence that allows about four movies to play on a given day, two per theater. Though the details haven’t been fully ironed out, Wheeler said she will seek input from guests on what movies they would like to see and try to create a balance.

“We want to make it flexible and give them the opportunity to let us know what they want to see,” she told BusinessWest.

For many residents and town officials, it won’t even matter which movies are playing, as long as the big screens are bright again in Agawam.

Sections Travel and Tourism
Seuss Museum Expected to Provide Boost for Quadrangle, City


Top: an artist’s rendering of one of the scenes to unfold on the first floor of the planned Dr. Seuss museum, set to open in June 2016. Above: kids visit Ted Geisel’s statue in the outdoor sculpture garden.

Top: an artist’s rendering of one of the scenes to unfold on the first floor of the planned Dr. Seuss museum, set to open in June 2016. Above: kids visit Ted Geisel’s statue in the outdoor sculpture garden.

Holly Smith-Bove says that, over the years, the bulk of the phone calls and inquiries from visitors to the Springfield Museums — maybe 80% of them by her estimate — have concerned the “Dr. Seuss Museum,” even though there isn’t one.

There is a sculpture garden featuring Seuss characters, as well as the author himself, on the museum grounds, which helps explain all those inquiries, she said. Still, many assume there is a museum attached to that hugely popular attraction. Meanwhile, there’s also an image of the Cat in the Hat on the museums’ logo, creating additional expectations.

But another huge factor is simply the strong international pull of Theodor Seuss Geisel, the most famous children’s author of all time — an estimated 600 million copies of his various works have been sold in 95 countries around the world — and knowledge of his many connections to Springfield, his birthplace, said Smith-Bove, president of Springfield Museums. And thus it is with a good deal of relief — and anticipation — that such questions will now be given a different answer.

Specifically, that the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum will open its doors in June 2016 in the William Pynchon Memorial Building, which once housed the Connecticut Valley Historical Museum.

The new facility will be highly interactive and have a strong literacy component, said Kay Simpson, vice president of Springfield Museums, who spearheaded the Seuss museum project.

She told BusinessWest that the first floor of the Seuss museum, some 3,200 square feet of exhibition space, will house “The Amazing World of Dr. Seuss,” a permanent, bilingual exhibit deigned to introduce children and their families to the stories of Geisel, promote joy in reading, and nurture specific literacy skills.

“The exhibit is really focused on Ted Geisel growing up in downtown Springfield, and how the sights that he saw and some of the characters he encountered later appeared in his books,” said Simpson, noting that there are many connections, including Mulberry Street, just a few blocks from the Quadrangle, which was the focus of his first book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.

The second floor, meanwhile, which is due to open roughly a year later and is what Simpson called a “work in progress,” will house additional exhibits, including a planned re-creation of Geisel’s studio, an exhibition about the making of the sculpture garden, and other related displays.

“We’re calling it ‘Ted’s Room,’” said Smith-Bove. “It might include his writing desk — setting up his studio as if he just left it.”

The new museum is expected to generate perhaps a 25% boost in overall visitorship to the Quadrangle (currently about 400,000 annually), said Smith-Bove, adding that the attraction has strong potential to bring a number of economic benefits to the City of Homes, especially if the museum concept can be built upon in ways to include other city landmarks.

Holly Smith-Bove, left, and Kay Simpson

Holly Smith-Bove, left, and Kay Simpson say the new Dr. Seuss museum will bring many benefits, including a boost in sales of Seuss items in the gift shop.

Indeed, museum officials are already pondering such possibilities as Seuss walking or driving tours that could possibly include his childhood home on Fairfield Street (currently on the market), his alma mater, Classical High School, the site of his maternal grandparents’ bakery on Howard Street, and other sites.

They also envision packaging a Seuss experience with other facilities honoring artistic and literary figures, such as the Mark Twain Museum in Hartford, the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, and others.

For this issue and its focus on travel and tourism, BusinessWest takes an in-depth look at plans for the Seuss museum and talks with those involved about how it might prompt visitors to explore not only the worlds Geisel created, but the city that inspired so much of what he drew.

Rhyme and Reason

Simpson told BusinessWest that discussions concerning a Seuss museum began in 2002, not long after the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden opened, and it became immediately apparent just how powerful a draw the children’s author and his famous characters were.

“It was a huge attraction the day it opened to the public, and it still is today,” said Simpson, noting that, because people don’t have to purchase admission to visit the garden, it is hard to keep an accurate account of visitorship, but she estimates at least 100,000 people a year.

From a qualitative standpoint, she said the sculpture garden has been a hit with people of all ages, and it has attracted cars bearing the license plates of nearly 50 states.

“When the kids come onto the Quad, the minute they see the sculptures, they immediately run toward them — it’s very meaningful for people,” Simpson noted, adding that, while it is mostly a spring and summer phenomenon, weather doesn’t stop many of the faithful.

“I’ve gone out onto the Quad even during the chilly autumn,” she noted, “and you’ll see someone in the middle of a rainstorm with an umbrella just reading the text from the sculpture that represents Oh, the Places You’ll Go.”

And many of those visitors, as Smith-Bove noted, want to know where the Seuss museum is.

While there has long been a desire to create one and meet that recognized need, Simpson explained, many pieces had to fall in place for such a facility to become reality.

Such pieces included physical space, a problem that was solved when the various collections in the Pynchon building were moved to the new Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History in 2009, freeing up that square footage. Another was gaining the blessing of Geisel’s widow, Audrey, and Dr. Seuss Enterprises, an organization that zealously promotes and protects the Seuss name and brand, while still another was funding.

In many respects, Simpson said, those challenges were woven together.

“We had a conceptual plan for the first floor of the Pynchon building, which had received approval from Dr. Seuss Enterprises, but they had a condition,” she explained. “And the condition was that we had to raise all the money that we needed to execute that conceptual plan before we started any construction or fabrication.

“It’s been like a patchwork quilt,” added Simpson of the efforts to create the museum, adding that a key stitch came from a $1 million appropriation from the state, which, when added to roughly $600,000 and other donations, including a $150,000 gift from the Institute of Library Services, gave the Museums more than the $1.5 million needed to greenlight the project and begin work.

Following an extensive RFP process that yielded responses from firms across the country, the Springfield Museums contracted with a design group comprised of 42 Design Fab, based in Indian Orchard, and 5 WITS Productions and Boston Productions Inc., both based in Norwood, to create the interactive elements for the first floor.

The new Seuss museum

The new Seuss museum will focus on the many connections between the author and Springfield, including early vehicles produced in the city.

Visitors will enter the exhibition through a large entry hall designed to simulate elements of And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. In succeeding galleries, they’ll explore a series of environments that replicate scenes from Geisel’s imagination and encounter life-sized, three-dimensional characters and places from the books.

Character Witnesses

Overall, what’s planned for the two floors of the Pynchon Building, a Georgian Colonial Revival style structure, is a celebration of the author, his works, and his many connections to Springfield, said Simpson and Smith-Bove, adding that childhood literacy will be an important component of the facility.

That’s because one of Geisel’s primary motivations for his many children’s books was to get young people excited about reading, said Simpson.

Indeed, starting with The Cat in the Hat, published in 1957, he launched what became known as the I Can Read It All By Myself Beginner Book Series, which would also include The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, Hop on Pop, and many others.

“We’re going to be a resource for the community in terms of emphasizing reading and the importance of reading,” she said of the new museum. “And our exhibits will have literacy built into them.

“For example, the interactive displays will teach kids how to rhyme and have really fun rhyming games,” she went on. “They will teach letters of the alphabet, and they provide places where families can read together — little reading nooks. There will be a focus on vocabulary with a ‘word wall.’”

As for Springfield connections, there are many, said Simpson, noting that, while the author never lived in the city following a brief return after doing graduate work at Oxford, his birthplace was always important to him, and many of its landmarks, as well as the inventions and products with which the city is most identified, can be seen in his works.

It’s all explained in a number of informational panels on the author now on display in the history museum.

One cites the stunning resemblance between the towers in the armory building on Howard Street (set to become part of the MGM casino complex) that sat across the street from his maternal grandparents’ German bakery, and a tower in The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.

Another panel speculates on how the Knox automobiles and Indian motorcycles manufactured in the city early in the 20th century may have influenced vehicles presented in his books, while another cites how his paternal grandfather’s brewery, the Kalmbach & Geisel Brewery, may have inspired some of his drawings. And still another informs readers of how the animals in the Forest Park Zoo — which Geisel’s father served as superintendent after Prohibition torpedoed the family brewery — inspired the many creatures in his books.

“Ted grew up on Fairfield Street, which was not far from Forest Park; he used to go over to the park as a boy, and he always had his sketchbook with him,” said Simpson. “He would go to the zoo, and he would draw all those animals — he would spend hours doing that — and it’s believed that seeing all those animals inspired him to create all those crazy creatures you see in his books.”

These myriad connections help explain why the Seuss family and Dr. Seuss Enterprises determined that, if there was to be a museum devoted to the children’s author, it should be in Springfield, said Smith-Bove, adding that it will be the only facility of its kind dedicated to his life and work in the world.

And while it will be launched in the Pychon building, there are expectations that it may be expanded down the road, said Smith-Bove, adding that, in the meantime, the other facilities in the Springfield Museums could be utilized to provide a broader Seuss experience.

“We have five museums on our campus that can hold thousands of people,” she explained. “It’s up to us to make sure that we program each of the other buildings. In the art museum, we can have Seuss’s artwork; in the history, we can talk about his life; for the science museum, there’s the Lorax … there are many possibilities.”

These extend well beyond the Quadrangle itself, said Simpson, adding that Springfield Museums and city officials should work together to use those connections between Geisel and his hometown to bring more attention — and visitors — to the museums and the city as a whole.

“Ted really knew downtown Springfield — he went to Classical, he used the main branch of the city library [on State Street], and some of his books actually to refer to what was then called the municipal auditorium, Symphony Hall,” she explained. “So we were thinking that we could do a walking tour, which goes to the idea of cultural tourism.

“We’d be making connections between the museums and other sites in downtown Springfield,” she went on, “and would really get tourists walking around the city.”

When asked about the projected impact on the Quadrangle from the new museum, Smith-Bove and Simpson again flashed back to when the sculpture garden opened. The first few years it was open, it was a huge draw, they said, adding that visitorship to the museums grew by roughly 25% over that time.

A similar increase is expected from the new facility, along with a corresponding increase in the museums’ overall economic impact on the city, currently pegged at roughly $28 million.

And for the Springfield Museums themselves, in addition to the surge in visitorship, there is an expected trickle-down to facilities like the gift shop, where sales of Seuss-related items — from books to Cat in the Hat hats to plush toys — account for more than 25% of total revenues.

Chapter and Verse

The health and vitality of both the Seuss name and brand is evidenced by the coverage given the news of the planned Seuss museum, said Matt Longhi, the museums’ director of marketing and public relations, who tracks such things.

He said stories or notes have appeared in the Boston Globe, the New York Daily News, Time, Entertainment Weekly, and even the South African Art Times and Al Jazeera’s New York bureau.

More significant than the press is the manner in which the Seuss brand continues to grow — in scope and also in terms of revenue, said Simpson, adding that the Seuss name, and the books, have enormous staying power.

“Other book series just seem to fade out over time,” she explained. “But he just keeps getting more popular.”

In addition to staying power, it is expected that the celebrated author will have drawing power — in a figurative sense — which will bode well for the museums at the Quadrangle, the city itself, and all those who want to celebrate the life of Springfield’s most famous resident.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]

Sections Travel and Tourism
Berkshire East Positions Itself as Outdoor Adventure Center

Berkshire East’s new mountain coaster

Berkshire East’s new mountain coaster opened last October and has earned the distinction of being the longest alpine mountain coaster in North America.

In the fall of 1976, Roy Schaefer drove his family from Michigan to Charlemont to look at Thunder Mountain Ski Resort, which was about to go bankrupt.

Although it was failing, Schaefer was optimistic that he could bring it back to life, and he and a partner purchased it from Greenfield Savings Bank for $1, plus a debt of several hundred thousand dollars.

Schaefer renamed the resort Berkshire East, and although his hard work and dedication paid off, he dedicated only the fall and winter months to the operation.

“My father and his partner operated a ferryboat company in the summer on Mackinaw Island in Michigan, and when the ski area ended, all of their energy shifted there,” said Roy’s son, Jonathan Schafer, who co-owns Berkshire East Mountain Resort with his family.

However, Roy and his partner kept the area alive, and it became a place where generations of families learned to ski. But, because it was a seasonal operation dependent on weather, he battled Mother Nature for decades. However, his commitment and belief that outdoor recreation is a sustainable model for economic growth not only helped area businesses and provided seasonal employment, but was passed on to his four children.

Today, the resort is undergoing a $5 million transformation and is ushering in a bevy of recreational activities designed to transform it into a year-round destination that offers not only alpine skiing, but snow tubing, ziplining, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, and the opportunity to ride North America’s longest mountain coaster.

The family also added overnight accommodations to the resort last September by purchasing the nearby, 530-acre Warfield House Inn and Farm, a bed and breakfast located just over a mile from Berkshire East that operates as a working farm complete with llamas, cattle, chickens, and gardens.

Jonathan has worked alongside his father for years, and says he and his brothers developed their own vision for expanding the family ski resort into a year-round retreat years ago.

“We were all ski racers who traveled the world, and due to our racing, we got to see a lot of things: bungee jumping in New Zealand, mountain biking, and other amazing activities,” he said. “We knew that we wanted to bring them to Charlemont and also realized that the Berkshires compare to any mountain range anywhere.

“We never had a written master plan, but we knew where we wanted to go with the resort due to our shared experience,” he went on, “and our goal now is to become the number-one family, four-season resort in Southern New England.”

The vision morphed into reality in 2008, when Jonathan’s brother, James, who lives in New York City, bought out his father’s business partner in Michigan.

Change began almost immediately, and in 2009, Berkshire East installed its first new recreational venue, Zipline Canopy Tours, that would change its status from a winter resort into one that offered year-round activities.

For this issue and its focus on travel and tourism, BusinessWest looks at the many changes and additions at Berkshire East, and how the resort is now at the top of its game — in more ways than one.

Reaching New Heights

The expanded venue has been a success, and people can choose three different zipline options that begin with a ride up the mountain on a chair lift that offers panoramic views of the Deerfield Valley. The descent is exciting, moving from platform to platform through mountainous terrain, and Zipline Canopy Tours was named by USA Today as one of the top 10 ziplines in the nation.

“The tours are guided and were built to fit in with the landscape. It’s a great adventure that lasts two to two and a half hours,” Jonathan said.

The Schaefer family has always strived to be in tune with nature, and in 2011 they installed a wind turbine, followed by a 10-acre solar field in 2012.

“We were the first ski area to produce all of our own electricity, and we remain the only ski area in the world to produce renewable energy on site,” Jonathan told BusinessWest.

Berkshire Whitewater

Berkshire Whitewater will begin offering rafting trips in May, with a variety of excursions designed for people of different ages and abilities.

The wind turbine powers the pumps that transform water into snow, and from 2009 to 2013, Berkshire East made dramatic upgrades to its snowmaking operation. “We also added a mountaintop pond, which allowed us to double our snow guns and open earlier each season,” Jonathan said, adding that the resort contains 160 skiable acres. “We opened the last weekend in November, and this year is our longest season ever.”

Another new attraction has increased business and added to the operation’s year-round status. It’s a 5,400-foot, all-season mountain coaster that opened last October on Columbus Day weekend.

“It was built as a diversification against the weather; ski weekends can be wiped out due to cold and snow, so we needed a way to drive business and give people a great experience,” said Jonathan. “The things we have done allow us to be open 365 days a year, and we built a 12,000-square-foot addition onto our lodge last year. It’s beautiful, as it’s made from hand cut timber.”

He noted that the lodge has two floors, two restaurants, and a bar, and has been a tremendous boost to the property. “Many couples book their weddings here, and now their guests will be able to enjoy the activities we offer year-round.”

The mountain coaster is one of them, and it’s a noteworthy attraction. “It is the longest mountain coaster in the nation and the third-longest in the world. It’s powered by our wind turbine and solar panels, and is an inviting way for people to enjoy the outdoors, as there are no fitness or skill requirements,” Jonathan said.

The coaster’s construction proved to be an extraordinary engineering feat, because each section had to be designed to adapt to the contour of the mountain with minimal impact to the landscape. The sections were installed in 10-foot lengths, and each car is towed up the mountain by a stainless-steel cable and strategically released when it reaches the top.

“Each car is independent of the others and has its own braking system, which allows people to slow down or speed up by pulling on the handles,” Jonathan said. “However, if one car gets within 80 feet of another going down the mountain, the brakes automatically stop it.

“The track twists and turns down a mountainside of cliffs and trees, so it’s a wild ride on a dynamic hillside,” he added. “Anticipation builds in riders who are going up, as they can see others coming down because the course crosses uphill four times.”

The new attraction has attracted coaster enthusiasts from across the nation, and groups have already booked trips there this summer.

Growing Venues

Berkshire East enjoyed a cooperative partnership with Moxie Outdoor Adventures for years, and recently acquired its Deerfield River rafting operation. It has been renamed Berkshire Whitewater, and although it kept most of Moxie’s river guides, Berkshire East purchased 10 new rafts designed exclusively for the river, along with other state-of-the art equipment.

“We have 60 spots on the river, plan to open in May, and will continue the rafting trips until it gets too cold to run them in the fall,” said Jonathan. “We can’t add 1,000 vertical feet to the ski area, so we are adding world-class activities to show off what a beautiful spot we have here.”

Trips will be available five days a week and will begin when the hydroelectric Bear Swamp Generating Station releases water, which is done on a regular, scheduled basis. Since it stores approximately 1.7 billion gallons of water almost 800 feet above the river, when it is released, it turns the river into an ideal spot for rafters, kayakers, and downriver canoeists.

A variety of adventures along different sections of the river are planned for different age groups and abilities, but all rafters will receive a 20-minute safety lecture before they leave. A picnic lunch is provided for people who opt for one of the easier excursions, while another, more advanced course ends with a barbecue.

Each trip lasts four or five hours, and there are options to satisfy everyone, including a leisurely, half-day float trip that families with children ages 5 and up can enjoy.

“They float along in a whitewater raft, and there are places for them to get out, splash around, and swim,” Jonathan noted.

In addition, guided kayaking trips will be offered daily, and children ages 5 and up can accompany an adult in a boat on the four-hour adventures.

Since some people have already rafted on the Deerfield River, Jonathan said, Berkshire Whitewater is offering trips on the Millers River, east of Greenfield, and the West River in Jamaica, Vermont. “But they all start here, and people are taken to those sites in vans,” he told BusinessWest.

skiing remains a major part of Berkshire East

Despite the resort’s all-season changes, skiing remains a major part of Berkshire East’s roster of offerings.

The Schaefer family is also building a new mountain-biking park and commissioned a group from Whistler Mountain, whose track record includes building the largest and most dynamic bike trail in the world, to construct 10 miles of trails down the mountain. “We plan to open the park in early July and will have a major focus on beginners, with a learn-to-ride program,” Jonathan said.

Meanwhile, because the Schaefers know that many people want to enjoy their resort for more than a day, the purchase of the mountaintop complex that contains the Warfield House Inn will allow them to offer overnight lodging.

“It was a logical move because there was no housing at the ski area and this was a beautiful facility that needed new life. We thought it would be a great complement to our business,” he said.

The bed and breakfast, which was recently renovated, contains a meeting facility, restaurant, and pavilion with mountaintop views. “It’s a gorgeous place to get married,” Jonathan said, adding that the farm is also known for its maple-sugaring operation, producing about 1,000 gallons of the sweet treat each year.

Endless Possibilities

Over the past few years, Berkshire East also installed a new Sky Trac Quad chair lift, with the help of a helicopter and an army of loyal employees, that can deliver 2,400 people an hour to the top of the mountain to ski, mountain bike, hike, and enjoy other outdoor activities.

“For many years, we were just a ski area, and we have continued to expand the skiing and offer a lot of learn-to-ski programs for children,” Jonathan said. “But it’s a sport that takes skill. There is a learning curve, and it requires equipment, so we wanted to add other year-round activities that would give families the experience of a lifetime.”

He added that his brother Bill, who lives in Iowa, is part-owner of the whitewater-rafting business and has purchased rental properties in the area; his brother Tom, who lives in California, has also purchased rental properties; and he, his brother James, and their father run the day-to-day operation of the resort and remain committed to providing healthy, recreational outdoor activities.

Today, the family is excited about the expansion, and their goal is for Berkshire East to become known as “New England’s Outdoor Adventure Center,” Jonathan said.

“We think it is possible,” he noted, “because we have added attractions that will drive business and give people a great experience here 365 days a year.”

Building Permits Departments

The following building permits were issued during the month of March 2015.


Agawam Crossing
200 Silver St.
$360,000 — Build out first-floor space for medical office

Millwork Realty Associates, LLC
32 Century Ave.
$400,000 — Renovations at Fleet Pride

Six Flags
1623 Main St.
$39,000 — Construct Cyclone Photo Booth


308 College Street, LLC
308 College St.
$3,000 — Minor alterations

Woodgreen Amherst, L.P.
6 University Dr.
$40,000 — Interior renovations to create four offices


Houston Enterprises
1307 Memorial Dr.
$25,000 — Structural repair due to snow and ice

Lady of Elms College
147 Grape St.
$52,000 — Install ADA ramps and modify partitions

U-Haul of Western Mass
499 Montgomery St.
$23,500 — Renovations and ductwork


Continental Cablevision
790 Florence Road
$43,000 — Replace guide wires and foundation anchors

Florence Savings Bank
85 Main St.
$19,000 — Construct partition walls

Michelle Kersbergen
190 Nonotuck St.
$230,000 — Interior renovations at Modesto Family Dentistry

Gina Mazza
11 Village Hill Road
$19,000 — Add partition walls

Richard Webber
8 North King St.
$32,500 — Renovate two offices and replace store front windows

Smith College
44 College Lane
$164,000 — Construct observatory on rooftop at McConnell Hall


Town of South Hadley
267 Granby Road
$17,000 — Install new fire protection


Anthony Shakes
24 Walsh St.
$33,000 — Install roof mounted solar panels

Melissa Manello
91 Prouty St.
$10,000 — Strip and install new shingles

Polman Realty, LLC
2001 Roosevelt Ave.
$130,000 — Renovations for charter school


North Elm Street Realty
58 North Elm St.
$1,000,000 — Construct a 9,950-square-foot addition

Pioneer Valley Baptist Church
265 Ponders Hollow Road
$140,000 — Addition to church

Rock Steady Real Estate, LLC
815 North Road
$15,000 — Renovations for new offices


Andrew Mele
69 William Franks Dr.
$75,000 — Renovate existing space for new tenant

CJack Realty Associates, LLC
1053 Riverdale St.
$9,500 — Interior renovations

The Cup Restaurant
240 Westfield St.
$65,000 — Interior alterations

Daily News

SPRINGFIELD — Paul Kleschick has joined American International College (AIC) as its new registrar.

Kleschick recently performed consulting work for a variety of colleges and universities. Prior to working as a consultant, he was registrar at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. He previously served as the associate registrar at Georgetown University and Temple University.

Kleschick graduated from Cabrini College in Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in biology. He earned his master’s degree from Temple University and his MBA from Philadelphia University.