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Lending Perspective

President and CEO Tony Worden

President and CEO Tony Worden

Tony Worden has worked at several banks in his career, of various types and sizes, but there’s something about a small community bank that … well, just suits him.

For starters, “there’s less pressure,” said Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB). “I mean, we certainly have to grow, and we have to make money, but there’s less emphasis on that and more emphasis on relationships. I’m not trying to pat us on the back because I know Florence is like this, bankESB is like this, Greenfield Savings, too — we all need to make money, we need to grow, but we also get how important we are to the communities that we serve.

“There are loans we make that, at a previous bank, we never would have made,” he went on. “They just would have said, ‘no, we’re not doing that.’ But community banks find ways to stretch to get people’s mortgages done, and even on commercial loans. As a community bank, we have to think about how we’re serving our community, and bigger banks worry less about that. It’s easier for them to turn loans down because they’re not as involved.”

Worden knows a lot about commercial lending after working in that realm for the vast majority of his career before former GCB President and CEO Michael Tucker persuaded him, in 2019, to pursue that role as Tucker prepared to retire. Worden knew he’d have a steep learning curve in areas ranging from finance to IT to human resources — but he embraced the challenge.

“My thought was, someday, if I play my cards right, maybe I’ll get a chance to be the senior lender somewhere. And I got to be that here. It was not part of my grand plan to be president.”

“A lot of people get into this business, and their dream or goal is to become president of a bank. But I never really thought about that. My thought was, someday, if I play my cards right, maybe I’ll get a chance to be the senior lender somewhere. And I got to be that here,” he said. “It was not part of my grand plan to be president.”

But Tucker was convinced Worden was the right candidate to put forth internally, and the board eventually chose him over two external candidates. Worden, a longtime senior commercial loan officer, initially worked alongside Tucker as chief operating officer through 2020, then took over as president at the start of 2021; Tucker stayed in the CEO role until the start of 2022, when he retired and passed that mantle to Worden as well.

The long transition period working alongside Tucker turned out to be a blessing in more than one way. Not only was Worden learning the ins and outs of a much broader job than his previous career in commercial lending, but the emergence of the pandemic threw a major wrench into the banking world.

“The transition got stunted a little by the pandemic,” he recalled. “Obviously, I was excited when I accepted the job, and we knew COVID was a thing that was happening, but no one knew exactly what it was going to do. And literally within a week, my excitement ended because it was, ‘OK, now we have survive this.’”

Greenfield headquarters

While nine of its 10 branches are in Franklin and Hampshire counties, including its Greenfield headquarters (pictured), GCB has been making inroads into Hampden County as well.

Worden said bank leaders will be telling stories for decades about the adventure of PPP loans and everything else they had to do to help customers navigate that whitewater, but they are gratifying stories to tell.

“It’s amazing, in hindsight, to think about what all the banks accomplished. There were certainly technological hurdles because the SBA was not set up to be doing this volume.”

But in the years that followed, Worden has become accustomed to many other challenges, from a shifting rate environment — and its impact on lending — to the continued evolution of digital banking platforms, to Greenfield Co-op’s own growth trajectory.

“As a community bank, we have a responsibility to serve our customers’ needs as fully as we possibly can,” he told BusinessWest. “So we all stretch a little bit more to get loans done, to get projects done.”


Steady Growth

Greenfield Cooperative Bank has grown in numerous ways over the past decade, most notably by merging with Northampton Cooperative Bank in 2015, which increased its branch total from five to nine; a tenth branch opened in South Hadley in 2020, the first outside of Franklin or Hampshire county.

At the time of the merger, Greenfield Co-op boasted roughly $350 million in assets, and Northampton brought roughly $150 million, to create a $500 million bank.

“Right now, we’re just under $800 million in total,” Worden said. “So, in a decade, we’ve had about $300 million worth of growth, which, obviously, for a bigger bank or a publicly traded bank, wouldn’t be acceptable. But we don’t have stockholders, so we can grow sensibly.”

“The real growth, from a demographic perspective, is in Hampden County. And with all the mergers and acquisitions, there are fewer banks in Hampden County than there used to be.”

That said, he views Hampden County as a big part of GCB’s future, and the South Hadley branch as a jumping-off point to do more business in that region. In fact, many of the bank’s lenders have worked at Springfield-area institutions in the past and have maintained relationships there.

“If you look at the demographics, Hampden County is growing. Franklin County is not; it’s actually retracting. Hampshire County’s growing a little bit, but the real growth, from a demographic perspective, is in Hampden County. And with all the mergers and acquisitions, there are fewer banks in Hampden County than there used to be.

“So we see opportunity,” he went on. “We’ve had some success on the commercial side, and this past winter, we hired a mortgage originator from a local competitor who’s based out of Holyoke and knows that market, and we’re making a push to start doing some residential mortgages in all of Hampden County. But our focus right now is Holyoke, Chicopee, and Springfield because we feel like we can handle that through a branch in South Hadley, which isn’t technically in Hampden County, but it’s not that far away. So we’re taking tentative steps to be more of a presence down there.”

Greenfield Cooperative Bank

Greenfield Cooperative Bank partners with many community organizations, such as Montague Public Libraries (pictured) for programs like its bilingual children’s music and movement program.

That said, when Worden joined the commercial lending team at GCB 15 years ago, the bank had $29 million in commercial loans; that number is now $260 million, and the bank employs more lenders, credit analysts, and administrative staff.

“But we’ve also seen some significant payoffs of our loans — not because they’ve gone and refinanced somewhere else, but because they sold their properties when the market got so hot,” he noted.

At the same time, “I think the rising rate environment has made people shyer about going out and pursuing things because, again, no one wants to finance something at the top of the market and have the rates start to go down the day after they do it. So I think what we’ve seen is people kind of sitting and waiting: ‘is the economy going to tank or not?’

“As time has gone on, I think more people are buying into this idea that there could be a soft landing,” he went on. “But I think it would help to see the rates drop because I think that would get people active again. There’s a lot of wait and see at this point.”

That said, a large swath of the customer base never lived through really high rates.

“When I first started, I was a junior commercial credit analyst at Vermont National Bank up in Brattleboro,” Worden said. “And people were saying, ‘you know, if prime would just get down to 10%, that would be perfect.’ And then we were so low for so long that people started to think that was normal.”

He recently watched a recording of a Red Sox game from the 1980s, complete with commercials, and one in particular made him laugh. “It was a car commercial, and it said, ‘low, 11.99% financing for well-qualified buyers.’ Today, people would see that, and their heads would explode.”

Historical perspective isn’t the only thing separating younger from older bank customers — they have different banking habits as well, as Millennials and Gen Z grew up with technolology and are more apt to eschew physical branches.

“They go in as little as possible. They want to do as much remotely and through their phone as they possibly can,” Worden said. “That’s a new reality, making sure we have the technology and the channels for them to bank the way they want to bank.”

But there will always be a need for a physical presence and face-to-face interactions, he added, which is why banks continue to expand geographically.

“For a decade or so before the pandemic, if you went to any banking-industry events, they said, ‘get rid of your branches, get rid of the bricks and mortar; they’re expensive. The fintechs are eating your lunch because they don’t have those costs. They’re not paying real-estate taxes. They’re not paying for AC. They’re not paying for the lights.’ But now, we’re hearing, ‘lean into your branch network because that’s your advantage over the fintechs. The fintechs wish they had a building on the corner that people could walk into.’

“If everything is going well for you as a customer, maybe you don’t need to talk to somebody face-to-face. But as soon as something goes sideways, it’s nice to know you can walk into a building and talk to somebody face-to-face and deal with them,” he went on. “We, as a bank and as an industry, have to do a better job explaining to people what the value is of having someone local working with you.”


Different Kind of Dream

That local face and relationship banking may be even more important at a time when mergers are creating ever-larger institutions — and fewer of them, Worden noted.

“Some people say to me, ‘you must be happy when you see these bank mergers because it’s one less piece of competition for you.’ But no — I think it’s a shame that local options are going away.

At a Massachusetts Bankers Assoc. meeting he attended last fall, attendees were told there are half as many banks in Massachusetts as there were 20 years ago, and it’s estimated that, over the next decade, that figure could be halved again. “I left there thinking, ‘we have to focus on what it will take for us to make sure we’re one of those banks that survive.”

But it’s a challenge he’ll enjoy, even though it’s not one he dreamed about taking on earlier in his career.

“When it was announced that I got this job, people would come up to me and say, ‘you got your dream job.’ And I’d say, ‘no, actually, I gave up my dream job for this job.’ If someone offers you the chance to be the president of a bank, you take the job. But what’s been fun is focusing on other parts of the bank than commercial lending.”

One of those is philanthropy, and Worden appreciates being in a place where community giving decisions are made locally, rather than regionally or nationally, as is the case at larger banks.

“The decisions we make about where we’re going to give our money happen right here in this building, for the most part,” he noted. “We certainly upped our giving during COVID, and then we never went back down to the historical level — not that it was low before.”

Overall, Worden said, GCB is a relatively uncomplicated bank to run. “We’re very vanilla. I think my senior staff gets sick of hearing me say that, but I say it as a good thing. We’re not in all kinds of weird things. We stick to what we know how to do, and we do them well.”

While Greenfield Co-op isn’t among the region’s largest banks in terms of assets, it’s well on its way to $1 billion, and Worden is looking forward to that milestone.

“Things will change a little bit; there’s more regulation,” he told BusinessWest. “But it’s gratifying to see the growth and to know I played a small part in that. A lot of the reason for the success was Mike Tucker. He did a great job for 20 years; he got the ball rolling. I’m just trying to keep the thing moving down the road.”

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced that Jeremy Payson, executive vice president and controller, has graduated from the American Bankers Assoc. Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

The Stonier Graduate School of Banking is a highly regarded, multi-year program designed to develop future leaders in the financial-services industry. Through a combination of intensive on-campus sessions and off-site coursework, graduates gain a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of banking, from commercial lending and risk management to strategic planning and leadership development.

“We are thrilled to congratulate Jeremy on this well-deserved accomplishment,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of GCB. “He has shown a strong commitment to professional development, and we are confident that the knowledge and skills gained at Stonier will be invaluable to our bank as he continues to grow in his career.”

Payson’s graduation from the Stonier Graduate School of Banking underscores Greenfield Co-op’s commitment to investing in its employees and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) is hosting two free information sessions designed to equip first-time homebuyers with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the homebuying journey. Led by Victor Rodriguez, GCB’s assistant vice president of Mortgage Origination, these sessions will provide valuable insights from industry experts on various aspects of purchasing a home.

The sessions will be held on Thursday, June 20 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at EforAll Holyoke, 193 High St.; and Tuesday, June 25 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at GCB’s South Hadley branch, 487 Newton St.

Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the homebuying process, from financing options to legal considerations. Key topics covered include the impact of credit on mortgages and strategies to secure a favorable rate; the benefits of GCB’s mortgage programs designed specifically for first-time homebuyers; how a pre-approval strengthens an offer and gives a buyer an edge in a competitive market; and the process beyond financing, featuring insights from guest speakers, including a real-estate agent who will discuss home-shopping strategies and a real-estate attorney who will explain the purchase-and-sale contract and closing process.

Space is limited. For more information, visit www.greenfieldcoopbank.com/events. These sessions are for informational purposes only and do not offer certificates of completion.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced that Chelsea Depault, vice president of Commercial and Municipal Lending, has been named the recipient of the prestigious Emerging Leader Award from the Massachusetts Bankers Assoc.

This award recognizes outstanding individuals in the Massachusetts banking industry who demonstrate exceptional leadership potential and a commitment to serving their communities.

“Chelsea’s dedication to our customers, colleagues, and community is truly inspiring,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank. “Her leadership during the critical Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) rollout and her commitment to financial-literacy programs exemplify the spirit of this award. We are fortunate to have Chelsea on our team, and we congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition.”

During the PPP rollout, Depault played a pivotal role in ensuring the bank could effectively serve clients. Her quick thinking and willingness to go the extra mile, including working evenings and weekends, helped secure vital funding for many local businesses.

“Chelsea truly exemplifies the qualities of an emerging leader,” Worden added. “She consistently demonstrates initiative, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire others.”

Committed to continuous learning, she completed the ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking program and earned a Wharton leadership certificate. Additionally, she actively seeks out professional-development opportunities through courses offered by the Massachusetts Bankers Assoc. and the Center for Financial Training.

Depault’s impact extends beyond the bank. She also volunteers with the VITA program, serves on committees, and holds treasurer positions with local organizations, as well as dedicating her time to youth sports programs.

Daily News

Siobhan Tripp

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank, announced that Marketing Director Siobhan Tripp has successfully completed the American Bankers Assoc. (ABA) Bank Marketing School. This intensive program, which was held April 10-19 in Atlanta, is designed to equip banking professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to develop and execute effective marketing strategies in today’s dynamic financial landscape.

“Completing the ABA Bank Marketing School has been an enriching experience,” Tripp said. “The program provided me with invaluable insights into the latest marketing trends and best practices specific to the banking industry. I’m confident that the knowledge and skills I gained will allow me to make a significant contribution to the continued success of Greenfield Co-op.”

The program emphasizes practical application through a collaborative marketing planning case study, allowing participants to grapple with real-world scenarios and refine their marketing problem-solving abilities.

“Siobhan’s dedication to professional development is a valuable asset to our team,” Worden said. “The expertise gained through the ABA Bank Marketing School will be instrumental in helping us achieve our marketing goals and better serve our customers.”

Daily News

Tony Worden

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced that President and CEO Tony Worden has been elected as a director of the Cooperative Banks Employee Retirement Assoc. (CBERA), a specialized organization dedicated to overseeing the retirement benefits of employees at member banks in Massachusetts.

“I am honored to be elected to the board of directors of CBERA,” Worden said. “I look forward to working with my fellow directors to ensure CBERA continues to provide its members with the highest-quality retirement benefits and resources.”

Established in 1946, the Cooperative Banks Employee Retirement Assoc. was formed to administer the pension programs for the employees of the Massachusetts cooperative bank industry. Today, CBERA serves not only cooperative banks, but all financial institutions.

Worden brings a wealth of knowledge in the financial-services industry to the CBERA board. He has nearly 30 years of banking experience and has served as president of Greenfield Cooperative Bank since 2021.

Daily News

Casey Cusson

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank, announced the promotion of Casey Cusson to vice president, Treasury Management officer.

Cusson will work closely with Jim Alexander, vice president, Government Banking & Treasury Management, on the bank’s municipal and government lending activities. This collaboration will ensure a cohesive approach to serving the financial needs of Greenfield Cooperative Bank’s clients.

Cusson is a seasoned banking professional with seven years of experience in the industry. He joined Greenfield Cooperative Bank in 2017 and previously held the title of vice president, manager of the Shelburne Falls branch.

“We are excited to promote Casey to vice president, Treasury Management officer,” Worden said. “His understanding of our clients’ needs and commitment to providing exceptional service will be invaluable in leading our team to continued growth.”

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced the promotion of several key employees, reflecting the bank’s commitment to fostering a culture of growth and recognizing exceptional performance.

“Investing in our people is paramount to our continued success,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank. “These promotions acknowledge the dedication and expertise of our team members who consistently deliver exceptional service to our customers. Their leadership and deep understanding of the financial-services industry will be instrumental in driving our future growth.”

Siobhan Tripp is being promoted to marketing director. She has been with GCB since 2020.

Harlin Glovacki is being promoted to branch manager-in-training. He has been with GCB since 2022.

Annette Baker is being promoted to customer service representative. She has been with GCB since 2021.

Brandi Knowlton is being promoted to customer service representative. She has been with GCB since 2024.

Aaron Thompson is being promoted to customer service representative. He has been with GCB since 2023.

Sarah Beresford is being promoted to head teller. She has been with GCB since 2022.

Samantha Kelley is being promoted to assistant manager. She has been with GCB since 2013.

Kim Fontaine is being promoted to senior underwriter. She has been with GCB since 2023.

Angie Macleay is being promoted to senior underwriter. She has been with GCB since 2009.

Aaron Frentzos is being promoted to senior technology specialist. He has been with GCB since 2013.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced the promotions of three team members, recognizing their contributions while fostering a culture of advancement within the company.

“We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of these dedicated employees,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of GCB. “Their commitment to excellence and leadership skills make them invaluable assets. These promotions demonstrate our dedication to empowering our people and providing them with opportunities for growth.”

Jeremy Payson is being promoted to executive vice president, Finance. He holds an MBA in finance and economics from Western New England University and has been with the bank since 2022.

Chris Wilkey is being promoted to vice president, Information Systems. He has been with GCB since 2007.

Julie Gonzales is being promoted to assistant vice president, Human Resources. She has been with Greenfield Co-op since 2012.

These promotions acknowledge the significant contributions made by these individuals across various departments within Greenfield Cooperative Bank. This commitment to internal advancement fosters a positive and motivated work environment, where employees are empowered to reach their full potential.

Daily News

Jackie Charron

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced the appointment of Jacqueline (Jackie) Charron as its new senior vice president of Strategy & Implementation.

Charron brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role. With nearly 40 years in the banking industry, she possesses a track record of leadership and innovation.

“Jackie’s extensive knowledge and proven ability to navigate complex transitions will make her an invaluable asset as we prepare for the upcoming regulatory changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA),” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank. “We welcome her insight as we continue to strengthen our commitment to our communities.”

Charron’s focus will be on navigating the evolving CRA landscape and ensuring the bank thrives under the new regulations. Additionally, she will lend her support across various initiatives within the bank. Her deep understanding of the banking industry is expected to be instrumental in driving the bank’s continued success and reaffirming its commitment to its customers and communities.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced a $10,000 sponsorship of Habitat for Humanity’s Victoria Bismark Farm project. This initiative will see the construction of three single-family homes on Burts Pit Road in Northampton, which will be built by hundreds of community volunteers alongside three future homebuyers with low income.

“At Greenfield Cooperative Bank, we believe in the power of homeownership to build strong communities,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of GCB. “The Victoria Bismark Farm project embodies this principle perfectly, offering families a chance to achieve stability, prosperity, and a sense of belonging within the Northampton community.”

Jane Wolfe, executive vice president of Residential Lending, added that “we are honored to contribute to this impactful project and look forward to witnessing the positive transformation it will bring to these families and the neighborhood.”

The Victoria Bismark Farm project aligns with GCB’s core values of community engagement and financial empowerment. By sponsoring this project, GCB hopes to make a lasting difference in the lives of local families while demonstrating its dedication to building a brighter future for Western Mass.

“The housing crisis is real and happening now. Habitat’s response can only succeed with the help of strong community partners,” said Megan McDonough, executive director of Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity. “We are grateful to Greenfield and Northampton Cooperative Bank for joining us in creating three opportunities for affordable homeownership for local families with low incomes who are ready to make their dreams of owning a home a reality.”

Daily News

Victor Rodriguez Sr.

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced the appointment of Victor Rodriguez Sr. as assistant vice president, mortgage loan officer. In this role, he intends to leverage his extensive experience and expertise to guide borrowers through the homeownership journey with personalized care and local market knowledge. He will be based at the bank’s South Hadley branch.

“We are excited to welcome Victor to the GCB team,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO. “His proven track record of success, deep understanding of the mortgage industry, and commitment to personalized service make him an invaluable asset to our bank and our community. We are confident that Victor will play a key role in helping our neighbors achieve their dreams of homeownership.”

Rodriguez brings more than 20 years of banking experience. Throughout his career, he has earned accolades such as the 2022 Realtor Affiliate of the Year from the Realtor Assoc. of Pioneer Valley. Rodriguez’s passion for mortgage lending extends beyond client transactions, as evidenced by his recent role as a guest speaker at the NEFMA fall conference, where he presented on the topic “Opportunities Await: Developing a Diverse Mortgage Customer Source.”

“Victor’s passion for fostering diversity in homeownership is deeply impressive. His NEFMA presentation clearly demonstrated his commitment to expanding access to mortgage opportunities for underserved communities,” said Jane Wolfe, executive vice president of Residential Lending. “We fully expect Victor to become a leading voice in this area, not only within our bank, but across the region.”

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced that its nomination of Empty Arms Bereavement, an organization offering compassionate support to families experiencing pregnancy or infant loss, has resulted in a $5,000 grant from the Massachusetts Bankers Assoc. (MBA) Community Service Grant Program.

“Empty Arms’ dedication to supporting families during some of life’s most difficult moments resonates deeply with our commitment to community service,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank. “We’re honored to nominate them, and are pleased they have received this well-deserved grant.”

This year, the MBA Charitable Foundation awarded 41 grants, totaling $152,500, to nonprofit organizations across the state. Empty Arms’ dedication to grieving families stood out among the many nominations, earning it this vital funding.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced the promotion of Erin Cleary to branch manager of its South Hadley branch.

Cleary joined Greenfield Cooperative Bank in August 2022 as a teller and quickly earned a promotion to head teller four months later. This past July, she was named assistant manager. She attended Greenfield Community College.

“We are very pleased with Erin’s impressive growth within our organization,” said Tony Worden, the bank’s president and CEO. “Her ability to connect with customers makes her the ideal candidate to lead our South Hadley branch. We are confident that she will continue to be a valuable asset to our team.”

Cleary’s promotion is a reflection of the bank’s commitment to investing in its employees and fostering career growth from within. The bank recognizes the importance of having local leaders who understand the needs of their communities.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced a $5,000 donation to the Massachusetts Farm Resiliency Fund, a partnership between philanthropic organizations and private foundations intended to support Western and Central Mass. farms impacted by recent flooding and rain and to strengthen farm resiliency with an eye toward future climate impacts.

“We are committed to supporting our local farmers and the important work they do to provide our community with fresh, healthy food,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank. “The recent flooding was a devastating blow to many farms, and we are proud to do our part to help them recover and rebuild.”

The Massachusetts Farm Resiliency Fund is administered by the United Way of Central Massachusetts. Click here for more information.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced that Jane Wolfe, executive vice president of Residential Lending, successfully completed the inaugural American Bankers Assoc. (ABA) Wharton Leadership Lab at the University of Pennsylvania last week. She earned an ABA Wharton Executive Leadership Certificate, a prestigious credential that demonstrates her excellence in leadership and strategic planning.

The ABA Wharton Leadership Lab is a rigorous, immersive program that challenges executive bankers on the reality of leadership in today’s world at an Ivy League level. The program, which included 42 students, covers topics such as creating and sharing a vision, goal setting, managing talent, driving innovation, and sustaining meaningful relationships.

Wolfe is a valuable member of GCB’s senior leadership team and a leader in the residential-lending industry, with more than 20 years of experience providing service and solutions to the bank’s customers and partners. Her participation in the ABA Wharton Leadership Lab reflects her commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

“Jane is an outstanding leader at GCB,” said Tony Worden, Greenfield Cooperative Bank president and CEO. “We are thrilled that she completed this prestigious program and earned this well-deserved recognition. We congratulate her on this achievement and look forward to her continued success.”

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Continuing a tradition of supporting small local businesses and job creation, Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) announced a $25,000 donation to the Franklin County Community Development Corp. (FCCDC).

“We are proud to support the Franklin County CDC and their mission to foster economic and community development in our region,” said Tony Worden, Greenfield Cooperative Bank president and CEO. “They have been instrumental in providing assistance to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Our donation is a way of expressing our gratitude and appreciation for their work and our commitment to the local economy and community.”

FCCDC Executive Director John Waite thanked GCB for their sustained support, which will be directed to giving businesses — of all types and at all stages — assistance and resources to start or grow their ventures.

“We appreciate Greenfield Cooperative Bank’s investment in our local economy,” Waite said. “When small businesses have the resources they need to thrive, the whole community benefits.”

In the past year, the FCCDC has worked with more than 400 businesses, helping them navigate challenging economic times. As an incentive for others to give, donors who give more than $1,000 to the FCCDC will receive a Massachusetts state income-tax credit in the amount of 50% of the donation. For example, a donation of $1,000 will end up costing the donor just $500 after the tax credit. Donate at fccdc.org/support.

The FCCDC offers free weekly information sessions for businesses and those wishing to start a business on Zoom; visit fccdc.org/get-started to register.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Anthony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank and its parent company, Greenfield Bancorp MHC, announced that the following actions were taken at the company’s 118th annual meeting on June 20.

Darci Brown and Jeffrey Collura were re-elected as corporators of Greenfield Bancorp MHC, while new candidates Khama Ennis, Jennifer Ewers, Matthew Sheehy, Terri Mitchell, and Brandon Lively were elected as corporators of Greenfield Bancorp MHC.

Nancy Fournier, JoAnne Finck, and Peter Whalen were re-elected to three year terms as directors of the bank and Greenfield Bancorp MHC, while Catherine Coleman was elected to a three-year term as a director of the bank and Greenfield Bancorp MHC.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced its sponsorship of the 2023 Summer Event Series organized by RiverCulture, the creative-economy program of the town of Montague. The series features a variety of cultural events happening in the five villages of Montague and the Turners Falls Cultural District, including live music, outdoor movies, theater, family activities, and festivals.

The series aims to showcase the rich and diverse cultural offerings of the region and to foster community engagement and enjoyment. As a community bank, Greenfield Cooperative Bank is committed to supporting local arts and culture and to enhancing quality of life for its customers and neighbors.

“We are delighted to partner with RiverCulture and to contribute to the vibrant and creative atmosphere of Montague and Turners Falls,” said Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank. “We hope that everyone will take advantage of these wonderful opportunities to enjoy some great entertainment and to connect with their fellow residents.”

Paper copies of the calendar of events are available at local retail stores and restaurants, or can be downloaded at www.riverculture.org.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank, announced that Paul Mokrzecki has joined the team as senior vice president of Government Banking.

Mokrzecki brings more than 40 years of experience in the public and private sectors, with a focus on providing banking solutions to municipal clients. He has been responsible for establishing, growing, and maintaining Government Banking departments for two local banks in the past. He has also served as the Finance director, treasurer, and collector for the town of Greenfield, where he oversaw all aspects of financial operations. Prior to that, he was the elected treasurer and collector for the town of Hadley.

He holds an MBA from UMass Amherst. He is a certified municipal treasurer, a certified municipal collector, and a member of the Massachusetts Collectors and Treasurers Assoc.

“We are excited to have Paul join our team, and we are confident that Paul will be a valuable asset to our organization and our clients,” Worden said.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank is participating with Valley Community Development on a webinar series for first-time homebuyers.

In this Zoom webinar, attendees will get the facts from real-estate professionals, including attorneys, loan officers, Realtors, home inspectors, and housing counselors; learn tips about how to improve their credit; and be able to ask questions to help them proceed and protect their own interests as they approach this life decision.

Missy Tetreault, AVP and senior mortgage originator, and Kim Gates, mortgage originator, will be panelists at this event. The cost is $50 for two adults in the same household. Registration is non-refundable, and attendance is required at all three sessions.

The sessions take place Wednesday, March 15; Thursday, March 16; and Thursday, March 23. Each session will be hosted via a unique Zoom webinar link from 6 to 9 p.m. Participants will receive the Zoom links on the day of each session.

Learn more at www.greenfieldcoopbank.com/events. Register online at www.valleycdc.org.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank and its Northampton Cooperative Bank division, announced that Jeremy Payson has joined the bank as the new senior vice president – controller, based out of its King Street, Northampton location.

“We are proud to welcome Jeremy to the bank,” Worden said. “His years of financial-management experience along with his commitment to community banking will make him a terrific addition to the team.”

Payson comes to Greenfield Cooperative Bank with many years of financial-planning and analysis experience, most recently with Northern Bank and Berkshire Bank, and was previously the treasurer for Big Y Foods Inc. He holds an MBA from Western New England University.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Greenfield Cooperative Bank has been selected to participate in Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston’s Equity Builder Program, which assists local homebuyers with down-payment and closing costs as well as homebuyer counseling and rehabilitation assistance.

The program provides grants to financial institutions to assist households earning up to 80% of the area median income. Borrowers are eligible to receive up to $22,000 in assistance on a first-come, first-served basis. Buyers must also complete a homebuyer counseling program.

“This grant program is designed to ease some of the challenges associated with a home purchase, particularly in areas where home prices are on the rise. We are pleased to participate to help borrowers become homebuyers, while also supporting the financial stability and vitality of our communities,” said Jane Wolfe, senior vice president of Residential Lending for Greenfield Cooperative Bank.

The bank is eligible to receive up to $220,000 in 2022 through the Equity Builder Program depending on availability of funds. Since 2003, the Equity Builder Program has awarded more than $48.9 million in funds, assisting 4,251 income-eligible households in purchasing a home.

To learn more about applying for assistance, call the Greenfield Cooperative Bank Residential Loan Origination department at (413) 772-5000, ext. 490.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank and its Northampton Cooperative Bank division, announced three promotions within the bank.

Chelsea Depault is being promoted to AVP, Commercial Operations officer. She originally started with the bank back in 2007 as a float teller and also worked in the Accounting department before moving on to Commercial Lending, where she has been for the past several years as a credit analyst and then as an AVP, Commercial Lending. In her new role, she will oversee the operations of commercial loan servicing and administration. She holds a bachelor’s degree from UMass.

Marjorie Smith is being promoted to senior commercial credit analyst. She has been with the bank since 2010, when she started as a teller. In the years since, she worked for the Residential Lending department in various roles before joining the Commercial Lending side as a credit analyst. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Houghton College.

Erica Josephson is being promoted to senior commercial credit analyst. She has been with the bank since 2019, when she joined as a credit analyst with several years of experience in credit underwriting at two other local institutions. Since coming on board, she has played a critical role in shepherding customers’ PPP loans through to forgiveness. She holds a bachelor’s degree from University of Vermont.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Kevin O’Neil, chairman of the board of directors of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) and its Northampton Cooperative Bank division, announced the promotion of Anthony Worden to chief executive officer.

Last year, Worden took over as president of GCB, following the planned retirement announcement of former President and CEO Michael Tucker. Worden’s promotion to CEO culminates a transitionary year and overall succession plan put in place by the board of the bank.

“This past transition year of Tony becoming president and CEO has been very smooth,” O’Neil said. “He has demonstrated his knowledge of banking and leadership skills to the board, the employees, and the community. We are very excited and confident to have Tony as the new CEO of the bank.”

Worden said he is looking forward to continuing the tradition of supporting customers and small businesses in Franklin, Hampshire, and, most recently, Hampden counties, adding that “it is my intention to uphold GCB’s reputation of being there for our local communities through our support of homebuyers and small business.”

Worden is a director, executive committee member, and former chair of the governance committee for the United Way of the Franklin and Hampshire Region; a former director of the Franklin County Community Development Corp.; and a former director of Berkshire Brewing Co. of South Deerfield. He received his bachelor’s degree from UMass Amherst and his MBA is from the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst, and he is a graduate of the ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, president and chief operating officer at Greenfield Cooperative Bank, announced that Christopher Caouette has joined the bank as the new senior vice president – credit officer. He will be based in the main office at 62 Federal St. in Greenfield.

“We are thrilled to add someone with Chris’s experience and reputation to the team,” Worden said. “I believe he will be an excellent addition to Greenfield Cooperative Bank.”

Having spent the majority of his career in the Pioneer Valley, Caouette arrives with more than 30 years of banking experience, most recently as vice president, credit officer at another area bank. He holds an MBA in finance from UMass Amherst and attended the Massachusetts Bankers Assoc. BankExec program – School for Financial Studies, where he finished second among 10 competing bank groups.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Michael Tucker, CEO, and Anthony Worden, president and COO, of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) and its parent company, Greenfield Bancorp, MHC, announced the operating results of the bank’s latest fiscal year at the 116th annual meeting of the bank on June 15.

Worden reported that FY 2021, which ended on March 31, was very successful, and the assets of the bank grew by $98.1 million (an increase of 14.31%) over the prior year.

In FY 2021, GCB originated more than $165 million in loans of all types, including $51.28 million in residential mortgages, $104.43 million in commercial real-estate and commercial and industrial lending, $31.13 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans, $31.91 million in municipal lending, $8.92 million in home-equity loans and lines, and $1.09 million in MassSave zero-interest energy loans.

GCB had an increase of $104.7 million in deposits (up 18.15%) over the past year, its largest one-year increase ever.

The pre-tax operating income for Greenfield Cooperative Bank was $3.424 million for the year ended March 31, and the net income after taxes was $3.059 million. Total equity grew to $82.83 million. GCB’s tier 1 capital to average assets is 10.9%. The bank is considered well-capitalized by all regulatory definitions.

As a result of these solid earnings, Greenfield Cooperative Bank and its employees were able to contribute over $260,503 to 200 community groups and charities throughout Hampshire and Franklin counties during the past fiscal year, a 7.8% increase over the prior year.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Michael Tucker, CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) and its Northampton Cooperative Bank division, recently announced a number of promotions.

Mary Rawls was elected executive vice president, Compliance. She also serves as the bank’s BSA officer and co-CRA officer. She first joined GCB in 1994 and has more than 26 years of experience in banking. She is a graduate of the New England School for Financial Studies at Babson College, the Massachusetts Bankers Bank Compliance Academy, and numerous Center for Financial Studies courses.

Michael Turley was elected executive vice president and chief financial officer. He has more than 40 years of experience in banking, most recently with GCB since 2013. He is a graduate of Union College in New York and has an MBA with a concentration in finance from Western New England University. He will be solely responsible for supervising the staff in the accounting and treasury functions within the bank. He will also officially become treasurer when Colleen Bugbee retires this May.

Janet Rosenkranz was elected senior vice president and credit officer. She joined the bank in 2016 as credit officer. In addition to her five years at GCB, she has more than 20 years of experience at two other banks before joining GCB. She has a bachelor’s degree in economics from UMass Amherst and will graduate from the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania this summer.

Alyssa Dansereau was elected assistant vice president and assistant controller. She joined GCB’s Accounting department in 2016. She is a graduate of Holyoke Community College and Western New England University with degrees in accounting.

Melissa Tetreault was elected assistant vice president, senior mortgage originator. She has a bachelor’s degree from UMass Amherst and is a graduate of New England School for Financial Studies at Babson College. She has more than 18 years of experience with GCB in two tours, having rejoined the bank in 2018.

In addition to these officer elections, the bank announced several other promotions made as part of the annual review process.

Deborah Marvel has been promoted to senior operations specialist. She joined GCB as a teller in 2002. Since 2009, she has worked in both the Deposit Operations department and Loan Servicing department prior to this latest role in Operations.

Erica Josephson has been promoted to credit analyst III. She has been a credit analyst at various banks since 2016, most recently a senior credit analyst at Berkshire Bank. She joined GCB as a credit analyst II in 2019. She is a graduate of the University of Vermont.

Marjorie Smith has been promoted to credit analyst III. She joined GCB as a teller in 2010 and has been working in loans since 2012 and in the credit department since 2016. She is a graduate of Houghton College in New York.

Benjamin Viens has been promoted to credit analyst II. He joined GCB in 2018 as a teller and has been in the credit department since 2019. He is a graduate of Salve Regina University in Newport, R.I.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Tony Worden, president and chief operating officer at Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB), announced that Jay Seyler has joined the bank as the new vice president of Commercial Lending. He will be based primarily in the King Street, Northampton office and aid the efforts of GCB’s Commercial Lending department, reporting directly to Michael Buckmaster, senior vice president of Commercial Lending.

“We are pleased to be able to add someone with Jay’s background and experience to our team,” Worden said. “He has spent his entire career in the Pioneer Valley and has a proven track record of working with local business owners to achieve their goals.”

With close to 35 years of commercial-banking experience, Seyler joins the GCB team from PeoplesBank in Holyoke, having previously worked at NUVO Bank and as a team leader at Westfield Bank for 11 years.

Seyler is also an active member of the community as a volunteer and former board member for the Drama Studio in Springfield, as well as a board member and past president of the East Longmeadow Rotary Club.

Daily News

GREENFELD — Kevin O’Neil, chairman of the board of directors of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) and its Northampton Cooperative Bank division, announced the promotion of Anthony Worden to president and CEO, effective Jan. 1, 2021. This promotion is in anticipation of the retirement of current President and CEO Michael Tucker.

Tucker is relinquishing his title as president, but will remain CEO until his actual retirement in January 2022, when Worden will take over that role as well. Tucker will remain as a director of the bank and holding company. O’Neil noted that this transition schedule is part of an overall succession plan for the bank that the board adopted some time ago.

“Tony is highly qualified for this role, and has 22-plus years experience in community banking,” O’Neil said. “He has been part of Greenfield Coop’s leadership team since 2009 and has been one of the drivers for our success. We look forward to his leadership of the bank in the coming decade.”

Worden has worked closely with Tucker in addressing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic within the bank and its local communities. Tucker also noted he has complete confidence in Worden’s ability to lead the bank into the future.

“Tony has already been leading a large part of our bank team,” Tucker said. “This includes his recent work to ensure the bank was able to offer Paycheck Protection Program loans for businesses of all sizes during this pandemic. He has also played a key role in helping the bank reach out to consumers and businesses to keep GCB focused on the future of our local communities and our bank.”

Worden said he is honored and excited to take on his new role at the bank. “GCB has long been a supporter of small business and consumers in Hampshire and Franklin counties, and more recently business customers in the Hampden County market. It is my intention to continue this tradition.”

O’Neil noted the board was pleased to be able to select someone like Worden who already knows and values GCB’s traditions and internal culture. A Pioneer Valley resident for the past 30 years, he is a director, executive committee member, and chair of the governance committee for the United Way of Franklin County; a former director of the Franklin County Community Development Corp.; and a former director of the Berkshire Brewing Co. of South Deerfield. He received his bachelor’s degree from UMass Amherst and his MBA from the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst, and he is a graduate of the ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — In light of the recent coin shortage, Greenfield Cooperative Bank announced that the fee for non-account holders to use the coin-counter machines will be temporarily waived.

“We feel eliminating the fee is the right thing to do to encourage people to turn in their coins during this shortage,” said Tony Worden, executive vice president and chief operating officer.

Coin counters can be accessed at the bank’s Amherst, Shelburne Falls, Turners Falls, and Greenfield main office branches.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Michael Tucker, president and CEO, announced that Kevin Bowler has joined Greenfield Cooperative Bank as the new senior vice president of Loan Resolution. He began working in the Northampton office on July 1.

“Kevin brings to us over 30 years of lending experience,” Tucker said. “We are lucky to have someone with his level of experience in handling and working with commercial and residential credits to help them through these times.”

Bowler, who will report directly to Tony Worden, executive vice president and chief operating officer, previously worked for Peoples United Bank (the Bank of Western Massachusetts). He has a bachelor’s degree from Westfield State University.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Michael Tucker, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB), announced that Tony Worden was elected by the board to the new position of chief operating officer (COO). This will be in addition to his duties as executive vice president & senior commercial loan officer.

As COO, Worden will be taking over some of Tucker’s day-to-day duties and direct reports to ensure GCB maintains continuity in its leadership ranks. And during a stressful period such as now with the COVID-19, the move gives the board the peace of mind of knowing that, should Tucker be unavailable for whatever reason, Worden will be available for major decisions.

“Tony truly cares about Greenfield Cooperative Bank and our customers and employees,” Tucker said. “He is committed to independence and mutuality to ensure that Greenfield Cooperative Bank and its Northampton Cooperative division are here for a long time.”

Worden has more than 21 years of experience in commercial lending and has been with GCB since 2008. He is a 1996 graduate of UMass with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and received his MBA from UMass Amherst in 2005. He is also a 2017 graduate of the Stonier School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania.

Worden is active in the community as a board member of United Way of Franklin County and a member of the town of Greenfield Cable Advisory Committee and the Turners Falls Downtown Working Group.

Daily News

GREENFIELD — Michael E. Tucker, President & CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank, announced today that Courtney Huxley has joined the bank as the future Branch Manager of our new South Hadley location.

“Courtney has more than 15 years of banking experience,” said Tucker. “Most recently, she was the branch manager at another bank in Northampton. Prior, she was, coincidently, the branch manager at a bank in South Hadley, which we purchased and are scheduled to open in January 2020.

Huxley has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Rhode Island. She was awarded for her community involvement in 2018 by the Massachusetts Market President’s Office.

Greenfield Cooperative Bank and its Northampton Cooperative division have been in business since 1869 and has $656.5 million in assets and $77.9 million in capital. GCB operates in 10 branch locations with almost 100 employees.


People on the Move

Jill Monson-Bishop

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recently welcomed Jill Monson-Bishop into the role of Community Development manager. She comes to the ACS with expertise in networking, relationship building, marketing, project management, and more. Prior to joining the American Cancer Society, Monson-Bishop was one of the opening-day team members at MGM Springfield, with responsibilities including internal communications and employee events. She also owns Inspired Marketing, now a consultative marketing agency, but at one time a full-service marketing and event-planning company serving clients such as Smith & Wesson, Adam Quenneville Roofing, and Northwestern Mutual. Previously, she was a radio personality in Western Mass. on stations such as WMAS, Rock 102, WHYN, and more. Community engagement has always been a priority for Monson-Bishop, who, over the years, has been involved with organizations such the Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield, Square One, YWCA, the Springfield Regional Chamber, the Drama Studio, and more. She is a graduate of Bay Path University with a MBA in entrepreneurial thinking and innovative practices, and she earned her bachelor’s degree in communication and media studies at Westfield State University.


Jeffrey Neumann

Valley Solar, LLC announced the appointment of Jeffrey Neumann as lead master electrician. Neumann started with Valley Solar in April 2019 and will oversee all electrical operations. Prior to working at Valley Solar, Neumann was the electrical foreman at Hampshire College from 2010 to 2019. There, he supervised a crew of four journeyman electricians and oversaw all aspects of the the college’s Electrical Department, including supervision of crews, planning, budgeting, installations, and maintenance of campus electrical systems. He also oversaw several solar projects while at Hampshire and has performed solar installations involving single-phase residential wiring as well as more complex three-phase commercial projects.



Linda Morgan, an attorney with extensive experience in higher education, has been named vice president and general counsel at Springfield College, effective Aug. 26, President Mary-Beth Cooper announced. Morgan will provide legal counsel and guidance to the leadership of the college and will serve as secretary to its board of trustees. She will be a member of the president’s senior leadership team. Joining Springfield College with 13 years of service as a practicing attorney and more than six years in positions of senior-level organizational management and financial administration, Morgan is well-practiced in providing leadership to institutional compliance with laws and regulations pertinent to higher education, including the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Title IX, FERPA, HIPAA, and the Jeanne Clery Act. She provides experience in broad aspects of law and related matters, including contracts, agreements, litigation, legal investigations, dispute resolution, mediation, business formation, compliance, and management. She is admitted to the bars of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of New York, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, and the U.S. Supreme Court. Morgan most recently worked for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, providing expertise in areas of employment-law adjudication and related statutory interpretation. Her previous experience also includes service as associate dean for Gender Equity at Bard College, grant administrator within the School of Medicine at the University of Maryland, and an attorney in private practice. She earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Maryland University College and a juris doctor from Western New England University School of Law. She has teaching experience as an adjunct professor at Holyoke Community College and Greenfield Community College.


Jean Deliso

Jean Deliso, CFP has been selected for membership in the Nautilus Group, a service of New York Life. The Nautilus Group is a planning resource comprised of financial professionals experienced in taxes, law, life insurance, accounting, and charitable giving. Deliso’s access to this exclusive resource enables her clients and their other financial advisors to benefit from the group’s collective experience and solutions as they apply to the protection, accumulation, and distribution of wealth to individuals, families, and business owners throughout the country. Deliso is president and owner of Deliso Financial and Insurance Services, a firm focusing on comprehensive financial strategies that position clients for a solid financial future. Her 30-year experience has led to a focus in certain fields, such as cash management, risk management, investment, and retirement planning. She has developed an expertise in assisting business owners with protecting and securing their future. She is also fully committed to educating individuals regarding their finances and frequently conducts workshops advocating financial empowerment. She has been a member of New York Life Chairman’s Council since 2012 and a qualifying member of the Million Dollar Round Table since 1999. Members of the Chairman’s Council rank in the top 3% of New York Life’s sales force of more than 12,000 licensed agents in sales achievement. Deliso currently serves on and is past chairman of the board of the Baystate Health Foundation and the Community Music School of Springfield. She has also served on the board of the YMCA of Greater Springfield and the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts.


Darcy Fortun

The Ad Club of Western Massachusetts recently recognized the Innovation Series with an award in the Video Series category. The Innovation Series is a documentary-style video series produced by Darcy Fortune, producer for Garvey Communication Associates Inc. (GCAi), for PeoplesBank. The series explored Valley Venture Mentors and some of its more unique entrepreneurial teams. The series was hosted by Matthew Bannister, first vice president of Marketing and Innovation for PeoplesBank. According to the bank’s website, the six-episode Innovation Series was designed and produced with the belief that PeoplesBank can not only be innovative, but help inspire innovation as well. The series garnered considerable media attention, with feature stories appearing in BusinessWest and several other area media outlets, as well as a sizable viewing audience. GCAi also distributed the Innovation Series through social-media channels, where it accumulated almost 400,000 total impressions, 100,000 engagement actions, and 90,000 video views at the time of the award. Fortune’s team included GCAi’s John Garvey as producer, Mary Shea as project manager, and James Garvey as digital dissemination manager. Matthew Derderian served as director of photography. Fortune is an experienced media professional and video producer, having served on assignment desks for both ABC and FOX News affiliates and developed videos and animations for GCAi clients including Connecticut Orthopaedic Specialists, Cape Cod Cooperative Bank, MP CPAs, PeoplesBank, Peter Pan Bus Lines, and Winchester Savings Bank. She also just released two new pro bono videos for the Children’s Study Home and Wild Care of Cape Cod.


Yvonne De Faoite

Elms College announced it will host an Irish Fulbright language teaching assistant (FLTA) during the 2019-20 academic year. Yvonne De Faoite of Limerick, Ireland, will teach Irish (Gaelic) language and culture. The Irish FLTA position is co-sponsored by the Irish Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts. De Faoite earned her primary teaching degree from Froebel College of Education in 2008. In 2012, she spent a year in Australia, where she gained international teaching experience. She recently completed a master’s degree in Irish immersion education from Mary Immaculate College in Limerick. Prior to that, she completed a diploma in educational leadership in University College Dublin. De Faoite’s educational interests include immersion and second-language acquisition. As a Fulbright Irish FLTA, she will teach the Irish language and culture to Elms College students and to community members through the Irish Cultural Center. She will also take classes at Elms.


Robert Burnell has been appointed executive chef of all dining venues at the Red Lion Inn. In his new role, Burnell oversees the day-to-day culinary operations of the main dining room, Widow Bingham’s Tavern, the Lion’s Den, and the seasonally open courtyard. In addition, Burnell will collaborate with Brian Alberg, vice president of Culinary Development, on all future food- and beverage-related development, including specialty menus for Red Lion guests and private parties. With nearly 20 years in the food, beverage, and hospitality industries, Burnell was previously executive chef at Gedney Farm in Marlborough. With a passion for clean cooking and eating, coupled with expertise in modern food trends, Burnell revamped menus to incorporate locally sourced items, along with gluten-free, vegetarian, and keto options for diners. He also strived to deliver exceptional client experiences for weddings, community events, and private dining. Additional hospitality experience includes five years as a property developer for Berkshire Hotels Group, during which he implemented construction projects for both hotels and restaurants.


Sean Sormanti

Michael Tucker, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank, announced that Sean Sormanti has joined the bank as senior vice president – Human Resources. Most recently, Sormanti was director of Human Resources at Strategic Information Resources in Springfield. In his new role, he will be responsible for recruiting, planning, coordinating, and managing the activities of the bank’s Human Resources department. He will be based at 63 Federal St. in Greenfield. Sormanti has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine. He currently holds a professional in human resources certificate and is an active member of the Western Mass. chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management.


Joseph Baker


Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation (BTCF) announced that Joseph Baker has joined its team as vice president of Finance and Administration. He will oversee finances, investments, human resources, and operations for the $152 million foundation. Baker previously served in leadership roles at other community foundations for 13 years, most recently as vice president of Finance and chief financial officer at Fairfield County’s Community Foundation. Before that, he was director of Finance and Administration at the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain. He brings to BTCF a background in nonprofit finance and development, as the former head of a United Way and a nonprofit service organization. He also developed Danbury Children First, a parent-led community initiative. Baker earned his MBA from the Yale School of Management and a bachelor’s degree in economics and Spanish from Colby College.


Bob Cummings has been re-elected to serve as president of the National Assoc. of Professional Benefits Administrators (NAPBA). A  NAPBA trustee since 2007, Cummings was first elected NAPBA president in 2015, and has been an instrumental force in the emergence of the consumer-directed healthcare industry over the past 20 years, orchestrating the growth of NAPBA as the primary compliance-standards and best-practice organization for third-party employee-benefits administrators serving the consumer-directed healthcare industry. As CEO and founder of American Benefits Group (ABG), a leading national employee-benefits administrator located in Northampton, Cummings has been a pioneer of the consumer-directed healthcare industry before the term even existed. ABG was one of the first administrators of flexible spending accounts (FSAs) in 1989 along with COBRA, billing-administration, and commuter-benefit accounts in the 1990s. When health savings accounts (HSA) and health reimbursement arrangements (HRA) were enabled under the Internal Revenue Code in 2002, ABG was one of the early leaders in administering consumer-directed healthcare plan designs. As pre-tax, account-based plans became a linchpin of most employer benefit-plan designs along with high-deductible health plans, NAPBA was founded to promote compliance and best-practice standards in the administration of pre-tax, account-based plans. All NAPBA member organizations are third-party administrators focused on the administration and service of employer-sponsored plans for consumer-directed pre-tax accounts such as FSAs, HSAs, HRAs, and commuter benefits, as well as COBRA administration services. Collectively NAPBA member organizations provide services to more than 30 million employee healthcare consumers nationwide.


Richard Venne, president and CEO of Viability, announced longtime staffer Richard Horton’s promotion to vice president of Administration and Finance. Horton joined Community Enterprises, one of the nonprofits that merged to become Viability, in July 2008 as director of Community Staffing. Before joining Viability as a staff member, he had executed consulting work to revive and re-engineer the Community Staffing operations. Over the next decade, his role expanded, first becoming director of Financial Planning and then associate vice president of Administration and Finance. He is known throughout the organization for serving as project manager for the implementation of Viability’s electronic health record and outcomes-management system. Two years ago, during the merger of Community Enterprises and Human Resources Unlimited into Viability, he led the effort to bring the infrastructure of the organizations together, focusing on technology and facilities. Entering its third year as Viability, the agency’s focus is on the creation, integration, standardization, and improvement of systems and processes. In his new role, Horton will play a central role in helping achieve that goal.

Banking and Financial Services

Steady Course

President and CEO Michael Tucker

President and CEO Michael Tucker

Like most all bank presidents in the 413, Michael Tucker would concede that a great many of the region’s communities are heavily populated with financial institutions, or “overbanked,” to use the term most would put into play.

He’s inclined to include Greenfield on that list, and gestures out the window of his office to make his point. “They used to call the other end of the street Bank Row,” he said, referring to a stretch of Federal Street now occupied by what once were stately bank offices, many of them redeveloped for other uses. “They really should call this Bank Row now.”

Tucker, president and CEO of Greenfield Cooperative Bank (GCB) and Northampton Cooperative Bank (the two institutions merged in 2015, and the former name was kept) was referencing the number of competitors who call a different stretch of Federal Street home, and it’s a large number.

But, unlike most of the other bank leaders who bemoan the overbanked nature of this region, Tucker sees the landscape through a slightly different lens.

“Some bankers would say we’re overbanked; I would say we have choices,” he explained. “It forces you to be more competitive, and it gives people choices. It doesn’t hurt to have competition — otherwise, you get complacent.”

So perhaps all that competition should get some of the credit for what has been a consistent pattern of growth for the bank, especially since Tucker took the helm at GCB in 2003. Since then, the bank has seen assets rise from roughly $175 million to more than $630 million, its branch count soar from three to 10, and its commercial-lending portfolio take a quantum leap.

Overall, the bank’s strategy has been to gradually expand its footprint in Franklin and Hampshire counties, growing mostly via the organic route (although the merger with Northampton Coop certainly accelerated that process), and achieve more of the size that is needed to thrive in today’s banking landscape.

The plan also calls for seizing opportunities when and where they arise, which brings us to the institution’s latest expansion effort — a branch in South Hadley at the Woodlawn Shopping Plaza that will bear a Northampton Cooperative sign over the door and open next January.

Formerly a Bank of America branch — that institution has been closing a good number of facilities in recent years — the new location gives Greenfield Coop presence in another Hampshire County community, but one that enables it to serve residents of several nearby Hampden County cities, especially Chicopee and Holyoke.

The plan for the foreseeable future is summed up neatly in the bank’s annual report, issued just a few weeks ago.

“Our primary strategy remains to look for prudent and measured organic growth right here in Western Massachusetts,” Tucker wrote in the report, noting that many of those aforementioned competitors have ventured into Central Mass., Connecticut, or both. “We need to remain a lean organization, especially in light of the growth of mobile and electronic banking in today’s world. Our branch strategy recognizes the new world order with the continued growth of the internet.”

Michael Tucker says the GCB branch is just one of many banks located on Federal Street

Michael Tucker says the GCB branch is just one of many banks located on Federal Street, a proliferation that provides competition, which he believes makes his bank better.

For this issue and its focus on banking and financial services, BusinessWest asked Tucker to elaborate on all those points and essentially draft a quick blueprint of the bank’s plans for the future. In a nutshell, it simply calls for more of what of what the bank has been achieving under his leadership — smart growth.

Points of Interest

Tucker said he ventured into banking, if that’s the word for it, while he was in law school at Western New England University.

He took a teller’s job at the institution known then as Springfield Institution for Savings (SIS), while attending night classes, not knowing this would be his employer for some time to come.

He remembers his first boss, John Collins, telling him that his law degree could be put to good use in the banking industry.

“He said, ‘I have a lot MBAs who could use some help, because we have this new thing called compliance,’” he recalled, referring specifically to the Truth in Lending Simplification Act of 1981. “That was my first foray into banking law.”

He took the title ‘counsel and compliance officer,’ and later worked his way up to senior vice president and general counsel. When Peoples Heritage acquired SIS, Tucker, like many others, was soon out of work, but he eventually landed at what is now bankESB for several years before being recruited to lead GCB.

When he arrived in Greenfield, he took over one of the smallest banks in the region with a simple goal — “I told the board I was going to keep this place mutual and hopefully leave it a better bank than I found it” — and set about a course of steady if unspectacular growth, which was by design, as he explained with a little humor.

“Our growth is roughly 4% to 6% a year,” he noted. “If we were a stock bank, they would have thrown me out the door. Because we’re a mutual bank, we can take our time. Where I see banks get in trouble is when they try to grow too fast and lose sight of their basic principles.”

GCB hasn’t done that, and its strategic goal — and operating philosophy — are summed up by its web domain name, www.bestlocalbank.com, and a comment from the annual report. “As I’ve often said before, we’ll probably never be the biggest bank,” Tucker wrote. “But we always strive to be the best bank in Western Massachusetts.”

During Tucker’s tenure, the bank has, as noted, expanded to 10 branches. There are two in Amherst (although they will soon be consolidated; more on that later), one in Florence, another in Northampton, two in Greenfield, as well as a commercial and residential and loan-services facility, and single locations in Northfield, Shelburne Falls, Sunderland, and Turners Falls.

Meanwhile, it has also greatly expanded its commercial-lending team and its commercial portfolio, which, like that at many banks in the region, is dominated by commercial real-estate loans, but also reflects the diversity of the local economy, especially in the bank’s hometown.

Indeed, this is an intriguing time for Greenfield, said Tucker, noting that the community once dominated economically by manufacturing has varied its economy, making great strides in technology and hospitality.

“Our growth is roughly 4% to 6% a year. If we were a stock bank, they would have thrown me out the door. Because we’re a mutual bank, we can take our time. Where I see banks get in trouble is when they try to grow too fast and lose sight of their basic principles.”

“There is a lot of energy in the town,” he said. “We have the new courthouse and the new parking garage; they opened the Olver [Transit Center], and there have been many other new developments.”

Still, this region, and especially Franklin County, where many communities are struggling to maintain population and especially young people, would be considered a low- or no-growth area, he acknowledged, meaning growth is a challenge for any financial institution.

This is why many area banks, as he noted in his annual-report comments, have ventured into Connecticut, Central Mass., or both, and why others have grown through acquisition or merger.

GCB has done some of that with its merger with Northampton Coop, a move that Tucker described as “logical” for both institutions because of that overbanked nature of this sector, and the lack of population growth in Franklin County.

“That’s why we looked at Hampshire County and why I talked to Northampton [Coop],” he explained. “It would have been silly for us to build another branch down in Hampshire County and fight 10 other banks for the money when we can partner with another bank.

“That worked out well for everyone because we didn’t have to lay anyone off,” he went on, adding that he spends one day a week in Northampton at that division of the institution. “It was a smooth transition. We were both very small — and we’re still one of the smaller banks — but we now have more size, and that helps. It was a good merger.”

By All Accounts

As he talked about his bank’s branch strategy, Tucker reached for his cell phone and held it aloft.

“This is our fastest-growing branch,” he said, noting that internet banking is becoming an ever-stronger force in this sector.

But brick-and-mortar branches are obviously still needed, he went on, adding that they probably don’t need to be as large as they once were, and they are far less transaction-oriented than they once were.

But they serve an important purpose in that they give a bank a presence and enable it to better serve customers in a particular region or community.

Which brings us to the new South Hadley branch.

The most logical expansion point for the bank moving forward is probably Hampden County, said Tucker, adding that the South Hadley branch provides an opportunity to make some strides in that direction.

Tucker found the branch while on one of his many drives around the area looking for opportunities.

“We keep our eyes open, and I drive around the area a lot and take a look at the communities,” he explained. “South Hadley was a community that I thought had some upside, and I was surprised when I read that Bank of America was closing that branch because they had a fair amount of deposits in that office.

“With this branch, we can serve some customers that we have already in Springfield and Chicopee,” he went on. “But it also gets us to reach a base in South Hadley that BOA is telling, ‘if you want to bank with us, you have to drive over here.’”

BOA’s departure will ultimately lead to GCB’s arrival, specifically its Northampton Coop division, said Tucker, adding that, while moving into South Hadley, the bank will continue to look for other growth opportunities as well as ways to become the ‘leaner organization’ he mentioned in the annual report.

Toward that end, the bank will consolidate its two branches in Amherst into one, a nod to the fact that specific branches are simply handling fewer transactions these days.

“When I was a teller in Forest Park [for SIS], we had seven or eight tellers plus a manager and an assistant manager,” he noted, turning the clock back four decades or so. “People were lined up out the door — we didn’t have deposit — and everyone came in to cash their Social Security checks on the first of the month.”

Elaborating, he said the branches in Amherst that saw 10,000 transactions a month several years ago were down to 5,000 maybe five years ago, and are now seeing roughly 3,000 a month, thanks to ever-advancing technology.

This phenomenon will eventually lead to fewer branches, and, more immediately, smaller facilities.

“The industry is moving in that direction,” he said while again holding his phone aloft and explaining it is now a branch itself in most all respects. “But I don’t think branches will be obsolete; they will be smaller and leaner.”

As for future expansion geographically, Tucker said GCB will continue to look for potential landing spots. “We’ll continue to look south and possibly east to Worcester County,” he told BusinessWest. “A lot depends on what happens; with some of the branches we’ve opened, I didn’t anticipate doing it at that time, as in Turners Falls, but the opportunity arose.”

Bottom Line

In his annual-report statement, Tucker noted that, over the past 114 years, GCB has had three basic operating slogans.

It’s gone from ‘Traditional, Progressive, Locally Focused,’ to ‘In the Community, for the Community,’ to the current ‘Come on Over to the Coop.’

The words are different, but they say the same thing, essentially — that this isn’t the biggest bank on a block crowded with other banks, but it strives to be best, and it’s generally successful in that mission.

This is the strategy that has worked since Teddy Roosevelt was in the White House, and there isn’t any sentiment to change it, said Tucker, because it works, not only for the community, but for the institution as well.

George O’Brien can be reached at [email protected]m